Something About Nothing ... #12

Happy Black Friday :duck:

Hit the online sales late/early this am again. On fence as to heading out. In the cold to shop. Hmmm, pack or shop? #1 in the lead. I'll do a Mac (JK) and toss crap in our bags before i go to bed hehe

Mac, I actually have next Friday off, as well...woohoo!

Chuckers, your are getting very close to answering the mystery that is life, the universe and everything...I'd say by Sunday.

Keisha, not to tell anyone how to cook anything...but...I love cornbread with that great outer crunch. You have to put oil (or which ever grease your going with) in the skillet and pre-heat that baby, in the oven, so when you put the batter in, it flash cooks that outer good. dang, I want some cornbread right now. Anyway, I am sure you already know that.

Schumi...hope you have fun on all of your jet-set adventures...sounds awesome.

Monyka, so cool that your DD got to spend a good time with you guys for early turkey day. Got to confess...I did not know what a Mexican Wedding Cookie was, so I looked it up. I have eaten so many of those...just never knew that is what they were called. I guess that is my 'something new' for the day.

Charade, I would like to say the squash casserole sounds good, but I hate squash, but I hope you enjoy it. Don't know what it is about hating squash (and zucchini), in the south, but all my life, I have been subjected to any number of squash dishes, because "you don't like squash because you haven't had it the way I make it". Well, I have now had it about every way it could be made and guess what...still hate it.

Keisha, I am happy to hear they got the scum that took the life of that officer. Still, prayers continue, for him, his family and the country in general.

Well, the oldest is now an official volunteer Fire Fighter...had graduation last night. So proud. He plans continue various fire fighter courses, so not sure were he is headed with this part of his life.

The youngest's football team and all the parents are so pumped up this week. We are all having a Thanksgiving feast together, tomorrow evening...after practice. Yeah, I know some people may say it is not right to practice on Thanksgiving, but around here, it is a great always means that you are playing the next night to get into the Championship game, the following week. For years, when my boys' cousin was playing (same school), they would have a turkey decoy standing in the end zone, which signified their goal was to practice on Thanksgiving. The team never accomplished that goal until two years oldest and youngest were both on that team and the youngest is on this one...again, very proud of them.

Good kids you reared there :)

No, consider me a cast iron skillet virgin. No idea you had to heat it first for cornbread. Good thing i chickened out. It did work very well for all the onions/celery i had to cook.

Spaghetti squash yet? Bread & fry anything, will usually kill the taste and likely. The healthy benefits of eating it in the first place lol

Came home today to an empty house. Texted B who told me that she and her dad were out having lunch. Less than 4 hours since I last talked to him and he completely forgot that I said I would be home early today.

I started researching NYC hotels today. I found one that had good ratings, was in a good location, and had an incredible price. The catch was that it is non refundable and we get charged as soon as we book the room.

Tink - Oreo pie sounds really good. I sometimes miss being in a large office. We used to have great pot luck lunches at my old office. Where I am now we usually only have 3 people in the office at the same time.

Keisha - Snow already? We have occasionally gotten some in December. Hopefully not this year though.

Metro - I haven’t been to a Golden Corral in ages. I think I may have been to the one in our town once.

Wagman - Squash is one of the few vegetables I actually like. I was raised in the south, but there are several southern foods I do not like.

I think I will go and catch up on some of the TV I missed this week.

If the snow doesn't stick on the ground, it doesn't count. Thus far we are winners

Happy Thanksgiving homies. May all enjoy being with family and friends.

The sun is up, the sky is a beautiful blue, and it is 29 degrees. Quite lovely.

Tea is steeping, and maybe I will cook up some eggs and bacon. Little one will have soup and hot chocolate. Older one will eat everything. Older one is up, and I think little one is too, but neither has come into the kitchen yet.

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With that, the tea is ready. Time for breakfast homies, so have a good Thanksgiving.

LOL those pictures are so funny. Got the BOGO beluga whale tour. Shamu dine was tempting, but passed. Thinking of going with one AP for me & the fun day pass for the mr to save a few bucks. Don't need Aquatica as we have the WDW waterparks included in our passes next year. Was surprised the BOGO 1/2 off AP didn't include the 3 free months as standard one does currently.
Happy Black Friday all!!




