Something About Nothing............ #14

I think we are getting into Autumnal weather already. Quite chilly this morning first thing which was strange after the heat we`ve had....

Met some friends for tea in the village cafe this morning, had a lovely little chat and yes, some cake we shouldn`t have been eating!! We all left with some too for later....that woman is an amazing baker and could charge double what she does for a slice of cake.

I think the workmen have finished all the noisy work for now, so all is peaceful for the afternoon and weekend now as they`ve headed off now till Monday.

Having roasted monkfish tonight, wrapped in proscuitto and will make a lemon butter sauce to go with it. Hopefully won`t overcook it.

But, time for a pot of tea again......🫖
lynne, like most home owners we use a company “environmental guard” for inside the house quarterly

no matter how well you clean your home, it’s a necessity for bugs

For outside the house, companies that deal with fire ants, only do their service based on the plan u contract which can range based on number of months a person contracts

fire ants can pop up over night and it spreads quickly

with hot summers, it’s a daily job for us.
companies use a spray product

We use the powder and can kill their nest over night
Much more effective and 95% cheaper

We use a powder product and sprinkle it where they are
they take it back to their group and the colony dies quickly overnight
high temps -fire ants love
and a few sprinkles from the container is all it needs to do the job
fire ants carry it back to the nest and it wipe out the nest

high temps is when there are a nuisance with them
In other words, mostly year round sprinkling for ants, Mac. Yeah, usually our winter temps are low enough, kills most bugs on the outside. This time of year, I also hate those horse flies. Some are huge. Yuck. Why I have bug sprays in my front door closet.

Took some trash out. It is so hot. Can’t wait until lunch, as instead of a walk, going up to pool. Have to be online for just a bit more after lunch, then wahoo pool time. Hoping that rain line to be coming across the state to our side around 4 this afternoon, will be delayed. But at least with my little bit earlier end, we should get some pool time in this afternoon.

Oh my, I’m so glad it’s a Friday. Next Friday, will be in packing mode, after bill paying and errands run. I’m that last minute packer. Will try to get the luggage out this weekend. That try, is probably the right word. It may not come out until later in the week. And a hehe. With our before sunrise flight, and need to leave about an hour earlier to get to airport, thinking of taking a long afternoon nap, and stay up the rest of the night.
No matter how little i go to other places, it’s awesome to have a change of pace life style

Vacation time is me time

Specifically.. i don’t have any responsibilities for home

I eat when hungry
i sleep when tired
I wander aimlessly just looking around

and i am not cleaning cat boxes out daily
Good Friday morning Sans family :wave:


Robo, hope your DH’s toe is okay, and he gets an easy fix at the doctor today. Good to hear you have been busy, with family and the garden
He is doing good. Our Podiatrist was out of town and he was given an appointment with a new one and we like this guy better.

Hope to meet up with you, and yes, should be much more busy this September than last year

I think we are going to miss each other on our visits to HHN this year.

Robo - hope your husband gets some answers about his toe. I can relate to toe problems. Mine is the small toe though.
He did. The new doc we saw was wonderful.

I do have some sad sweet pup Sasha (my avatar) passed away last month...she graced us with her husky talking aroooroo for 11 years...I miss her sassy tail every day.
Tink I’am so sorry your sweet Sasha passed. She was a beautiful dog.

My gift was an overnight stay at the Omni Hotel at the Battery and great seats at the Braves/ Mets game on the 17th.

Such a sweet gift your children gave you for your birthday.

A big shout out to Carole, Mac, Robo, Lynne, Charade, Janet and anyone else who I missed....hope you all have a wonderful week.

It was so good to see you post. I’am sending you lots of mummy dust to sprinkle over you for brighter days ahead. Take care dear lady.

Good Morning from Sapphire Falls! Nice night in Seattle visiting extended family. We went to a nice Italian place for dinner. Flight was on time so things were good. Haven‘t rented scooter yet. Massage therapist visit was helpful. It’s not perfect but I’m doing ok.
Got great room in House 3 on 8th fl. Tonight was a big T-Storm. Walked over to Jake’s at RP for dinner. Just made it back before storm hit!
Very nice view. So good to hear you made it safely to Universal. Enjoy your vacation.

hope you have low attendance days when you are there.
I think it might be ok during the week, but the weekends will be busy. Time will tell.

