Something About Nothing ... #12

Oh, he isn't here yet....daughter-in-law is only 17 weeks. They just this weekend found out what they're having. Sorry for the confusion! :-)
Chuck that stinks about the paycheck and right at the Christmas shopping prime time. At least it will be closer to your trip when they get it straight so less chance of spending it all.

Time for more coffee :coffee:

Not spend it all? HA! It's mostly going to bills anyway.
Oops, well, congratulations on now knowing it's a boy. HeHe, cute to make him Potter style, Poohs.

That stinks Chuckers, at least they are correcting the error, even if it should be much more timely.

Tink, sorry no quick trip to see the Christmas stuff, but at least you have some days off. Sometimes a stay vacation is better than none.

And so that countdown. What? so this is another Cyber Monday? Guess the prices for the real one were not as good as getting all to buy. I am pretty much done. Just have to spend my Kohl's money as it expires soon.

Yep, 21 days to Christmas Day.

Time for lunch, and a walk. the sun is out, even if I have to bundle up.

  • The atomic number of Selenium
  • The direct dial code for Spain
  • Number 34 is how the Edmund Dantes in The Count of Monte Cristo is referred during his inprisonment
  • Rule 34 is a prominent humorous rule concerning the internet. It's kinda NSFW so I am not posting it here.

34 is kinda short on trivia.. just like my time left before my vacation! 34 Days!!

Good evening everyone. I am killing time while waiting for B at a music lesson. Normally we are not here this late, but had to reschedule her lessons around dance rehearsals, school band concert, and vacation.

This morning I sent a text message to one of our clients to remind her of her appointment tomorrow. She texted back that she and her daughter were sick with a viral bug, but she could try to find a sitter tomorrow so she could come in. No way!!! I told her to please stay home if she was sick. What is wrong with people?

Chuckers - I may not be the best judge of food. Last time we were at Disney we ate at Hollywood and Vine. I thought it was really good for a buffet, but I have also seen plenty of negative reviews. Sorry about the pay issue. I had something similar happen when I worked for JC Penney.

Pooh - congrats on the grandson. I know he will look adorable in his HP clothes.

Lynne - Almost done with shopping? I have barely begun. I think I will do some while on vacation. Thankfully I don’t have many to shop for. I have no idea what to get B. She usually has a list, but not this year. She already knows about the clarinet, so I would like to get a few surprises.

Ugh, there is still 35 minutes of music left. I don’t like these late nights.
@Charade67 - Yeah, I did the Hollywood & Vine buffet and it was not the greatest food.. and I had a big problem with the dessert buffet... basically because they were letting kids run wild and touch everything without taking the desserts. I was really not happy with that buffet, but this was probably 9 years ago.. it has probably changed since then.

Maybe you can tell us how you AND your family liked the food ;)
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Hello:wave: Another quick catchup
Glad to see our travelers arrived safely and feeling better (@Squirlz -we love Sanford airport too)
Chuckers hope they get the check straightened out. Still waiting on a check for last month-first time it's been this late since I started with this company.
Congrats on the grandson Pooh!
And 'ugh" to kids lessons and sports. Swim season is upon us, although swimmer is taking a practice (and meet off) this week due to her honors bio project due date being moved up (well her deadline got moved up to turn it in for extra credit/bonus). She is also taking the pre-ACT thursday am to see if she scores high enough to qualify for some scholars camp.

Tonight was a membership mixer for my Sertoma club, tomorrow is Christmas to remember -sponsored by another sertoma club - select boys and girls from the town's Boys&Girls clubs get to come to dinner, and get presents from Santa. For these kids-the only things they will get will be from angel trees and this dinner. Our first year going one of the little guys at our table got his own basketball-for his very own that he didn't have to take turns to play. Also had a debate among the kids on whether Santa was real, and if he is real-how was he gonna take a night off to come see them before Christmas? And how was he gonna know what they wanted?
Saturday is Christmas parade and middle kid will be marching-had nice weather past few days (windows open and making christmas cookies) to snow showers friday and high of 39 I thinks.

and Mac-here is a couple of the babies-the black and white one is more recent-Diva Ellie who needed to sit still so I could send her picture to my DD.
Time for some tea or hot chocolate and bed...Unexpected day off tomorrow as the home I'd planned on going to doesn't need a visit yet (new). Maybe I can get rest of Christmas decorations up!


