Something About Nothing............ #14

Good morning everyone :wave2:

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Enjoy a warm beverage be it coffee or tea and enjoy.
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Thank you Carole. It is so good to be back in the sunshine and getting stronger every day thankfully. As long as I have my sweetheart by my side all is good.

Glad to hear you are back to your school volunteering position. I’am sure the children will enjoy you being back.

It is so nice that you and Tom volunteer your time.

So sad when things have been reduced to patient doing the job of the Specialists office staff. I hope your son gets his testing done soon.

I 75 and the Turnpike have gotten pretty scary of late. Folks are just driving to fast.

The last couple of years we have had to spend a little more time in Indiana do to health issues. We typically travel back and forth a lot. It is busier here during the winter when the snowbirds are here.

We do have a health team here in Florida and in Indiana.

We travel back and forth usually. Will stay planted here for a while.

It is busier during the winter when the snowbirds are here. I have come to appreciate them more after talking to the local business owners about how much the snowbirds pump into the local economy while they are here during the winter.

Yuck, never heard of such a thing as putting salt in tea.

In the south ice tea is popular. Folks typically have their own recipe. My Aunt always made a strong tea base by heating up water on the stove in a tea kettle or cooking pan and adding her black tea bags. She then let that cool down and added water and simple syrup to taste and would make it by the gallon. Then she would add lemon or orange slices and ice to the glass and fill it with tea.

We also make hot black tea, lemon, and a little less then a dram of whisky for a sore throat.

For sure the British Isles are tea drinking connoisseurs and have tea prep and drinking down to an art form.

That is weird that the American Embassy would comment on tea of all things…..Yes, we do like our coffee here in America.

Sorry to hear your back is sore. Sending healing prayers your way.

Glad to hear your cupboard under the stairs is done.

Beautiful picture of the sun coming up over the Shoreline on the beach.

Good to hear you are getting better. Take your time and let your body heal.

Your baking sounds yummy. What do you put in your cherry cake?

Sitting in my favorite chair looking at the Palm Trees this morning. The sun is shining. We had the yard guys here yesterday trimming the dead limbs off the Palms yesterday. They will be back next week to do some mulching in the beds around the house and around the Palm Trees.

I did look at dates to go have a look at Mardi Gras at Universal. Will try and figure what works.

Not much else going on here. Nice day to lounge and take it easy.

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.

Cherry Madeira is almost like a pound cake made with self raising flour and glace cherries, I wash the cherries first which some don`t do, but they tend not to sink to the bottom of the cake when I do that. Very nice cake, perfect with butter.


Yes, volunteering has always been something we enjoy doing and hopefully will continue doing it for a long time.

Enjoy being back in the sunshine and glad to hear you`re both doing better.

Just a quick drive by to read up on how all the homies are doing.

Will be delighted when it’s February and warmer temperatures in my area.

I have adjusted just fine as never was fond of snow.
My brothers always loved making snow men and having snowball fights.

My next door neighbor says she would love to go to Chicago and play in the snow and tells me how fabulous it would be.

I do think she has a drinking problem….

lol....yes, I can see why you don`t miss that Chicago cold!!! I think only Pumpkin and saskdw get colder!!!

You won`t be long till you warm up over there...I do wish it was us!!!

Enjoyed a lovely morning in the school reading again today, it really is a lot of fun.

Stopped into the deli and bough some honey mustard basted ham, so we will have open sandwiches for lunch with some of their coleslaw which is a spicy one, not many places make it like that, saves me adding jalapenos the way I usually do.

The weather isn`t as bad as forecast, no rain so might wander out for a time, or maybe not.

Dinner tonight, I`m going to make a quiche as I bought some exotic mushrooms, so will add pancetta and leeks and make the pastry later too, again will have it with some of that coleslaw and some salad, not really a winter meal, but it`s what we fancy.

Last Monday in January, February is just around the corner!!!



Have a lovely Monday ☺️

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It's the start of a new week! And I'm dragging my behind today. I think turtles may be faster than me - and the shiny squirrel syndrome is running at an all time high today as well. I already had a chat with my manager at the full-time job - and for this week - I'll be leaving early all week. I'll work through lunches - and leave early. I am hoping that helps. I am hoping that now I'm back into more of a regular hours at my homecare job - that I won't feel so depleted working both jobs. My next days off are not until Feb 10/11. That will be 5 weeks straight of working. It's a good thing the full-time job doesn't require nearly as much of me - brain wise!

