Something About Nothing............ #14


I'm in Texas. So, it's just hot here until December, when it gets down to 50 or 60 during the day. High 90s all this week. I really should get up and walk earlier, but I just love being able to sleep in. You have to get out around 6am for it to be nice. It's not terrible right now, low 80s, but really humid in the mornings.
Ever have the family say I don’t want that for dinner....

Mr Mac said that to me an hour ago

Now that he is hungry, he asked if I had a taste for bbq...
He just left to pick up the food order
DH is always at work when I begin dinner. He has no choice in the matter, lol!

Dinner ended up being Chick-fil-A. Then I took a trip to Kroger. They are having a $10 off the purchase of $25 worth of certain personal care items sale. I bought several bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash.

We seem to have a home improvement curse. Our painter is getting over a case of the shingles. He says he can start on our kitchen cabinets on Wednesday. I told him not to come if he isn't feeling up to it.

I just realized that I need to order our cabinet hardware.
Oh goodness, shingles can be pretty awful! Hope he's better soon!

Exactly! No imagination for movies now.

Have you ever watched Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga in The Conjuring? One of my favourite scary jump off your butt type it. Annabelle not so much, but looking forward to the new one, The Devil made me do it.

Not such good news for you today. But, hope you get better news on both people you know soon.

Oh the donut burger is amazing! Yes, maybe it`s not for everyone but I do like a bit of variety. Teak Neighborhood Grill certainly has quite the varied menu for burgers, then they have the so called secret menu......but all you have to do is ask for it, not so secret anymore.

One of my many favourite movies (couldn`t just pick one movie) is The Nun`s Story. I don`t like the subject matter and it`s quite a hard movie to watch, but ever November for some reason I watch it. And the wonderful Dean Jagger is in it too. Love him in White Christmas, always brings a tear or 5 to my eye.

Love an early night. Slept like rocks again, even with the breeze billowing around us all night. Trees were quite noisy and not much better this morning, but at least it`s dry.

Usual walk this morning then I think we`re meeting some friends for mid morning tea/coffee in our village tearoom. They have the most tempting baked goods and all home made by them, so it varies every day what they have, but they always have the same staples.

Then no idea for the rest of the day....will see what we feel like doing.......

Will think about breakfast soon.





Happy Tuesday :flower3:
That last meme...:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

This is me tonight.

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I am going to be completely worthless in the morning.

Schumi - I have never watched The Nun’s Story. I actually had to look it up to see what it was about. My favorite Audrey movie is obviously Charade. Cary Grant is in it too, so that’s a win win.

White Christmas is one of my favorite Christmas movies. I watch it every year along with The Muppet Christmas Carol.
I dread the sleepless night! Seems more common for me as I get older. Great, yet another perk of old age!

The Nun`s Story is amazing, you`ll love it, she puts on an amazing performance.

White Christmas is our traditional Christmas Eve afternoon movie if we`re home, love it. Yep, we have around 12 Christmas movies we start to watch sometime in December. Among them Trading Places, Home Alone 1 & 2, The Grinch, Christmas Vacation and several versions of A Christmas Carol including Scrooged with Bill Murray and my favourite version with Alastair Sim. Can`t think of the others right now.......

Never watch It`s a Wonderful Life......about 3 hours too long and never as enjoyable as it`s supposed to be. Not really a fan of Jimmy Stewart either.

Love Cary Grant though. Watched him in To Catch a Thief yesterday.

It is cold today. Only walked 5 miles despite no rain, but it was so cold and the promenade area was surprisingly quiet, usually the weather doesn`t put many off walking. But, it`s so windy and being right on the coast, there`s no respite from it.

Having a warming cup of tea now after our showers, and heating is on. But sun is starting to come out, so we will walk into the village to meet friends for lunch now instead of mid morning coffee. Long as it stays dry, we`re happy to walk. We have two lovely coffee shop cafe`s in our village, one allows dogs, one doesn`t, so we go to the one that doesn`t allow dogs. Both serve lovely food and the one that has an alcohol licence is the one that doesn`t allow dogs.....yes, we much prefer that one!
Brrr! Your weather seems to be heading straight to fall.

Sounds like a nice lunch with friends!!

