Something About Nothing............ #14

Good Wednesday morning everyone :wave:





Goodness what a shock for you with your son, I`m so glad your sister was able to reassure you he was being well cared for and aftercare would be excellent. Best wishes to him for a swift recovery.
Thank you Carole. My little sister K is wonderful. She has always been by my bedside to make sure everything is going as planned when I have had all my surgeries. I would venture to say I would probably not be here today if not for her watchful professional eye and care. She is a wonderful Nurse and a lovely thoughtful sister and I love her dearly.

I knew when she told me to standby and let her go to his bedside and call be back I could trust her direction.

Like the pictures. Yes, we follow everything to do with anything like that, we did watch the launch and the return, always impresses us. We plan to do a few days at KSC this May, the days we went were two of the best days we`ve had, amazing place.
You will love the new Gateway: Deep Space Launch Complex Building.

Take care Robbie, and sending all good wishes to you and all your family....
Sending good wishes your way too Carole for you and your family.

Robo, sending lots of hugs your way. Scary indeed, and hope son is feeling better. Great rocket pictures. They are saying we may see a launch where I am, on Monday afternoon. I am hoping we have clear skies to see it.
Thank you Lynne. Are you going to be at Universal on Monday? If so have a great trip.

Robbie :eek::faint: you sound so calm in the face of such adversity! :worship:Probably honed in your career, however, hugs & good intentions sent your way!
Thank you Janet. I know everyone on the boards here knows it is so hard not to fall to pieces when one of your children are ill. They are your babies no matter how old they are. I was frantic not being there with him, but I’am blessed with family that are in the medical profession and when a member of the family is in the hospital we all circle our medical wagons so to speak around that person who is ill to make sure that they are getting the best, safe, good care they need.

Of course and most important of all is praying.

I hope your son who was sick is doing better. He has been in my prayers.

PS neighbor sounds like what we used to be able to call a kook :sad2:
I know. I just find it so hard to believe someone would be so rude and inconsiderate to do something like that.

Begs to be answered, if u r going to dump the doggie doo, why make the pretense of bagging it in the first place?
I know. I think what she was dropping in front of my house was actually done earlier in the day and she just did not want it in her garbage cans. The HOA rules require that we keep our garbage cans in our garage. I would surmise that even in the plastic bags that would be a unpleasant odor to let build up for a week.

My reasoning is that she basically crossed the street from her house and was walking by my home and already had the bag to drop as she started to walk her dog in the evening.

Thankfully its all over and no more bags in front of the house. Also the neighbors on both sides of me are glad it is over too as they were also on her drop zone.

Robbie…. hugs
Thank you Mac. I hope you and your family are doing well.

Your pictures are awesome!!
So glad you enjoyed them.

many thanks but I did not pass my test

but swear I will on my next one!

I’ll take my lucky rabbit foot with
Hopefully things will get better soon. Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.

Made butternut squash and sweet potato soup last night with some of the turkey stock, added a whole load of leeks, red peppers and carrots with garlic all the veg roasted off first, so that`s lunch today with a big hunk of bread, then dinner will be....I`m not quite sure yet.
As always your food sounds delicious. I had butternut squash soup last year for the first time and I loved it.

Turned the SUV in on Monday to have some work done on it. Need to pick it up today. This is the longest we have ever owned a vehicle. Hubby wanted to buy a new one year before last and last year and I did not want to get rid of our SUV. I really like it. Think we are going to have to look at that again.

We lucked out that the problem was still covered under the warranty. This is not the best time to purchase a new car here in the US with all the issues with chips for the cars. Not a lot of inventory to choose from although when I dropped the car off for repair he said they could build one to our specifications and have it in 3 1/2 months.

It’s seems that back in the day things ie..Appliances, Cars etc..were built to last forever….. not anymore. Things seem to go wrong not long before the warranty is close to being up are soon after the warranty is over.

Will see how things go.

My fellow Rockit Sista‘s and I watched another SpaceX ship go up form my backyard this morning. More satellites going up.

Here are a some photos from the launch from SpaceX.







I will add some photos of what it looks like from my phone.

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone doing whatever it is that makes you happy.
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Robbie, cars are still a nightmare over here too. We ordered this car last August as we only keep cars 3 years, and we are lucky to get this one as other manufacturers are still quoting a year and then some. Mercedes aren`t even taking orders yet for some models. Crazy and who knows when things will fully recover.