The weather is still mild...which I'm loving. I spend my lunch break yesterday - just sitting in my car - soaking up allllllllllll the sunlight. Now that January is almost over, I am hoping that most of the gross ugly cold will be done for the winter now. We may still get some colder days - but the ugly -40 days should be done now.

Dinner tonight is leftovers. Pizza and burgers. I grilled some burgers on the bbq last night - which were delicious. There is a bit of left over pizza - and burgers. I'll add a tossed salad - and that will be dinner tonight. I got dh to pick up some pork chops - I have been wanting a pork chop meal - so that will be dinner tomorrow night I think.

Well, my teacup is almost empty - which is my signal to start the daily paper shuffle.

Have a great day everyone!!!!
Hi All:

Hope everyone had a good weekend:)

Keisha: The noodles and beef turned out great = had enough for 3 days. I love those leftovers!
I never heard of drying noodles over the back of a chair? If I tried that with mine, the flour would cover the floor and they would stretch out and fall into the flour on the floor :rotfl2:
I'm still trying to envision that.
I roll them out on the floured surface and let them dry naturally all day or if they are stubborn, I will use the floor fan which works too. For some reason, they seem to be drying quickly without the fan. Then I roll them up and cut very thin. That's the way my Mom and Dad made them. They are really good and easy to make.

Pumpkin: It sounds like you have been very busy at work. I wonder what type of homecare work you do, and also you are working 2 jobs at once? Wow, that is a lot to take on. Your homecare department must be pretty big - much bigger than ours used to be. There were 4 or 5 of us RN managers taking cases and the head of the department and her assistant. We didn't have a secretary or office help. I guess every region is different and it's interesting to hear about other places. I loved homecare and still miss it.
My son in law went ice fishing Saturday and brought us some fresh perch. I love fish straight from the cold lakes.

Robo: It sounds like you are enjoying the warm weather in Florida:) I don't think I would miss the snow either. However, we are stuck with it for another 3 months! We are going to Phoenix in March to try and get some sunshine and warmth. That will help with Spring fever:)

Charade: Congratulations on finishing the Georgia cross stich! You only have Florida left, and then you are done?
It's fun to hear how others make their iced tea. I learned how to make iced tea when we moved south. I still do it this way. I boil some water and then put tea bags in (sorry Carole, I don't have access to loose leaf tea:) and leave them for a minute. Then I add the sugar to dissolve. When it is dissolved, I pour the hot tea over ice to cool down and add water if needed. It always turns out good and my northern grandkids love it.

I do love your pictures that you post. The views of the sunrise (or set) are beautiful. I hope you did get to go out and take a walk:) I can't wait til we can get out in our yard but that will come much later. But we are in a "warm" spell in the upper 30's! It sounds like you are enjoying reading to the children. What age group do you read to? Will catch up more later.

I went to town this AM to run some errands and to go to the store. Now am relaxing and enjoying my favorite site on the DIS. Take care all,

Hi All:

Hope everyone had a good weekend:)

Keisha: The noodles and beef turned out great = had enough for 3 days. I love those leftovers!
I never heard of drying noodles over the back of a chair? If I tried that with mine, the flour would cover the floor and they would stretch out and fall into the flour on the floor :rotfl2:
I'm still trying to envision that.
I roll them out on the floured surface and let them dry naturally all day or if they are stubborn, I will use the floor fan which works too. For some reason, they seem to be drying quickly without the fan. Then I roll them up and cut very thin. That's the way my Mom and Dad made them. They are really good and easy to make.

Pumpkin: It sounds like you have been very busy at work. I wonder what type of homecare work you do, and also you are working 2 jobs at once? Wow, that is a lot to take on. Your homecare department must be pretty big - much bigger than ours used to be. There were 4 or 5 of us RN managers taking cases and the head of the department and her assistant. We didn't have a secretary or office help. I guess every region is different and it's interesting to hear about other places. I loved homecare and still miss it.
My son in law went ice fishing Saturday and brought us some fresh perch. I love fish straight from the cold lakes.

