Snow to 80 in 8 days–A spoonful of Holiday Cheer (2/5 update Ch 36 - Final Thoughts)

We are controlled by the school calendar, as well, so we are used to the heat and the crowds.
Every once in a while, though, this teacher skips school, and goes on an off-time.
Those trips are very nice :thumbsup2, but very short. :sad1:

You have a fine looking family. I would love to follow along on your holiday adventures.
:welcome: MeMom!!! :yay: You are certainly welcome to follow along! :thumbsup2 So good to have you here! :goodvibes
Marv, how is the weather out by you? I keep reading of all the snow, etc.
Hey Kathy!!! Was taking and uploading pictures of our conditions outside........

The view earlier this morning off our back porch.



Down towards the Hwy near our house

Off the front porch down our walkway (there is supposed to be a driveway heading down that hill to the right)


It had pretty much stopped snowing earlier, but it has picked up again. Drew measured about 7 inches in different locations around the yard.


Our driveway is hidden somewhere just beyond the two small red maples in the foreground.



Right now it is just really pretty, fluffy soft snow. Unfortunately later today it is supposed to start sleeting and possible freezing rain. Hopefully it will move away from us before that begins and it won't be so bad. Since it is only supposed to get up to 30 today, it will all stay on the ground and frozen into tomorrow at least. May not return to fairly normal conditions until possibly Wednesday!:eek:
I am in love with those pictures! Looks like you have a very nice yard.... even if it is covered in snow. Around here, we just had our dumping of snow a couple days ago. Sadly they didn't close down any schools or workplaces :rolleyes:
I wanna join in the fun!!!!!! :)
That is a lot of snow if i say so myself, the one who never seen snow at all :lmao:
Very pretty pictures Marv...

They are calling for 10'-24'' here starting tomorrow night through Wednesday night. Hope it is a light fluffy snow like we have had so far this year.
I am in love with those pictures! Looks like you have a very nice yard.... even if it is covered in snow. Around here, we just had our dumping of snow a couple days ago. Sadly they didn't close down any schools or workplaces :rolleyes:
Thanks Jen! We live in a country area and our house sits on a pretty good sized hill. The snow is really pretty, but it doesn't take a whole lot to make it very difficult to get down our driveway and out to the highway. About to head out and see what I can do clearing some of it away so we can drive out if we need to.

They are already closing down some schools for tomorrow already. They are still expecting sleet and freezing rain later in the day, and all of that plus the remaining snow will all freeze really solid tonight! :eek:
I wanna join in the fun!!!!!! :)
That is a lot of snow if i say so myself, the one who never seen snow at all :lmao:
:welcome: goofy's_gurl!!! Feel free to join in all the fun around here! For this area, that is indeed a lot of snow, but some of my DISfriends from up north won't be so impressed. They said on the weather the last time they had 12 inches of snow around here was 1963.

You need to go to Disney during the time around Christmas. We saw "snow" three different times while we were there...... :rolleyes1
Marv, the pictures are gorgeous. And nothing personal...but keep it there, please. I really hate snow and Mark hates it all the more. They are telling us 1-3 inches is all we will get tonight/tomorrow (hopefully).
Hi, I'm here! I love your snow pictures!!!
I just came inside from playing & trying to warm up.
Can't wait to read about your trip!
Your snow pictures are pretty - but that's the only time I like snow - in a picture :thumbsup2 So far this winter, other than Christmas Eve, we haven't had any snow other than light dustings....I am totally ok with that and am perfectly content for it to remain that way until an early Spring when everything warms up and turns green. :sunny: Unfortunately, my delivery man this morning said they were calling for a few inches or more this week....he covers most of the state so maybe it will keep landing somewhere else.

i saw 4 pages and was expecting to see more than the intro

stop playing in the snow and get to typing mister.:rolleyes1

some one has to get an update done and you know it isnt going to be me.
:laughing: heck im still on my first week after 6 months of typing.:laughing:

seriously looking forward to more.
Lovely snow pictures, Marv! We would have to drive about an hour up into the Cascades to see that kind of accumulation. Apparently, thought, Mt. Hood has a 12 foot base- so it's there if you want it.

GREAT to see you, Katharina!! :goodvibes

i saw 4 pages and was expecting to see more than the intro

stop playing in the snow and get to typing mister.:rolleyes1

some one has to get an update done and you know it isnt going to be me.
:laughing: heck im still on my first week after 6 months of typing.:laughing:

seriously looking forward to more.

Hey Dan (and anybody else) I just put up an update...:rolleyes1
Marv must be out in the snow building snow forts or something that we don't have the update that he was going to do since he was snowbound. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Lovely snow pictures, Marv! We would have to drive about an hour up into the Cascades to see that kind of accumulation. Apparently, thought, Mt. Hood has a 12 foot base- so it's there if you want it.

GREAT to see you, Katharina!! :goodvibes

:wave2: I was busy since thursday, someone didn't leave me very much time for the disboards ;) so now I try to catch up... But Marvin seems to work slowly - lucky for me ;)
:wave2: I was busy since thursday, someone didn't leave me very much time for the disboards ;) so now I try to catch up... But Marvin seems to work slowly - lucky for me ;)

Were you lucky enough to see "someone" also?? I didn't know she was going to Berlin- did I miss something???
Hi Marvin! Wow, your TR is moving fast!! I hope the content will have the same level of quality as the speed is already at! :goodvibes However, so far the speed seems to be mainly due to your visitors... popcorn::

Nice job!!! :thumbsup2 I was waiting to see who would be the most observant! :woohoo:

Well, you made sure it wasn't me since you posted it at 12:30 am my time.... :sad2: At least it was connected to any points (counted or not, worthless or not)...

:wave2: I was busy since thursday, someone didn't leave me very much time for the disboards ;) so now I try to catch up... But Marvin seems to work slowly - lucky for me ;)

Well, at least you had time to DIS at work today... :confused3 While I was stuck on a train and had to attend a DISmeet... ;) (just to absolutely clear in case anyone might not understand me being a bit ironic: the DISmeet with Cynthia was an absolut pleasure!)

Were you lucky enough to see "someone" also?? I didn't know she was going to Berlin- did I miss something???

I was in Berlin from Wednesday until today, it was great to see Katharina again! :goodvibes And then I met Cynthia today in Nuremberg. Hope that ends all confusion for you?
I was in Berlin from Wednesday until today, it was great to see Katharina again! :goodvibes And then I met Cynthia today in Nuremberg. Hope that ends all confusion for you?

Thanks! It does. The minute I posted that, I realized I had forgotten that before you met Cynthia, you were going to Berlin to visit. For a moment, I thought Cynthia was also going there, which confused me momentarily.

Cant' WAIT to see the pictures from your meet!!:yay:
Hey, room for one more to join in?

Wowsa- that is alot of snow and I hope it goes out to sea before it gets up here to Philly! I have been to afraid to go near the weather channel today. Guess I have to face it sooner or later! :laughing:


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