We sold our Porsche so easily as dealerships are crying out for second hand cars, we were thrilled as we had folks wanting to buy it privately too, it was and is a sellers market. We never buy second hand cars, so we just had to wait on the manufacturers timeline.

You`ll find something when the time is right, and continued good wishes for your boy, yes, they never stop being our kids regardless of age!

Bedrooms and all the upstairs all dusted and vacuumed after the guys ripped our bedroom to bits, but I keep telling myself it`ll be worth it!!

Made a fish pie for dinner tonight, most folks put eggs in there too, not me, I just add more fish! Should be nice, made the sauce this afternoon, just need to add the topping and then into the oven it goes, will serve it with a little side of baby carrots, just enough.

No frost or snow so far but jeez aloo, it is perishingly cold out there, wind is coming straight in from the sea! Cold, but the sky does look like it`s going to snow.

Decorator has just dropped over to bring us some colour charts, need to get those picked so he can order the paint before next week. So many choices......feel like a complete change in our room and master bathroom. We`ll see.
Robbie, no not at Universal yet. Saying launch should be seen where I live, as launch is in Virginia on Monday. Depending on the clearness of the sky, I’ll be looking for it.

Ack, a lunchtime meeting. Hate eating while in a screen. Told little one to make me some coffee. Need that stronger caffeine right now. LoL
Hey all, think i was remiss on MLK day reporting on GD’s competition. Wanted to share the pic as the Lake Erie lighthouse is in the background. Interesting, newer sort. They have another, smaller one on Presque Isle there.

She was 2nd overall this time. We leave for State College meet tomorrow, mr & I taking her as such a quick turn around from last outing. Funny, as we were getting ready to leave the state competition there in march of 2020…then covid shut everything down. Nice to see the wheels of life moving on, finally.

The mr ’twisted my arm’ to point where I cried Uncle and booked a 4 day anniversary trip to WDW early February. :banana:So funny, every time I’d walk into the LR I’d catch him watching a different disney park video. I’d like to thank Spirit airlines for having ridiculously tempting fares:worship:

I’am blessed with family that are in the medical profession and when a member of the family is in the hospital we all circle our medical wagons so to speak around that person who is ill to make sure that they are getting the best, safe, good care they need.
I’m getting a charming visual from that. Yes, you are indeed fortunate there. Still, worrisome for you, hang in there.
Thankfully its all over and no more bags in front of the house. Also the neighbors on both sides of me are glad it is over too as they were also on her drop zone.
It’s mind boggling lol. most people realize, with the proliferation of ring cameras, you can’t scratch ur rear without somebody recording it. Found it interesting with the murders in Utah they caught the accused car on it
Photos from my backyard.
Wow, that is really up close & personal
Made a fish pie for dinner tonight,
Seriously, I didn’t know that was a thing. Closest thing i make now & again is tuna casserole lol. now I’m thinking of the eel pie (my fav window @ HP :)).
Saying launch should be seen where I live, as launch is in Virginia on Monday. Depending on the clearness of the sky, I’ll be looking for it.
again, no idea they had launches in VA either. A rocket?
I ♥️ the smell of coffee
Eau de coffee! Look what they sell on amazon lol
fresh brewed coffee always smells so good, too bad it often tastes like dish water
Yay, even for second place, to be proud of how well she does, Keisha. Great picture, by the way.

I’m ready to put my donkey to bed.

Hehe, we are leaving the day Universal starts its MG festival. Oh well. At least we may get to enjoy some of the food from the carts and tribute store fun. If you are around before we leave, maybe we can say hi to ya Keisha. And yeah, going to be gone on the day of my anniversary. Eh, since it is on a week day, we will celebrate when we get home that weekend. 31 years this year, so we can certainly wait to celebrate for sure. LoL.
Hey all, think i was remiss on MLK day reporting on GD’s competition. Wanted to share the pic as the Lake Erie lighthouse is in the background. Interesting, newer sort. They have another, smaller one on Presque Isle there.

She was 2nd overall this time. We leave for State College meet tomorrow, mr & I taking her as such a quick turn around from last outing. Funny, as we were getting ready to leave the state competition there in march of 2020…then covid shut everything down. Nice to see the wheels of life moving on, finally.

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The mr ’twisted my arm’ to point where I cried Uncle and booked a 4 day anniversary trip to WDW early February. :banana:So funny, every time I’d walk into the LR I’d catch him watching a different disney park video. I’d like to thank Spirit airlines for having ridiculously tempting fares:worship:

I’m getting a charming visual from that. Yes, you are indeed fortunate there. Still, worrisome for you, hang in there.

