Something About Nothing............ #14

Hi everyone. I forgot to post yesterday and y’all have been chatty today.
I had an expensive day today. I put 4 new tires on my car. It was time. I still had the original tires on my car.
Dh got his crown replaced, and since he didn’t get to take his trip he decided to go to the movies instead. He saw the Barbie movie. I was surprised. He said he was the only male in the theater.

My countdown is 2 weeks!
Almost here. I’m sorry we will miss seeing each other this year.

little one decided to come with me in late September.
Nice that she gets to join you.

ive just been hearing about the dust up at Dis. Do you think it’s a possibility the boards will shut down?
I’ve missed something. What’s going on?

Aw that’s a shame. Mine were at the point popping out so often, dentist told me to use poligrip. Surprimgky, it’s saved the day when away traveling. Pretty much would hold it in all day
Our dentist has suggested that he wear a mouth guard when he sleeps. Apparently he grinds his teeth and that is causing wear on the crowns.

Tom said I scared the living daylights out of him last night, around 2.30am I sat upright in bed and looked towards the bedroom door which we can`t see from the bed as it`s round a corner for want of a better description and said no, you can`t come in here stay in the dining room!!!
Dh did something similar once. He was pointing at the closet and shouting “bang”. He was trying to shoot someone in his dream. I laugh about it now, but at the time it really scared me.

Tomorrow the husband wants me to show him the parking for our bank. 2 branches merged to a new location. Our branch was so convenient and could park right in front. The new place is further down the road in the ground floor of a new high rise development.
How annoying. I rarely ever go to the bank anymore. I think the last time was when I switched the account for my direct deposit.

Ack, Charade. Oh well, maybe DH can reschedule. Hope B is enjoying her new job.
So far it’s going well. Today she was trained on the closing procedures.

my stomach took a bit of turn when out. If it doesn’t settle down, may be sending them for takeout & I’ll just drink tea.
Hope you are feeling better now.

I think I will spend the rest of the evening watching mindless TV and working on my latest stitching project.
It's that Friday dance feeling :cool1: and a holiday weekend to boot!!!!!

I am not sure what is in the plans for the weekend - but - the weather looks to be perfect! Our week was taken up with the arrival of appliances - so we didn't plan anything for the weekend. Maybe some fishing will happen - I would be ok with that. Along with maybe take in a movie and stay close to the home quarters.

We will probably stick close to home. Word between siblings is the dh's dad ( FIL ) purchased a new RV and they have found out it that there was some damage done while transporting it here - and that wasn't disclosed upon purchasing. So dh will help out his dad if he gets the phone call from his dad - to help sort out what needs to be done. There is a reason why I DISPISE salesmen. There is a special place in hell for all of them. Rant over!

It's great your youngest is joining you. Hopefully you find a price drop.

That's not a bad price!!!! I remember our trip in 21 - our rental for 10 days cost more than our hotel bill for 10 days :rolleyes2

That sounds delicious! I love cucumbers!!!!

Well, I should go find some papers to shred. Not much else to do today.

Haahahahaha I thought I had posted this...but I didn't so I'm adding

It is always sad. We are still light out at 9:00 the time I go to bed at 10:30 it's darker again. And for reference we are around the 55th parallel. My brother-in-law lives above the 60th parallel. Now there the sun barely dips below the horizon and is back up again. When we would go to the bar in summer and come out at closing - it was daylight. It's a very weird things to experience.

Alright...almost time to go home - have a great evening everyone!!!!

Hope as a family you can get your FiL RV sorted out, no excuse for that.

That is the best price we`ve had for a long time with rental vehicles, it`s very rare we go under $1,500, usually more, so this feels like a

Quiet weekend sounds good! We never visited Iceland to see the land of the midnight sun which is quite something to experience we`ve been told, seeing it bright at midnight isn`t quite right!! The hotels all have very good blackout blinds there. So I know what you`re talking about, very odd.

Where do you come up with all the funny captions?
I get a big a big kick out of them !

I am still smiling over the one listed above on your “good night” post above

lol.....thank you! My girlfriends and I all share them often, some are very appropriate at times and some are just funny! Janet found some very good ones this week!

Hi everyone. I forgot to post yesterday and y’all have been chatty today.
I had an expensive day today. I put 4 new tires on my car. It was time. I still had the original tires on my car.
Dh got his crown replaced, and since he didn’t get to take his trip he decided to go to the movies instead. He saw the Barbie movie. I was surprised. He said he was the only male in the theater.

