Something About Nothing ... #12

Monyk - really enjoy SAB but the water slide tube has to be the smallest I've ever seen. Very claustrophobic IMO. So cute to read ur DS texting his friend, and so it begins haha.

Hehe, older one left for friend's house, DH not yet home, and little one glued to her iPad, with ice cream container, so family TV is mine! Triple D on the Food channel. Hmmm, and there is another ice cream in the freezer. Good night so far.

Yay Keisha. If you travel on the 30th, holler. Otherwise, will add ya to our Sunday here we come count down.

Lucky I do not have a list kid MonyK. I cannot believe we have back to school stuff out already. Most of our colleges do not start back until third week of August and local schools start after Labor Day. Neither kid even has school on their mind yet. Ah, sounds like you will be on a road trip next month.

Okay, need to find that other ice cream.

I seem to think I'm opposite of you, hitting WDW first, then U Thursday that week. Yep, I'm the red-head

Brought home most of my dinner. my taste is off (yes, admitting I have no taste lol). May get away with leftovers for dinner tomorrow :)
And the boy is on his SECOND snack after being put to bed. Yes it is 10:30. I'm half asleep and he is eating through the fridge. Yes he ate dinner. I am going to need a 2nd and 3rd job to keep him food in a couple years. Reading a thread about 2 kids in daycare costs-no one mentioned the increased FOOD costs if you have boys as they grow. And I only have one boy...
I hear ya MonyK. I have only 1 boy too, but my little one can eat her share of food. Teens are eating machines. Ask Mac, she has more than a couple of boys.

A most beautiful morning. Weather guy says will be a lousy day. Still humid, vey humid, but only 87, so no heat wave. But, tomorrow will be 90, so we will be starting the heat wave on Sunday.

So time for tea. And bacon. Scrambled eggs and maybe home fries. Have a great Saturday!
Umm, am I opposite you Keisha? I am at POP from Sunday to Thursday, as can use my military salute ticket, and have D23 all day on Tuesday, in Epcot. And Party on Sunday I arrive, Dessert Party on Wednesday, Morning Magic on Thursday in MK. Will probably crash on Thursday afternoon at RPR. Staying 8 nights there. Was going to do more nights with the mouse, but decided 4 nights was enough. Will be nice to say hello to ya again, and the Mr.
Umm, am I opposite you Keisha? I am at POP from Sunday to Thursday, as can use my military salute ticket, and have D23 all day on Tuesday, in Epcot. And Party on Sunday I arrive, Dessert Party on Wednesday, Morning Magic on Thursday in MK. Will probably crash on Thursday afternoon at RPR. Staying 8 nights there. Was going to do more nights with the mouse, but decided 4 nights was enough. Will be nice to say hello to ya again, and the Mr.

Why was i thinking u were @ U first? Actually i thot u were going a week earlier initially. I have yet to decide which MNSSHP party, hate to do arrival day. Staying @ BWV so we'll likely hit up epcot at least twice in the evenings, just need to figure out which lol.
Thank your lucky stars you have only one boy
I have 4

Mine were always full from dinner but hours out, they were starving

Very common for them to order pizzas after the parental units were in bed
Local pizza places often made deliveries to our home

Preteen and teen age boys can eat again after hours of a meal

But you already know that by now.....

And soda...... sweets......
Buy them or make them one day and next morning they have disappeared
Thank your lucky stars you have only one boy
I have 4

Mine were always full from dinner but hours out, they were starving

Very common for them to order pizzas after the parental units were in bed
Local pizza places often made deliveries to our home

Preteen and teen age boys can eat again after hours of a meal

But you already know that by now.....

And soda...... sweets......
Buy them or make them one day and next morning they have disappeared
Yeah can't imagine the food bill with 4! boys. Food does disappear overnight too-he has told me he has woken up so hungry in middle of night he comes for a snack! He is a stick figure too-I swear one of these days I am going to have CHild Protective services called on me when he complains of being hungry in public-even though he may have eaten 5000 calories already that day (and that isn't too far off - I added up what he eats when he is in one of these phases-they easily eat 3000 cal/day. I added up what a kid ate after band camp one time and it topped 2000 cal in single meal.)

Roo came to sit with me on deck for my morning coffee. Settled right down for a while-then stood and crowed right at me for several minutes so he got kicked downstairs-and crowed right outside girls room hehe. Mean girls chased my lil buff up the stairs so she sat with me for awhile too-right on my chest. Made it hard to get my coffee but she is such a sweetie-I think she could be a therapy chicken LOL.