It’s mind boggling lol. most people realize, with the proliferation of ring cameras, you can’t scratch ur rear without somebody recording it. Found it interesting with the murders in Utah they caught the accused car on it

Wow, that is really up close & personal

Seriously, I didn’t know that was a thing. Closest thing i make now & again is tuna casserole lol. now I’m thinking of the eel pie (my fav window @ HP :)).

again, no idea they had launches in VA either. A rocket?

Eau de coffee! Look what they sell on amazon lol
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fresh brewed coffee always smells so good, too bad it often tastes like dish water

Huge congratulations to your lovely GD Keisha...she really is a superstar in everything she does!! Love the lighthouse too.....we don`t have modern ones here, all very traditional in style.

I knew you`d book......congratulations!!!! And always good to celebrate an anniversary...I know most don`t over the years, but I know you and your mister always have too, quite right to get away with your lovely husband!! And glad you got some good flights such thing over here as good flight prices!!

Fish pie sounds quite common, but it`s beautiful and tastes quite indulgent. Not to be confused with slop some folks serve. You have to make the sauce, from a roux, quite thick or it can go watery, but mine never has thankfully. And if anyone says fish stinks, if your fish smells "fishy" you`ve bought bad fish!! Fish should smell of the sea and fresh. And a light creamy mash on top, it is lovely.

Oh no....tuna is not for me at all and those eels are don`t even look in that window :rotfl:

This is what it can look like. Salmon, cod, monkfish, haddock, some use smoked haddock, I don`t, and shrimp all encased in a rich sauce using the milk you poach the fish in, barely poached though.


There`s a 60 foot rocket taking off from Wallops in VA Jan 23rd,weather permitting it should be seen all down the East Coast. It`s only deploying radio frequency monitoring satellites for a VA based company.

Forgot to mention, I said to mum you had seen Ardross Castle on tv, she remembers it well and laughed as my dad was apparently nearly banned from it, well she thinks it was Ardross. Seems he told the guide he was wrong on something, my dad was good with historical info, the guide naturally took offence.....turns out my dad was, mum was mortified!!

Hope you have a fabulous trip today and I`m sure the little one will shine!!!

Keisha, your granddaughter was robbed …
She should have been given first place overall.

She is so cute and still say she favors you.

She does favour Keisha!!

mac, I sent you another email last night and it bounced your email ok...or it could be mine of course. Technology!!!!

Aw, that’s sweet of you. The competition is pretty fierce at that level. I’m just happy she enjoys it and puts forth her best effort.

I think she has a wonderful "can do" attitude with sports and anything she does, it`s lovely to see a child so enthusiastic for everything she turns her attention to. Good luck!!

Another cold one here, but still no frost or snow....thank goodness!!! Sky is still coming in from the East, so a little baltic right now!

It`s weird sleeping in a room where the walls are all completely bare where they didn`t used to be. But, it`s not for long. Biggest decision now is colours for the wall, going to have a feature wall again and decided on carpet finally, so today we`ll go and get it ordered. Will miss my wooden floor a little, but carpet is softer in the bedroom.

But, grocery shopping first, then carpet store after lunch. New drapes and bedding will follow.

Avocado on toast again for breakfast, lunch will be roast beef, tomato and mustard sandwiches and dinner will be turkey as I`m cooking the one we kept from Christmas, house will smell like Christmas again! That`ll do us a couple of days and will give some up to the farmhouse.

Thirsty Thursday again!!




Happy Thursday!!!​
No r letter days, but we have that rainy Thursday, so I guess fitting Mother Nature Thirsty Thursday for us.

Was raining as commuted. Fast enough, was a bit foggy too. Heavy rain to fall in the afternoon. Umbrella at the ready. Was light enough rain when came in, didn’t need it. Hoping I’m in a gap of the rain showers to come this afternoon. Should be outta here by the end of the day, with our Fabulous Friday, a bit of a bad hair day, with 30 mph winds, but will be dry, even if clouds remain. Most of next week in degree highs in the 40’s. Yay, not bad for this time of year.

And so, this ever early bird checking in. T plus 10 I think the countdown is. Getting a little excited. Hehe, and since we are going on a weekend, took that Friday off. Starting that week of lazy with a bonus three day weekend. Woot! Yay for Keisha getting good airfare, and a yay for anniversary trip!

Good morning all.
Wow…….no one here today!