Almost here. I’m sorry we will miss seeing each other this year.

Nice that she gets to join you.

I’ve missed something. What’s going on?

Our dentist has suggested that he wear a mouth guard when he sleeps. Apparently he grinds his teeth and that is causing wear on the crowns.

Dh did something similar once. He was pointing at the closet and shouting “bang”. He was trying to shoot someone in his dream. I laugh about it now, but at the time it really scared me.

How annoying. I rarely ever go to the bank anymore. I think the last time was when I switched the account for my direct deposit.

So far it’s going well. Today she was trained on the closing procedures.

Hope you are feeling better now.

I think I will spend the rest of the evening watching mindless TV and working on my latest stitching project.

One of my goddaughters took her fiancee to see Barbie, there were 3 men in the cinema which was

Ouch, tyres are not cheap!!

Yes, it is quite alarming when your other half does something like that, or so I`m told!! Tom never does anything like that thankfully.

I just figured it out. The story is on my Facebook newsfeed.

It`s quite a mess of a story for sure! And very sad for the victims.

And (I think I`m right here) Robbie`s husband has a birthday today......hope he has a lovely day and enjoys some more family time!!!


It was dry when I woke up earlier, but now rain is bouncing down again! I don`t think we`ll ever get our lawns mown at this rate! And maybe a little happy we have nothing to do today that involves going out anywhere, although I think Tom is nipping into the village for me, I need some yeast to make bread, I never run out but I have today, won`t take him long.

And we have had our first storm of the season named, crazy, we used to just call it bad weather! But Storm Antoni is arriving this weekend......nothing like Hurricane warnings in the US, I can see why they name them.

Yep, bacon for breakfast, smallish charcuterie for lunch and doing a shrimp cocktail salad for dinner, just larger than an appetiser and making it with cocktail sauce we have over here which is mayo or salad cream based, not the red tomato based one we get in the US. Lush!! And will serve that with the bread I`m making today, if there`s any left from lunch......rosemary, garlic and chive bread.

Baking will take up most of the morning which on a miserable day like today is a perfect thing to do. And catch up with some phone calls later this afternoon, one to my cousin in LI.

But, Saturday again, just another day for us, but still always enjoy that weekend feeling!!

And time for another pot of tea......maybe I shouldn`t get up so early, but habits are hard to change!





Happy Saturday :cheer2:

Happy Birthday to Robbie’s husband!

Charade hope you found a decent deal on tires. We get ours from Costco. I had a sleep walking incident once in Hawaii on a girls trip. We were in a race (outrigger). Apparently I got up in middle of the night and headed into the kitchen! One of the ladies had the living room pullout. She asked me what I was doing. Apparently I answered chips! Then got one chip and headed back to bed.

Schumi no wife of rain here. We are so dry and have stage 2 drought restrictions starting today we’re down to no lawn watering. Before it was once a week. All our lawns are brown. We can hand water flowers, schrubs, veg etc. Our gardener popped by on Wednesday and had a look, said nothing to cut and will come back in 2 weeks to look.
Happy Birthday to Robbie’s husband!

Charade hope you found a decent deal on tires. We get ours from Costco. I had a sleep walking incident once in Hawaii on a girls trip. We were in a race (outrigger). Apparently I got up in middle of the night and headed into the kitchen! One of the ladies had the living room pullout. She asked me what I was doing. Apparently I answered chips! Then got one chip and headed back to bed.

Schumi no wife of rain here. We are so dry and have stage 2 drought restrictions starting today we’re down to no lawn watering. Before it was once a week. All our lawns are brown. We can hand water flowers, schrubs, veg etc. Our gardener popped by on Wednesday and had a look, said nothing to cut and will come back in 2 weeks to look.

We are the opposite, our garden is soaked, but everything is incredibly green, moreso than normal. Our gardener as I have previously mentioned is frustrated as our lawns need doing badly.

I went out to pick some rosemary and the ground really is soaking wet.

Good that I read up on bd
sending birthday wishes for Robbie’s main squeeze

It`s easy to miss some birthdays, this month and next are so busy for me!! But, I`m sure I have the right date.

Rain has stopped being torrential, now it`s intermittent. But, this morning it was something very Florida like again. So, I baked bread, what else to do on a rainy cold saturday.

Before and after.....rosemary, chive and garlic bread, it is lovely.

We have to order that Balsamic vinegar online as no one stocks it close by us, it`s a chilli one, so very spicy, but for dipping my bread it`s perfect.