Ah, that Taco Tuesday is here. Yay

And not cool feeling here, Schumi. Still not going below 70 degrees in the overnight. We get a clear sky for sunrise, then just as fast as to enjoy the sunny start, the bulk of the rest of the day will be cloud covered. Still will see 83 the high. And still humid. It’s tomorrow and Thursday, when the rest of Ida makes the next two days, full of rain. Enough that flash flood warnings have been issued starting early tomorrow.

And so, with our chicken quesadilla meal, think maybe only Mac will be doing that Taco Bell dinner run this Taco Tuesday.

And ah yes, that week day routine. And that dressed blue circle is not being appreciated this morning. Sigh. Connectivity indeed.

Ooh tea, off to get some more, and see what to eat for my early breakfast.

Have that terrific Taco Tuesday homies.
We are fortunate that we will not endure the Ida remnants rains.
My heart aches just watching the devastation that has taken place...

Good morning again. I managed to wake up on time despite not getting enough sleep last night.

I got an email last night about the Trans Siberian Orchestra Winter tour. They will be performing Charlottesville, just 1.5 hours from me, on my birthday. Dh is already on board, so now I am just hoping that they won’t have to cancel due to Covid.

Time for work now.
DHs parents took DD to see them Dec. 2019. She loved it! I hope you are able to go!!!

Morning all...just stopping by while at work. :)

Hope everyone has a great day! :flower:
You too Metro!!

I'm in Texas. So, it's just hot here until December, when it gets down to 50 or 60 during the day. High 90s all this week. I really should get up and walk earlier, but I just love being able to sleep in. You have to get out around 6am for it to be nice. It's not terrible right now, low 80s, but really humid in the mornings.
I love Texas!
We have friends in the Fort Worth area. We've been to the AT&T stadium...that was so impressive! We've been to the Stockyards. Had super yummy BBQ! We've stayed and golfed at the Four Seasons at Los Colinas.

We've also been to San Antonio and did all the touristy attractions there. And then headed out to
Bandera, TX to a dude ranch. It was so incredible!!
Yeah - greatest comic actor of all time IMO

with Halloween coming up make sure you watch Arsenic and Old Lace

I’m word perfect on the script! One of the classics I grew up on.

Lori…….love a good old funny!

Yes, autumn is hitting us like a slammer!

Thinking I could live with Soniam‘s weather too……sounds good to me, hotter the better! My favourite weather so far sounds like macs in Georgia…….she has the best weather!

Walked home from the village after having lunch with friends…….didn’t go to the cafe after all, ended up in one of the nicest pubs and yep, it was fabulous! Apparently I use that word a lot………:rolleyes1 but, it was, absolutely fabulous.

Walked home and it began to rain, but not too heavy. No cooking tonight and our friends treated us as our wedding anniversary is on Sept 5th and they’ll be away, so lunch was our present…….that’ll work!

Think I’ll have some tea, or water…….:flower1:
Thinking I could live with Soniam‘s weather too……sounds good to me, hotter the better! My favourite weather so far sounds like macs in Georgia…….she has the best weather!
Don't get me wrong. I love it in the winter. I really hate cold weather. I also love the thunder storms. However, it can get old for it to be so hot so early in the day. I would love for our highs to be in the 80s. That would be perfect.
Slow morning at work. I did manage to get one of my insurance issues resolved though.

with Halloween coming up make sure you watch Arsenic and Old Lace
A few years ago our university theater department did a performance of Arsenic and Old Lace. I tried to explain the plot to my daughter before we went.
Me: It’s about 2 old ladies who poison men and bury them in the basement.
Daughter: (Gives me strange look.)
Me: It’s a comedy.
Daughter: (Gives me an even stranger look.)
Me: No, really.
I think she thought I had gone off the deep end, but she did enjoy the play.

Great birthday gift, Charade. Years ago, they came to my city, so I took my mom as her Christmas gift. We both enjoyed the show. Hope the concert does happen on your birthday. Here, the two rescheduled concerts from last year, did happen in the last month. And one to be next month, and have not heard it’s cancelled.
We were fortunate enough to see them on my birthday back in 2017 when we were in Orlando. I was so surprised they they will be so close to us. We don’t often get good concerts close by.

Oh goodness, shingles can be pretty awful! Hope he's better soon!
He seems to think he will be fine on Wednesday. I told him not to come unless he is really feeling up to it.

We've also been to San Antonio and did all the touristy attractions there.
I lived in San Antonio once. I don’t remember any of it though. I was 3 years old at the time.

