Something About Nothing............ #14

Good morning Sans family :wave2:

My older neighbors are originally from Vermont. This will be their first major hurricane. I always like to make sure our elderly in our community are safe. They are made of tuff stock for sure. Just sorry I can’t be there to help all those in need right now.

All the shutters are up in our community. They have set up a group of residents who will be checking on those who choose to stay in there homes if mandatory evacuations are required. Will hand it to our HOA they have been very organized about getting information out to all the homeowners in the community.

This is one of those occasions when I wished our home was east of 95, but that’s not the case.

Sending out prayers and good wishes to all family and friends in Florida. Everyone is as prepared as they can be.

Still praying this hurricane turns and heads out to sea.

I try to temper those things with a bit of mercy. I know everyone in harms way sees the irony in someone worrying about their vacation, when so many have so much to loose, but i’am guessing lots of folks have probably done significant planning and spent a lot of money trying to plan their vacations. To them they can’t see outside of their bubble to see anything else right now. That’s ok.
I think you mean west of 95? lol! When I go to Florida my direction is all messed up. I’m used to thinking of ocean being west, but in Florida it’s east!

I’m not even reading the Dis hurricane threads. Some people are being quite mean berating people for coming, and telling them to stay home and leave the hotels for evacuees.

I smell bacon! Time for breakfast & coffee!
Jumping into the SANS community a bit late. I'm an occassional poster but read fairly regularly. I'll take the guest house by the pool if that is okay😉.

Mac- I lived in Stuart for 2 years when I was a kid. My aunt owned a flower shop, Stuart Flowers and Gifts for about 20 years. Still have family there and all along the east coast of Fl. I am watching the storm closely and keeping everyone in the path of the storm in my prayers.

We are in SE Virginia. Path is looking a lot like Matthew so we are watching it closely.

Beautiful day in Virginia today. Low 80s. Time to get moving now but The Office marathon keeps pulling me back to the couch.

To our newest homie


It’s about time you joined in here, we’ve been waiting for youse !

Hope you are spared from cousin Dorian
I do remember Mathew and where it hit

Stay with us and chat about anything on your mind

I have great memories of being in Stuart, Ft Pierce and the cities north of it
Yearly family reunions were great in Florida

So hope no hurricane actions hit you in SE VA
Note to self:
Do not let SueM be our bus driver when we head to schumi’s for breakfast bacon

Lol........breakfast is on offer tomorrow morning.......have 8 coming for brunch, so a few more isn’t a problem.......:-) And thanks again for the heads up........:thumbsup2

Jumping into the SANS community a bit late. I'm an occassional poster but read fairly regularly. I'll take the guest house by the pool if that is okay😉.

Mac- I lived in Stuart for 2 years when I was a kid. My aunt owned a flower shop, Stuart Flowers and Gifts for about 20 years. Still have family there and all along the east coast of Fl. I am watching the storm closely and keeping everyone in the path of the storm in my prayers.

We are in SE Virginia. Path is looking a lot like Matthew so we are watching it closely.

Beautiful day in Virginia today. Low 80s. Time to get moving now but The Office marathon keeps pulling me back to the couch.

Hey cam.......good to see you here.......

( is a lovely poster on my trip report.......)

Welcome along.......and good choice on the pool house......::yes:: Hope you enjoy it here.....and good wishes Dorian goes the other way and misses you!!!

Been a funny old weekend.........but all is good!!

Our flight Tuesday was finally cancelled, as we knew it would be......but, we are booked on the flight for Thursday 5th........and we still managed to get Premium seats too.....happy about that!

Everything else sorted, will no doubt regale the whole story in the trip report.......but it’s been interesting for us!!

Folks are saying the hurricane might miss......well, I hope it does miss everybody and heads back out to sea.......but even if it does, after speaking to our friend at the hotel, I’m happy with our choice to switch. And we get a few extra days with Kyle.........losing two days is nothing......we still have 27 nights in Orlando..........

Dull morning today, but spent almost three hours in the salon.......I actually really love my hair this time!! There is a new stylist, wow is she nosy!! Very abrupt for someone I just met.......gave her the “mind your own business” look a couple of times. Hate nosy people. Don’t think she’ll last. My stylist wasn’t impressed with her questions either.

But, sun is shining, and it’s beautiful.....very breezy though......

I’m sure I had something else to ramble about.......I forget.

Tonight is Chinese take out........and wine!