And white chocolate and strawberry cheesecake. Lush.


Decided to order in pizza for tonight, don`t feel like cooking after such a lazy day and it has been lazy.

Tom and I are now doing a POTC marathon......nothing like Capt Jack Sparrow 🥰 ......and prosecco!!! Cosy afternoon in the tv room. About to watch the second one, will order pizza when this one is finished.

Perfect Saturday afternoon with the mister.
@Lynne yes nothing like those torrential Florida downpours. When my mom was living in her condo in S. Fla we got caught in one and I had to park in outside guest parking. Got upstairs and had to change, I was soaked to the skin.

@schumi Nothing wrong with cheesecake for lunch!

@keishashadow the fresh from garden cukes are so good. I’ve been making the sour cream, vinegar and dill dressing. I was going to make it tonight until my husband reminded me 2 of our guests hate cukes :rolleyes: I still may make one for the other 3 of us, and it’s always better second day anyway.
Yes sad stuff going on in the company. I didn’t go all the way down the rabbit hole but wondered with cash problem if they can afford to keep Dis going. Apparently there was a 900k credit card bill. I hope so. It would be a big loss. When I first started going to WDW there was Passporter Boards. It was very sad when they shut down.

@Pumpkin1172 Thats terrible about the RV. I hope it gets resolved.

@schumigirl just heard mention of your coleslaw. What to you use for dressing? Maybe I’ll do coleslaw instead of cuke salad tonight. Everyone seems to like my coleslaw. I do one with chopped apples in it. 6 for dinner tonight. We’re bbqing burgers. Picked up corn on the cob yesterday. Have to figure out sides. Key Lime pie for dessert. It will be a lovely night to enjoy the patio. Eating outside.
@Lynne yes nothing like those torrential Florida downpours. When my mom was living in her condo in S. Fla we got caught in one and I had to park in outside guest parking. Got upstairs and had to change, I was soaked to the skin.

@schumi Nothing wrong with cheesecake for lunch!

@keishashadow the fresh from garden cukes are so good. I’ve been making the sour cream, vinegar and dill dressing. I was going to make it tonight until my husband reminded me 2 of our guests hate cukes :rolleyes: I still may make one for the other 3 of us, and it’s always better second day anyway.
Yes sad stuff going on in the company. I didn’t go all the way down the rabbit hole but wondered with cash problem if they can afford to keep Dis going. Apparently there was a 900k credit card bill. I hope so. It would be a big loss. When I first started going to WDW there was Passporter Boards. It was very sad when they shut down.

@Pumpkin1172 Thats terrible about the RV. I hope it gets resolved.

@schumigirl just heard mention of your coleslaw. What to you use for dressing? Maybe I’ll do coleslaw instead of cuke salad tonight. Everyone seems to like my coleslaw. I do one with chopped apples in it. 6 for dinner tonight. We’re bbqing burgers. Picked up corn on the cob yesterday. Have to figure out sides. Key Lime pie for dessert. It will be a lovely night to enjoy the patio. Eating outside.

It varies what I make it with, sometimes it`s mayo and sour cream mixed as I don`t really like may, but coleslaw really does have to be creamy. I add jalapeno, chives and dried cranberried chopped, sometimes I make a coronations style one with curry seasonings and sultanas or dried apricots. We love sweet and spicy together, add fruit it`s even better.

Other times it`s mayo, apple cider vinegar and various other ingredients, it just depends what I feel like. But, it`s always popular with everyone!

Yup, cheesecake was delicious.

Pizza was nice, garlic dip was very garlicky!!! I can see someone being sent to one of the spare rooms tonight as he seems to hold on to garlic!

I have some caramel ice cream for dessert, then bottle of South African Chenin Blanc and then the next POTC movie.....

At least the rain has finally stopped! It was a monsoon here earlier. Mild though.

Nice Saturday evening for me and my mister!!

Wow.....quiet night last night here......hope everyone was out having fun unlike me who was in watching a movie with my husband!!!!

So, heading off soon to watch Kyle in a race today, he`s doing a 10K with several of his running club, we went to watch it last year and it was a gorgeous day, not so much today, but hopefully it`ll brighten up later, sun is out but very cloudy. All the runners meet in one area so we`ll find him before we head to the start line, hopefully we`ll get to roughly the same area as last year. I forget how many runners there were last year but it was a lot.

Early breakfast of rolls with bacon and maybe one pot of tea, not sure if we`ll be back in time for lunch if not we`ll grab a snack in the place where the race is or stop off somewhere.