I went to my GameStop last night at midnight, we opened at 12:30. I had to pick something up to bring to another store this morning. We had about 50 people in line. It was 30 degrees outside. The guy first in line had been there since 9pm because he wanted a PS 4 and the sale price is really good. the next guy had been there since 10 because he wanted 'Fingerlings.' Fingerlings are this years stupid kids toy that everyone wants and no one has in stock. They are these stupid plastic monkeys that clip to your finger. They're supposed to respond to sound and stuff and they turn their head to look at you and they're just plain dumb. Yet, every parent is going crazy trying to find them. We had 7 for sale. My bet is that they will be banned from schools within one week. Just like fidget spinners were banned.

My sister and I went to see Coco yesterday. It was okay... I fell asleep in the movie twice. I don't really know if it was because I was over tired from working on Wednesday or the movie just had slow parts. I REALLY liked the 30 minute short before it - Olaf's Frozen Adventure (and I don't like Olaf). It was really cute and had a few very funny lines. Josh Gad delivered them superbly. We went out for dinner at a restaurant called 'Emerald Rose', an Irish pub. Great food and I didn't over eat :) Then I came home, had half a pint of Ben & Jerry's Phish Food (an AWESOME flavor). Woke up late this morning and was sick.. I think it was the ice cream, I can't handle that much sugar anymore.

Now I am at work and I get to go to the store tonight... another full day for me! whee...

Yes, @Lynne G, the paycheck will really help with my trip :)

  • 44 is palindromic number
  • 44 is the number of candles in a box of Hanukkah candles
  • 44 is the direct dial prefix for the United Kingdom
  • 44 is poker game where each player is dealt 4 cards and 4 cards are played face down on the table. Betting occurs as each card is turned over. The last card (and any card of matching rank) is considered wild.
  • Interstate 44 runs from Texas to Missouri and U.S. Route 44 runs from New York to Massachusetts
  • Agent 44 was the designation of the agent usually assigned to small enclosed spaces in order to communicate with Maxewell Smart (Agent 86) on Get Smart.
  • 44 is considered a happy number. (click on the link if you want to know what a happy number is...)
44 is a happy number for me because in 44 days, I'll be at Universal Orlando enjoying all the rides and shows and hotel amenities and, hopefully, warm weather!

Morning fellow Sans homies :wave2:.

Happy Black Friday. For all those braving the crowds to shop happy hunting.



And for Mr Chuckers


Coffee in hand and it is good.

Morning Tink and Lynne.

Schumigirl hope you find your bows.

Keishashadow I think you should give classes on shopping deals. You are good at it for sure. Nothing wrong with being able to stretch a dollar for sure. I could learn a thing or to from you.

Charade enjoy your tree trimming. Might have to crack open a bottle of wine like Schumigirl does ::yes::
Eek, text said magic bands have shipped. Tick tick. Hip Hop. Us too. Less than a month.

Good shopping. All done for the season. Early was the way to go, only one store we said it was a no way line. Plus, the sales in that store were not as good as before, so we bailed. Every other store, no line.

We love to people watch. Little one said you see all kinds, some are what were they thinking. Yeah, some not so nice behavior also. Rude. But goes with the territory. Both of us thought the sales were not as good as last year, and not the crowds we have seen in the past as well.

And, it is only Friday. That, and and another family get together for dinner, deserves a Wahoo!
Happy B-Lated Thanksgivin' Y'all!
WELLLL.....I stayed up pert-near all night doing some "Brown Thursday/Black Friday" shopping. Got some good-ish deals for some of my naughty-and-nice ones. Spent $ I wish I hadn't spent, but hey...who needs sheetrock on their walls/ceilings?! (JK...that's all paid for...)...And, oh yeah....While I was in the "giving mode", went ahead and booked a little WDW/USO trip for after Christmas...Dec 27 through Jan 4th. Kids don't know about it! Ho-Ho-Ho!
Buckevv, good to see youse here

Sounds like you are all set for the Christmas trip
Booking it at least is the hardest part that and buying flight tickets
No shopping for me today. I did some house cleaning and then we went to see the movie Elf at one of our local theaters. B and C had never seen the movie. I watched it for the first time last year when I was stuck in the hospital. It was a much more pleasant experience this time.

Chuckers - I hope your shift isn’t too bad. Several years ago I was one of those annoying customers looking for a Wii. (I didn’t stand in line at the crack of dawn for one though.) I had to google Fingerlings. I am so glad B is past that stage.

Robo - No wine for us. We are non drinkers. I should have picked up something chocolate though.

Lynne - Magic bands. How exciting. I can’t wait until we get to plan another Disney trip. DIsney World will be in a few years, but we may be going to Disneyland in 2019.

Buckeev - What a nice surprise. We did a WDW New Year’s vacation a couple of years ago.

