Smugglers run, how are the seat assignments given out?

This last week there weren't any cards or anything... they just start with pilot, then gunners and then engineers, single rider usually filled the engineer spot if there weren't enough in the group, or if there wasn't a group of 2... we were a group of 4 and always got the first 4 spots (well, my one daughter like engineer the best, so we took pilot and one gunner, one engineer and they filled the other spots with a group of two/single riders)

So if you have a bigger group you have a better chance to get what you want, as a group of two/single rider you'll get moved through faster as a fill in, but they didn't seem to care much about people trading spots in the earlier stages when you are just line up.
My experience is only from DLR, not from WDW. But I've been on Smuggler's Run about 2 dozen times. Most of those times, I just ask quietly and politely if we can be pilots and I've never once been turned down.

If it's important to you (and it is to many!), just be nice and you should get what you ask for. (which is a good rule for anything in the parks!)
Like others, we're not really interested in being the pilot. I think Disney missed an opportunity here to greatly increase ride capacity. For example, have one line for the 6 active positions and a separate line for "passengers" who are just along for the ride. Each Falcon could have held 12 people instead of just 6. We're hoping to ride on our next trip and will gladly give up the pilot seat if we're assigned to it.

It's supposed to simulate actually being in the Falcon. The "real" Falcon doesn't have room for six randos to just sit and watch and I suspect most visitors would have zero interest in that, anyway.
Which position would be best for someone who may have to close her eyes the whole time?😂. That’s me. I’m that person. I had originally planned to sit out, but if by riding I increase my family’s odds (going from 3-4) of getting what they want I may take one for the team. Would that negatively impact the ride for others?
I enjoy all three spots. I actually love it when the pilots are bad. Me and a bunch of my friends went together back in January. The two that have never visited WDW before were “voluntold” by us as the pilots. So much screaming (in such a fun way) and backseat driving (in the most sarcastic way). They hit EVERYTHING! We were laughing so hard, cheering when things went great, “screaming” when things went horribly wrong….we had such a good time. It’s actually one of my favorite recent memories at WDW

People take it too seriously. While it’s fun to have a good score, it’s more fun to just enjoy each other and poke fun at how bad we all are at piloting the MF. The people you ride with will make or break the experience. It’s just a ride — have FUN when you experience it!
Which position would be best for someone who may have to close her eyes the whole time?😂. That’s me. I’m that person. I had originally planned to sit out, but if by riding I increase my family’s odds (going from 3-4) of getting what they want I may take one for the team. Would that negatively impact the ride for others?
The pilots are the only ones who really have to do anything. If Gunner and/or Engineer do nothing, autopilot will take over their duties. I ask for Engineer because it’s all the way in the back, in no one’s way, and I can sit and watch what’s going on (instead of taking my eyes off the action to press buttons on the wall).
I enjoy all three spots. I actually love it when the pilots are bad. Me and a bunch of my friends went together back in January. The two that have never visited WDW before were “voluntold” by us as the pilots. So much screaming (in such a fun way) and backseat driving (in the most sarcastic way). They hit EVERYTHING! We were laughing so hard, cheering when things went great, “screaming” when things went horribly wrong….we had such a good time. It’s actually one of my favorite recent memories at WDW

People take it too seriously. While it’s fun to have a good score, it’s more fun to just enjoy each other and poke fun at how bad we all are at piloting the MF. The people you ride with will make or break the experience. It’s just a ride — have FUN when you experience it!

That's the way to do it! Some of the best flights I've been on were with tiny, tiny pilots who were awful. Makes for a bumpy ride!

If you're taking MF: SR "seriously", then you need to reexamine your priorities in life!
The pilots are the only ones who really have to do anything. If Gunner and/or Engineer do nothing, autopilot will take over their duties. I ask for Engineer because it’s all the way in the back, in no one’s way, and I can sit and watch what’s going on (instead of taking my eyes off the action to press buttons on the wall).
Technically I think the CM can make the pilot auto too. They definitely did something on our last trip where there were 4 of us and none of us wanted to be pilot. We got a single rider with us, but the other pilot seat was left empty. The CM did press something at start (and it felt like a smoother ride than usual).
Technically I think the CM can make the pilot auto too. They definitely did something on our last trip where there were 4 of us and none of us wanted to be pilot. We got a single rider with us, but the other pilot seat was left empty. The CM did press something at start (and it felt like a smoother ride than usual).

I once had the ship all to myself. I sat in the right pilot seat and I asked the CM if I could control both pilots.

he said, "You can try!" So I controlled the right pilot and reached allllllll the way over to the left hand stick, too.

No idea if that actually worked or not (as it's sometimes hard to feel like you're doing all that much in MF:SR) or if the auto-pilot kicked it.

But having the whole ship to myself certainly was a blast.
Which position would be best for someone who may have to close her eyes the whole time?😂. That’s me. I’m that person. I had originally planned to sit out, but if by riding I increase my family’s odds (going from 3-4) of getting what they want I may take one for the team. Would that negatively impact the ride for others?

Take gunner or engineer and don’t follow the pre-flight instructions to push your button. This will put your position on auto-pilot.
I enjoy all three spots. I actually love it when the pilots are bad. Me and a bunch of my friends went together back in January. The two that have never visited WDW before were “voluntold” by us as the pilots. So much screaming (in such a fun way) and backseat driving (in the most sarcastic way). They hit EVERYTHING! We were laughing so hard, cheering when things went great, “screaming” when things went horribly wrong….we had such a good time. It’s actually one of my favorite recent memories at WDW

People take it too seriously. While it’s fun to have a good score, it’s more fun to just enjoy each other and poke fun at how bad we all are at piloting the MF. The people you ride with will make or break the experience. It’s just a ride — have FUN when you experience it!
This was our experience and we loved it! There was 6 of us so we had a whole crew, and it was our first time on it. My husband and his brother were pilots and me and the kids were laughing so hard when they would crash/etc. we thought it was so hilarious and fun. Honestly probably my kids top ride from all the parks just because it’s so hands on like that. They loved being gunners and engineers. They wanted to ride again and a again so it’s too bad it was a 40 minute wait or we would have lol
Just recently got back, and as someone who analyzes procedures, etc. I figured I'd provide some feedback.

The seats are "assigned" front-to-back: pilot, gunner, engineer in general. So a group of 4 in an empty cockpit will get pilot and gunner seats first. Single riders will fill in at the back so more likely to be engineers - you can probably ask for pilot, but it will depend on circumstances. It all depends on group sizes, etc. Obviously the entire group of 6 can choose to change their seats as desired.

Our first time in Mar 2020, there was a group of 2 ahead of us - they got the pilot seats, and we got the rest. This time, we were up first so got pilot and gunner rows.

Pilots have the most to do and have to work in concert, so a good matched pair helps. My oldest daughter and I were the pilots, and gamers, so it was pretty natural for us even though it was our first time as pilots.

Gunners push a button. A LOT. Very tiring. Similar to "Toy Story Mania" fatigue. :)

Engineers push buttons, but not as much as I understand it.


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