I guess I better get back to work and see if I can resolve the other insurance problem.
Good Tuesday afternoon Sans family :wave2:



Lynne Happy belated Birthday to your daughter.


Not long home from our birthday meal out for Tom’s birthday.,…..beautiful evening with lovely fresh oysters to start, perfect steaks, nice wine and desserts and exceptional service. Can’t ask for more.

So nice to hear you both had a lovely birthday meal out. That is a picture of a happy couple celebrating for sure.

The last 2 yes, but the first one was a nightmare. Long story short- the stone was stuck and kept getting infected. I had 2 stints before they were finally able to remove the stone.

Charade so sorry to hear you have had such a hard time with those awful kidney stones. Hope things are doing better for you now.

Hey! Tink good to see you post.

Just been down to the fruit trees......they are filling up nicely. Lots of plums again this year, but some have been ruined by the birds, wish we could educate them to pick one and stick to it, instead of attacking them all......pears are in abundance too this year.

Stood on a ladder to get the top of one of the apple trees.

Beautiful apples and pears.

Upset stomach i thot from Ham BBQ appeared to be a bug that Jr wound up with too. Didn’t keep me from keeping that 3rd vaccine appointment. The mr was amused to finally get a ‘cute’ bandaid with a heart on it lol. It truly is the simple things in life.

right now, arm sore & getting achey. Would be nice to not get the same side effects we had with prior two.

Hope you are feeling better.

Yesterday was one of the happiest and most joyful days!!! :cool1: :flower1::love:
These young adults (100 exactly), deserve to be celebrated, especially for everything they've missed and had to endure during the last year and a half.

Yes, they do deserve to be celebrated.

Officially recognized as members of the professional dental community! Mom may have shed a few tears of pride...

Congratulations to your daughter. I know you are so proud of her.

Since I bought some new shirts for my Disney trip, I thought I should get at least one for my Universal trip. This is the one I ordered except the scarf will be Ravenc

I love the shirt.

Birthday girl’s dinner request. Home made chicken noodle soup, fresh bought baguette, Caesar salad, with some strips of the left over chicken, that I had saved from putting into the soup, and we baked some chocolate chip cookies, as she is not a cake eating fan, and we all were happy to eat them not much past getting the cookies out of the oven.

Sounds like you prepared your daughter all her favorite food for her special day.

It is incredibly filling and sweet, spicy and full of flavour. I couldn`t eat both donuts or all the chips tonight.

Looks yummy. I think your donut burger looks better then the restaurants for sure.

. I also found out that a friend we had back when we lived in Miami (he and his wife used to babysit B when she was a baby and toddler) has Covid and is in critical condition with lung damage. I need some good news today.

Sorry to hear about your friend Charade.

Past couple days have been busy. Been trying to play a little catch up on things that I let slide while I was sick. Bronchitis is better just a little residual cough. Back is much improved.

Doing a little house keeping today. Made some tuna salad. Plan on trying to get two Halloween trees up today. Might not decorate until tomorrow.

Grandsons highs school football team won their game Friday night
41-0. Praying he does not get injured this year.

We got a torrential down poor yesterday and lost power for an hour. I feel so sorry for the folks in Mississippi and Louisiana. Millions are still without power and there are people still missing. My prayers go out to all those folks.

Heard from daughter yesterday. She saw the eye surgeon again for her 6 weeks post op. Her retina has detached again. He said her vision would not return and at this time they are trying to preserve her eye itself. We are so heart broken for her. She is one of many who are now permanently affected after receiving the experimental biologic agent Moderna.

My sister told me yesterday that a friend of hers brother who was fully vaccinated and in very good health prior to coming down with Covid died two days ago. They buried him yesterday. So sad.

Stay vigilant and Wear your masks and sanitize your hands no matter your Vax status.

We all have to continue to live and find some measure of happiness in spite of this disease.

Last day of steroids today. Better get moving. Tomorrow energy may be lessened some.

Need to get on my desk in my office this evening and decide if I’am going to do any other tours for HHN. Was thinking of UMH Tour. Haven’t decided yet. I will not spend as much time at HHN this year as I have in the past.