And plan to make spicy chicken thighs for dinner with some cous cous and salad.

Then a Sunday night watching the next POTC movie. It`s been a good weekend so far!





Have a wonderful Sunday :p
Quick early morning post. I need to get ready for church. The members of my Bible study group alternate bringing breakfast items each week and today is our turn. I just ordered some bagels and cream cheese from Panera.

Ouch, tyres are not cheap!!
No, but fortunately we just received a refund from the university that was just $5 less than what I spent on tires.

Charade hope you found a decent deal on tires.
I think I did. The shop I went to is owned by the father of one of my neighbors. Another neighbor needed tires too and went to the same place.

And white chocolate and strawberry cheesecake. Lush.
Looks yummy.

So, heading off soon to watch Kyle in a race today,
Good luck to him. Hope he does well.

Belated birthday wishes to Mr. Robo.
This is what happens when you send your better half to Sams Club to grab the bread you forgot the day beforehand

at least he asked before he whipped out the CC. I kindly reminded him we are at our max storage for life size animatronics lol

:banana::dance3:I’m dancing as done with the two week process of booking our annual 4th of July trip with GD reservation for an AKV stay. A convoluted process in the studio category of booking one day at a time, then picking up what others have cancelled each day going forward. A process called ”walking a reservation”. Wish they’d outlaw the process as far too many hours wasted, daily. Talk about hoops.:crazy:

happy birthday to Robbie’s mr! we know she is a hostess with the mostess, sure there was a lovely celebration!

the dh's dad ( FIL ) purchased a new RV and they have found out it that there was some damage done while transporting it here - and that wasn't disclosed upon purchasing. So dh will help out his dad if he gets the phone call from his dad - to help sort out what needs to be done. There is a reason why I DISPISE salesmen. There is a special place in hell for all of them. Rant over
I won’t take that personally :p, still have my realtor license. I feel your pain. Should be cut & dried via the contract to deliver the goods in proper condition, wouldn’t expect any issue at all there.:confused3 I
Our dentist has suggested that he wear a mouth guard when he sleeps
If he’s never worn one for sports, suggest he pick up a cheap one you mold via boiling water to see if he can tolerate it before spending big bucks on “a real one”.

I tried multiple ones, from the basic to the custom mold sort. unfortunately, have a small mouth (yep, hard to believe, ain’t it? :rotfl:). Made it difficult/impossible to get one fitted to point it doesn’t interfere with overall breathing process. Doesn’t help I’m more than a bit claustrophobic.
That is the best price we`ve had for a long time with rental vehicles, it`s very rare we go under $1,500, usually more, so this feels like a
nice to catch a break
She asked me what I was doing. Apparently I answered chips! Then got one chip and headed back to bed.
Makes perfect sense to me. chips are a powerful motivator lol
And white chocolate and strawberry cheesecake. Lush.
did a double take, those pics are worthy of a food stylist in a magazine.
I’ve been making the sour cream, vinegar and dill dressing
My mr won’t touch them in anything “white”. I just got him to finally eat a light swipe of mayo on hoagies.
I’ll raise you two

Other times it`s mayo, apple cider vinegar and various other ingredients, it just depends what I feel like. But, it`s always popular with everyone!
as the garden is currently exploding cucumbers, was emboldened to try a variety that used fish sauce last week. Just a bit of that goes a long way lol. It was ok, wouldn’t make it again.
So, heading off soon to watch Kyle in a race today, he`s doing a 10K with several of his running club, we went to watch it last year and it was a gorgeous day, not so much today, but hopefully it`ll brighten up later, sun is out but very cloudy. All the runners meet in one area so we`ll find him before we head to the start line, hopefully we`ll get to roughly the same area as last year. I forget how many runners there were last year but it was a lot.
Have fun. We declined to be spectators at my girls’ race today

#1 it started way too early to make an hour drive there

#2 ran thru what I consider a dicey area:rolleyes1 that has yet to be fully gentrified No matter what the millennials insist.

good sunday vibes to all, no matter where you roam.
Good Sunday morning everyone :wave:





Those are some awesome finds.
I do have the ability to sniff out Halloween Decorations pretty well. Not sure if that is a good thing as then I’am tempted to buy more and I don‘t need them.

Robo gets new washer! What type did you get? Love Lowes. Got our dishwasher from them. Great service.
It is a Maytag.

You may be on to something there

I still think they may have reduced both day tours & public RIPs. Intent to steer people to buy the private tours.