What a nice celebration for you and your family to look forward to. Congratulations to your sister and her soon to be hubby on their upcoming wedding.

I heard this morning we had 800 lightening strikes last night. Yikes! It was a good show from the safety of my room!
Yes, Florida is known for it’s impressive lightening storms. Gives a lot of credence as to why Universal shuts down coasters and the water taxi's when lightening is within 3 miles of parks.

Tomorrow I will call our insurance agent and have her added to our plan.

Congratulations to B on passing her drivers exam.

Another rainy start to the day here. Weather has been weird.

We had a severe storm that came through here Monday evening. Our son called to let us know the radar was showing it was heading for our area. He has been so good about warning us about storms since we had the bad tornado a few years ago.

The storm knocked down a tree in our yard and knocked down a large tree that blocked the entrance to our street. There was a lot of limb debris. Everything is cleaned up. After the initial strong winds and rain there continued to be a lot of lightning and thunder for 10 hours after the storm which is pretty strange for weather around here.

I had a salon appointment yesterday and the gray in my hair is gone. Today have an appointment for pedicure in the afternoon. So pampered poodle....happy hair happy feet.

I’am taking hubby out for lunch today for his birthday. A little celebration today. He doesn’t know that I’am having a few of the family over for a surprise birthday lunch on Sunday for him. He’s not one for a lot of fuss on his birthday, but I try to make it special for him.


I have done a bit of birthday and Christmas shopping already this year. I was able to pick up a few things when I was in Orlando first week of July.

Older sister D is recovering from her second bout of Covid. I will bring her birthday and Christmas gifts with me when I drive up for HHN. She lives about 30 minutes from Universal. We always meet up and share a nice meal when I’am there.

My younger sister K is going to see if she can break away from work for a little vacation during HHN. It would be so nice to hang out with my sisters for a nice visit. We are all getting older and time spent together is precious.

My sisters are both big Disney fans. So while I’am in Orlando it is an opportunity to buy Disney related items.

I love Universal so I can always get my fix of Universal related items while I’am there on vacation. I bought this on my most recent visit.

I need to figure out what I’am going to serve for lunch Sunday. I’m going to order a fresh Strawberry Chantilly Cake from Fresh market for Sunday. I usually make the birthday cakes, but everyone likes these cakes so will get one.

Need to get scootin. Have a wonderful day everyone.
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A very Happy Birthday to your lovely husband Robbie.......

Yes, our men don`t like fuss do they, but they deserve it......hope he has a wonderful day with you and friends.....

And glad your sister is improving.....good to hear that news. I agree, time spent with family is very precious.

Love the Chantilly Cake idea...they are beautiful!

And happy new hair and feet!!! You`ll be glamorous and dancing at the same time......:)
It's fun day Friday!!!! As a customer reminded me as I answered the phone :laughing:

Another quiet rainy night last night. It was actually pretty cool as well. I ended up closing all the windows and actually put on socks as my feet were cold! All the while they were in socks, they were silently screaming lol. Not much else to report. I was incredibly boring again lol.

I am not sure what is planned for the weekend, but temps are supposed to rise and be hot again. It's going to be to windy, so no going out in the boat. So it will be a putter around the house weekend again. I might have to set up my project room again and get working on the quilt I started. That will also include a trip to the fabric store. I think I'll go check out a new one that opened. I drive by it on my way to work every it's time to check it out.

Big news at our house today. B finally decided that she was ready to take her driver’s exam.
She passed!
Congrats to B!!!! It's a huge milestone and I'm sure she will love the independence that it brings.
A dozen. Yep, countdown still double digit. But getting that much closer. Yay!
And the countdown continues!!!!! The the excitement really starts to kick in now!
It’s stupid hot here
High heat brings out more fire ants

We treat the areas where they are in our yard
but they keep popping up
Mr Mac treated 24 sections of them today
It’s like having a full time job

For our big news in our town, Taco Bell is bringing back the mexican pizza !
I know you'll stay inside to stay cool - and away from the ants ;) I remember you talking about the red ants being a problem before. Nasty little critters they sound like.
I think we had hordes of Canadian Geese flying over us this morning....heck they`re noisy!! Between them and the seagulls who were unusually loud this morning, we were awake extra early!
Those cobra chickens!!! They are definitely noisy buggers at times. We haven't seen any migrating south yet, but come end of Aug we start to see some move and head out. And their poop :sad2: is horrible when there are high numbers of them in one area. We know that one very well I'm afraid.
The storm knocked down a tree in our yard and knocked down a large tree that blocked the entrance to our street. There was a lot of limb debris. Everything is cleaned up. After the initial strong winds and rain there continued to be a lot of lightning and thunder for 10 hours after the storm which is pretty strange for weather around here.

