Something About Nothing ... #12

Aww, good thing you found Buddy and did the right thing, Chuckers.

Well, good thing I could move slow today. Woke up to holler at the kids, then fell back to sleep, to the sounds of some very loud downpours, until 11. Long hot shower, then potatoes with eggs, peppers, ham, and cheese. Like a tater hash and next thing ya know, it is noon. Was good and some left over for Older One or DH, who ever gets home first.

Rain is slowly heading North, drying to commence. Heater was turned on last night, and good thing, it was working hard this morning. High is 50, but feels cooler. Weather people are teasing summer like temps soon, saying slightly cooler today.

With that fabulous Friday to all the homies.

Ah chuckers Buddy is cute, he's a lucky thing in that you found him.
Cool start, but sunny. Need to get moving on housework so I can start on garden this afternoon.
Lunch first-leftovers.
Yay for weekend!
I was so tempted to keep him as a pet.. but I couldn't take care of him, I currently have 4 cats in the house, and he needs to be in the wild.
Afternoon Sans family :wave:.

Safe travels and let the good times roll to Keisha and hubby.

Charade feel better soon :hug: Great news that you’re daughter did so we’ll on her tests.

Mac hope you and your hubby are having a great time :car:

Chuckers it was so sweet of you to rescue Buddy :squirrel:


@Robo56 I LOVE the Chocolate is a salad meme! :)

I had to show you all because I knew you would appreciate the little guy. I will keep in touch with the rehab lady and find out his progress :)
Lovely story chuckers........yep, cute little guy but best in the wild........glad you found him and rescued him!

MonyK.....wish we could get into our garden, but weather has just been awful!! And cold......guy is coming tomorrow to start the yearly treatment on the fruit trees........too many for us to deal with. But some of the plum and pear trees have started flowering which is lovely to see. But, for regular gardening.........we aren’t really green fingers here!

Love the name for the new Royal baby......they are such a cute family!

Quiet night in front of the tv again tonight........friends are thinking we are becoming anti social........but.....trying to be good......but kinda failing as I have a giant bowl of spicy potato chips laid out for later........and a dip.

Will have Diet Pepsi though.........that’s kinda better than wine........:rolleyes1
Will have Diet Pepsi though.........that’s kinda better than wine
nah-go for the wine:)
I have to get my peach tree taken out-it has that curled leaf disease. My apple tree has tons of blooms though-lots of busy bees buzzing around! Glad the freezes didn't kill the blooms. Due to the wonky freezes I have no volunteer plants this year! Well except for the purple edge kale that grows between the beds (nothing kills that). Didn't see my snake when I went out to look around either. Warmer day-he must be hiding somewhere else.

Ugh-Ok I am finally going to stop procrastinating and get to cleaning-at least I have laundry started :rotfl2:
nah-go for the wine:)
I have to get my peach tree taken out-it has that curled leaf disease. My apple tree has tons of blooms though-lots of busy bees buzzing around! Glad the freezes didn't kill the blooms. Due to the wonky freezes I have no volunteer plants this year! Well except for the purple edge kale that grows between the beds (nothing kills that). Didn't see my snake when I went out to look around either. Warmer day-he must be hiding somewhere else.

Ugh-Ok I am finally going to stop procrastinating and get to cleaning-at least I have laundry started :rotfl2:

Snake :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: You wouldn’t see me for dust.........we only have non murdering snakes over here apparently.......but I still don’t want to meet one.........

Too early for our apple trees yet, they bloom slightly later .......but mid August we get an abundance of plums and pears.......

I hate cleaning. Did all the bathrooms this afternoon.......then had a nap........well, it was a cold, grey, miserable rainy day.......DH fell asleep too watching tv for an hour.........not a bad way to pass an almost winter like afternoon......

Enjoy rest of your day though.........
nah-go for the wine:)
I have to get my peach tree taken out-it has that curled leaf disease. My apple tree has tons of blooms though-lots of busy bees buzzing around! Glad the freezes didn't kill the blooms. Due to the wonky freezes I have no volunteer plants this year! Well except for the purple edge kale that grows between the beds (nothing kills that). Didn't see my snake when I went out to look around either. Warmer day-he must be hiding somewhere else.