Happy Saturday........
Happy Saturday. Today will probably be a day of college football. It’s almost time for dh’s school to play. He’s at the gym right now, so I’m watching some of the hurricane coverage. I’m praying that all off my Florida friends stay safe.

Trying to get back into the fall schedule here and it has been crazy. Our eldest just started her 1st year at MTSU & she is working there as well. I am grateful that she decided to stay home instead of moving into the dorms, but since her car is not running at the moment, dorm life might have been a better option. Our middlest has been promoted to shift leader at her job and is also dual enrolling at the local community college, so her schedule is busy….and she doesn’t drive yet. Luckily, our youngest decided he wanted to take a season off from playing baseball. I am not sure I could handle driving his sisters everywhere AND handling ballgames and practices. We also have a side business that is completely booked for the next few months. I think we are just figuring out how to get through day by day at the moment. And since we didn’t have enough going, we decided to get a puppy. Thinking we must thrive on crazy around here!!
Welcome back. You sound very busy. One of the reasons we insisted on B living in the dorm is because she doesn’t drive yet either. Congrats on the puppy. Do you have pictures to share?

I will never forget, a flight on a commercial plane, and I knew we were in trouble, as we were flying so much lower than the pilot let on. The stewards were so scared, they were in their seats right from the start of the flight. As we came in for the landing, there were fire trucks, police and ambulances on the tarmac. Seems when we successfully landed, we had very icy wings. When we exited the plane, we had heard a sister flight had just crashed in the nearby airport.
That is too scary. I hate to fly, and that might have turned me off flying forever.

Oh yeah sounds familiar! Grandma has given each of the girls a car when they turn 16-her old car. While I worry about them driving, I have to say it is nice not having to act as chauffeur all the time! My 16 yo schedule is crazy-She is chief mentor (like a role model/tutor/leader), writing center tutor, involved in GSA (or some such initials-Gay-straight alliance), started a Harry Potter club this year, is in Marching Band, and is on a Robotics team. Senior this year too. I see her for a few minutes each day LOL.
That made me tired just reading it. I’m amazed at how some students are able to do so much.

Been a friday from HE dbl hockey sticks. State survey was still in the home I was at today (should have exited today but coming back Tuesday), son forgot his instrument at school despite multiple warnings to NOT forget it(he has an assignment he has to do at home due Tuesday 8 am), DH is out of town so couldn't run him back to school and middle kid was home but being stubborn about running him back to school-which led to him having a breakdown etc. Finally told both of them that instrument better be in the house when I get home or they'd better run away as they wouldn't want to be there when I get home. As it is middle is grounded other than school activities, and son lost his computer and phone until monday. Princess Tiana has been pulled out of nesting box 3 times since I've been home -went to pull her out again and set her on roosting bar and threatened her with stew pot. And my personal computer that I also use for some work crapped out again-new computer but has some flaw that gives me a blue screen and won't restart. IF force a shutdown then it won't restart/turn on unless battery disconnected-which is like doing brain surgery on this model. Been so annoyed I made a martini and haven't felt like drinking it. Oh and lost my debit card.
Sounds like you could use a little vacation away from the kids. Hope you found the debit card.

Son in law works in corporate Home Depot-
I used to work there in their accounting department. That was so long ago.

Did not do grocery shopping yesterday so that is my errand to do today
I need to do that too. I have no idea what to buy. I’m still getting used to cooking for just 2.

And got news a friend of ours from college, one of DH's fraternity brothers and someone we hung out with alot-died of massive heart attack last night. Several couples (we were invited but couldn't make timing work) from college years were to go on cruise together next month (originally to Cuba but obviously that changed). Very unexpected. DH has spotty wifi/internet at his dad's "farm" (where they go hunting) and not sure if he knows yet.
SO sorry to hear that.

I think you mean west of 95? lol! When I go to Florida my direction is all messed up. I’m used to thinking of ocean being west, but in Florida it’s east!
Well, if you keep going far enough west you will hit the ocean again.

We are in SE Virginia. Path is looking a lot like Matthew so we are watching it closely.
Welcome cam. I live in central VA.

Just heard the garage door. Dh is home and it’s time for Florida State football. Ugh.
Schumi snuck in while I was posting. I was wondering what would happen with your trip. Nice that you will only be losing 2 days.
Good morning Sans family :wave2:

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Morning Lynne :wave2:

My older neighbors are originally from Vermont. This will be their first major hurricane. I always like to make sure our elderly in our community are safe. They are made of tuff stock for sure. Just sorry I can’t be there to help all those in need right now.