13 days till

Have a great Tuesday everyone.
Oh Robo, so much news. I’m very glad to hear you are feeling better, and hopefully breathing much better too. And I feel so sorry for your daughter, and now having no vision and a detached retina. Have heard of some of the not good side effects, but not that one. Scary. I hope she will be okay. Traumatizing, I’m sure. Hugs to her. And yay, for grandson’s team winning ways. And we will get those downpours the next two days. Hope you had no flooding. And yes, I have so much sympathy for those that now have no electricity nor drinkable water unless boiled. Finally, woot! Countdown less than 2 weeks now. Mine is just short of three weeks. Can’t wait to enjoy the parks in the Fall.
:wave2: everyone, finally getting a chance to stop by. It has been busy here and when one thing gets done another pops up. It's a good thing I am not working right now due to all the things the family needs. I am happy to help and do what I can.

The weather here has been great. We have been having low 90's and only a few humid days. I am loving having the pool to get some exercise and cool down. Brian and I started walking at night as long as there is no rain. He was told by the doctor he needs to do some physical activity, so we love walking and decided on that. It is much cooler and comfortable to walk here at night. We are only doing about 2 miles right now but will work up slowly. I am waiting for my blood work to come back to see where I need to make life style changes. I didn't realize how much more I have to invest as I get older. We love food so I am trying to be creative and healthy.

We are upset here, I have gotten 2 messages from our Orange county water utility company saying that if our county can't conserve water that in two weeks we may not have usuable water and will have to boil it first. This is because to much liquid oxygen is being used for covid cases in the hospital and can't get enough to treat the water. I bought some water stroage containers to use for boiled water. I am running to Costco to pick up some cases of water. The cases of covid here are setting records for hospitals and deaths but it is also effecting other things. I am not sure how this will effect the Universal resorts and volcano bay if this happens. I do know they have reached out to them and other businesses asking for conservation. I can try and update here as I get news because I am hoping to be notified first being a resident.

We have not been able to have any visitors yet from up north, everyone is waiting till things calm down here, and totally agree. We have decided not to go to my nephew's wedding in October up north. Liv has a hard time with the pandemic and it is not worth the chances of getting sick or upsetting her. I am hoping my nephew will come down at some point and we can treat him a bit and send him a gift.

Brian and I went to Universal yesterday, it was very slow. We had a great time and the rides were walk ons mostly. It was the first time I had the back row on Minions and nobody in front of me all the way down. Actually, we requested back rows on a couple of the simulator screens and it was great. I found it less blurry due to my eye sight. I know for next year the last two weeks of August are great for crowds and specials. We will do more time there then. We are still wearing our masks indoors even though we are fully vaxed. I saw about 25 percent of people had them on. I did just order some stronger masks for HHN for Brian and Charlie because of the houses.

The guys are getting excited for HHN, we will be staying a couple of nights on site. Liv and I will do other things. I am so looking forward to meeting up with some fellow dissers. Plans are coming together.:cool1:

I got a great deal on Animal Kingdom Lodge savanna view club level for next week so we are doing one night resort only. We love the club level there and hoping it will be slower that week.

I just want to give a shout out to a couple of new posters I see, Soniam and Metro West, hello and welcome!
I missed a few birthdays so Happy belated birthday to my fellow disser friends, I hope everyone had a great day!
I am sorry for family losses, I am keeping everyone in my thoughts!
Special thoughts for anyone or their family who is struggling with any sickness, or injuries may they have a speedy recovery.

I miss everyone and think of you often. One of these days I want to stay on track and be on more. I keep thinking it will happen then I get side tracked with family needs.:goodvibes
Another work day is getting shorter...a little over an hour to go. I'm taking a 1/2 day on Friday to start the long weekend and I'm planning on going to the Studios tomorrow after work to get the AP stuff this year. I really like the AP shirt...have to have it in my collection! ;)
Don't get me wrong. I love it in the winter. I really hate cold weather. I also love the thunder storms. However, it can get old for it to be so hot so early in the day. I would love for our highs to be in the 80s. That would be perfect.

I can imagine. I despise being cold, but I do love new boots and winter coats time of of the occasions I do love shopping. Yes, high 80`s is perfect.

Good Tuesday afternoon Sans family :wave2:

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Lynne Happy belated Birthday to your daughter.

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So nice to hear you both had a lovely birthday meal out. That is a picture of a happy couple celebrating for sure.

Charade so sorry to hear you have had such a hard time with those awful kidney stones. Hope things are doing better for you now.

Hey! Tink good to see you post.

Beautiful apples and pears.

