Something About Nothing............ #14

Thanks Robbie......yes, nephew and his wife are having the best time and no Disney this time for them, she used to be a huge Disney fan till they discovered Universal. Now, she`s all Harry Potter!

Happy with hair today......

Love the bear, that is cute......enjoy decorating and Christmas shopping is always fun!!

Yep, happy with the new hair do today, this afternoon I was so lazy.....did absolutely nothing except write a few emails, call a friend and my mum who was out as usual....88 and no stopping her!

Salmon for dinner tonight, roasted some earlier, it`s now chilling in fridge for later with some roast veg and cous cous....changed my sides.

And maybe sit out for an hour when Tom gets home, he was volunteering this afternoon so he`ll be ready for a cuppa before dinner. Better get the kettle on.......
Hi Everyone!!!!

Well, I'm back, tired and sore but had a wonderful time.
My brother and his lady friend (just can't call her a girlfriend at their age,, lol), enjoyed the cooler weather. They are having a heat wave in Tennessee now, even more than usual.
His friend loves to go to thrift stores too:) So, we had a ball going to all of them in town. She is a size 4 to 6 and can find a lot of clothes to fit her. I haven't been a size 4 ever!!! I must admit I am a little jealous of that:tilt:. She is a nice person but is very meek and mild compared to me. I always say what I think, which is not a good thing some of the time:teeth:.
We enjoyed good restaurants, visiting daughter at the lake, and having Mom visit daily with us. Steve's main reason for the trip was to see his Mom and spend time with her, so that worked out well. Mom really enjoyed their visit.

It has taken me 3 days to get back to normal after the company. It seems to take longer for that than it used to.

I am back in gardening mode, even though the flowers are looking like fall is coming. Some of them are dying out already:(. But the apple and cherry trees are starting to ripen. I can't wait for the wax wings to come in force and get drunk on the berries. They are hilarious because they get drunk, fall out of the tree, and flutter back up to the tree. :rotfl2: We are looking forward to granddaughters birthday party this weekend with all the family here:)

Just a quick howdy to everyone. Will catch up later:)

Hey all, quick check in. appts this am, snuck in a quick trim of ends & bangs for me. Stylist insists I didn’t need even a few highlights. been over 2 months. Appears the fading hair/not quite grey hairs that have arrived are mimic‘ing highlights. :magnify: Imagine that, something good derived from the aging process lol

It is, but we all knew that the original would mutate forever.

Prayer this go round is easier
I never really let that thot creep into my mind. being a virus, knew it would mutate. Just hoped it would be more of a bad flu for those who did their due diligence as to precautions, following the experts suggestions.

I’m of the eternal optimist camp, even with this, for as long as I can :wizard: My fantasy land is one wherein everybody practices generally accepted precautionary measures. :earboy2:
I am thinking we may be in for a bit of a rough winter.
Hopefully the predicted Hurricane will weaken and just bring rain and milder then predicted winds. The Gulf has received the brunt of the past few storms and they need a break.
It’s tract has moved north, looks like lots of rain & wind for MCO.
I started putting up my Halloween decorations this past weekend. It’s looking like Halloween around here. Or as little J says “Its Spooky”.
I came home with a bagful of stuff. Doing my best to wait to put up any outdoor decorations until at least after Labor Day. Don’t think my will power is going to hold.
Yep, happy with the new hair do today,
it does give a nice lift, doesn’t it!
We are looking forward to granddaughters birthday party this weekend with all the family here
Woohoo! Sounds like fun time. We are doing a small, immediate family outing on Sunday. I need to remember to pick up stuff for a charcuterie tray. Have some things in pantry, need a bit more Variety
Hi Everyone!!!!

Well, I'm back, tired and sore but had a wonderful time.
My brother and his lady friend (just can't call her a girlfriend at their age,, lol), enjoyed the cooler weather. They are having a heat wave in Tennessee now, even more than usual.
His friend loves to go to thrift stores too:) So, we had a ball going to all of them in town. She is a size 4 to 6 and can find a lot of clothes to fit her. I haven't been a size 4 ever!!! I must admit I am a little jealous of that:tilt:. She is a nice person but is very meek and mild compared to me. I always say what I think, which is not a good thing some of the time:teeth:.
We enjoyed good restaurants, visiting daughter at the lake, and having Mom visit daily with us. Steve's main reason for the trip was to see his Mom and spend time with her, so that worked out well. Mom really enjoyed their visit.