Robo: It sounds like you are enjoying the warm weather in Florida:) I don't think I would miss the snow either. However, we are stuck with it for another 3 months! We are going to Phoenix in March to try and get some sunshine and warmth. That will help with Spring fever:)

Charade: Congratulations on finishing the Georgia cross stich! You only have Florida left, and then you are done?
It's fun to hear how others make their iced tea. I learned how to make iced tea when we moved south. I still do it this way. I boil some water and then put tea bags in (sorry Carole, I don't have access to loose leaf tea:) and leave them for a minute. Then I add the sugar to dissolve. When it is dissolved, I pour the hot tea over ice to cool down and add water if needed. It always turns out good and my northern grandkids love it.

I do love your pictures that you post. The views of the sunrise (or set) are beautiful. I hope you did get to go out and take a walk:) I can't wait til we can get out in our yard but that will come much later. But we are in a "warm" spell in the upper 30's! It sounds like you are enjoying reading to the children. What age group do you read to? Will catch up more later.

I went to town this AM to run some errands and to go to the store. Now am relaxing and enjoying my favorite site on the DIS. Take care all,


Oh you’re forgiven too Ruth for the bags!! I just can’t get to grips with the idea of sweet/iced tea……not for us over here!

Thanks Ruth, I do love a scenic sunrise or sunset, Scotland has our favourite sunsets I have to admit. But yes, anything that is pretty works for me. We never got out today in the end, it turned colder so we made a pot of tea instead.

Kids start school aged 4-5 here so that’s the age I’m in with for this term, sometimes it’s the year older. Enjoy your chill time!!

Quiche turned out nice, when the pastry is fine, everything else is fine too.

Supposed to get rain tomorrow morning, but we won’t be going out anywhere as we have 3 packages being delivered……one will arrive between 7am and 9pm…….not very precise! Other two between 11 and 3pm.

Early night for us again I think……
I'm waiting for everyone to get home - before getting the leftovers out.

It was a quiet afternoon. I ended up staying a little later than I wanted - but still left early.

Not sure what else is planned for tonight - probably not much. I was hoping to find some extra energy to get to the gym, but it might just be a night of sitting with the remote in my hand and an early bedtime.

Was trying to find a hotel with a decent pool and possibly with a waterslide for when we go to the city next time to visit the kids. We thought we would take gd for a night and thought it would be fun to stay at a hotel with all that fun stuff. It seems like the hotels I remember from previous years - just don't have the pool areas like they used to :sad2:
I did look at dates to go have a look at Mardi Gras at Universal. Will try and figure what works.
Gotta love planning another quick get away
I finished my Georgia cross stitch today. Florida will be next.
I can't wait to see more of your finished projects!
Your homecare department must be pretty big - much bigger than ours used to be. There were 4 or 5 of us RN managers taking cases and the head of the department and her assistant.
It is fairly large - and our wait lists to get onto the caseloads are long as well. I believe there are about 20 RN's are case managers. The work in both the community and long term care facilities. We have about 50 healthcare aids that go out into the community with another 75 healthcare aids that work in the long term care facilities. My desk mostly takes care of the clients the department has in the community. We just have to make sure that the lodges/ long term care facilities are staffed. It is a desk with a heavy workload for sure.

Dh and son came home empty handed from fishing. But they really wanted to go to get the kinks all worked out of the setup that dh had in mind. It looks like a great set up that will keep me (who hates being cold) warm - and want to go out fishing with them.

Quiche turned out nice, when the pastry is fine, everything else is fine too.
Yum!!! That sounds better than our left overs :rolleyes1
Today was definitely a Monday. Lots of cancellations and rescheduling at work plus several really strange little problems that needed to be corrected. The ultimate weirdness is that my kitchen light/ceiling fan will not work tonight. We tried everything- flipped switches, pulled cords, checked the breaker box, but nothing worked.

Cherry Madeira is almost like a pound cake made with self raising flour and glace cherries, I wash the cherries first which some don`t do, but they tend not to sink to the bottom of the cake when I do that. Very nice cake, perfect with butter.
Looks delicious. I never think about cooking with cherries. I should try sometime.

It's the start of a new week! And I'm dragging my behind today.
Same here. I did not want to get up this morning.