I had a salon appointment yesterday and the gray in my hair is gone. Today have an appointment for pedicure in the afternoon. So pampered poodle....happy hair happy feet.
That sounds like a pretty severe storm :eek: to do that much damage. I hope the clean up is fast. Happy birthday to your Mister! I hope the little party you have planned goes well. We always need to have more reasons to celebrate and get together. It creates great memories!

Well, I should get going and start the daily paper shuffle!

Have a great day everyone!
It's fun day Friday!!!! As a customer reminded me as I answered the phone :laughing:

Another quiet rainy night last night. It was actually pretty cool as well. I ended up closing all the windows and actually put on socks as my feet were cold! All the while they were in socks, they were silently screaming lol. Not much else to report. I was incredibly boring again lol.

I am not sure what is planned for the weekend, but temps are supposed to rise and be hot again. It's going to be to windy, so no going out in the boat. So it will be a putter around the house weekend again. I might have to set up my project room again and get working on the quilt I started. That will also include a trip to the fabric store. I think I'll go check out a new one that opened. I drive by it on my way to work every it's time to check it out.

Congrats to B!!!! It's a huge milestone and I'm sure she will love the independence that it brings.

And the countdown continues!!!!! The the excitement really starts to kick in now!

I know you'll stay inside to stay cool - and away from the ants ;) I remember you talking about the red ants being a problem before. Nasty little critters they sound like.

Those cobra chickens!!! They are definitely noisy buggers at times. We haven't seen any migrating south yet, but come end of Aug we start to see some move and head out. And their poop :sad2: is horrible when there are high numbers of them in one area. We know that one very well I'm afraid.

That sounds like a pretty severe storm :eek: to do that much damage. I hope the clean up is fast. Happy birthday to your Mister! I hope the little party you have planned goes well. We always need to have more reasons to celebrate and get together. It creates great memories!

Well, I should get going and start the daily paper shuffle!

Have a great day everyone!

I think we`re lucky, they don`t make camp close to where we live, but further North, so we don`t have the poop issue, but they are noisy as they fly past. Our local news said they are migrating earlier than usual.....sounds like me.....head

Hope you like the new fabric store.......such a relaxing hobby. I do love a weekend pottering around the house doing little to nothing but passing time....always nice.

Had our roasted monkfish, but stir fried some Chinese style veg to go with it and some singapore style noodles. Very nice and filling. Monkfish was larger than we thought but so tasty.

White wine lovely husband has just poured me a rather large Chardonnay......he`s a keeper!!
A very happy birthday to Robo’s DH. Hope his family lunch was enjoyed, and glad he likes that different doctor. Ack, if our times don’t match up, but maybe another time. I do enjoy our talks over coffee.

Ack, 15 more minutes to pool time. It is so muggy out.
Good evening everyone. Not much going on here today. I spend most of the day working on my photoshop project. I'm just waiting for my professor to answer a question before I finish and submit it. I'm going to take my last anatomy test tomorrow. I need 82/150 to earn an A in the class.

Congratulations to your daughter! She`ll love the freedom of having her own vehicle and that extra independence it brings.
Thanks. She won't be getting a car just yet. She doesn't need one while at school, so she will get a car after she graduates. Right now the plan is to give her dh's car and he will get a new one.

Yeah, down Southern areas, most have yearly bug exterminator contracts.
Yep, we got an exterminator contract because we were getting those tiny ants in our kitchen. They seem to show up every spring and at the beginning of fall.

Vacation time is me time

Specifically.. i don’t have any responsibilities for home

I eat when hungry
i sleep when tired
I wander aimlessly just looking around

and i am not cleaning cat boxes out daily
I'll add that on my solo vacations I don't have to hold bags and phones for anyone else.

I’am taking hubby out for lunch today for his birthday.
Happy birthday to Mr. Robo.