It has taken me 3 days to get back to normal after the company. It seems to take longer for that than it used to.

I am back in gardening mode, even though the flowers are looking like fall is coming. Some of them are dying out already:(. But the apple and cherry trees are starting to ripen. I can't wait for the wax wings to come in force and get drunk on the berries. They are hilarious because they get drunk, fall out of the tree, and flutter back up to the tree. :rotfl2: We are looking forward to granddaughters birthday party this weekend with all the family here:)

Just a quick howdy to everyone. Will catch up later:)


Good to have you back Ruth, youse was missed!

You certainly did have a lovely week with your brother and his lady friend, I agree with you, you can’t call them girlfriends when they’re a little older. I think my brother likes when I ask after his lady friend…….lol……but it sounded like you had an idyllic how you spent your time.

And Grace’s birthday will be something else to look forward to.

I would love a real cherry tree, we have cherry blossom but no fruit from it, it‘s more a shrub than tree.

happy to have you home…….

Hey all, quick check in. appts this am, snuck in a quick trim of ends & bangs for me. Stylist insists I didn’t need even a few highlights. been over 2 months. Appears the fading hair/not quite grey hairs that have arrived are mimic‘ing highlights. :magnify: Imagine that, something good derived from the aging process lol

I never really let that thot creep into my mind. being a virus, knew it would mutate. Just hoped it would be more of a bad flu for those who did their due diligence as to precautions, following the experts suggestions.

I’m of the eternal optimist camp, even with this, for as long as I can :wizard: My fantasy land is one wherein everybody practices generally accepted precautionary measures. :earboy2:
I am thinking we may be in for a bit of a rough winter.

It’s tract has moved north, looks like lots of rain & wind for MCO.

I came home with a bagful of stuff. Doing my best to wait to put up any outdoor decorations until at least after Labor Day. Don’t think my will power is going to hold.

it does give a nice lift, doesn’t it!

Woohoo! Sounds like fun time. We are doing a small, immediate family outing on Sunday. I need to remember to pick up stuff for a charcuterie tray. Have some things in pantry, need a bit more Variety

Nice job on the hair! Hope mine blends in as well one day! Yes, even a trim gives you a boost.

Did I hear charcuterie mentioned…….. :thumbsup2 Love it!

Another lazy night, don’t think I’ve moved much all afternoon and evening. I did make dinner, that counts as moving I guess.

Tried on the boots I bought today again, not sure the heel isn’t too high for me, but will see how it goes. Happy with the other things I bought though, one is a winter white cashmere v neck jumper, very light and I won’t wear it sipping red wine! Also bought a purple fake cashmere one too, both very autumnal.

Dinner was lovely, but far too lazy a day, plan to walk tomorrow morning as the weather looks to be lovely.

Early night I think for us………:)
Had a nice lunch meet up.

Decided to leave the park, as looks like it’s going to rain. Snacking time. Ooh phone weather app saying moderate rain in 20 minutes. Glad we got back to our room a few minutes ago.

After lunch, we did walk on Spidy, minion shooter, MIB and Mummy. We took a pass for Hagrid’s at 60 minutes. Been an overcast day so far.

Also, as of now, Universal is saying 9 am opening as usual, tomorrow, but no early entry for everyone that otherwise could use it. No hotel. AP, or other. So, we will see what it looks like when we get ready for going out tomorrow. We may not even be there at park opening. Have used the AP entry to Islands, and never had a line. Hope Universal offers it more than the Passholder days.

Oh, and if you use mobile order, I got an extra 10 percent off, got 25 off with my premier pass scanned order. How nice is that?

And a very good morning, beautiful again and we did get out a walk after all, I think both of us could have easily went back to sleep when I woke up, but we got out butts out of a cosy bed and headed down the shore front. Weirdly cool walking one way, but heading back was boiling hot once the sun peeped through. And it was quieter than we expected on such a lovely morning, we were quite early though.