Charade: Congratulations on finishing the Georgia cross stich! You only have Florida left, and then you are done?
Thank you. I have Florida and Virginia left.

but it might just be a night of sitting with the remote in my hand and an early bedtime.
Sounds like a good plan to me.

I can't wait to see more of your finished projects!
Here’s Georgia. I added Marietta tonight. It wasn’t on the original pattern, but it’s the city where I grew up.

I'm waiting for everyone to get home - before getting the leftovers out.

It was a quiet afternoon. I ended up staying a little later than I wanted - but still left early.

Not sure what else is planned for tonight - probably not much. I was hoping to find some extra energy to get to the gym, but it might just be a night of sitting with the remote in my hand and an early bedtime.

Was trying to find a hotel with a decent pool and possibly with a waterslide for when we go to the city next time to visit the kids. We thought we would take gd for a night and thought it would be fun to stay at a hotel with all that fun stuff. It seems like the hotels I remember from previous years - just don't have the pool areas like they used to :sad2:

Gotta love planning another quick get away

I can't wait to see more of your finished projects!

It is fairly large - and our wait lists to get onto the caseloads are long as well. I believe there are about 20 RN's are case managers. The work in both the community and long term care facilities. We have about 50 healthcare aids that go out into the community with another 75 healthcare aids that work in the long term care facilities. My desk mostly takes care of the clients the department has in the community. We just have to make sure that the lodges/ long term care facilities are staffed. It is a desk with a heavy workload for sure.

Dh and son came home empty handed from fishing. But they really wanted to go to get the kinks all worked out of the setup that dh had in mind. It looks like a great set up that will keep me (who hates being cold) warm - and want to go out fishing with them.

Yum!!! That sounds better than our left overs :rolleyes1

We don`t normally do leftovers, but I made a full size quiche instead of the smaller individual ones, so we have half left today for lunch with some salad, Tom loves cold quiche, I prefer it hot so, win-win.

Another early night person here too, sometimes it`s just nice to crawl into bed early, funny I never do it in the summer, it`s definitely a winter thing.

Hope you find a hotel that has what you`re looking for, it sounds like a lovely idea.

Today was definitely a Monday. Lots of cancellations and rescheduling at work plus several really strange little problems that needed to be corrected. The ultimate weirdness is that my kitchen light/ceiling fan will not work tonight. We tried everything- flipped switches, pulled cords, checked the breaker box, but nothing worked.

Looks delicious. I never think about cooking with cherries. I should try sometime.

Same here. I did not want to get up this morning.

Thank you. I have Florida and Virginia left.

Sounds like a good plan to me.

Here’s Georgia. I added Marietta tonight. It wasn’t on the original pattern, but it’s the city where I grew up.

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I adore cherries.....I love maraschino cherries too, but if I buy them for cocktails, I tend to eat the whole jar in between using them!!! Love them. But fresh cherries in season are beautiful and among some of our favourite fruits. Glace cherries are perfect for baking though and the end product......hard to resist!!!

I do like your Georgia design, Georgia is another State I don`t know a whole lot about. When I think of I do think of Peaches and Atlanta for some reason.

Heard the wind blowing outside for a tims during the night, but it was short lived and just a normal morning here now. Look to be breezy till the afternoon, but no plans to go out.

Had three txts from different carriers saying they have each package and will txt when they`re an hour or so away, so it`s a waiting game for each one. But, plan to sort out some drawers, I hate them untidy, so will spend some time doing that, including the old pajama drawer. Will have a clearout too for the charity store again, must be a few things to pass along and having another try at clearing out some nightmare, getting rid of books and dvd`s.

But, looking at some books I`ll realistically never read, either for the first time or a repeat read.....Les Miserables is one of them, can`t get past page 100 for some reason. So, will try to be ruthless as I really do have a lot of books.

As we have no plans to go out, sleeping beauty is still sound asleep, so tea for now then I have no idea what we want for breakfast, maybe some poached egg on toast as we have the best eggs around, we do enjoy them, lunch is the other half of the quiche and dinner is going to be sausage and mash, onion gravy, steamed carrots with mini baby corn. Sausages are from our village butcher and gorgeous, highly peppered which we like.

