Something About Nothing ... #12


That purse sounds lovely Charade.

Enjoying coffee, gave one to little one, and will get one for older one when I see him later today. It is 42, and overcast. Gray, windy and cool. Chilly. The wind is picking up as the Artic air mass arrives tomorrow. Wind chills lowers the temp in the 20’s tomorrow. Chilly for sure.

Thirsty Thursday, drink up homies. The week is coming to an end. May all remember the veterans and their service this weekend.
I'm in full on Thanksgiving prep now only interrupted by brief escapes here & for some reason a slew of medical appointments that were scheduled ages ago. Think it's a carryover of that use up the HSA $ before it expires thing & the annual checkups followed suit.

GD coming for dinner/sleepover/hang tomorrow for Veterans Day off school. Think we'll make some cookies & freeze for holiday. Offered McDonalds, ha, she asked for her favorite, my chicken soup. Need to get cracking on that.

Yesterday laid my new area rug in LR. Naturally, had to move all the furniture out. Feeling that today lol.

Then went & picked up a 24# turkey which is thawing out already & another 4 breasts. Since we take off for MCO following Saturday, only going to make another breast & a small ham which i still need to pick up. Determined to cut back on the buffet I put out this year but still need enough for 19 hungry mouths, 20 if you count the dog :)

It's now reruns of reruns of Law and Order on tv for me tonight

Nice day in the 70's here for me

But the rain will come soon and temps will drop on the weekend

Boo Hoo .....

It's going to be a robust 18 degrees here on Saturday am.

Legally blonde. And shorter hair. Was told short hair was the fashion. Yeah, not quite that short for me, and little one was horrified. She has her hair down to her tush. Her hair is layered, but the top layer is so short, to even it out, well not one strand of hair was cut. She wants to color her hair, so I said for Christmas she could. Lady that cuts our hair said no way would she color beautifully colored natural hair. We'll see, maybe color that is not permanent. Have seen quite a few green, purple, pink, light and dark blue hair. Guess that the trend too?

Yes, it is Wednesday, and the camel reminder for all that we are half way to the week-end. Yes, over the hump, and well, Friday will be here before you know it. Hey Keisha --- Wednesday. Hope you are bundled up, hard frost for us Friday into Saturday.

No red sky this morning. Just a peak or two of blue, among the white and gray clouds.

Bacon? Yum, hope DH arose and enjoyed a lush breakfast Schumi. Enjoy your night out.

Poohs, hoping you recovered after that long day. Our polling place was not crowded. Nothing very exciting on the ballot this year. Nice to rest after haircut today. Housework can wait. Yawn indeed.

We have some brightness finally. :umbrella: The rain was cold yesterday, and heavy at times. Little over an inch so far. A shower or two is not ruled out today, but hey, just sporting 50 on the thermometer is welcome. Barely 40 and rain was not.

With that, Mac is offering to cook, and :santa: Robo is in decoration mode, and hopefully enjoying a large cup of coffee.

Me, tea of course. :drinking1 May have to have a few cups this morning. That time of year, the inside is too dry. At least the burner was turned on yesterday, seems warmer today, so hoping when the weather gets much colder, which it will soon, that heater better pump warm air. Was told to keep a blanket in my office. Yeah, like I didn't already know that. Blanket always in my office. Getting old. Sigh.

:goodvibes Enjoy today! And a big Wahoo for Pooh's countdown!! :dancer: 9 is a wonderful number. And yeah, last minute packing is the normal. :D


I'm confused, who got the haircut?

Skip the kool-aid, google the horror stories. If anything go with the OTC semi-permanent offerings but GD had that used at a salon for 2 teal highlights that grabbed her 'virgin' hair. Took 3 years to grow it out lol, faded to a funky green - yuck. Finally got her hair bobbed, couldn't stand it any longer.

Could go with a chunky peekaboo colored strip above each ear. They have clip-in extensions too, a great way to try it out, non commitment.

Definitely no to purple hair!!! I love all things purple, it’s my all time favourite colour......except, cars, bags and hair.

Todd, keep that weather decent for when we arrive in 3 weeks........:D

Murder on the Orient Express was good. Not sure Johnny Depp was right to play the character he was playing, was decent. Branagh was good, but he’s no Poirot........

The movie was beautifully filmed though.

And best of all, the cinema was practically empty......around 15 people all scattered around, so no one sitting near talkers, crunchers, slurpers, texters, rustlers, wrigglers, sniffers, coughers, whisperers or any other annoying traits that people in cinemas can have.........

Then nice meal out with friend........seafood tonight.

Early night I think.........

Dinner out - yea!

I'm happy enough to just stare at mr depp any chance i get :). Not a fan of Branagh in general. Think I'll wait for it to stream. I like Josh Gad, saw an interview, looks like he's expanding from his comedic chops, curious to see if he nailed it.
Good Thursday/Friday (yeah, still off for 4 more Fridays...woohoo) morning.

I hope you all are doing well....Squirlz, I hope you get to feeling better.