5 miles later, home and showered and waiting for a parcel that`s promised to be here before 1pm. So, a little housework and popped some scones in the oven for later, plain old sultana ones as I had no cherries.

Chicken thighs roasted with spicy old bay seasoning and some of my own mix too including some honey, will do roasted veg again and a couple of roast baby potatoes, they are tiny but grown about 25 minutes away from us.

Haven`t thought about lunch yet, but we`ll get something nice, no lunch out today.

Time for another pot of tea before I go do something other than sit and watch the sunshine out of the kitchen doors......




Have a splendid Wednesday :sunny:
Good Wednesday morning everyone :wave:







It has taken me 3 days to get back to normal after the company. It seems to take longer for that than it used to.
Good to see you back. Entertaining family can be fun and tiring. Nice to hear you had a wonderful visit with you brother and his lady friend.

I came home with a bagful of stuff. Doing my best to wait to put up any outdoor decorations until at least after Labor Day. Don’t think my will power is going to hold.
I was out yesterday and I heard someone’s radio from their car. It was a radio person saying ”Do you think it is to early to decorate for Halloween?”……LOL....I’am pretty much done with my Halloween Decorations.

Oh, and if you use mobile order, I got an extra 10 percent off, got 25 off with my premier pass scanned order. How nice is that?
Sounds like a nice offering for AP holders. Universal does such a wonderful job of taking care of their AP holders for sure.

And a very good morning, beautiful again and we did get out a walk after all,
Beautiful sea view for your walk this morning.

Did get things done yesterday. Always nice to feel as though you have accomplished something for the day.

Up early this morning. Hubby has an appt with Doc. He does not like early am appt. But this is the only time available.

Sister called last night and we talked about our upcoming trip, She was talking about the different Halloween food offerings at Disney Springs. So will have to try some of those things if possible this year.

Need to get moving.

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone.
Ooh that mid week reminder of a hump day Wednesday has wandered by, below our window, when my phone said moderate rain for the next 20 minutes:

Smart camel, hehe.

Weather: partly rainy day.

At the resort: Said park opening at 9, pool at 10, and just towel and trash service at hotel. That’s fine with us, we don’t need full room clean service. Have had no further updates so far. That update was told around 6:30 last night on our room phone. And now I hear cleaning around the pool area.

Eh, we do have rain ponchos, so maybe we take a look at our phone weather radar and see later this morning, if there is maybe a long enough break in the rain, we will take our chances and get some park fun in. And take our ponchos, if they need to be used.

I pray all are safe and dry. I hope TinyD is okay, and Bobbie, and all those in the hurricane’s path.

We are lucky, it made landfall at the bend at top of the state, but as this hurricane is huge, we are getting the very outer bands that started last night. Did wake up a few times, hearing heavy rain. Phone saying tornado watch until 3 pm, with Tropical Storm warnings expiring about the same time.

Most wonderful Wednesday to all. Good morning.

And hope Robo’s DH is told he’s doing well, when he had his doctor visit earlier this morning. And pretty sea picture posted by Schumi.
car at the shop for inspection, raisin bagel with cream cheese inhaled, emails answered…

time to print off the packing list and start to pull halloween themed clothing that will keep me comfortable in high 90 degree weather. like pi, never going to find that solution lol

the lil’s 1st day of school, she’s been bouncing with excitement for weeks. One of ”those people” who truly love school and all it entails. Not sure where that gene came from TBH

Chicken thighs roasted with spicy old bay seasoning
Hmm, think i have some boneless chicken in freezer. that’s the best idea I’ve seen for possible dinner today…or pizza :)

i sees the seas! Lovely picture.

Started to watch that Netflix series re oxy, stunning stuff. Didn’t you say you watched it. I’d never had know that was Matthew broderick
Up early this morning. Hubby has an appt with Doc. He does not like early am appt. But this is the only time available.
Early worms! I’ve learned to grab the 1st of day if only to try for chance they will be running on time.
Smart camel, hehe.