Of course I’m big on conspiracy theories lol
LOL….I’am really surprised to say the least to find that Tours are selling out so early even with price increases. I think this will be a bang up year for Universal.

My countdown is 2 weeks! Started sorting thru clothes to decide what I’m taking. Pre-ordered my meal on flight. Going to make my pre trip mani-pedi! Lynne looking forward to meeting up with you! We should start thinking of lunch plans?
Always nice to start your countdown for your trip. Definitely something to look forward.

I hope your healing is progressing and you are doing well.

now. But yay, little one decided to come with me in late September.
That will be nice for you to have your daughter along with you for HHN.

Meeting the friend who txt earlier for a special farmers market in a town a little way from us tomorrow, said we`ll pick her up and drive her there as she fancied going. Will try not to buy too much!!! So many lovely stalls to wander through.
It is always fun to have a day out at the farmers market just looking around.

Yes I agree that Robo is on to something.

I am trying to cross my T’s and dot my I’s
Never hurts to be prepared so you can enjoy your trip fully.

Hope you are doing well and your brothers estate gets settled. Sounds like a lot of paperwork.

The dis will continue.
I will be the first to post if the sky will be falling in.
I didn’t know anything about what was going on.

As I can`t wear really nice high heels anymore, kitchen equipment and accessories are my splurge!!! Love a good rumble round stores like Williams & Sonoma, Tom is very grateful we`re limited with weight in our luggage. 50lbs for each suitcase x4 sounds a lot, but sadly it`s not enough for some of those
I have not been able to wear heels for years. They do look nice for sure.

Your right the Willams & Sonoma at Mall at Millenia is a beautiful store with tempting cookware and dinnerware. I more times then not usually come out of there with a little something.

We made some cheesecakes which she loves so that passed some time and then she spotted a huge box where we keep our "real" pictures. She had a blast going through some of them and loved the pictures of me with my "eighties" hair......she asked what happened to my hair!!!
Those little ones are so cute. It is wonderful to be reminded of the what the world looks like through their innocent eyes. They are so fun with the comments they make.
Glad you were able to spend time with her. I’am sure she looks forward to spending time with you.

Turned out a lovely some washing out on the line and dried in no time, forgot to call the salon to make a hair appointment for next week sometime, just fancy a pampering session, cut and blow dry and a nice chat with my stylist. It`s only around 45 minutes of an appointment, so maybe not a pampering, but nice enough.
It is so nice to look forward to a foo foo day. A little pampering is wonderful. Enjoy your salon day.

think it was combo of sun, humidity and fact I piloted the truck home, rarely get behind it’s wheel…it often tends to make me a bit car-sick when I’m driving it for some reason.:confused3
Hope you are feeling better.

We will probably stick close to home. Word between siblings is the dh's dad ( FIL ) purchased a new RV and they have found out it that there was some damage done while transporting it here - and that wasn't disclosed upon purchasing. So dh will help out his dad if he gets the phone call from his dad - to help sort out what needs to be done. There is a reason why I DISPISE salesmen. There is a special place in hell for all of them. Rant over!
We were just talking about RV’s yesterday evening after dinner. Our son and Daughter-in-law are doing lots of research into RV’s. They want to purchase one at some point. Kinda of like purchasing a house.

I hope your hubby is able to help his dad get things taken care of with his new RV.

I agree some salesman can be unscrupulous.

I saw a youtube video of a couple who received delivery of an opulent quarter of a million dollar RV that was their dream home on wheels. The floors were sagging and many other issues. Those are major structural issues and it had to be taken back to Elkhart Indiana were it was made for fixing.

I had an expensive day today. I put 4 new tires on my car. It was time. I still had the original tires on my car.
Dh got his crown replaced,
Those days do happen sometimes for sure. It can make a major hit to the wallet.

And (I think I`m right here) Robbie`s husband has a birthday today......hope he has a lovely day and enjoys some more family time!!!
You are right, It was hubby’s birthday yesterday. Thank your for remembering Carole. He had a wonderful day.

And we have had our first storm of the season named, crazy, we used to just call it bad weather! But Storm Antoni is arriving this weekend......nothing like Hurricane warnings in the US, I can see why they name them.
LOL…..they are pretty enamored with naming our hurricanes as you know. I think just the saying hurricane is sufficient.

Happy Birthday to Robbie’s husband!
Thank you Sue. I hope your hubby is doing well and is fully recovered now.