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Chickens! Nice. Like the name Diva Ellie. I hear ya MonyK, sports take so much time up. We are playing another soccer game this Sunday. Snow showers and high of 39, with wind chill near freezing. I am crossing my fingers you can see the field from your car. Sigh. Warmer gloves will replace the gloves in the car, with the blanket and hat still in there. May take a warmer hat too. Time to break out the warmer jacket too. I am so not ready to be in cold air. Gulf Stream, come up higher.

With that, it is now Tuesday.

Eat a taco. It's
. And a taco for Mac:

I am. It's time for tea. Not as hot, as it's one warmer day and rain and more rain. Hoping to be dry inside by the time the rain is chucking down. Will be almost 20 degrees cooler by the time dinner arrives. Sigh. I'll need more than one cup of tea.

Later homies. Have an awesome day.
Morning all...Mexican sounds good for dinner tonight. Went to a place called El Potro in Apopka a while ago...they have an all you can eat buffet along with a mariachi band who comes around to entertain. Lots of drink specials can add up to a fun evening.
Hi Peeps!


Happy Tuesday! I hope all are well today!

Mony, love the chicken pictures! Can you pet them or are they skittish around people?

Tacos do sound good for dinner tonight.. if I actually want to cook something.

The hallway in my building is about 100 degrees, my office is like 60... I think there should be a thunder cloud in my doorway.

I already want to go home... damn you Lottery for not picking my numbers and making me have to work!
Good morning. I must have been really tired last night. We got home around 9:15. DH was watching football, so I sat down in my recliner, closed my eyes, and suddenly it was 12:30. I got up, went to bed, and didn’t wake up until almost 7:15. Tonight may be another long night, but at least I can drop B off at the dance studio and then come home until she is done.

Ugh! I am getting text messages from one of our therapists. I refuse to answer them until I am actually at work.

Back later.

  • 33 is the atomic number of arsenic
  • For those of us old enough to remember, an LP (Long Playing record) was also called a 33 because it spun at 33 1/3 revolutions per minute on the record player
  • Jesus was 33 years old when he was crucified
  • According to Al-Ghazali, a very influential Muslim, the dwellers of Heaven will exist eternally in a state of being age 33
  • 33 is not only a numerical representation of "the Star of David," but also the numerical equivalent of AMEN: 1+13+5+14=33
  • Club 33 is a 'secret' club located in Disneyland's New Orleans Square
  • There are 33 racers in the Indianapolis 500
  • 33 is the direct dial prefix for France
  • A normal human spine has 33 vertebrae when the bones that form the coccyx are counted individually

I've read that Rip Ride Rocket is a spine crusher, I can't wait to find out when I am at Universal Orlando in 33 days!

Good morning. I must have been really tired last night. We got home around 9:15. DH was watching football, so I sat down in my recliner, closed my eyes, and suddenly it was 12:30. I got up, went to bed, and didn’t wake up until almost 7:15. Tonight may be another long night, but at least I can drop B off at the dance studio and then come home until she is done.

Ugh! I am getting text messages from one of our therapists. I refuse to answer them until I am actually at work.

Back later.

Ugh. I can sympathize. I have those nights.. usually once a month.. I get home from work and take an hour nap only to find out its 3:30 am and I have slept through 3 alarms. Totally screws up my day because my sleep pattern is totally thrown off.
Mony, love the chicken pictures! Can you pet them or are they skittish around people?
I have 4-the 2 pictured can be held, one other one puts up with being held (she makes soft noises that I swear are sighs-like *sigh, if you MUST touch me I will allow it) and one that IF you can catch her she will stand still (AKA the dumb chicken or Hei hei even though her actual name is Autumn).
My yellow chicken is our cuddle chicken. She is the one that sprawls out with her legs to the side when she gets comfy on a lap.

Cold here today. Must get some errands done, but my pj's are so comfy...time for another cup of caffeine I think!


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