All the shutters are up in our community. They have set up a group of residents who will be checking on those who choose to stay in there homes if mandatory evacuations are required. Will hand it to our HOA they have been very organized about getting information out to all the homeowners in the community.

This is one of those occasions when I wished our home was east of 95, but that’s not the case.

Sending out prayers and good wishes to all family and friends in Florida. Everyone is as prepared as they can be.

Still praying this hurricane turns and heads out to sea.

I try to temper those things with a bit of mercy. I know everyone in harms way sees the irony in someone worrying about their vacation, when so many have so much to loose, but i’am guessing lots of folks have probably done significant planning and spent a lot of money trying to plan their vacations. To them they can’t see outside of their bubble to see anything else right now. That’s ok.

Again homes can be rebuilt, vacations can be replanned. Lives are what matter the most.

Our town is not far from Port St. Lucie. I hope your cousin and friend are safe.

Wow.....sounds like she is a incredibly busy young lady.

LOL....That made me laugh.

Hope you find your card.

Continued good wishes Robo for your home neighbourhood.......hopefully it’ll blow the other way......we can but hope........

SAturday and need to get moving.
Love the wake up to Saturday memes/funnies.
Already gave the under the weather hen her antibiotic (the other hens jealous she got it in yogurt), and pulled the Princess out of the box (twice). Isolating her today to try to break her for good. I think she is losing weight as she won't eat unless we pull her out and block her from going back in. Need to run into town to drop box off at Fed Ex and then to feed store to get some straw and clean the coop. Then clean the house so can relax rest of weekend. Probably a grocery stop too.
Robo, Dixi hope your homes and friends and family are safe and storm continues a curve out to sea. Have friends in Carolina and Virgina so hoping the storm misses them too.
And got news a friend of ours from college, one of DH's fraternity brothers and someone we hung out with alot-died of massive heart attack last night. Several couples (we were invited but couldn't make timing work) from college years were to go on cruise together next month (originally to Cuba but obviously that changed). Very unexpected. DH has spotty wifi/internet at his dad's "farm" (where they go hunting) and not sure if he knows yet.

Coffee gone, time to get moving.

I’m so sorry MonyK. News like that is never good, especially when it was so unexpected.

:wave2: making a quick pop in before I start my day. Wanting to check in and see how everyone is doing with the hurricane coming in. Sounds like everyone is as prepared as they can be.

Monk...sounds like a busy household. The sibling fighting, that can gt tiresome. I am very lucky, my boys get along very well. Rarely do they fight. If the youngest one would ever get mad at the older one, and use his strength, he would snap him in two. But my youngest is the biggest teddy bear, but built like a brick house. He's a solid boy, would be a great blocker fr football, but he is just not that type of kid. Your chicken stories never fail to make me giggle - the warnings of the stew pot :laughing:

Well, coffee is done, need to get myself into the shower, head into work ( second job ) where I haven't had a shift since Aug 10 then head out to the lake to help sort and decide what things I want to keep of mom's things.

Stay safe everyone and have a good day!!!

Best wishes for this weekend.........hope it’s not too much a drain on your emotions........ was inevitable, and really with such a long trip it’s not too big a loss! Enjoy your football day! Lots of snacks...... ::yes::
Charade, after flying in every thing from a 4 seat turbo prop, to a double decker jet one, not much stops me from flying. I could tell some more stories, and very happy to say, I am here, unhurt from all the stuff that happened to me when flying. Have fun snacking and having a quiet house.

MonyK, so sad to hear about friend. Too young to pass away, and hope he did not suffer. Sounds like way too much on your plate, lately. Relax, put feet up, and have a drink in hand tonight. I had to laugh, chicken dinner threat. Yeah, that is what my neighbor thought he would have when hens stopped laying eggs. Um, she gave names to them all, and told him, they are not for dinner in so many words. So, no threat from him when hens misbehave.

New toaster is plugged in, so hoping all don’t let this one overheat.

A beautiful, sunny day. No zoo, but errands ran, and a quick stop for a cinnamon bun and coffee. Little one does not like cinnamon, so it is nice to have older one with me, as he enjoys that treat. Those buns need to be eaten by more than one person, as they are so rich in taste, and sweet.

Thinking bbq chicken for dinner. Bought tortillas, and shredded pepper jack cheese.

