So.... That Latest Dining Video...

I guess Pete will be flagged at Galaxy's Edge like he is at some resorts now.

While I did think he was rude, I didn't feel the need to broadcast my feelings about it all over the internet.
Perhaps on a different day, in a different mood, I'd have a different opinion, but that wasn't a big deal to me. In fact, I found the whole video pretty entertaining. If it rubbed people the wrong way, than it rubbed people the wrong way, they're entitled to their opinion just like Pete is allowed to get frustrated with the "noise" of Disney parks. We're not sheep. It's more strange that people were so triggered by this that they weren't able to let it go once the video ended. That's an unnecessary reaction to a really mundane personality trait.
Note to self, don't let any of my "reactions" when I'm annoyed be caught on video - the world may collectively pass out.

But here’s the thing - he wasn’t “caught” on video. He did all this filming a video, fully knowing that he was being recorded and not caring one bit.

He was attempting to record a video in the middle of a busy theme park, annoyed that he was interrupted by CMs doing what they’re paid to do in an immersive land, noise from a child, and apparently whatever Steve was saying too.

One of my issues with certain Disney parks vloggers is that they act like the theme parks are their own personal recording studios, and expect the whole world to stop around them for their content. I don’t usually get this vibe at all from the Dis, but sadly Pete showed it here.
But here’s the thing - he wasn’t “caught” on video. He did all this filming a video, fully knowing that he was being recorded and not caring one bit.

He was attempting to record a video in the middle of a busy theme park, annoyed that he was interrupted by CMs doing what they’re paid to do in an immersive land, noise from a child, and apparently whatever Steve was saying too.

One of my issues with certain Disney parks vloggers is that they act like the theme parks are their own personal recording studios, and expect the whole world to stop around them for their content. I don’t usually get this vibe at all from the Dis, but sadly Pete showed it here.

I didn't think the reaction/interaction was awkward. I thought he was smiling and the whole moment was funny. I did not get the vibe everyone else is getting, at all. I thought it actually showcased how fun Galaxy's Edge could be.

I guess I see it differently than most , I thought they were just having fun. That's why I said hope nobody ever sees me annoyed if that video garnered this type of reaction! :D
I first watched it on my phone and Pete’s reaction did come off as rude, but when I watched it on my 32 inch 4k monitor it was much more obvious that what he was saying was in jest in his dry sense of humor and referencing a past episode. I think it’s because on my phone I couldn’t see his eyes since he was wearing sun glasses, but it came through on my monitor. I wonder how much of people’s reaction to Pete had to do with their viewing experience or if this was one of their first time seeing him.

Personally, the stormtroopers causing high jinx is my favorite part of Galaxy’s Edge.
My takes after watching just now:

-Pete seemed to be in a really bad mood to begin with and maybe shouldn't have filmed a video that day, period.

-I am surprised no one brought up how Pete reacted to Fiasco calling spaghetti "sketti." This was the only one of Fiasco's frequent mispronunciations that actually made sense and is a well-used term and for some reason Pete seemed genuinely angry at him. He hasn't gotten nearly this upset in the past about them; it was really odd. I'm glad Deni backed Fiasco up by continuing to use the term. It almost always annoys me when Fiasco mispronounces stuff, but this was not an actual error.

-I'm not sure whether Pete was genuinely angry at the Stormtrooper or not. It was hard to read as to whether he was being sarcastic or was genuinely upset. It came off to me like the former, but it could certainly be the latter since it really did seem like he was in a bad mood. Still, he was smiling, so I think he was just being sarcastic. Deni was right to play along with the Stormtrooper. Definitely smoothed over the situation.

-I have no idea what the heck Pete was doing while Steve was talking. It was really odd and I don't know if he was trying to be funny or if he was actually trying to be rude. But either way it wasn't professional.

-Deni is just incredible at pretty much everything related to being a podcasting and vlogging personality, and Pete is lucky he found her. She saved the video from being a total disaster just because Pete was having a bad day and still decided it was a good idea to record. Give her a raise.
LOL, I took Pete's reaction to the "sketti" comment as a groan in humor, like "okay are you just trying to troll the audience with mispronunications now?!"
The fact it wasn't mentioned more in the Youtube comments basically proves most the traffic was driven by timestamps posted on hate threads and only regular Dis watchers saw it in it's entirety.
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A grown man saying "sketty" bothers me too.

There are many things about that "grown man" that seem to bother a lot of people (present party included). Without getting into the obvious things already stated, Deni's hiring has definitely helped to blindside some of that.

On a serious note, getting back to Pete, I do hope he's okay. Really, I do. It's got to be tough seeing all the ridiculous comments being thrown around about him. There are some vicious, vicious people out there. I know Pete's a strong guy and I hope he knows we true DIS'ers here love him. I'm still a proud Patreon member, and will continue to be.... Nobody's perfect, and people are allowed to have a bad day. We all have them, we just don't all have a camera in our face when we do. Love you Pete!
None of us know how many times they had tried to film that section. The ‘final’ version could have been the tenth attempt to film without interruptions or distractions. This would explain Pete’s reaction and his facial expression near the end, could just have been him saying, ‘lets wrap this up quickly before someone/thing else interrupts filming.’ It is irritating enough when someone deliberately walks into shot when one is very obviously attempting to take a photograph at WDW. Trying to film must be a nightmare.
Ya, but like someone said above, it could have been seen as fortuitous and not annoying that the stormtrooper walked up. I thought that was one of the coolest moments, because my visit to Galaxy's edge was far less interesting and far more irritating. I would have loved it. That last scene could have just as easily been filmed back at the studio around the table if they truly were hassled and on their 10th take.
We call it "sketti" in our family. Sketti is nowhere near like authentic Italian pasta in my opinion. So Fiasco calling it sketti totally made sense since it was a kids' menu item. And I think it's kind of nice that they reviewed some kids menu stuff so those of us who might need to order kids menu stuff can see what it might taste like.

I found the dining review to be very entertaining in multiple ways.
We call it "sketti" in our family. Sketti is nowhere near like authentic Italian pasta in my opinion. So Fiasco calling it sketti totally made sense since it was a kids' menu item. And I think it's kind of nice that they reviewed some kids menu stuff so those of us who might need to order kids menu stuff can see what it might taste like.

I found the dining review to be very entertaining in multiple ways.
Yeah, I like how many of them go out of their way to review vegan items and other stuff they wouldn't normally get. Most reviewers won't.


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