So much for a surprise trip

I feel for you, my son in law spilled the beans on a surprise trip for my grandson once...

Grandson: "Dad, where are we going on vacation this year?"

Dad (Michael): "You means besides the trip to Disney World?"

Grandson: "We're going to Disney World?!?! WHEN??!?"

Daughter: "MICHAEL!"
LOVE the "suprise new therapist" comment.

But really, has she even called you to apologize? That is just awful.
I think that getting a new therapist because of this is a bit of overkill, that is if this is a good therapist. I'm sure that we've all accidently spilled the beans at one time or another.

However I am sorry that your surprise is ruined. I can definitely understand your disappointment.
You should leave a message with his speech therapist saying, "SURPRISE, WE'RE GETTING A NEW THERAPIST!"

Good one!

OP: I am so sorry that this happened. I don't know what to say but I know you will still have a great time. Think of all the fun things you will do while there & you will be able to see their faces for all of that. Have a great time!
I think that getting a new therapist because of this is a bit of overkill, that is if this is a good therapist. I'm sure that we've all accidently spilled the beans at one time or another.

However I am sorry that your surprise is ruined. I can definitely understand your disappointment.

You have a point, but I think it would burn me every time I saw her... sorry to hear about your surprise being taken from you. Once you are there this will be a faint memory because you will have such a terrific time!! Here's some pixie dust sent your way that no other glitches happen...pixiedust:
That really is soooo bad!!! It really stinks after all the effort you've put into it.

Sending lots of pixie dust your way for a totally awesome trip. pixiedust: You deserve it after all that planning!
Sorry that the speech therapist ruined the surprise, but I'm sure you'll forget all about it after all the magical memories you'll make on the trip.

Have a great time.

I'm going to move this to the theme parks community board now.
WHAT?? we are going to DISNEY WORLD!!! And you kept telling me we were not...

Thanks, you are the BEST!!!
That is terrible, really, I understand completely how you feel. Here is what I would do, tell your son you scheduled appointment to dentist for him on that day, it may make him believe all Disney staff was a mistake, then surprise him with driving to airport. That all you can do at this point. Anyway, you will have great time, I am sure.:)

You know, that may be a good idea actually. I think I will do that. Good suggestion!

to answer other questions:
a) Yes I did tell her . I had to leave her a voice mail (may not have been the best thing but really she won't want to talk with me) saying exactly that "I saved 3 years, and planned for 1, and I didn't even get to tell him. You took that away from me"

b) no no call from the therapist yet. She may call on monday. who knows. Honestly if she does, I will speak with her and tell her that my disappointment in her better not reflect on the therapy she provides to my child. And that I felt that I had to let her know how I was feeling, because it really isn't ok. If she apologizes I will accept it, and forgive. I will. I am worried that it will affect the therapy, but that i swhy i was very calm and reserved when i left the message, yet at the same time I got my point thru loud and clear.

c) no, i am not going to seek a new speech therapist at this point.

d) thanks everyone. I knew everyone here would understand. I appreciate your understanding and comments. We will still have a great time no doubt. :O)
This kind of thing has happened to me a lot. I have two exes... one is my first daughter's dad and the other is my second daughter's dad. They have both totally let surprises slip. Huge surprises like telling them what Santa is giving them for Christmas. Not as big as Disney, but....

Anyway, that is so upsetting, naturally. I am sure the therapist feels terrible and no doubt simply has so many kids she serves that she was thinking of the schedule and stuff and just forgot it was a secret. I'm a music teacher and teach over 600 kids a week. The kids and parents tell me stuff all the time about trips, pregnancies, new houses, etc.. Thankfully no one has asked me to keep something a secret because I probably wouldn't remember which one it was that wanted it kept a secret.

I would just stick with your plan and just (only if it came up) imply that the therapist must have gotten her students mixed up. I'd say something like, "Wow, that really would be fun. Let's plan that for next summer or fall." I have had to cover stuff like that plenty.
She's a professional, so you shouldn't have to even consider that the level of care she will give your son going forward will drop. That said, if you do notice a change you can make a report with the association that she is licensed with...I'm sure she would not want that to happen never mind having her colleagues and other parents know there was a situation and one she chose to escalate. I'm sure she will be falling all over herself apologizing, though...
This kind of thing has happened to me a lot. I have two exes... one is my first daughter's dad and the other is my second daughter's dad. They have both totally let surprises slip. Huge surprises like telling them what Santa is giving them for Christmas. Not as big as Disney, but....

Anyway, that is so upsetting, naturally. I am sure the therapist feels terrible and no doubt simply has so many kids she serves that she was thinking of the schedule and stuff and just forgot it was a secret. I'm a music teacher and teach over 600 kids a week. The kids and parents tell me stuff all the time about trips, pregnancies, new houses, etc.. Thankfully no one has asked me to keep something a secret because I probably wouldn't remember which one it was that wanted it kept a secret.

I would just stick with your plan and just (only if it came up) imply that the therapist must have gotten her students mixed up. I'd say something like, "Wow, that really would be fun. Let's plan that for next summer or fall." I have had to cover stuff like that plenty.

You sound very rational. I would feel the same way and would have handled it the same way. :thumbsup2

I am sure that the therapist will just feel awful about it. I think forgiveness is on order and you can't change what is done.

Have a wonderful trip. :goodvibes
I think forgiveness is on order and you can't change what is done.
Have a wonderful trip. :goodvibes

I agree...hence
If she apologizes I will accept it, and forgive

and I mean it. I believe that it was not intentional. and if an apology is offered i will accept it.

she had their work book with her, he must have it at his sessions. Right there was where I had put in writing..."secret" etc. sigh. I did thinking it was better than verbal, where it would have been easier to forget or confuse...

sigh. what is done is done.
that person posts 'thanks for taking me to disney' anytime someone says "me and my two kids (check their handle) first time was funny.......but after that....


Well, I really feel for you. I know I would really be heartbroken. All I can say is that your kids are very lucky for you to even try to keep this a secret and plan such a special trip for them. I wish my parents had done something like that! :goodvibes They will probably still be surprised when you really tell them "OK, we're leaving!" It's not what you wanted, but don't let others ruin things for you.


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