Indeed, although those slickers (and ponchos) are such sweat boxes. my mr begrudgingly admitted the nylon cloth ones i ordered a few years ago are the bomb. Always reminds me to pack them.

We love visiting with the manatees at Crystal River, was sad to see their flooding level this morning. interesting to see storm path tracked northward. Was surprised to hear that area hasn’t had a hit since the 1800s.

Such warm water this year =

Quick lunchtime check in. It’s another super slow day. I got really bored and ran an aging report to see if I could catch any problems. Found a couple I need to take care of.

I’m feeling a bit off today. Can’t really explain it. I woke up with a dull headache that I have not been able to shake. Also just a general blah feeling.

I went to make some dinner reservations for my trip and discovered that many restaurants didn’t have any availability unless I wanted to eat at 9:00. So, I made a couple of lunch reservations instead. I’m also thinking about taking one day and not doing any regular meals, just snacking across the parks. I wanted to do that at Disneyland but the rest of the family wasn’t on board.

Hope everyone is having a nice Wednesday and Lynne is avoiding the rain.
Good Wednesday morning everyone :wave:
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Good to see you back. Entertaining family can be fun and tiring. Nice to hear you had a wonderful visit with you brother and his lady friend.

I was out yesterday and I heard someone’s radio from their car. It was a radio person saying ”Do you think it is to early to decorate for Halloween?”……LOL....I’am pretty much done with my Halloween Decorations.

Sounds like a nice offering for AP holders. Universal does such a wonderful job of taking care of their AP holders for sure.

Beautiful sea view for your walk this morning.

Did get things done yesterday. Always nice to feel as though you have accomplished something for the day.

Up early this morning. Hubby has an appt with Doc. He does not like early am appt. But this is the only time available.

Sister called last night and we talked about our upcoming trip, She was talking about the different Halloween food offerings at Disney Springs. So will have to try some of those things if possible this year.

Need to get moving.

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone.

Thank you, I love living right next to the can be very miserable on a cold winter day but there`s still something wonderful about it.

You must be so looking forward to spending time with your sister on your trip again. It is nice to try all the offerings.

Have a lovely day too Robbie.

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car at the shop for inspection, raisin bagel with cream cheese inhaled, emails answered…

time to print off the packing list and start to pull halloween themed clothing that will keep me comfortable in high 90 degree weather. like pi, never going to find that solution lol

the lil’s 1st day of school, she’s been bouncing with excitement for weeks. One of ”those people” who truly love school and all it entails. Not sure where that gene came from TBH

Hmm, think i have some boneless chicken in freezer. that’s the best idea I’ve seen for possible dinner today…or pizza :)

i sees the seas! Lovely picture.

Started to watch that Netflix series re oxy, stunning stuff. Didn’t you say you watched it. I’d never had know that was Matthew broderick

Early worms! I’ve learned to grab the 1st of day if only to try for chance they will be running on time.

Indeed, although those slickers (and ponchos) are such sweat boxes. my mr begrudgingly admitted the nylon cloth ones i ordered a few years ago are the bomb. Always reminds me to pack them.

We love visiting with the manatees at Crystal River, was sad to see their flooding level this morning. interesting to see storm path tracked northward. Was surprised to hear that area hasn’t had a hit since the 1800s.

Such warm water this year =

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6 days!!! That has crept up for sure!!

Awww hope she has a lovely first day, Kyle was the same, loved school and never complained about going. Makes life easy that way!!

Yes, I had no idea it was Matthew Broderick, I had to Google as we were watching to amke sure it was him. It is a shocking story I had vaguely heard of, but a dreadful thing.

Another one to watch on Netflix is Workin Moms.....not one to watch with a prudish aunt I will say 😉 but it is very funny. Written, directed and starring Catherine Reitman, daughter of the late great Ivan who directed Ghostbusters and many more. She is very funny in it and it gripped us straight away, it has a good cast. Only flicked through one episode that wasn`t good, but we are loving it!!

Chicken or pizza.....either works just fine!!

Quick lunchtime check in. It’s another super slow day. I got really bored and ran an aging report to see if I could catch any problems. Found a couple I need to take care of.