But, shower time when I finish this cuppa, that`ll waken him up me rumbling around and then have a lazy day mooching around doing those little jobs together, so a nice day all in all.



Happy Tuesday 😁
Ah that Taco Tuesday is here. The first day of commuting for me. No Taco Bell’s where I go into the city. A Dunkin’ though and a more local chain grocery near enough not too far a walk or short drive.

And a quick enough drive to a quiet office. And yay, security way fixed, as first logged on, said who are you. Then I tried again, very quick loading. Woot!

And so, tea water from a bottle, and hot, though glad office does not feel cool yet.

Ah nothing like not looking forward to that never quick commute this late afternoon. Other than means home for the rest of the day. Ah yes. Two more days of this, then at least for that Fabulous Friday feeling will be the start that 40 percent teleworking time.

And this Friday is a pay day, shortest one, with double long lunch break. Second day of February, and yep, this Friday, we see if that groundhog sees his shadow. But the day before, Thursday, is our 32nd anniversary. We will celebrate in the weekend. Will be in the office that day. Sigh.

Good morning. 31 degrees out and partly cloudy. Though weather news this morning said we shall see some sun before the clouds rule the rest of the day. Hmm. Maybe a glorious sunrise.

Hope all have today, a Terrific Taco Tuesday. Good day to enjoy that taco meal. 🌮
Woke up this morning to some crazy winds howling with a snow/rain/ice mix hitting the windows! I wondered why my head felt like it did yesterday. Even dh was complaining about having a headache and I made a comment about some crazy weather moving in.....I was completely right!!!! It's still windy and there are still wind warnings of gusts of wind 70 - 100 kms. But the skies are clear and bright blue right now! Sun is shinning and the weather is mild. That's a win in my books!!!!

I am trying to learn how to download books onto my kobo. Since mine is somewhat older - it is a little more challenging. I love my kobo and being able to whip it out anywhere, but I don't always want to buy the book. I love to reread books - and will purchase those I want to reread - but the majority of them I would rather just borrow. Hopefully I can get it figured out. Our local library has many good ones to download/borrow. But I might be forced to actually hit up the library for a paper copy of a few I am wanting to read. I might actually have a little more time in February :rolleyes1

I think I have figured out how I'm making the pork chops tonight. If there is one meat I'm NOT great at cooking and overcook it - it would be pork chops :o But I'm going to give it a try again tonight. I could also grill them quickly too!!! Which would be an option. I may just do that!

I have a massage booked for this afternoon - and then hitting the gym after I think! I did grab my gym bag before heading out of the house! I am looking forward to the massage. I haven't had one for since before xmas - and my shoulders can tell.

Well, my tea is almost done - my signal to track down some papers to shuffle and spreadsheets to complete.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!
Woke up this morning to some crazy winds howling with a snow/rain/ice mix hitting the windows! I wondered why my head felt like it did yesterday. Even dh was complaining about having a headache and I made a comment about some crazy weather moving in.....I was completely right!!!! It's still windy and there are still wind warnings of gusts of wind 70 - 100 kms. But the skies are clear and bright blue right now! Sun is shinning and the weather is mild. That's a win in my books!!!!

I am trying to learn how to download books onto my kobo. Since mine is somewhat older - it is a little more challenging. I love my kobo and being able to whip it out anywhere, but I don't always want to buy the book. I love to reread books - and will purchase those I want to reread - but the majority of them I would rather just borrow. Hopefully I can get it figured out. Our local library has many good ones to download/borrow. But I might be forced to actually hit up the library for a paper copy of a few I am wanting to read. I might actually have a little more time in February :rolleyes1

I think I have figured out how I'm making the pork chops tonight. If there is one meat I'm NOT great at cooking and overcook it - it would be pork chops :o But I'm going to give it a try again tonight. I could also grill them quickly too!!! Which would be an option. I may just do that!

I have a massage booked for this afternoon - and then hitting the gym after I think! I did grab my gym bag before heading out of the house! I am looking forward to the massage. I haven't had one for since before xmas - and my shoulders can tell.

Well, my tea is almost done - my signal to track down some papers to shuffle and spreadsheets to complete.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!

I tried to get into those Kindle type devices, but just didn`t feel right, I need a proper book. I`m with you on re-reading a lot of books, they are a joy and I can`t part with many of mine which folks that don`t read can`t understand.