I have done a bit of birthday and Christmas shopping already this year. I was able to pick up a few things when I was in Orlando first week of July.

My sisters are both big Disney fans. So while I’am in Orlando it is an opportunity to buy Disney related items.
If anyone collects pins I found a cool one on the Shop Disney site. It's for Haunted Mansion and it glows in the dark. I will probably get that for dh for Christmas.

Thinking of going shoe shopping tomorrow. Not my favorite thing to do, but I have been wearing my "Baby Yoda" Crocs almost every day since I started having problems with my toe. I need to get some real shoes.
Good evening everyone. Not much going on here today. I spend most of the day working on my photoshop project. I'm just waiting for my professor to answer a question before I finish and submit it. I'm going to take my last anatomy test tomorrow. I need 82/150 to earn an A in the class.

Thanks. She won't be getting a car just yet. She doesn't need one while at school, so she will get a car after she graduates. Right now the plan is to give her dh's car and he will get a new one.

Thinking of going shoe shopping tomorrow. Not my favorite thing to do, but I have been wearing my "Baby Yoda" Crocs almost every day since I started having problems with my toe. I need to get some real shoes.

Hope you get your A Charade....and ideal if she doesn`t need a car just yet.

And good luck with the shoe shopping, yep, it`s not something I find fun either, I have cloppy feet!!

Beautifully still day here, but definitely cooler than it has been, very autumnal mornings already and feels more like late September. I do love Autumn, that changing of the season to crisp cold days is something we do enjoy. It`s miserable cold rainy days we hate and we do get our fair share of those.

No plans to go out today, have some things to do around the house, all incredibly dull but will do some baking this afternoon and hope it`s warm enough to sit outside then too, I think it will as it really warmed up yesterday.

One of my friends popped round yesterday and we wandered down to the fruit trees for a walk and a chat, she still had her phone on her, and took a picture of a youngish deer, she had to zoom as it was off as soon as we approached. If she sends it to me I`ll post her picture, beautiful to see them around all the time.

Croissants and bacon for breakfast, just not yet.......I have had some tea already though, another new one I wanted to try, and it was nice so we`ll order it again.

Takeout pizza for dinner tonight for us and Kyle is picking us up early tomorrow morning to go watch him run a half marathon. We missed the last one he did in May as we were still in Orlando, so we do want to be at the finish line for this one. He hadn`t started running this time last year so he`s doing fabulously, runs several times a week doing varying distances and his fitness levels are extraordinary now......he`s so lean!! I`m so




Have a wonderful Saturday 😁

Ooh, that certainly a lazy Saturday to be up later then I’ve been in awhile. A evening nap saw me wake up to hear little one laughing at 2:30 am. Played on my phone for a bit. But then, nicely went back to sleep a few more hours. Didn’t even hear DH leave. He did call me about a half hour ago, said he was going to wait a little more before mowing his mom’s grass. He did mow ours yesterday. It finally looked just long enough, the lawn does look better after it was mowed.

And the heat wave continues. Another heat advisory today, as humidity is in that uncomfortable 80’s percent. Like the air you can almost touch, it’s so thick. Mid morning, a mostly cloudy day, but oh so bright, as sun seems to say, right now no clouds blocking my streaming of sun through my windows. Why I actually do like my home to face most East.

Hope you do get that A in class, Charade. You have worked hard on your class work. Yep, little one does not have a car. We have her as an occasional driver of mine. As she has not need one for school or work yet, not a 4 car family yet either. We did give older one my old car, and I bought a new one for me. Older one really does need a new car, as the car he is driving is now about 27 years old. But we told him, if he wants a new car, he has to buy it. Whatever he can get for the old car, we still own, we will give him some towards the new car. But then, he also will have to have his own car insurance. Right now, as it’s our car, and we have him under our policy. Ever since we added him, a teenage boy is much more expensive than a teenage girl. Why I was thankful, that if he kept the car another year, most insurance complies lower the rates when those teenage boys turn 25. Will happily be even lower when car and him come off our policy. But then until little one finishes school and gets a new job, she will stay as a sometimes driver using my car, and staying on our policy. Then she will have the choice to get my now old car, and we will keep the insurance, or if she gets a new one, she will pay for it and the insurance.

