So much for a surprise trip


I miss the tag fairy
Jan 16, 2006
Planning a trip since January.

Ex knew, his family knew...noone told the kids. (we do not get along but they know that it is for the KIDS they didn't want to ruin it)

Ds speech therapist knew (she changed a speech therapy date to the last day of our trip, i had to tell sorry no can do...surprise trip. please do not tell ds. this was in writing in her communication book).

so what does the speech therapist do today (with the note in front of her REMINDING her that it is a 'surprise' ) ??

Tells DS "your mom is taking you to Disney World on Thursday so we will see you when you get back".


So I am really really sad. I didn't even get to see his reaction to finding out. Three years of saving, all this time planning. Everyone excited to see the kids reactions...especially me.


He said to me on the phone tonight "MOM YOU ARE TAKING US TO DISNEY ON THURSDAY" he has already discussed it with his sister.

Anyway I lied and said "no" and "how would she know anyway, she isn't going"

anyway. I am just feeling really down. I am so annoyed. Sad. Disappointed.
That is so sad :( I am so, so sorry. I have a feeling you'll have a great time, but it doesn't make up for the fact that the surprise was ruined.
my father used to always spill the beans..LOL we would give him one drink and he would get excited and happy and spill! :0 and then there was no living with us for the next couple of months! Sorry you sad, but it will still be fun no matter what
my father used to always spill the beans..LOL we would give him one drink and he would get excited and happy and spill! :0 and then there was no living with us for the next couple of months! Sorry you sad, but it will still be fun no matter what

at least he got to tell. I didn't get to tell. I didn't get to see the reaction. only 5 days to go. yes we will still have fun. no doubt. i just am a little deflated.
well, a few solutions to do damage control.

keep to your story..disney, what disney?

now, to really correct the problem try and leave a day a later..maybe change things by one day..add it onto the end?

I had a similar problem our last trip. kids were suppose to have certain chores/schoolwork done and they kept loafing and lying about it(a chronic issue with the special needs of my kiddos). I had changed our dates by 2 weeks due to some unrelated unavoidable issues. so, kids thought they were going and on the day they thought we were going i did the "nope I lied..just like you do"

Got my point across..then 2 weeks later I got to do the "surprise you are going to disney"

so go a day sooner or a day later(being the better idea) he thinks he is going thursday, so surprise him friday and shoot or fire the therapist when you get back

that all fails..try to hold the story(not going) and then do your surprise you had originally planned. he doesnt "know" he is guessing he is going. tell him the therapist must have confused him with some other kid..after all therapists see so many people

i feel for you..especially on something so big

the good news is the therapist wont walk down main street with you the first time you you will still get all those 'firsts"
yea, we are going to keep up with the "nope, must have you confused with another kid". can't change dates. won't pay the money to change dates

Grumble. I have already left her a not so nice message. I ended it with "at least I know that you confirm that you are aware that we will be absent, and he will see you at the ened of the month when we are back".

(calm voice the whole way, said that after a year of planning and 3 years of saving, I would have prefered to be the one to tell him that we were going to disney. not her. and that I respected her wishes by using her communication book, but she couldn't respect me to not say anything to my ds. And that we are hoping to at least save the situation and surprise my dd.)
That really stinks. I'm so sorry you weren't able to be the one to tell him...and to be so close too! :sad2::hug:

I am sure that your kids will still be surprised and excited when you actually confirm the "rumor" and I'm sure you will have a great trip. Enjoy and celebrate all of your hard work and huge efforts to do something so awesome for you children! That's so impressive. Heck with the stupid therapist!
That totally stinks! We are also surprising our kids with our trip in 4 days! We plan on doing a scavenger hunt the night before. I did not tell anyone at her school yet (parents, teachers, etc) because of that reason...I thought for sure they would say I will tell them on Monday.
Ack! How thoughtless. I am sure no matter what, it will be a great trip. Maybe you could make "fake plans" for that day?
That is why after 8 years of saving, a whole year of planning, no one knows we are going. Not the school, the therapists, grandparents, noone. I am calling the morning we leave with a nice message to all saying "since we know you can't keep a secret, we didnt tell you. See you when we get back." :lmao:

I am so sorry that it was spoiled for you. If you are driving is it possible to stop somewhere else along the way and say this is where we are going? Maybe have the pilot say that they landed somewhere else? (I haven't flown in years so not sure if that is possible).