Sending lots of thoughts to keep Dorian further and further, far out to sea. Praying all that are in the hurricane’s effects, are safe, and property is not damaged.

Tea, why yes.

And Schumi, Chinese take out sounds like a perfect Saturday dinner, and happy you could reschedule all, with understanding travel services you are using. And how nice, same kind of seats for the trip, still. And woot! Still a month to enjoy that Florida sun, and lots of HHN fun.
And got news a friend of ours from college, one of DH's fraternity brothers and someone we hung out with alot-died of massive heart attack last night. Several couples (we were invited but couldn't make timing work) from college years were to go on cruise together next month (originally to Cuba but obviously that changed). Very unexpected. DH has spotty wifi/internet at his dad's "farm" (where they go hunting) and not sure if he knows yet

Monyk so sorry to hear of you and your husband’s friend passing. So very sad.

The average gas price here is $1.45/litre so that’s about $5.80/gallon. Ugh

That’s a lot for a gallon of gas.....I paid $ 2.24 a gallon last week.

I think you mean west of 95? lol! When I go to Florida my direction is all messed up. I’m used to thinking of ocean being west, but in Florida it’s east!

Yep....west of 95 is what I meant. It’s a wonder I know which way to walk today. I posted early this morning when I got up. Mind on other things for sure.

I’m not even reading the Dis hurricane threads. Some people are being quite mean berating people for coming, and telling them to stay home and leave the hotels for evacuees.

Yep....better not to get embroiled in hostile posting situations. No one wins.

Jumping into the SANS community a bit late. I'm an occassional poster but read fairly regularly. I'll take the guest house by the pool if that is okay😉.

Welcome cam757

Folks are saying the hurricane might miss......well, I hope it does miss everybody and heads back out to sea.......but even if it does, after speaking to our friend at the hotel, I’m happy with our choice to switch. And we get a few extra days with Kyle.........losing two days is nothing......we still have 27 nights in Orlando..........

I’am glad to hear you have all your rearrangements for the trip sorted. Even if postponed by a couple of days you will have plenty of time for a great trip once you get there.

Tonight is Chinese take out........and wine!

I think I will pull out that bottle of wine we have chilling in the refrigerator tonight. Thanks for the idea Schumi.

Continued good wishes Robo for your home neighbourhood.......hopefully it’ll blow the other way......we can but hope........

Thank you Schumi....from your lips to Gods ears dear lady :hug:
Florida State just lost. Dh will be in a foul mood for the rest of the day. Thankfully he is leaving to go to the university to watch his/B’s school live. I will now get to have a quite evening.
It's hot here today.
All week it will be in the 90's

This is not a complaint.......I could still be living up North and have the furnace running in mid September

I can handle hot weather over cold anytime!

I never did get out of the house today for picking up some groceries....
There is always

I have Florida on my mind and pray that all stay safe.
It was good that information about the hurricane was given out days in advance so residents could make plans to relocate to safer quarters.
Charade, after flying in every thing from a 4 seat turbo prop, to a double decker jet one, not much stops me from flying. I could tell some more stories, and very happy to say, I am here, unhurt from all the stuff that happened to me when flying. Have fun snacking and having a quiet house.

MonyK, so sad to hear about friend. Too young to pass away, and hope he did not suffer. Sounds like way too much on your plate, lately. Relax, put feet up, and have a drink in hand tonight. I had to laugh, chicken dinner threat. Yeah, that is what my neighbor thought he would have when hens stopped laying eggs. Um, she gave names to them all, and told him, they are not for dinner in so many words. So, no threat from him when hens misbehave.

New toaster is plugged in, so hoping all don’t let this one overheat.

A beautiful, sunny day. No zoo, but errands ran, and a quick stop for a cinnamon bun and coffee. Little one does not like cinnamon, so it is nice to have older one with me, as he enjoys that treat. Those buns need to be eaten by more than one person, as they are so rich in taste, and sweet.

Thinking bbq chicken for dinner. Bought tortillas, and shredded pepper jack cheese.

Sending lots of thoughts to keep Dorian further and further, far out to sea. Praying all that are in the hurricane’s effects, are safe, and property is not damaged.

Tea, why yes.

And Schumi, Chinese take out sounds like a perfect Saturday dinner, and happy you could reschedule all, with understanding travel services you are using. And how nice, same kind of seats for the trip, still. And woot! Still a month to enjoy that Florida sun, and lots of HHN fun.