Ack, to Christmas shopping. I did do that last year on my September trip. Older one really wanted some SW stuff that only sold in WDW. Thankfully, we didn’t have to buy a ticket to shop in the SW area, we found what he wanted in Disney Springs This month’s trip is short enough, but we will probably ride over to the Springs, more to eat at that Pig restaurant, and maybe do a little shopping. She likes the bath place there, and we tend to stroll in that huge Disney store. Last year, the Pig had a steak special. Was one of the best little one has eaten, I had a piece, and it was delicious. While who knows what special next week will have, we both like their style of bbq. So I can see us taking a lunchtime trip over there for a few hours. Lime garage is usually where we end up.

Thus, tea is plentiful. Laundry being done. Have to commute the three days before I’m off, so making sure clothes needed for work and trip are getting cleaned this weekend. Last minute washing will be Friday night. But hoping for a single load needed by then.

Other than getting gas for the car, as I like a fuller tank when I commute, and little one wants to go to the huge mall. Fine with me. Since birthday this month, got some birthday issued coupons we both can use there. And that’s our plan. Older ones last day of house sitting. He’ll be home tonight, as will my sister. Think she has been hazing a great time in FLA.

So a most lazy Saturday homies. That wide smile. The weekend is here. Woot!
it’s really hot today

Mr Mac did a bike ride with friends this morning leaving the house at 7:30

I did grocery shopping for us
It’s rare i do that task

Hit Walmart and came home
parking lot at Publix was quite full but can hit that place another day

Their bakery we can’t get enough of !
They have the best bread rolls and sweets
Hehe, for my joining anniversary, Publix sent me a free coupon for a bouquet of flowers. Will pick them up brighten our room when we come next weekend. Agree with ya Mac, their baked goods are good. None of their stores are around where I am though. I always join a free club at any of the grocery stores. I do hit the Publix when on vacation. So I do shop there generally once or twice a year.

At the mall. Oh so very crowded. Said to little one: All here, because if you’d want to get sone walking in, inside in the AC or sweat buckets walking outside. Way too sticky unless you are near water.
it’s really hot today

Mr Mac did a bike ride with friends this morning leaving the house at 7:30

I did grocery shopping for us
It’s rare i do that task

Hit Walmart and came home
parking lot at Publix was quite full but can hit that place another day

Their bakery we can’t get enough of !
They have the best bread rolls and sweets

You are getting it warm down there!!! You win........::yes::

I love Publix products too.....worth the extra cost for sure. Their Dutch Apple Pie was simply divine!

You were brave going to a grocery store on a Saturday.....we usually avoid that if we can!

Had a lovely day doing not very much......haven`t seen a soul apart from the two of us and that`s always nice too of course! We`ve spent the day doing some cleaning, not as much as we planned to do, but there wasn`t that much to do anyway, shared some lunch, watched a movie together, sat in the garden for an hour and not long finished our pizza delivery.

Going to watch a Kevin Hart movie tonight, that guy is so funny. And a lovely bottle of Pinot Noir......won`t have too much as we`re up extra early for him picking us up to go watch him run the half marathon. Looking forward to that. So, a bit of an early night for us.

Wine is being poured......yum!!
If i do not get the red light at the end of my street, i can be at Publix in 3.5 minutes.

Saturday at noonish time, is the worse period to be at Publix
Same goes for Sunday when churches let out

Their deli section always catches my eye after i hit their bakery
If i do not get the red light at the end of my street, i can be at Publix in 3.5 minutes.

Saturday at noonish time, is the worse period to be at Publix
Same goes for Sunday when churches let out

Their deli section always catches my eye after i hit their bakery

Not bad at all for distance mac.

Yes, certain times are crazy and to be avoided. Nearest large grocery store to us is around 25 minutes away. We have smaller stores of course in our village which are ideal but not for a full shop. We still need to use the larger stores for many items, mostly store cupboard items and toiletries.

Love a good deli......

You`ll need to be up early tomorrow mac to catch the
Schumi, it is unusual I did grocery shop today.
I don’t get out of the house much but was not going to wait and send Mr Mac when he was to come home in the afternoon today.

We only buy meats etc that we will cook with in a couple of days

We don’t freeze any food except ice cream or some basics such as vegetables that are set to be cooked in a microwave bag

Only times I go out is to the private ladies gym in town
I had to take a pass on it until I had a doc release that i was covid free
Started back to it yesterday.


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