Libraries are a wonderful thing, but never use them, they`re so different to how they used to be, so many little clubs use them now and meet there which helps keep them open too.

Hope you enjoyed your pork, yes, anything pork cooks so quickly and easy to overdo it.

I think we must have sent our crazy weather over to you, we had those winds last week, although today the sun has been shining and it`s beautiful.

I did manage to clear out some books, took me a long time but decided on getting rid of 50 books, that went down to 35 then down to 30 and we finally took 25 to the Charity Shop along with some clothes and household items we`re changing. We headed out once the three parcels were delivered, pleased with everything that came including the new laptop charger thankfully.

Beautiful day today, sun was shining and not too cold, but we didn`t get out a walk today either, will try later in the week as it looks to be decent.

I think it might be another early night for ready for summer already!!
pumpkin turn the burner on high and sear the meat then flip it over to other side
brown the pork then switch to a low heat level

sometimes I add drops of water so the pork does not get over dry and other times i had very small amount of butter as it cooks

Does not take long to cook pork

season it with salt to bring out the flavor

do you want me to come on showing the tracks for a juicy pork chop ?

pork is my favorite

now i am craving pork
Pork is lovely when cooked correctly, loin steaks take a few moments on the grill (broiler) or on the BBQ especially, pork fillets are among our favourite cuts of pork, a quick sear after marinading then a quick roast and voila.....lovely dish and you can do so much with them with some lovely seasonings and flavours.

Breezy this morning for us, not too bad though, but the sun should be shining which is nicer than dull cloud.

Poached egg with avocado on some toast this morning, out for lunch with friends and then depending on what we have will depend on what we eat later. It`s an Italian today so might just have one of their sandwiches, then we may have room for something later. There`s 8 of us today, nice to catch up with two we haven`t seen for a time.

But, tea first, then breakfast later.....last day of January already, it`s been such a quick month!!



Happy Tuesday!!

Ah that Wednesday feeling here. Quick enough commute, though more cars seen. And a guy with bright lights in both hands, running on the one of the streets I go through in the little borough. Guess he wanted to be clearly seen.

But still a cool morning. 35 degrees out. As soon as I go into the car, car said icy conditions. Yeah, light rain this early morning made some of the roads wet looking. And lazy me, used my defrosters, rather than scrape the windows. At least the frozen on the windows was not very thick or over the front window, and only in the lowest area.

As we are that mid week day, who do I see?


Hehe. Yep, camel’s back to remind all the homies, that get over this hump of a day feeling, and that last day of week day routines, a Friday then is a day away. Woot! Two Wednesdays from today, camel will remind you to enjoy that hump of a day feeling with that Valentine’s love. 💕

And so, that sigh, commuting day. But always quiet, though today, they finally started to open the other lane to get into my place. Usually, only a car or two with me, so only one lane open most of the time when I come in. Today, 5 cars ahead of me this early morning. But none park where I do. There are lots of buildings in my place. I’ve walked it, and it’s about a mile and a half long, and I’m near the start of it. So happy to be more near the exit when I leave.

Yes, that tea water from our new water bottle dispenser. Now don’t have to lift those heavy bottles into slot. This one feeds from the bottom. Though with it in a covered spot, you don’t know bottle is empty until no water coming out. No matter. I was lucky, no need to change the bottle, and tea for me. May switch to coffee later this morning. We have two of those pod coffee makers. And I always keep some pods with my tea in my desk.

Enough of week day routine and weather, as need to wish all a most Wonderful Hump Day Wednesday today.

Good morning. Ooh so dark out.
Thank you Felicity for noticing I had put Tuesday instead of Wednesday! Definitely knew it was our lunch date today!!!

She really needs to join the Dis!!

We had a gorgeous morning today, then went a bit miserable. It is cold with a real feel of 28F, it did feel like winter today, glad of the sun though till this afternoon when it turned not very nice.

Rain coming tonight and maybe tomorrow.

Had a lovely lunch out, there were 8 of us and it was nice, didn`t need dinner as we all had full entrees and not sandwiches, I had chicken picatta and it was beautiful, very lemony, most of the others had steak or pizza, but all were lovely.