Schumi, heading out for the Orient Express tonight...wasn't thrilled to see Depp on the train (I like him, just not so much in something like this). I like a medium sized crowd in theaters...not too close, but enough to feel I am sharing an experience with others. I have seen Thor:Ragnarok twice, now...once with a good crowd and once with about 5 other people...second time was not as fun...the movie was still awesome, crown not so much.

Time to start prepping for the game tomorrow night: injury bug has struck our offensive line...largest player on the team (and left tackle) broke his hand, Sunday, and my son sprained his ankle on Monday. Still unsure if the big guy will be able to play, but they have kept my son out of drills all week and he should be mostly good tomorrow. I've been asked to run the scoreboard, which is okay, because it is supposed to finally be cold (kickoff expected to be mid-30's F)...and I will be warm.

Big, and quick moving, project was dropped on me this week, so I best get on that and stay busy today...take care.
Happy Thursday! And it's Payday because tomorrow is a bank holiday! WOOT WOOT!

Orient Express looks interesting. I, actually, don't know the story, so the "who dun it" - whether the original or new, would be a surprise to me. I'm kinda over Johnny Depp in general and Josh Gadd tends to annoy me. I'll probably wait for it to come on cable.
Did you know that 5,097,600 Indian Rupees equates to $78,423.89 USD?

That's almost the cost of a one week vacation at Walt Disney World (moderate hotel w/meal plan).

Luckily for me, in 5,097,600 seconds, I'll be at Universal Orlando!!!

Keisha, quite a haul for the gang. We only do turkey white meat. Not enough of us like the dark to buy a whole bird. Only I got my hair cut. Little one was like no way. Even hair lady telling her where the hair length is popular got a big stink eye. Yeah, I will ask if the hair lady has a not so permanent color. She did use some of my blonde color on the ends of her hair a few years ago, when that was popular. That has grown out, and last month got the layers to thin out her very fine, but thick hair. All the soccer team wears a pony tail. Hard, as all but one is blonde, so they all look alike. Had to look at cleat color, but that does not work sometimes either. Which reminds me, late fall tournaments are coming up soon, surprised little one has not asked for new cleats.

Soup for breakfast. Yeah, I am acting like little one. We had Chinese food for dinner, and most of the soup was left over. Do not mind reheating that. Was tasty too.

Watching week day shows is a guilty pleasure. Ah, loving a Federal holiday. It is that time of year, from the one in October, two in November, one in December, two in January, and one in February. It is the best 5 months of the year. Then the long wait until Spring a break, then another long wait until end of May. Ah, can you tell I still keep track of the days? Hehe.



Yep, more waiting than Keisha and Squirlz and Charade, but our countdown is counting down. Yay!
I'm in full on Thanksgiving prep now only interrupted by brief escapes here & for some reason a slew of medical appointments that were scheduled ages ago. Think it's a carryover of that use up the HSA $ before it expires thing & the annual checkups followed suit.

GD coming for dinner/sleepover/hang tomorrow for Veterans Day off school. Think we'll make some cookies & freeze for holiday. Offered McDonalds, ha, she asked for her favorite, my chicken soup. Need to get cracking on that.

Yesterday laid my new area rug in LR. Naturally, had to move all the furniture out. Feeling that today lol.

Then went & picked up a 24# turkey which is thawing out already & another 4 breasts. Since we take off for MCO following Saturday, only going to make another breast & a small ham which i still need to pick up. Determined to cut back on the buffet I put out this year but still need enough for 19 hungry mouths, 20 if you count the dog :)

It's going to be a robust 18 degrees here on Saturday am.

I'm confused, who got the haircut?

Skip the kool-aid, google the horror stories. If anything go with the OTC semi-permanent offerings but GD had that used at a salon for 2 teal highlights that grabbed her 'virgin' hair. Took 3 years to grow it out lol, faded to a funky green - yuck. Finally got her hair bobbed, couldn't stand it any longer.

Could go with a chunky peekaboo colored strip above each ear. They have clip-in extensions too, a great way to try it out, non commitment.

Dinner out - yea!

I'm happy enough to just stare at mr depp any chance i get :). Not a fan of Branagh in general. Think I'll wait for it to stream. I like Josh Gad, saw an interview, looks like he's expanding from his comedic chops, curious to see if he nailed it.

Medical checks must be the theme of everyone I’ve been talking to this week!!! Must be the time of year..........

We love turkey.........always remember my brothers and dad fighting over who got a leg! I eat anything off the turkey.......not fussy, long as it’s cooked right its all good for us! Turkey is a big hit in our house.......although it’s a Christmas Day meal for us over here traditionally........left overs for Boxing Day buffet and sandwiches!

Josh Gad did indeed “nail it”..........I like him, and actually thought he did really well in a serious role, very different direction for him.........Branagh is definitely an acquired taste..........although Albert Finney isn’t my favourite Poirot, that particular movie is my favourite version of the film......amazing actors and can watch it again and again......

Good Thursday/Friday (yeah, still off for 4 more Fridays...woohoo) morning.