Good that I read up on bd
sending birthday wishes for Robbie’s main squeeze
Thank you Mac.

We have to order that Balsamic vinegar online as no one stocks it close by us, it`s a chilli one, so very spicy, but for dipping my bread it`s perfect.
Your bread looks yummy.

And white chocolate and strawberry cheesecake. Lush.
Wow, cheese cake looks good too.

It varies what I make it with, sometimes it`s mayo and sour cream mixed as I don`t really like may, but coleslaw really does have to be creamy. I add jalapeno, chives and dried cranberried chopped, sometimes I make a coronations style one with curry seasonings and sultanas or dried apricots. We love sweet and spicy together, add fruit it`s even better.
Cole slaw recipe and variations sound yummy.

No, but fortunately we just received a refund from the university that was just $5 less than what I spent on tires.
Now that was a nice unexpected blessing. I’am sure that surprise took the pain out of of an expensive week.

Been little busy for past few days.

I saw the foot doctor and was supposed to keep fracture boot on for another 3 weeks, but it was affecting my right knee and hip to bad. Good news is they had finished my shoe inserts and those felt good. The left one where the stress fracture is feels slightly high, but will get it tweaked just a little.

Hubby’s birthday was yesterday and I had him a nice small party with just the kids and grandchildren. I made 3 pineapple upside down cakes because thats his favorite. I had plenty to send home with everyone. Our son, grandson-in-law and daughter like it too.

Hubby chose the meal he wanted and thats what I made. We had a wonderful visit with everyone.



Carole I laughed when I seen this funny you posted…..LOL…thats about the size of it these days.

I spent the afternoon with youngest grandson P Friday. He is a sweetheart and a blessing. We went out to the University and got him settled for his Fall semester. He is attending the University I attended as did youngest granddaughter. It is always fun to go out to the campus. It is really growing every year with new buildings.

I always enjoy spending time with the grandchildren. P and I had lunch at McAlister’s Deli after we left the University to get some lunch. They have lots of sandwich and salad choices. The sandwiches are delicious.

Not much planned today.

I will watch my little shopping buddy tomorrow little J. He is a joy to be around. I look forward to my time with him.

Might lay down for a little longer this morning.

If anyone is ailing sending healing prayers your way.

Enjoy your Sunday and find some good music and dance today.
Last edited:
at least he asked before he whipped out the CC. I kindly reminded him we are at our max storage for life size animatronics lol
I think that is sweet that your hubby is onboard with the Halloween decorations.

as done with the two week process of booking our annual 4th of July trip with GD reservation for an AKV stay. A convoluted process in the studio category of booking one day at a time, then picking up what others have cancelled each day going forward. A process called ”walking a reservation”. Wish they’d outlaw the process as far too many hours wasted, daily. Talk about hoops.:crazy:
Wow…Thats a lot or work for your vacation stay.

happy birthday to Robbie’s mr! we know she is a hostess with the mostess, sure there was a lovely celebration!
Thank you Janet. He had a nice party and enjoyed his family time, dinner, cake and gifts.

I think I might have a WWOHP Pixie in my IPad.…LOL…I need to be more careful as I‘am writing to check the words. I have noticed incorrect spelling on words I know I spelled correctly when typing are changed. This is not the first time.

Quick early morning post. I need to get ready for church. The members of my Bible study group alternate bringing breakfast items each week and today is our turn. I just ordered some bagels and cream cheese from Panera.

No, but fortunately we just received a refund from the university that was just $5 less than what I spent on tires.

I think I did. The shop I went to is owned by the father of one of my neighbors. Another neighbor needed tires too and went to the same place.

Looks yummy.

Good luck to him. Hope he does well.

Belated birthday wishes to Mr. Robo.

Glad the tyres didn`t impact with the cost.

Thanks, he did great!

This is what happens when you send your better half to Sams Club to grab the bread you forgot the day beforehand

View attachment 783219
at least he asked before he whipped out the CC. I kindly reminded him we are at our max storage for life size animatronics lol

:banana::dance3:I’m dancing as done with the two week process of booking our annual 4th of July trip with GD reservation for an AKV stay. A convoluted process in the studio category of booking one day at a time, then picking up what others have cancelled each day going forward. A process called ”walking a reservation”. Wish they’d outlaw the process as far too many hours wasted, daily. Talk about hoops.:crazy:

happy birthday to Robbie’s mr! we know she is a hostess with the mostess, sure there was a lovely celebration!