Did some TR this afternoon and had a snooze, yes we had wine with lunch, naughty but nice.

Tom is making us a pot of tea right now, will have some of the cherry cake I made earlier in the week, that`ll do us tonight.
Felicity, come on over to the dark side.

We have cookies…

lol.....that might tempt her!!!

@Charade67 I think it was you who asked if adults could get the new Monster Makeover experience, well seems like they can.

Not sure if they`ve released a full price list or everything that`s on offer yet, but roughly $65 for half a face and $125 for a full face. Right now walk ins only but they will got to being able to book online at some point. I think you can get eye or lip only make up or part face/full face.

It`s too cold outside!!! House is cosy though.

Grocery shopping tomorrow with a few places to stop into, farm store for one and will drop into the farm, they`re still not fully over their flu, so have made them a chicken casserole and a lasagne along with some baking, should keep them going for another couple of days.

Been watching some gritty cop shows tonight, time for some humour before bed I think, will find a comedy to watch now.
It's hump day - even though I'm working yet another weekend. Last one as the following weekend - I'll have off as someone else will be pick up that weekend! We planned it out which worked for both of us. Needless to say - I am looking forward to my weekend (and the next one :rolleyes1 as well ) off. I am needing some downtime.

I started this post this morning while drinking my tea - it's now 2:12 here....and I've been busy shuffling papers around today.

Dinner tonight will be left overs I think - then whatever is left - can be tossed as tomorrow is garbage day. I already have a pesto chicken dish I want to try tomorrow night!

I did get to the gym last night. Not sure if that will happen again tonight - as I feel like I'm dragging my back end today. Maybe not the gym - but maybe hit a store or 2 for some window shopping to get more steps in today. We will see how much energy I have after making dinner.

Weather is mild again today - but the skies are overcast. Too many overcast days make me grumpy as this princess needs to vitamin D in the form of sunlight.

Well. I have to go track down other paper to shuffle off.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!
Good afternoon. A rather uneventful day so far. I just finished paying bills. Yuck. I had another near miss today. This time I was going straight on the main road and a woman was coming from the opposite direction and wanting to make a left turn. She started to make her turn despite the fact that there were two lanes of traffic going straight. I swear I must have a "hit me" sign somewhere on my car.

I do like your Georgia design, Georgia is another State I don`t know a whole lot about. When I think of I do think of Peaches and Atlanta for some reason.
Thank you. Georgia was a great place to live and still a fun place to visit. Georgia is known as the peach state and Atlanta is the capital, so you are on the right track.

must be a few things to pass along and having another try at clearing out some nightmare, getting rid of books and dvd`s.
Sounds like my husband. His dream is to have a library in the house complete with rolling ladder.

Ah that Taco Tuesday is here. The first day of commuting for me. No Taco Bell’s where I go into the city. A Dunkin’ though and a more local chain grocery near enough not too far a walk or short drive.
I think we have too many Taco Bells for a city of our size. We also just got our second Dunkin' recently. I would like a Krispy Kreme.

I am trying to learn how to download books onto my kobo. Since mine is somewhat older - it is a little more challenging. I love my kobo and being able to whip it out anywhere, but I don't always want to buy the book. I love to reread books - and will purchase those I want to reread - but the majority of them I would rather just borrow.
I have a few downloaded to my iPad, but usually prefer physical books. I have something on hold at the local library. I am 26 in line for it.

And a guy with bright lights in both hands, running on the one of the streets I go through in the little borough. Guess he wanted to be clearly seen.
I love this. Too many people near me go out at night wearing dark clothing and no lights or reflective gear.

@Charade67 I think it was you who asked if adults could get the new Monster Makeover experience, well seems like they can.

Not sure if they`ve released a full price list or everything that`s on offer yet, but roughly $65 for half a face and $125 for a full face. Right now walk ins only but they will got to being able to book online at some point. I think you can get eye or lip only make up or part face/full face.
Yep, that was me. I think dh may be interested in this.
Good afternoon. A rather uneventful day so far. I just finished paying bills. Yuck. I had another near miss today. This time I was going straight on the main road and a woman was coming from the opposite direction and wanting to make a left turn. She started to make her turn despite the fact that there were two lanes of traffic going straight. I swear I must have a "hit me" sign somewhere on my car.