Ugh-Ok I am finally going to stop procrastinating and get to cleaning-at least I have laundry started :rotfl2:

SNAKE??? Garter, I hope? Warm day means he's probably sunning himself on a rock somewhere.
Cleaning done! So nice to have clean house. Laundry almost done. Sunny afternoon although breeze still has the cool edge to it.

Yeah-the snake mostly leaves me alone-more than once we have startled each other. Non poisonous, and really pretty non aggressive as well. The challenge we have is moles-without the snake our yard is covered in moletracks-so when you walk in the grass you just sink into the tunnel. Noticed very few tracks where chickens hang out.

Had some errands to run so waited til my 15 year old got home so she could practice driving. I am now enjoying a rather large lemon drop martini. Ah well-stopped at grocery store too so kids got to pick what they wanted for dinner.

Now-watch Captain america: civil war or jump to Thor:Ragnarok?
Chuck, glad you found Buddy and got him the help he needed.

Carole, our apple trees are still blooming but we lost one that was full of blooms and also had apples already developing, it just fell over at the base of the's still alive so I'm waiting to see if the apples fully develop before I remove it.

Janet, enjoy your cruise and let me know how it goes since we are considering the same one in the future you hire house could use a good cleaning? My vote is for Thor.

Hi Robo, Lynne, Charade and anyone else I missed :wave2:

I finally got my Pop reservation discount. I just had to upgrade to Preferred for less than I was paying for Standard...I can live with that.

Hope mac is having fun at the creek

Have a great weekend everyone :flower1:
Well, apparently a pound of cooked pasta went faster than I could see if I could have more. That and all the half of bag of cheese was empty in the trash. Only left, less than half the red sauce. Meatball sandwiches may be on tomorrow’s menu.

Snake? No thanks. I have a very good scream. Ask the kids.

Keisha, have lots of fun. Safe travel.

Yay for even better price Tink.

We have a flowering apple tree. It only flowers, no apples. We did have an apple tree that did get apples, but the darn squirrels ate most of them before they got ripe. It became diseased, so we had to cut it down.

With our 17 inches of rain this Spring, over 4 inches higher than normal, much more green is now showing. I like this time of year. Since maple, ash, and walnut tree pollen is in the air, older one is heavily medicated. He does not like the Spring.

MonyK, I would vote for Thor. Civil War was not as funny in spots.

With that, news Friday evening.

And yes, Schumi, I am a Diet Pepsi fan, but with the cool night, wine would be better.

Sigh, I would try to change the station, as this channel news is boring, as DH is watching with his eyes closed. The moment I do, he will complain.

iPad out, let’s see what I can watch.

Have a good Friday night.

I better get another late morning tomorrow.
Ta ta for now. Plopped at airport hotel that possibly has the thinnest walls ever. Getting the stink eye from the mr. What can i say, it’s clean, the price was right and includes airport shutttle, breakfast & parking for 2 weeks for under $100. Appears i’ve created a travel:snooty::p

Mac how’s the trip going? Weather cooperating?

Carole will miss u by a day, arrrgh.
Long days for me and trying to ketchup before I go to sleep

Keisha hope you have a great vacation!

Come back with a tan

Hugs to all
Vicki....hope the tree continues to strange it just fell over!! I just said yesterday our apple trees weren't blossoming yet.......wandered down there early this morning (wide awake and lovely morning) and some are starting to flower.......not sure if it`s a sign of a very beautiful and early summer.....or we`re going to get a dreadful and even earlier winter!!!! Either way loads of fruit to give to the farmer next to us........far too much for us to use.

Janet.......I know!!!! What are the chances..........have a blast........:wave2:

mac......know you`re having a great time already, but enjoy today even more :hug:

Yep, woke up early, couldn't get back to sleep. Jumped into some warm clothes, made some tea and then walked a little this morning.........just around our property, not far!!! Gorgeous morning.......well, it was at, it`s getting kinda dull and snow is supposed to be coming.......doubt it though. And sun is back up again........

Today think we going to buy the new camera DH wants.......larger and a bit heavier than the one I wanted, but apparently this one is better........I `ll take his word for it.........does get good reviews though.

Not much else today.........ironing and a little housework.......

Have a great Saturday..........:wave2:
Get on da bus Gus

Why confine the celebration to a single day? Enjoy

Still undecided if mgm or SW for concert today rebelling against the WDW machine haha going loosey goosey! Mr sez as long as we do the garden grove lobster buffet he’s all in


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