Have a pork tenderloin in fridge-trying to decide on marinade flavor - will toss it on grill later. With potatoes and carrots from garden-and tomatoes, so many tomatoes...
MonyK........Halloween is my all time favourite scary movie........the original of course.......have always had a terrible fear of white masks.......but love watching it. Still gets me even today........yes, I love the humour in films like Scream.......

Love the comedy ones too like Scary Movie.......classics!

We have an abundance of tomatoes from the greenhouses this year too.......we end up giving some away to farm closest to us and any friends who happen to call when we cut tasty though.

So tonight we watched The Shining........forgot what a fabulous movie it actually settling down to watch The Fog.......original of course.......remake was dreadful!

Pink lemonade for me tonight..........::yes::
Beautiful Saturday night.

So cute your chickens like to cuddle MonyK.

Water (wooder) ice for dessert. Yum. A staple on a warm summer night.

Hey Keisha, if you would like to say hi at the mouse, just let me know. Think Mac is ditching the mouse this year. I will do at least one night at Epcot. It was cheaper to buy the party ticket for Sunday night. D23 kept me from the other night, and I did not want to do it on Thursday.

Schumi's movie night sounds fun and scary. Most of those movies I have no desire to see again.


Almost done watching the evening news. The real horror that 2 young people did. 4 young souls gone. Very sad, all around and were older one's age. I wish we would ban guns. Happy news, please.

Have a great, calm night homies.
I`m here.........just not got around to posting yet.......

Definitely Sunday.......
Ooh yeah, it is Sunday. Another beautiful day.

Time for errands. Older one is moving like pond water, even though I let him sleep a little longer. Need to holler again. Little one is up, but will no come, as breakfast out is not her idea of fun. She will most likely have soup.
Quiet here.......

Had such a lazy day in this house today........beautiful sunshine and warm, so we wandered between garden and house most of the day........updated some pictures online too, that passed an hour or so.

Grilled steaks and giant shrimps for dinner outside tonight.......chicken for lazing around some more........perfect summers day I suppose.........
Poor mr is hacking away, i sure did share my crud with him eek. Jr coming over to cook out steaks on grill.Pleasant today but humidity thru the roof rest of week.

Changed our travel plans for March. Didn't feel comfy leaving homestead for 2 weeks as the puppy was ahem challenging for my kids lol. Skipping Mardi Gras this year, oh well.

I'm doing a gymnastics competition with GD/DiL @ WWoS in February (over my anniversary - told DH to go to the track with my DS to celebrate lol). Will be interesting to see how that goes new experience for me @ WDW.

End of April doing the RCCL Allure out of FLL. Cozumel, which we love, & 1st time to Jamaica for me & Labadee. Mr visited Haiti in navy, going in with an open mind as he put it lol.

Yeah can't imagine the food bill with 4! boys. Food does disappear overnight too-he has told me he has woken up so hungry in middle of night he comes for a snack! He is a stick figure too-I swear one of these days I am going to have CHild Protective services called on me when he complains of being hungry in public-even though he may have eaten 5000 calories already that day (and that isn't too far off - I added up what he eats when he is in one of these phases-they easily eat 3000 cal/day. I added up what a kid ate after band camp one time and it topped 2000 cal in single meal.)

Roo came to sit with me on deck for my morning coffee. Settled right down for a while-then stood and crowed right at me for several minutes so he got kicked downstairs-and crowed right outside girls room hehe. Mean girls chased my lil buff up the stairs so she sat with me for awhile too-right on my chest. Made it hard to get my coffee but she is such a sweetie-I think she could be a therapy chicken LOL.

Have a pork tenderloin in fridge-trying to decide on marinade flavor - will toss it on grill later. With potatoes and carrots from garden-and tomatoes, so many tomatoes...

Wonder if they make the service animal vests that small lol.

My 3 still manage to come around as adults inflating my food budget. I really do enjoy it for all my complaining :)

All we have are golf-ball sized green tomatoes. Got our first item from garden, a cuke. Whee. Such a lousy growing year here with the cold/rain early in season.

MonyK........Halloween is my all time favourite scary movie........the original of course.......have always had a terrible fear of white masks.......but love watching it. Still gets me even today........yes, I love the humour in films like Scream.......

Love the comedy ones too like Scary Movie.......classics!

We have an abundance of tomatoes from the greenhouses this year too.......we end up giving some away to farm closest to us and any friends who happen to call when we cut tasty though.