Thank you. Georgia was a great place to live and still a fun place to visit. Georgia is known as the peach state and Atlanta is the capital, so you are on the right track.

Sounds like my husband. His dream is to have a library in the house complete with rolling ladder.

I think we have too many Taco Bells for a city of our size. We also just got our second Dunkin' recently. I would like a Krispy Kreme.

I have a few downloaded to my iPad, but usually prefer physical books. I have something on hold at the local library. I am 26 in line for it.

I love this. Too many people near me go out at night wearing dark clothing and no lights or reflective gear.

Yep, that was me. I think dh may be interested in this.

Glad it was a near miss Charade, but hope that`s you done with that now!! We often say we have the invisibilty cloak on again and wonder if folks haven`t seen us when they do something stupid on the roads as if we`re not even there!

lol.....I`m with your husband. I keep all my books on shelves in a room and they take up two full walls, not grand like a proper library or anything like that, but I`d love that too, the rolling ladder would be nice, never going to happen probably, but I know what he means.

I`d love a Georgia peach!!

Yes runners round here all seem to wear reflective clothing at night when running or cycling, I don`t think we`ve ever seen one without the proper gear. Thankfully!

I do think hearing about the monster make up experience, it`s going to be very popular with kids and adults too, the pics I saw were very good indeed. Not sure I`d do it and I do wonder what they`ll do during HHN`s as masks and costumes aren`t allowed and maybe this full face make up while appropriate for that event, might not be allowed.


Good grief, where did January go???? I think that`s been the quickest January ever for many years.

Today is not February weather at all for us, it`s going to be a lovely day, light breeze but sun will be shining which is always a bonus. A mild February would be nice.

Grocery store, farm stores and maybe a deli visit for us this morning, I doubt we`ll walk which is a shame, one of my friends is popping in for a quick lunch as she`s over this way with her business, it is a quick visit as she eats, has a cuppa and runs, but nice to see her anyway. I think Tom is out volunteering this afternoon, so just me, so maybe a pottering around afternoon for me or some baking. I`ll never be slim.

Poached egg with avocado on toast for breakfast, lunch is Italian panini sandwiches and dinner will be stuffed chicken breasts and will wrap them in bacon to roast off in the oven, looking forward to that. We were sent a sample of a tea from one of the places we buy from, tried it for my first pot, not for me which is unusual, tastes too floral which is not what I want my tea to taste like, I have a link to click on to give my opinion on it, so will give feed back later too.

Back to my regular morning choices.

And Thursday too......might have a glass of wine tonight for Thirsty Thursday.



Happy Thursday :sunny:
Ah yes, nothing like having to scrape the car windows, as bit thicker ice on windows today. Icy conditions says car. Could be. 31 degrees and overcast. So so dark out.

I swear, the first day of commuting of the week, is the lightest in early morning cars seen. Today, last of the week, thankfully, the most seeing other cars and even trucks today. But ever that fastest compared to that truly stop and go traffic almost the entire less than 10 miles I go in the late afternoon.

And today, it was a Friday 32 years ago, when DH and I married in an icy dinner time service, with heavily salted roads that made no issues for all to enjoy that evening reception. Funny, the reception place was destroyed about 10 or so years ago, and now is a gas station/quick service place. Oh well. We will celebrate this weekend. He likes a burger place or Chinese place as we usually do our anniversary dinner in one of those places. We used to enjoy a Mexican one, but closed years ago now. He’s more the eat everything much more than me.

Ah yes, the first day of February. At least all the icy found on my car windows will melt away. Saying 50 degrees this late afternoon. Woot! Nice warm up from the just below freezing temps this early morning.

And so, tea from a still full water bottle, and quiet office.

So hope all enjoy a drink or more today, good for the body, and nice to start that drink enjoyment to be ready for that most Fabulous Friday feeling tomorrow. Thirsty Thursday it is. Welcome to the shortest time keeping day month, and for many, the coldest month of the year.

Yeah, still on standard keeping time. But soon enough day light saving. Move up that clock. Sigh. 3 am feeling at my 4 am wake up for a few days, as body adjusts to that advance in time. Some day sooner than later, i really hope that the world will pick one way to keep time, and not advance or fall back in times throughout the year.


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