Everyone must be so busy……

We chose our bedroom and one of the spare bedroom carpets today, it was easy in the end. Then looked at the paint charts and chose a duck egg colour for our room, deeper grey for the master bathroom and I forget which colour for the other room we‘re doing. But, easy choice in the end.

Cooked our turkey this afternoon, I was thinking of @disneyseniors as I covered it in a load of butter and streaky bacon. We enjoyed it tonight and will have it again tomorrow, will also make stock from the carcass for future home made soups.

And we had snow this afternoon, didn’t lie on the ground, but tonight is perishingly cold with frost everywhere. Going to be a very cold night out there!

Not sure of any plans for tomorrow, but Saturday night Tom thinks we are going to a party for one of my closest friends vegan sister……she is not fun. But, I’m planning a quiet romantic night, candles, and Thai food delivered then a movie. He’ll be thrilled we won’t be eating vegan food and cake……bleurgh…..will tell him tomorrow we’re really not going.

Having a glass of wine and watching House of Cards right now…….:)
Definite echo chamber right now........

Good Friday morning........

Well, the frost has gone, now it`s just cold outside. Still have no plans for today yet, we`ll see what the day brings, I would like to go out a walk if we can, but it`s still so cold and it might rain later.

Boring morning of some housework, home made butternut squash soup for lunch, turkey of course for dinner.

Quiet days are nice of course. Hopefully once this cold weather passes we`ll be out more and get back together with friends again, everyone is hibernating right now, we`re the same though through the cold. But, spring is just around the corner.

Hope Keisha is having a lovely time with her mister and GD.




Happy Friday........ 🥂

Yep, a most fabulous Friday wished for all. A good morning to all too. Schumi always nice to have a quiet day, and the cold weather you have been having.

Happy it’s a Friday, and that rain and fog have not left yet. But saying may see the sun today, so hoping that’s during my lunchtime walk. And will have hair tied up. Saying very windy this afternoon. Ooh. BHD alert issued. Hehe, bad hair day with that very windy weather forecast.

Tea time. Well refill cup time.
A quick hello as I am taking a lunch/study break. This week has been crazy. That shingles vaccine really knocked me out. I got almost all of the standard symptoms - sore arm (really sore), headache, fatigue, and low grade fever. I am finally starting to feel better today. Work has been busy. It’s as if everyone suddenly decided that this was the week they needed to start taking care of their mental health. I’ve been dealing with potential new clients, old clients wanting to return, and referrals form other offices. The new semester also started this week.
On the positive side, I just got myself a new pair of Skechers sneakers for our upcoming vacation. I need to get them broken in.

I’m going to throw dinner into the crockpot and then get back to studying. Hope everyone is doing well.
Ack Charade, not so fun side effects from that vaccine, and glad you are feeling better today. Busy sometimes makes the day go fast. It is a little earlier end of day for me. Been more quiet for me.

Lunchtime walk was still drizzling rain and windy. Almost chilly feeling with the wind.
Good morning homies!

Good afternoon mac……..I’m late for good morning!

A quick hello as I am taking a lunch/study break. This week has been crazy. That shingles vaccine really knocked me out. I got almost all of the standard symptoms - sore arm (really sore), headache, fatigue, and low grade fever. I am finally starting to feel better today. Work has been busy. It’s as if everyone suddenly decided that this was the week they needed to start taking care of their mental health. I’ve been dealing with potential new clients, old clients wanting to return, and referrals from other offices. The new semester also started this week.
On the positive side, I just got myself a new pair of Skechers sneakers for our upcoming vacation. I need to get them broken in.

I’m going to throw dinner into the crockpot and then get back to studying. Hope everyone is doing well.

Glad you’re doing better Charade, yes, some of those vaccines can take a time to get over.

We had a nice morning weather wise, even got out a walk, but it was cold even with the sunshine. This afternoon the rain pelted down, but, it’s better than snow or ice.

Turkey is all finished, all that remains along with its bones are in my stockpot simmering away, we are both sitting on the kitchen sofas breathing in the aroma, it is gorgeous….and we’ve already eaten! Tom popped over to the farm with a load of slices and a leg for them, he came back with an apple pie……so we have dessert. That will go nicely with a pot of tea I’m going to make in a few minutes.

Quiet night ahead for us, might see if there‘s a movie we fancy watching.

There‘s something nice about a Friday night, even though I am blissfully retired, it’s always a good feeling!
charade you are a lot braver than me in getting the shingles vaccine
Not a fan of shots at all but did the 4 vaccinations for covid.

schumi… just saw your post
I’ll be over in ten minutes to help you eat that turkey!


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