Hope you are feeling better.

Yes, they do deserve to be celebrated.

Congratulations to your daughter. I know you are so proud of her.

I love the shirt.

Sounds like you prepared your daughter all her favorite food for her special day.

Looks yummy. I think your donut burger looks better then the restaurants for sure.

Sorry to hear about your friend Charade.

Past couple days have been busy. Been trying to play a little catch up on things that I let slide while I was sick. Bronchitis is better just a little residual cough. Back is much improved.

Doing a little house keeping today. Made some tuna salad. Plan on trying to get two Halloween trees up today. Might not decorate until tomorrow.

Grandsons highs school football team won their game Friday night
41-0. Praying he does not get injured this year.

We got a torrential down poor yesterday and lost power for an hour. I feel so sorry for the folks in Mississippi and Louisiana. Millions are still without power and there are people still missing. My prayers go out to all those folks.

Heard from daughter yesterday. She saw the eye surgeon again for her 6 weeks post op. Her retina has detached again. He said her vision would not return and at this time they are trying to preserve her eye itself. We are so heart broken for her. She is one of many who are now permanently affected after receiving the experimental biologic agent Moderna.

My sister told me yesterday that a friend of hers brother who was fully vaccinated and in very good health prior to coming down with Covid died two days ago. They buried him yesterday. So sad.

Stay vigilant and Wear your masks and sanitize your hands no matter your Vax status.

We all have to continue to live and find some measure of happiness in spite of this disease.

Last day of steroids today. Better get moving. Tomorrow energy may be lessened some.

Need to get on my desk in my office this evening and decide if I’am going to do any other tours for HHN. Was thinking of UMH Tour. Haven’t decided yet. I will not spend as much time at HHN this year as I have in the past.

13 days till
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Have a great Tuesday everyone.

Robbie, I am so sorry to hear the news of you daughter and her sight. What dreadful news for her and you all to receive. The retina detaching again has to be so traumatic for her. I know you`ll all look after her, but my goodness she has been put through the mill since all of this started.

Continued prayers for her despite the awful news, I do hope they can save her eye through all of this.

And it`s always scary to hear of healthy vaccinated people pass away from Covid. A timely reminder for sure when many are becoming quite lax through all of this.

You do have some good news that you are improving both with back issues and your bronchitis. More good wishes sent your way.....and decorating starting soon....look forward to seeing them.

Glad you liked the donut picture, yes, it did look better that Teak`s.....or so I

:wave2: everyone, finally getting a chance to stop by. It has been busy here and when one thing gets done another pops up. It's a good thing I am not working right now due to all the things the family needs. I am happy to help and do what I can.

The weather here has been great. We have been having low 90's and only a few humid days. I am loving having the pool to get some exercise and cool down. Brian and I started walking at night as long as there is no rain. He was told by the doctor he needs to do some physical activity, so we love walking and decided on that. It is much cooler and comfortable to walk here at night. We are only doing about 2 miles right now but will work up slowly. I am waiting for my blood work to come back to see where I need to make life style changes. I didn't realize how much more I have to invest as I get older. We love food so I am trying to be creative and healthy.

We are upset here, I have gotten 2 messages from our Orange county water utility company saying that if our county can't conserve water that in two weeks we may not have usuable water and will have to boil it first. This is because to much liquid oxygen is being used for covid cases in the hospital and can't get enough to treat the water. I bought some water stroage containers to use for boiled water. I am running to Costco to pick up some cases of water. The cases of covid here are setting records for hospitals and deaths but it is also effecting other things. I am not sure how this will effect the Universal resorts and volcano bay if this happens. I do know they have reached out to them and other businesses asking for conservation. I can try and update here as I get news because I am hoping to be notified first being a resident.

We have not been able to have any visitors yet from up north, everyone is waiting till things calm down here, and totally agree. We have decided not to go to my nephew's wedding in October up north. Liv has a hard time with the pandemic and it is not worth the chances of getting sick or upsetting her. I am hoping my nephew will come down at some point and we can treat him a bit and send him a gift.

Brian and I went to Universal yesterday, it was very slow. We had a great time and the rides were walk ons mostly. It was the first time I had the back row on Minions and nobody in front of me all the way down. Actually, we requested back rows on a couple of the simulator screens and it was great. I found it less blurry due to my eye sight. I know for next year the last two weeks of August are great for crowds and specials. We will do more time there then. We are still wearing our masks indoors even though we are fully vaxed. I saw about 25 percent of people had them on. I did just order some stronger masks for HHN for Brian and Charlie because of the houses.