I think I'd be finding a new therapist for my kid.

Yep, me too! That's crap!

I'm sorry, I know this sounds petty of me, but I hope you told her what you told us. That you saved your money for three years to surprise your kids with a trip, just for her to spoil it, and you didn't even get to see the reaction! WTH!!!!

I'm so outraged on your behalf! I'm sorry.

But I hope you have a great time. You could always say something like, "No, your therapist must be mistaken. I'm not taking anybody to Disney on thursday afternoon." (Leaving the afternoon part in there deliberately) and then when thursday rolls around, wake them up and say, "I'm taking you thursday MORNING! Let's go!"

Although as you say, it's pretty much spoiled, surprise wise. But it'll be good no matter what. I'm sorry.
Some people are just born with fat mouths! :eek: We've been keeping our upcoming trip a secret for 8 months now, and we've had 2 close calls. One with my father-in-law (I told my DH not to even tell him) and the other with my co-worker (she only knows b/c she heard me on the phone with dining reservations).

We are going to be revealing our trip next Saturday and I'll be amazed if we make it until then. It has been rather stressful keeping a secret this long.

So sorry that your surprise was ruined, but like the earlier poster said, you still get to go to DISNEY!!! :yay::woohoo::banana:
You should leave a message with his speech therapist saying, "SURPRISE, WE'RE GETTING A NEW THERAPIST!"

I'd be livid.

What you should do is plan some fake stuff for him to do. Tell him that you're planning a playdate for that week. Tell him you're going to one of those inflatable places with so and so. Maybe someone is having a fake birthday party at the park.

Stinks to disappoint him while trying to keep the secret alive, though. So sorry.

I'm such a bigmouth that I could never keep it from my daughter. Stinks that you've been holding out for all this time. :(
That is a very sad thing that therapist did and she should be ashamed of herself :mad:BUT let it go as it can't be undone and you WILL get to see DS's reactions to so many wonderful the 1st time he sees the castle, or Mickey, or a parade, or FWs or ENDLESS things in Disney. He will remember that his wonderful mom took him to Disney and NOT that the thoughtless therapist ruined the surprise. You will have the most wonderful time - good luck! pixiedust: A little pixie dust - can't hurt!
We surprised our DDs last year. One of DD12's teachers almost spoiled the surprise, said something to DD about going on vacation the next day. Fortunately there is another girl in her class with the same first name, so she just thought he had her confused with that other girl. My DH forgot to tell DD9's school that we were going and she would be missing school for a week, so none of her teachers knew and couldn't spoil the surprise! :goodvibes
This was our 3rd trip to Disney; the first time we went we did not surprise them, they were with us at the travel show when we booked the trip. It was still wonderful seeing their reaction to actually being a Disney for the first time, even if it wasn't a surprise. If you like your therapist otherwise, I wouldn't be too hard on her or change therapists as others have suggested. Everyone slips sometimes - several people where I work were reading the last Harry Potter book when it came out; I was one of the first to finish and accidentally let slip something major that happened in the book to someone who hadn't finished it yet. :rolleyes1 Don't let it ruin your trip - just go and have a wonderful time! :goodvibes
Hey a-lil-bit-goofy, I had a few tears in my eyes when I read your opening post and honestly shared that same feeling you probably had when you realised the secret was ruined. I learned the hard way for our April trip this year that people talk and even though it is innocent, they can ruin the surprise just by sharing the excitement, as in my case. I know it was different for you as I am sure a speech therapist is not someone close to your heart.

We are going again next October and I have had it booked for several months now, but this time, I have decided to tell no-one at all. The school will get a letter explaining her absence and that it is a surprise at the last reasonable moment to give them notice of this (she will be out for a week prior to the holidays). If they inadvertently mention the absence, I already have a plan to tell her we are going to see my friend in Spain since we have spoken about it anyway, so it won't seem too strange, but that is IF it comes to that. I have gotten to a point where I am not willing to keep a secret for a YEAR all on my own and have someone ruin it for me again. This time I am being selfish to be kind. ;)
That is terrible, really, I understand completely how you feel. Here is what I would do, tell your son you scheduled appointment to dentist for him on that day, it may make him believe all Disney staff was a mistake, then surprise him with driving to airport. That all you can do at this point. Anyway, you will have great time, I am sure.:)


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