I’m feeling a bit off today. Can’t really explain it. I woke up with a dull headache that I have not been able to shake. Also just a general blah feeling.

I went to make some dinner reservations for my trip and discovered that many restaurants didn’t have any availability unless I wanted to eat at 9:00. So, I made a couple of lunch reservations instead. I’m also thinking about taking one day and not doing any regular meals, just snacking across the parks. I wanted to do that at Disneyland but the rest of the family wasn’t on board.

Hope everyone is having a nice Wednesday and Lynne is avoiding the rain.

Hope you feel better soon, that`s never a nice way to feel.

Got a txt I think my nephew sent without wearing his glasses, a bit garbled but I think he said they got on Hagrids with a 20 minute wait and it`s raining, but Orlando aren`t getting it as bad as they could have....thankfully!!

Managed to wait in for the parcel that was delivered half hour before the 1pm deadline. Then we headed out and got a new bathroom cabinet, I fancied a change and this one fits in with the new master bathroom we had fitted, the older cabinet I always thought lacked something. I like this one and got a new chrome silver shelf for a corner that looked a little bare. Not a bad little days shop.

I do believe the cold weather is hitting us, definite change in the general feel now, still a beautiful day, but cool. Washing dried mainly due to the sunshine at least.

Time for dinner, chicken looks lovely and veg is nicely roasted. And scones with clotted cream and jam for dessert with some very nice tea I think.
Keisha, yay for countdown being so little.

What do you do on a rainy day, do indoor fun. Walk on MIB and V shooting, tried mummy, but it was closed as we went by. First went to HHN store. Very crowded with I guess all the AP people wanted to see it with us. They did have quite a few checkers, so even with a huge line, we got checked out in less than 10 minutes. Now waiting in Bourne line, as our weather radar sees a yellow blob ready to move over us. Way to burn about 40 minutes and hope that blob is gone.

It’s oh so muggy out when it’s not raining. Sun came out for a bit, but seems these rain bands are still around today.

Had a nice lunch and got that 25 off it again, by mobile ordering. Nice perk to add to my usual 15 off.
I’m having an emotional evening. I was going through boxes of stored items looking for something from high school and came across this embroidery. I was probably in my early/mid 20s when I found the pattern. Mom said that she had bought it for “one of you kids”. I looked at the envelope it had been mailed in and it had an Anchorage, Alaska address on it. She had ordered the pattern when she was expecting me but never got around to making it. She eventually stitched the picture and gave it to me. I intended to have it framed, but instead it ended up in a storage box for another 30 years. I think I should finally get it framed now.
Btw, I never did find what I was originally looking for.

That is a sweet memory, Charade. My seamstress ex SIL made birth stitched pictures for both my kids. I think both still are in their bedrooms.

We walked by to the Kitchen last huge groups of TMs waiting to enter tonight did their HHN night. Was odd, when we got on Royal’s boat, captain announced to have fun at HHN tonight. Um, only sone of us could enter. But was neat to see so many go in. And luckily, night weather is perfect for them.

And the wind is making the mist around the globe, and looks like this:


I really need to change our morning walk.....I think I need a different view as the same ones can be too similar, but, when this is on your doorstep, it`s hard to go somewhere else, but we have some lovely woodland behind us too.

Beautiful morning again, very cool early hours but by the time we finished our walk it was absolutely glorious, hoodies were off by then. Home, showered then out shopping for groceries, one farm store was closed as the road leading to it was completely flooded, burst something or other, so went to another then grocery store for odds and ends......high life!!

Lasagne for dinner tonight, Tom`s request, meat sauce made last night, turkey wrap for lunch with some salad.

Might sit out this afternoon, it is glorious out there!!

Last day of August and some birthday celebrations coming up this weekend for Keisha and Ruth 🎉 and roll on September even though it`s our busiest birthdays and anniversaries month!!




Have a lovely Thursday :sunny:
Good Thursday morning everyone :wave:




Thanks Robbie......yes, nephew and his wife are having the best time and no Disney this time for them, she used to be a huge Disney fan till they discovered Universal. Now, she`s all Harry Potter!
Good to hear your nephew and his wife are enjoying their vacation. The WWOHP parks are awesome so glad to hear your nephew’s wife is a fan.