Thanks Lynne......Yes, we don't ponder on two days......I feel so sad for folks who`ve had to cancel altogether. That`s so hard to do. I consider us very lucky to get a replacement flight so soon and keep Premium seats, I did tell Tom I`d take any seat that was available.
Chinese was had a little MSG in it...….had some palps for an hour or so after. Gone now though.
Hope you enjoy your new toaster...….cinnamon bun as a snack and barbecue chicken sound good!!!

Monyk so sorry to hear of you and your husband’s friend passing. So very sad.
That’s a lot for a gallon of gas.....I paid $ 2.24 a gallon last week.
Yep....west of 95 is what I meant. It’s a wonder I know which way to walk today. I posted early this morning when I got up. Mind on other things for sure.
Yep....better not to get embroiled in hostile posting situations. No one wins.
Welcome cam757
I’am glad to hear you have all your rearrangements for the trip sorted. Even if postponed by a couple of days you will have plenty of time for a great trip once you get there.
I think I will pull out that bottle of wine we have chilling in the refrigerator tonight. Thanks for the idea Schumi.

Thank you Schumi....from your lips to Gods ears dear lady

Enjoy that wine Robo…….I`m having a very nice South African Chardonnay.....never tried this one before, it arrived a month or so ago......and it is lovely!!! Would order another load of this!

Florida State just lost. Dh will be in a foul mood for the rest of the day. Thankfully he is leaving to go to the university to watch his/B’s school live. I will now get to have a quite evening.

Enjoy that quiet evening.......join all of us in a glass of something nice....

It's hot here today.
All week it will be in the 90's

This is not a complaint.......I could still be living up North and have the furnace running in mid September

I can handle hot weather over cold anytime!

I never did get out of the house today for picking up some groceries....
There is always

I have Florida on my mind and pray that all stay safe.
It was good that information about the hurricane was given out days in advance so residents could make plans to relocate to safer quarters.

Enjoy that heat do had many a bad winter and summer too in Chicago.....Sunday is a better day for grocery shopping than Saturday somehow.......far too busy usually.

Did have a look at the book we are all reading.....oh looks to be a sad the first two chapters! Not sure I want to know where it goes.

All invited for brunch........10.30am........:thumbsup2

Then the F1 Grand Prix, which will be a sombre affair now as one of the younger drivers was sadly killed in the Formula 2 Sprint Race at Spa in of the best race tracks in the world. Very sad as he was only 22.

Very clear crisp night, and cool! Kyle and friend are out star gazing.....gave her a hat to put on as she didn`t bring one....I think they still think it`s summer!!!! Definite chill in the air......
Lol........breakfast is on offer tomorrow morning.......have 8 coming for brunch, so a few more isn’t a problem.......:-) And thanks again for the heads up........:thumbsup2

Hey cam.......good to see you here.......

( is a lovely poster on my trip report.......)

Welcome along.......and good choice on the pool house......::yes:: Hope you enjoy it here.....and good wishes Dorian goes the other way and misses you!!!

Been a funny old weekend.........but all is good!!

Our flight Tuesday was finally cancelled, as we knew it would be......but, we are booked on the flight for Thursday 5th........and we still managed to get Premium seats too.....happy about that!

Everything else sorted, will no doubt regale the whole story in the trip report.......but it’s been interesting for us!!

Folks are saying the hurricane might miss......well, I hope it does miss everybody and heads back out to sea.......but even if it does, after speaking to our friend at the hotel, I’m happy with our choice to switch. And we get a few extra days with Kyle.........losing two days is nothing......we still have 27 nights in Orlando..........

Dull morning today, but spent almost three hours in the salon.......I actually really love my hair this time!! There is a new stylist, wow is she nosy!! Very abrupt for someone I just met.......gave her the “mind your own business” look a couple of times. Hate nosy people. Don’t think she’ll last. My stylist wasn’t impressed with her questions either.

But, sun is shining, and it’s beautiful.....very breezy though......

I’m sure I had something else to ramble about.......I forget.

Tonight is Chinese take out........and wine!