The guys are getting excited for HHN, we will be staying a couple of nights on site. Liv and I will do other things. I am so looking forward to meeting up with some fellow dissers. Plans are coming together.:cool1:

I got a great deal on Animal Kingdom Lodge savanna view club level for next week so we are doing one night resort only. We love the club level there and hoping it will be slower that week.

I just want to give a shout out to a couple of new posters I see, Soniam and Metro West, hello and welcome!
I missed a few birthdays so Happy belated birthday to my fellow disser friends, I hope everyone had a great day!
I am sorry for family losses, I am keeping everyone in my thoughts!
Special thoughts for anyone or their family who is struggling with any sickness, or injuries may they have a speedy recovery.

I miss everyone and think of you often. One of these days I want to stay on track and be on more. I keep thinking it will happen then I get side tracked with family needs.:goodvibes

I`ve been hearing of the water issue due to needing liquid oxygen. It is a worry for sure.

Hope you`re all doing good.

Another work day is getting shorter...a little over an hour to go. I'm taking a 1/2 day on Friday to start the long weekend and I'm planning on going to the Studios tomorrow after work to get the AP stuff this year. I really like the AP shirt...have to have it in my collection! ;)

Sounds like a nice plan Todd......and a nice long weekend planned too......

Didn`t need dinner after lunch out today, so making some shrimp lettuce cups again, not too filling but just enough so we don`t get hungry.

Been reading the thread in the CB about mean friends, or moochers as they have been described. I think we all know someone like that, I know we`ve cut 2 ladies from our lives in the last couple of years who took from all of us and wouldn`t pay their fair share or complained when costs went time for folks like that. But, surprising how many folks have the same issues with folks they know. We used to joke one of our friends used tea bags so she could dry them and reuse them......she wasn`t a friend for long. Didn`t matter what we did, she always wanted to do the cheap way....not our way.

Quite a sunny evening here, but more cloud forecast for tomorrow......

Shrimp lettuce cups coming up.......
Charade if you come to London I would try to met you. We usually visit as my nephew is there but we haven’t been for two years now.

Robo glad you are improving. Hope your daughter also gets some relief very soon.

Nice to see you Bobble. I come and go a bit too so nice to catch up. I’m so sorry to hear of the situation in Orlando and prayers that things turn a corner very soon.

Hope nobody has family in the storm areas. Footage has been shocking to see.

This morning Em had some business to deal with and Kev wanted to carry on working outside as there’s so much to do. His workshop should be built and here end of October so he’s got a deadline. So I took the children to one of our farm butchers where they have a petting area and we fed the animals for an hour so we were out of the way for a couple of hours.

This afternoon I joined a group of ladies from church. Complicated story but we are all going to be embroidering pieces for a coat being added to along a pilgrimage. It was at a beautiful home of a lady who is truly amazing at sewing and crafting. The house is an old vicarage from Edwardian age. It was a lovely couple of hours chatting and sharing ideas.

Sorry I’ve not responded to everyone - if I back track I lose what I’ve typed!

Just hope you’re all doing ok and keep well.
@Robo56 I am so heartbroken to hear about your daughter. It's terrible when things like this happen. My thoughts go to give her strength in such a hard time.

@bobbie68 We have had to boil water a couple of times in the last few years. I just left a big pot, not the giant one though, on the stove and would add water to it to boil whenever I got a chance, ie in the morning before going to work and in the evening when I came home. I would let it cool and then put it in a container in the fridge. We had a couple of containers, some with cold and some that were cooling. Just letting it boil while I had other stuff to do made it not seem to cumbersome. It's not great, but it's way better than not having water, which we got to experience with the freeze in Texas in February.
:wave2: Quick afternoon stop in!

I don't know where the day went. I really wasn't very busy, but little things kept me busy most of the day here. It's a cold, windy, rainy day here. I finally buckled and put on my first pair of socks today and my heater is on under my desk. Weather forecast is for heavy rain until late tomorrow. It's been raining pretty heavy most of the day so far. Maybe most of it is done now. I'm not getting my hopes up yet. It will be a good night just to chill with the remote and a book.