Happy with hair today......
There is just something about having your hair done that just makes you feel better. Having a happy hair day is the best.

I came home with a bagful of stuff. Doing my best to wait to put up any outdoor decorations until at least after Labor Day. Don’t think my will power is going to hold.
Halloween decorating sista’s unite. Go ahead and decorate.

I went to make some dinner reservations for my trip and discovered that many restaurants didn’t have any availability unless I wanted to eat at 9:00. So, I made a couple of lunch reservations instead. I’m also thinking about taking one day and not doing any regular meals, just snacking across the parks. I wanted to do that at Disneyland but the rest of the family wasn’t on board.
I was reading on Universal Orlando‘s HHN website and they are sharing tips for HHN and one them was to go in September instead of October as October is busier. So it looks like things will be busy for sure.

You must be so looking forward to spending time with your sister on your trip again. It is nice to try all the offerings.

Have a lovely day too Robbie
I’am looking forward to enjoying time with my sister. She is almost 10 years younger than me. So she is my baby sis. She is such a sweetheart. We always have fun together. We can always get up to some serious shopping. Always fun.

Managed to wait in for the parcel that was delivered half hour before the 1pm deadline. Then we headed out and got a new bathroom cabinet, I fancied a change and this one fits in with the new master bathroom we had fitted, the older cabinet I always thought lacked something. I like this one and got a new chrome silver shelf for a corner that looked a little bare. Not a bad little days shop.
Sounds like a successful shopping day.

I’m having an emotional evening. I was going through boxes of stored items looking for something from high school and came across this embroidery. I was probably in my early/mid 20s when I found the pattern. Mom said that she had bought it for “one of you kids”. I looked at the envelope it had been mailed in and it had an Anchorage, Alaska address on it. She had ordered the pattern when she was expecting me but never got around to making it. She eventually stitched the picture and gave it to me. I intended to have it framed, but instead it ended up in a storage box for another 30 years. I think I should finally get it framed now.
Btw, I never did find what I was originally looking for.
That is so nice to find things like that when you were not looking for them. So sweet your mom made that for you all those years ago. A wonderful keepsake.

Beautiful morning again, very cool early hours but by the time we finished our walk it was absolutely glorious, hoodies were off by then. Home, showered then out shopping for groceries, one farm store was closed as the road leading to it was completely flooded, burst something or other, so went to another then grocery store for odds and ends......high life!!
The sea looks beautiful again this morning. Glad to hear the weather is nice to day for you all to enjoy.

Did a little trip planning yesterday. My sister K who is coming with me on vacation loves Disney. So I was able to purchase MNSSHP tickets and get a ressie for dinner that evening at Be Our Guest. There was only one evening during the time we are in Orlando that would work for us. So I was glad to get the tickets.

Older sister who lives near Orlando could not make it for MNSSHP so we are going to do a Sister’s day at Disney Springs. I look forward to that as it is not often we all 3 get together.

Finished up decorating for Halloween.

Here is a wreath my older sister D made for me of the Sanderson Sisters a few years ago. It is hanging in my kitchen where my Witch Tree is.







I had been looking for a tablecloth online and finally found this one.

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My Pumpkin Tree in my dining room. I might tweak it some more not sure.


Table by the front window in formal living room.

We had a beautiful full moon last night.

Yahoo for countdowns.

Before lift off.

Janet happy packing. Five more days for you.

It was 60 degrees when I woke up this morning. Really enjoying the cooler weather for a few more days before we get baked in the 90’s again. High today supposed to be 79.

Sending out prayers for everyone affected by the hurricane. Seeing the videos of the damage is heartbreaking to see.

Shout out to all our Sans family who don‘t post anymore. You are still thought of and missed. Hope you all are well.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone.
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I saw some of the quotes did not post.

And hope Robo’s DH is told he’s doing well, when he had his doctor visit earlier this morning
Thank you Lynne. Hubby‘s appointment went well. Cardiac Doc visit, just tweaking some meds.

Looks like you and your daughter are having a fun time at Universal.


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