I won’t take that personally :p, still have my realtor license. I feel your pain. Should be cut & dried via the contract to deliver the goods in proper condition, wouldn’t expect any issue at all there.:confused3 I

If he’s never worn one for sports, suggest he pick up a cheap one you mold via boiling water to see if he can tolerate it before spending big bucks on “a real one”.

I tried multiple ones, from the basic to the custom mold sort. unfortunately, have a small mouth (yep, hard to believe, ain’t it? :rotfl:). Made it difficult/impossible to get one fitted to point it doesn’t interfere with overall breathing process. Doesn’t help I’m more than a bit claustrophobic.

nice to catch a break

Makes perfect sense to me. chips are a powerful motivator lol

did a double take, those pics are worthy of a food stylist in a magazine.

My mr won’t touch them in anything “white”. I just got him to finally eat a light swipe of mayo on hoagies.

I’ll raise you two
View attachment 783223

as the garden is currently exploding cucumbers, was emboldened to try a variety that used fish sauce last week. Just a bit of that goes a long way lol. It was ok, wouldn’t make it again.

Have fun. We declined to be spectators at my girls’ race today

#1 it started way too early to make an hour drive there

#2 ran thru what I consider a dicey area:rolleyes1 that has yet to be fully gentrified No matter what the millennials insist.

good sunday vibes to all, no matter where you roam. the animatronics!!!! I do love a man who is also an impulse shopper!!! I send Tom for one thing he comes back with a load of stuff, usually goodies!!!

Glad you got the hoops sorted....I had to blink for a minute as I thought, carp, is it still me to read it right!

Thanks....I do love a good food picture!!

Fish sauce??? Now that is a new one on me....

It was fun Janet, they really make it a fun experience for spectators too.....but I agree, if it was very early doors, I`d think twice.

Yes, happy Sunday to you too Janet..... ☺️

Good Sunday morning everyone :wave:

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I do have the ability to sniff out Halloween Decorations pretty well. Not sure if that is a good thing as then I’am tempted to buy more and I don‘t need them.

It is a Maytag.

LOL….I’am really surprised to say the least to find that Tours are selling out so early even with price increases. I think this will be a bang up year for Universal.

Always nice to start your countdown for your trip. Definitely something to look forward.

I hope your healing is progressing and you are doing well.

That will be nice for you to have your daughter along with you for HHN.

It is always fun to have a day out at the farmers market just looking around.

Never hurts to be prepared so you can enjoy your trip fully.

Hope you are doing well and your brothers estate gets settled. Sounds like a lot of paperwork.

I didn’t know anything about what was going on.

I have not been able to wear heels for years. They do look nice for sure.

Your right the Willams & Sonoma at Mall at Millenia is a beautiful store with tempting cookware and dinnerware. I more times then not usually come out of there with a little something.

Those little ones are so cute. It is wonderful to be reminded of the what the world looks like through their innocent eyes. They are so fun with the comments they make.
Glad you were able to spend time with her. I’am sure she looks forward to spending time with you.

It is so nice to look forward to a foo foo day. A little pampering is wonderful. Enjoy your salon day.

Hope you are feeling better.

We were just talking about RV’s yesterday evening after dinner. Our son and Daughter-in-law are doing lots of research into RV’s. They want to purchase one at some point. Kinda of like purchasing a house.

I hope your hubby is able to help his dad get things taken care of with his new RV.

I agree some salesman can be unscrupulous.

I saw a youtube video of a couple who received delivery of an opulent quarter of a million dollar RV that was their dream home on wheels. The floors were sagging and many other issues. Those are major structural issues and it had to be taken back to Elkhart Indiana were it was made for fixing.

Those days do happen sometimes for sure. It can make a major hit to the wallet.

You are right, It was hubby’s birthday yesterday. Thank your for remembering Carole. He had a wonderful day.

LOL…..they are pretty enamored with naming our hurricanes as you know. I think just the saying hurricane is sufficient.

Thank you Sue. I hope your hubby is doing well and is fully recovered now.

Thank you Mac.

Your bread looks yummy.

Wow, cheese cake looks good too.

Cole slaw recipe and variations sound yummy.

Now that was a nice unexpected blessing. I’am sure that surprise took the pain out of of an expensive week.

Been little busy for past few days.

I saw the foot doctor and was supposed to keep fracture boot on for another 3 weeks, but it was affecting my right knee and hip to bad. Good news is they had finished my shoe inserts and those felt good. The left one where the stress fracture is feels slightly high, but will get it tweaked just a little.