@Robo56 I'm sorry to hear about your dd's ongoing issues with her eye. I can't even imagine all the feelings you all must be feeling - let alone dealing with the fall out from it. I will continue to send healing thoughts and prayers to her and all of you supporting her.

Chicken is out defrosting for me to create a delicious meal for tonight. Might be a chicken pot pie or stew of some sort. The weather calls for one of those warm you from the inside of your belly days.

Everyone else...take care and stay safe. I know that the countdowns are getting closer to the single digits!!! Have a great evening everyone!!!
Ooh I used our chicken the other day for chicken noodle soup, Pumpkin.

Hehe, earlier this afternoon, DH mowed our grass. Since then it’s been non stop hearing mowers and grass blowers. Guess all wasn’t to finish up yard work before we get 5 to 7 inches of rain, as predicted for tomorrow into tomorrow night. Even some light rain on Thursday. But then, that stretch of that glorious late Sumner sunshine through the holiday weekend. Woot! Woot! Woot!
Ooh I used our chicken the other day for chicken noodle soup, Pumpkin.

Hehe, earlier this afternoon, DH mowed our grass. Since then it’s been non stop hearing mowers and grass blowers. Guess all wasn’t to finish up yard work before we get 5 to 7 inches of rain, as predicted for tomorrow into tomorrow night. Even some light rain on Thursday. But then, that stretch of that glorious late Sumner sunshine through the holiday weekend. Woot! Woot! Woot!
5-7 inches of rain! WOW! I think our weather is supposed to be nice this weekend too.
Metro, when you are seeing a large yellow, long blob on the weather radar, coming our way, thanks to the tropical rain leftover from Ida’s horrible damage to the South, yep, lots of rain we will be getting. Glad to hear your weekend will be nice as well. Glad, because we expect to be eating and enjoying being outside.
Hey all. finally back in real world after our 3rd booster on Friday. Will say, it set me back more than the other two combined. Oddly, new side effects mostly. The arm, rather vicious nausea & doozy of headache that hasn’t quite cleared. I’m told that all adds up to being a good thing…it’s working. If they say so

our family’s quest over the years has been to return home with spider pig…guess that softball pitching has paid off :)
Had a feeling after visiting & seeing all the set pieces & tribute store would be a powerful motivator for the GD to lobby for her 1st HHN weekend with us & DiL. DS was unable to work it into his schedule...(someday!). Tentatively scheduled the 3rd weekend of the month depending on school assignments at the time. My mr is conveniently on vacation the following week anyway.

She has creeped me out since a toddler doing the creepy backwards walk, seeing it with the billboard just makes it even worse lol

Oh Keisha we know many who have been unwell and MIL passed with Covid last year but nobody other than James recently. Hope I’m not tempting fate saying that. We are still very cautious and careful and always wear masks in enclosed places.
smart way to roll! I misread your intent
Since I bought some new shirts for my Disney trip, I thought I should get at least one for my Universal trip. This is the one I ordered except the scarf will be Ravenclaw colors.

View attachment 600606
no way. Must google lol. I ordered a couple of lularoe leggings, skirt & top, all Disney themed, including nightmare before Xmas one that reminds me of beetle juice suit. Will see me a mile coming lol. Hoping some of the classic monster ones come back into stock. Comfiest stuff ever & not hot to wear.
Been to Las Vegas a handful times. We have a friend who lives there, and he takes us to places off of the strip. It's a whole other world away from the glitz and casinos.
two words: Ellis Island