I hope you all are doing well....Squirlz, I hope you get to feeling better.

Schumi, heading out for the Orient Express tonight...wasn't thrilled to see Depp on the train (I like him, just not so much in something like this). I like a medium sized crowd in theaters...not too close, but enough to feel I am sharing an experience with others. I have seen Thor:Ragnarok twice, now...once with a good crowd and once with about 5 other people...second time was not as fun...the movie was still awesome, crown not so much.

Time to start prepping for the game tomorrow night: injury bug has struck our offensive line...largest player on the team (and left tackle) broke his hand, Sunday, and my son sprained his ankle on Monday. Still unsure if the big guy will be able to play, but they have kept my son out of drills all week and he should be mostly good tomorrow. I've been asked to run the scoreboard, which is okay, because it is supposed to finally be cold (kickoff expected to be mid-30's F)...and I will be warm.

Big, and quick moving, project was dropped on me this week, so I best get on that and stay busy today...take care.

I can watch Depp in POTC movies......that’s about it. He wasn’t awful, I just see Richard Widmark in that role.....hard to see beyond him. But Depp isn’t awful, and he’s hardly in it........I’m very antisocial in’m very social usually, but watching a movie I just want to watch it without interruptions ........last film I saw before DH banned me from going was Titanic........I believe 1997!!! ::yes::

Hope your boys do better for the weekend game......and hope your son is ok! Ouch!

Well, just when I think my husband can’t get any more wonderful........he does :hug:

Quietly suggested out of the blue last night..........why don’t we go to Orlando in March for 10 nights........... were booked and paid for within 10 minutes :cheer2: :cheer2: :jumping1: :jumping1:

I can move off that sofa when I have

Managed to get Premium coming home too........and exit row extra leg room on way out.......yay!

So we have December, March, May and September in Orlando to look forward to............

party: party:party:
Woohoo Carole :yay: way to get the most out of Tom's are living the dream :cloud9:

Cold rainy day here, perfect for lounging around and catching up with everyone.

Have a great day...time for another cup of coffee :coffee:
Well, just when I think my husband can’t get any more wonderful........he does :hug:

Quietly suggested out of the blue last night..........why don’t we go to Orlando in March for 10 nights........... were booked and paid for within 10 minutes :cheer2: :cheer2: :jumping1: :jumping1:

party: party:party:

Yeah, kinda reminds of the day the wife said "you know, I think we need a bigger TV, what do you think?"...I assume she asked the last part...don't actually know, because it was hard to hear when I was halfway to the store....
Now that line up of vacation times deserves a big Wahoo! Schumi. What great times you will have.

Thanks Lynne.......he is definitely earning some extra bonus hugs this weather.........:D

Woohoo Carole :yay: way to get the most out of Tom's are living the dream :cloud9:

Cold rainy day here, perfect for lounging around and catching up with everyone.

Have a great day...time for another cup of coffee :coffee:

Thanks Vicki........yep.......we have the time so why not........very excited! My mum thinks we’ve lost the

Sounds like an ideal day for lounging around....cold but dry here today, very grey and dull. Enjoy your day off :wave2:

Our Christmas Tree has just been delivered.........we needed a new tree for our main room......this looks like it’ll be a nice fit for the room.......Will be putting it up early this year, maybe do that the last week in November before we go.......silver, white and purple theme this year........we do keep all our special Christmas ornaments as well for the tree too........can’t wait to see it all done up now!

Hope everyone is having a great Thursday..........time for coffee.........
Yeah, kinda reminds of the day the wife said "you know, I think we need a bigger TV, what do you think?"...I assume she asked the last part...don't actually know, because it was hard to hear when I was halfway to the store....

Lol.......that’s me too!!!

I’m not doing my claims of not being a shopper much credence here am I
@schumigirl I am SO jealous of your upcoming trips... ::sigh:: I will never be able to retire.. Unless I win the lottery...

I am glad Josh Gadd is good.. maybe I'll like him more when he's being serious. It's mostly his voice that grates on my nerves.
Afternoon you remember the Tag Fairy? I miss our little tags most of us had on the old board.
Well they figured out what I have...Clostridium Difficile.

So FANcy!

Sounds ITAlian!

Now I just have to hope the meds clear it up within 3 weeks.
Well they figured out what I have...Clostridium Difficile.

So FANcy!

Sounds ITAlian!

Now I just have to hope the meds clear it up within 3 weeks.

After looking up what it is, it sounds disgusting! I am so sorry for you! Hope you get that out of your system quickly! (no pun intended!!!)
Sending mummy dust that all is well before your trip Squirlz. Does not sound pleasant regardless of its fancy name.
Sending mummy dust that all is well before your trip Squirlz. Does not sound pleasant regardless of its fancy name.
After looking up what it is, it sounds disgusting! I am so sorry for you! Hope you get that out of your system quickly! (no pun intended!!!)

Sorry, should have warned y'all! They did say that 3 weeks should be plenty to get over it if all goes well.


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