Hubby’s birthday was yesterday and I had him a nice small party with just the kids and grandchildren. I made 3 pineapple upside down cakes because thats his favorite. I had plenty to send home with everyone. Our son, grandson-in-law and daughter like it too.

Hubby chose the meal he wanted and thats what I made. We had a wonderful visit with everyone.

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Carole I laughed when I seen this funny you posted…..LOL…thats about the size of it these days.
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I spent the afternoon with youngest grandson P Friday. He is a sweetheart and a blessing. We went out to the University and got him settled for his Fall semester. He is attending the University I attended as did youngest granddaughter. It is always fun to go out to the campus. It is really growing every year with new buildings.

I always enjoy spending time with the grandchildren. P and I had lunch at McAlister’s Deli after we left the University to get some lunch. They have lots of sandwich and salad choices. The sandwiches are delicious.

Not much planned today.

I will watch my little shopping buddy tomorrow little J. He is a joy to be around. I look forward to my time with him.

Might lay down for a little longer this morning.

If anyone is ailing sending healing prayers your way.
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Enjoy your Sunday and find some good music and dance today.
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That is a good meme isn`t it!!! Last year we were sitting in Strong Water Bar with Janet and her mister and I did actually pull a muscle sat on the I think it led to the knee injury I ended up with due to walking funny for a month or so. Yes, I think it comes to us all 🥴

I`m so glad your husband had a lovely celebration, it`s always nice to celebrate and have family together for good food and company.

Yes, kids always speak the truth, it was hilarious when she saw the first picture of me with a perm and brown hair....her eyes went like saucers and looked a little alarmed, I was laughing so hard! Yes, she is a joy to have and we love looking after her when we get the chance, her mother is barely in her life anymore, much prefers working in Europe, but she has good family around her.

Glad to hear the foot injury is on the mend now, it takes some time for sure, but as long as it`s in the right direction!

Thanks....cheesecake and bread were both gorgeous, and calorie free I`m told 😉

Glad you had fun with your grandson, it`s quite odd going back to places we all went to many years ago. And have fun with the little guy tomorrow!

We ended up baking in the sun today, it was much warmer than forecast and the sun was gorgeous.

The 10K race was run in perfect conditions, and Kyle finished in 41 minutes which we were all thrilled with, after his knee and ankle issues and not running for 5 months he did spectacularly well. Almost 1700 runners and such a good atmosphere, the running community are among the friendliest of people and we always enjoy our time with them even if it`s just spectating at a race. We saw him pick up his medal and shirt then we said our adios to his friends and left them to it.

We stopped off for lunch at a small place, but it was dreadful, so we left what we ordered and came home to eat instead.

I was starving!!! Very early dinner for us, so might need a snack later!

Almost a new week ahead!!!! Hope we get something other than rain.......:sunny:
Carole I do remember that. IMO heavy chairs and being in a dress & trying to be modest can lead to some awkward body positioning.

robbie good to hear the foot is coming along nicely, needs to be in tip top shape for HHN! Oh, I just love pineapple upside down cake. Sadly, few in my family do. Haven’t made one in a few years. Tempted to try to just put some in freezer bags and see if they will hold. I have done same with cheesecake without issue. Just not sure how the pineapple will translate.

jr is playing behind a very slow foresome, gave me head up he’ll be late to dinner. The one nice think about grilling pork & chicken, the longer in the marinade the better :). However, if the forecast storm comes thru it will be in the grill pan on the stove lol
Good evening. Fairly uneventful day. We started watching the race (which was delayed), but our driver crashed.

This is what happens when you send your better half to Sams Club to grab the bread you forgot the day beforehand
Dh wanted to get something similar he saw at Lowes. I was trying to find the picture, but can’t find it on their website.

I saw the foot doctor and was supposed to keep fracture boot on for another 3 weeks, but it was affecting my right knee and hip to bad. Good news is they had finished my shoe inserts and those felt good. The left one where the stress fracture is feels slightly high, but will get it tweaked just a little.
Hope you get everything all worked out before your HHN trip.

I think I might have a WWOHP Pixie in my IPad.…LOL…I need to be more careful as I‘am writing to check the words. I have noticed incorrect spelling on words I know I spelled correctly when typing are changed. This is not the first time.
I am constantly mistyping or getting autocorrected and don’t realize it until after I hit send. One of these days I will remember to proofread.

We had thunderstorms again this afternoon. Tonight B and I went to kroger to pick up
A few things. We came out to this


The picture does not do it justice.


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