a block & a world away. Have fun there but, half that is the fear factor of getting mugged heading back to strip casino lol
Birthday girl’s dinner request. Home made chicken noodle soup, fresh bought baguette, Caesar salad, with some strips of the left over chicken, that I had saved from putting into the soup, and we baked some chocolate chip cookies, as she is not a cake eating fan, and we all were happy to eat them not much past getting the cookies out of the oven.
nice! Happy Birthday to your daughter. Is she at school or virtual again this year?
We stopped for supper at one of those "small hidden gem" places in a tiny little hamlet ( don't blink driving by or you'll miss it lol). It was so delicious, and the place was extremely busy tonight. It seems more and more city people are driving out to this place. It was a good way to finish off the day.
Those sorts are true treasures. I have a theory that if they hand you a can of pop (soda) and glass of ice, you are in for the treat the rest of the meal.
.I like the sound of your style though, 50`s dresses can be so lovely.
yes, other than those pesky 20 inch waists it’s seems so many of the women had in that era
Just enjoying my Tim's steeped tea
hmmm never heard of it.
Made donut burgers tonight. It`s never been something Tom would order, but he did say to make him one too.....
a work of art. Even tho I now have to watch would def try a bite of that delicacy!
Ever heard of it?
yep here. have a hankering to make a Mexican sunsets this weekend. Sweet but, usually one does the trick lol
I know what you mean and I am absolutely sick of the redos and make overs! They should leave the classics alone!
While, surely not talking standard classic flicks…i’m really looking forward to a remake of Resident Evil Movie. Along with a Netflix preque. :teeth:The movie will actually be based on the video game (1st & 2nd this ’go round). It would be difficult to be worse than the original lol
Ever have the family say I don’t want that for dinner....
nope, i make what I knew they would eat. If something new & they turned their noses up, well; always an ‘alternative menu’…peanut butter or lunch meat lol.
We actually picked out knobs and hinges at Home Depot. We purchased one of each to see how they would look. My local HD doesn't have enough knobs in stock, so I placed an online order. The website says the hinge is not available in store or for home delivery. Strange since we bought the hinge in the store. We will take a trip to HD tomorrow and see what is in stock.

We do have an Ace hardware. That will be a backup plan.
i casually glanced at kitchen hardware this summer at Loews. First time in ages, nearly fainted at the price Points. came home & decided I liked what i had. Will wait until we replace cabinetry, some day
Ooh, thanks Ida, predicted 2 to 5 inches of rain with tropical downpours the next two days.
lucky you. It poured here all day from another system, ground saturated like a sponge. They aren’t sure how it will quite track yet…varying estimates of 2 to 8 inches. need to plot our path carefully on Thursday getting around, guaranteed flooding & downed trees. Hopefully, power lines will escape havoc. Too hot to go without AC
We are fortunate that we will not endure the Ida remnants rains.
My heart aches just watching the devastation that has taken place...
it’s difficult to watch yet, I can’t turn away.
Heard from daughter yesterday. She saw the eye surgeon again for her 6 weeks post op. Her retina has detached again. He said her vision would not return and at this time they are trying to preserve her eye itself. We are so heart broken for her. She is one of many who are now permanently affected after receiving the experimental biologic agent Moderna.

My sister told me yesterday that a friend of hers brother who was fully vaccinated and in very good health prior to coming down with Covid died two days ago. They buried him yesterday. So sad.

Stay vigilant and Wear your masks and sanitize your hands no matter your Vax status.

We all have to continue to live and find some measure of happiness in spite of this disease.
your family has truly been touched by the disease, so sorry to read this. Prayers for your DD.
I got a great deal on Animal Kingdom Lodge savanna view club level for next week so we are doing one night resort only. We love the club level there and hoping it will be slower that week.
Love! likely won’t pick up at WDW until 3rd week of September. Have fun
Hey all. finally back in real world after our 3rd booster on Friday. Will say, it set me back more than the other two combined. Oddly, new side effects mostly. The arm, rather vicious nausea & doozy of headache that hasn’t quite cleared. I’m told that all adds up to being a good thing…it’s working. If they say so

our family’s quest over the years has been to return home with spider pig…guess that softball pitching has paid off :)
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Had a feeling after visiting & seeing all the set pieces & tribute store would be a powerful motivator for the GD to lobby for her 1st HHN weekend with us & DiL. DS was unable to work it into his schedule...(someday!). Tentatively scheduled the 3rd weekend of the month depending on school assignments at the time. My mr is conveniently on vacation the following week anyway.

She has creeped me out since a toddler doing the creepy backwards walk, seeing it with the billboard just makes it even worse lol
View attachment 601284

Those sorts are true treasures. I have a theory that if they hand you a can of pop (soda) and glass of ice, you are in for the treat the rest of the meal.
yes, other than those pesky 20 inch waists it’s seems so many of the women had in that era

Sorry the 3rd one hit you so hard. Not looking forward to that, eventually. I had slight fluish like symptoms with the 2nd one, no fever, but I couldn't sleep worth a poo and was extremely tired. Take care of yourself.

Love Spider Pig!!!

Tell me about the small waists. I have my grandmother's wedding dress, and it has an 18 inch waist. I don't know if I ever fit that, maybe in elementary school.


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