So tonight we watched The Shining........forgot what a fabulous movie it actually settling down to watch The Fog.......original of course.......remake was dreadful!

Pink lemonade for me tonight..........::yes::

Here's Johnny! Movie one of my favs too but the book is far better. Liked the 2nd one too.
Yes lazy sunday. Have to run for a pre board meeting in a bit-but it is with wine, cheese and crackers so not too bad.
Sitting on deck with fan on me. Want to be outside but temp/humidity creeping up again.
Everyone here is quiet today. DH and I went out to local pub to hear Tom Petty tribute band (my friend and her husband in band), plus stayed for a few songs of our favorite local band. Think I had 6 glasses of water and 2 beers - AC couldn't keep up with the warm bodies LOL! Still home shortly after midnight, but I can't do late nights much anymore (unless at EMH:))

Shining movie (1st one) very good, but the book scared the heebie-jeebies out of me-can only read Stephen King books once for most part as they get into your head!!

21 days to check in at CSR now...
Monky - They certainly can eat! My eldest boy grew 5 inches in 6 months from a few months before his 11th birthday to a few months after. He gained 22lbs that year - and about the same weight was gained the next year! So - prepare yourself! Even now that he's growing much more slowly, he still out eats most grown men. I have no idea how Mac fed four boys! At least my younger boy hasn't started eating excessive amounts yet.

Went to Universal last night for a few hours. I was missing it - we had the one day on July 3rd and it had been several weeks before that. I might have a problem since now I feel like I've been away too long when it hasn't been all that long. We made the mistake of arriving at 5:45 and were stuck behind several cars not moving. They seem to now hold cars at 5:45 since free parking starts at 6pm. I think they need to dedicate a lane to those who already have free parking so it doesn't tie everyone up. I was surprised at how many people were coming in when we left at 10pm. Has anyone here done the nightlife scene there before? And if so, what did you do and how did you like it?

Today was a lazy day - did some cleaning and hung out at the neighborhood pool for a couple hours with friends. It's a rough life. :) Tomorrow is my birthday and expectations are low. The past has taught me that we need to order out but they're cooking. There has already been about an hours worth of argument over who's cooking what. I need to find a way to not let them cook for me next year. It's not peaceful!
Sorry I am late to the party today.. I LOVED the Scream series.. I thought they were so well done!

It's been a busy weekend.

Last night I went and saw Cory Hart in a town hall concert. Only about 200 people there. It was pretty interesting. My friend had an extra ticket and asked if I wanted to go.. something I would not have done on my own.

Today... I BOUGHT A NEW CAR!!! Bye bye Chevy! I got a 2017 Hyundai Elantra. It's pretty sweet! and the warranties are SO much better!
MonyK, yeah, I am not a late night person either. Glad you had a nice day.

Yay Chuckers. Hope this new car gives you no issues.

A Happy Birthday to Kolby. Hope the family makes a nice birthday meal for ya, and they have an agreement now.

Keisha, hope the Mr. Feels better soon. Yep, one sick family member happily shares it with all. Aww, puppy is another kid. LOL

Chicken Parmesan and noodles for dinner. Little one loves pasta, and it felt like that kinda night. Nothing left. Oh well, sandwich fir lunch tomorrow it is.

Another warm evening. All are just chilling.

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Have a nice night homies.
Sorry I am late to the party today.. I LOVED the Scream series.. I thought they were so well done!

It's been a busy weekend.

Last night I went and saw Cory Hart in a town hall concert. Only about 200 people there. It was pretty interesting. My friend had an extra ticket and asked if I wanted to go.. something I would not have done on my own.

Today... I BOUGHT A NEW CAR!!! Bye bye Chevy! I got a 2017 Hyundai Elantra. It's pretty sweet! and the warranties are SO much better!

Yay!! We are in the New Car Club, together....well, I have had mine a week, now....that is still new, isn't it? Yep, sure is.
Sorry I am late to the party today.. I LOVED the Scream series.. I thought they were so well done!

It's been a busy weekend.

Last night I went and saw Cory Hart in a town hall concert. Only about 200 people there. It was pretty interesting. My friend had an extra ticket and asked if I wanted to go.. something I would not have done on my own.

Today... I BOUGHT A NEW CAR!!! Bye bye Chevy! I got a 2017 Hyundai Elantra. It's pretty sweet! and the warranties are SO much better!

Congrats Chuckers.........happy new car.........:car:


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