Not sure what I will do for the rest of the evening. DH has college football on right now. I think we need a second TV.
Charade you need to buy that second tv

We have 4 and thinking of buying one for my blue room

We aren't big tv people but Mr Mac does watch most all of sports that's on tv
I don't
Speaking of regretting black Friday $ spent and second tvs ... found a great deal on a uhd tv that the kids said we had to get and tried to make sure that it would work with our current system...DD swore that it would so I bought it only to find out that we have to upgrade our receiver :headache: it may be the most expensive video game tv ever for DS because I refuse to pay Directv anymore of my hard earned money.

We had a great turkey day with lots of food and fun, no baby yet but she's in labor as we speak with my brother's 12th grandbaby.
We’ve only ever had one TV at a time. DH really wants a big TV, so he is going to get one for Christmas this year. I’m not sure where we will put the old TV. B is funny. She rarely watches TV at home, but when we go to a restaurant that has them she will stare at them like she’s never seen one before.
Well, here is an early morning pop-in to let you guys know that our boys lost last night in the Semi-Finals...sad, but life goes on. Not bad for a group that wasn't really expected to have a winning record.

No tears. Here's to next year.

Have a fabulous trip Janet...........:wave2:

I`m almost too embarrassed to tell you how many TV's we have in our home...........and one is ridiculously big :blush: and I`m not the biggest tv watcher......I use the one in the kitchen most I suppose, DH would have a tv in every room including the dining room if I let him.........big tv fan!!!!

Buckeev..........:wave2: Congrats on the surprise trip.......they`ll love that surprise..........nice to see you pop in again.......

Wagman....I`m sure they did everyone proud regardless.........

Vicki, best wishes to your niece and her baby.........:hug:`s Saturday again..........

And a week today till we fly off to see all the Christmas stuff at Universal...........:cheer2: 7 sleeps..........::yes::

Another below freezing morning here........sun is out and it`s beautiful, but chilly. Need to nip out this afternoon to pick up trousers DH ordered from a store.......and then do some more cooking.

Tonight is a casual dinner of appetizers and snacks, made some spicy wings, sticky ribs and crab cakes so far this morning, got shrimp and prosciutto with some jalapeno bread too, usual salads, spicy chips and dips......and I'm sure wine will be in there somewhere........well, it is Saturday night.......:thumbsup2 Got two friends popping in for a quick visit, they can`t stay told them it`ll be a help yourself buffet dinner.......still a few things to do.

Hope your Saturday is a great one...........:)
Well, here is an early morning pop-in to let you guys know that our boys lost last night in the Semi-Finals...sad, but life goes on. Not bad for a group that wasn't really expected to have a winning record.

No tears. Here's to next year.
Sorry to hear that Wags. Head up high for those boys. What a great run for them.

Errand day. Most all done, then have to take parental unit out. Stores were somewhat crowded, but was nice to see all cash registers open, and no lines.

Safe travels Keisha. Have an awesome time.

Another nice, cool day. Clouds are forming to give us rain later today, but hey, above freezing is a good thing. Means rain and not that s word.

With that, lunch is coming up. May be oven lit soon.. House feels cool. Sweets still left over from the last 2 nights. Snacking kinda day.
I just checked Orlando weather and looks like great weather for Keisha during her days there

Some evenings look nippy but not bad for the weather
It’s the end of November and I have my windows open. The cat is really enjoying this.

Today has been a stay out of the house while DH watches the Florida State/Florida game kind of day. He takes his college football way to seriously. B and I went to lunch, Target, Five Below, and then to the grocery store.

Wagman - Sorry to hear about the loss, but congrats on a great season.

Schumi - We may be getting a ridiculously big TV. I think DH is looking at a 55 inch or bigger.

I think we may start doing some Christmas decorating tonight. Later, of I can get the TV away from DH, I may introduce B to the movie Labrynth.
Well, here is an early morning pop-in to let you guys know that our boys lost last night in the Semi-Finals...sad, but life goes on. Not bad for a group that wasn't really expected to have a winning record.

No tears. Here's to next year.
Sorry wags, but what a great run...hey you can still root for our team they won the state quarter final last night and are hosting the semifinal game next week for the first time in school history.

My little great niece Abigail arrived yesterday...what a cutie. Her dad is going to get a few gray hairs whenever his 3 beautiful blonde daughters start dating.

Charade, Labyrinth is one of my favorite David Bowie as the Goblin King.

Have a great weekend everyone :flower1:
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