Happy Saturday........
Glad you got things sorted out! And still able to get decent seats on the flight.
I think we’re having Chinese take out tomorrow. Tonight brother-in-law and possibly a friend are coming for dinner tonight, the request is burgers! I also picked up some local corn yesterday. Season should be ending soon.
Do you get B.C. Wine? There are some very good vineyards here.
Note to self:
Do not let SueM be our bus driver when we head to schumi’s for breakfast bacon
Lol! Well I’m fairly sure Schumi is East of i95! :drive::car:
Several of you have mentioned Chinese food, so I think that is what I want too. Part of me wants to have it delivered, but I really need to pick up a few things at Walmart, so I will eat out then go by Walmart on my way home.

Enjoy that quiet evening.......join all of us in a glass of something nice....
It will probably just be Coke tonight. Maybe I’ll splurge and get something chocolate for dessert.
I am very much east of the I-95!!!

BC wines aren't the easiest or most popular wines to purchase. I`ve only tried one or two at wine events. Painted Rock Syrah was one.......and I did have a chardonnay and a Gamay. Wasn't very keen on the last two. But as I said, they`re not readily available over here. I think I found them a little like New Zealand wines, a little too green for me. But the Syrah was nice.

I prefer Australian, Californian, Argentinian, Chilean and South Africa. I`m easy to please...…. :rolleyes1

Almost bedtime here......quite tired now.

Hope everyone`s had or having a great Saturday......and hope Keisha isn`t facing huge crowds today.....:wave2:
Thanks all for the sympathy wishes. DH is still a bit in shock. He and another friend (we've been friend with them since college as well) were supposed to get together to play golf in a couple weeks.
House cleaned, errands done, coop cleaned. And I think Princess Tiana is over/broke from her broodiness. We had her inside most of the morning. Then put her back out when I cleaned the coop (with 5 watchful hens who do NOT like their house messed with :sad2:). After 6 years of having hens I know to not spread the straw out-they have oodles of fun scratching and leveling piles on their own. Why do the extra work of spreading it out when I have free labor LOL? Sure enough I just checked and straw is at an even level throughout coop. And the piles of stuff I left outside run are all spread out too.
Boy might earn his internet back tomorrow. He's currently binge watching The Good Place after doing his homework and chores without complaint, and no sibling fighting either.

Yay to Schumi for getting travel changes sorted.
Charade hope you are enjoying the quiet.
Robo enjoy the wine
Lynne hope the toaster works as expected LOL and no flames!
Welcome to Cam!
Mac - trying a martini again, actually decided to drink it this time. Some variation from the cruise's martini tasting (have the recipes), enjoy the warm weather.
Hey Sue! Burgers and corn sound good-neither kid really had ideas on what for dinner so..

Munchie type stuff for dinner, have some leftover greek pasta salad as well.

Poor in-laws(DH's dad and step mom) who are taking their DD and her family to Disney in October have no idea what they are in for. So called DH's stepmom and offered to help. Sent her 3 different plans to look over-they are only doing MK and AK and Universal Studios, plus want off days as the grand kids are little. Couple plans have room for a MNSSHP which I think they'd enjoy. Have a reservation finder set up for a couple character meals as I know niece would enjoy. They are staying offsite in a house though, so no FP until 30 days out. They aren't going until end of October.

Cool today, with a hint of chill, overcast so no sun to warm up. Won't last as we are projected to be back in 90's at end of next week...did turn off A/C and opened window though.
Schumi. I do enjoy the NZ Sav Blanc Kim Crawford or OysterBay are my favs.
Quails Gate in BC have some nice whites. Mission Hills black label. I have no idea what they export. I go crazy when I’m in the US! The wines are so much cheaper! I think I went overboard the last time or 2 I was in Florida and a friend that lives there benefited lol. I bought more than I could drink lol so our last night we were having dinner together I passed the unused along! I’m like a kid in a candy store!

Monykalyn you sure put in a full day! Enjoy that martini. I like the flavoured fruity ones.
That’s good of you to help with the WDW planning. My first time I didn’t know anyone to help me but I got the Unofficial Guide with Touring Plans. This was before their web site! They were great and we got so much done

A few years ago an acquaintance went with her daughters and their families. I knew she was going and I offered my help but she declined saying her daughter & husband were planning everything. I asked her how her trip went, she said awful, long lines everywhere and couldn’t find anything to eat except burgers and chips. I guess they didn’t plan very well. It made me so sad because they could have had a great trip. I was biting my tongue so hard I’m sure blood was dripping down lol.
So I hope your family uses your plans!

Welcome to Cam!

Company should be arriving soon. Sun is out so better put the patio table umbrella up and start setting the table. And maybe a glass of wine!


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