Something About Nothing............ #14

Busy day today. I think we will have a busy January with people resolving to take care of their mental health.
We finally got our new dining set today. We were supposed to have it on 12/16 but the store's finisher quit. They hired a new person, but had fallen behind on orders. They refunded our delivery fee which was nice. We plan to buy a few more things from them in the future.

I have a clear case on my iPhone. It’s not bulky at all but saves my phone! I don’t know how many times i have dropped it at home! ESP with the glass back I don’t trust it not to crack! I paid too much $ for it!
I think I have the bulkiest (is that a word?) Otter Box case on my phone. I'm really paranoid about dropping my phone even though it's happened only a couple of times and over carpet.

The worst, you’ll be finding it for months lol
Charade, yes, there`ll be glitter for a while! It does get everywhere and pops up when it really should be gone!
A few years ago one of B's dance recital costumes was a hideous pink dress that was covered in glitter. Her recitals are held in the auditorium of her high school and they used the drama room as one of the dressing rooms. I am willing to bet that you can still find pink glitter in the carpet of that room.

Only thing I have to do is go to Publix for groceries

If I don’t, we eat out tonight
We had to go to the grocery tonight too, but also ate out first. I guess I will have to cook the rest of the week.

I cringed watching Tom Cruise mug his way thru the mummy sigh. They need to give it another whirl.
I managed to miss that one thank goodness.

I had brownie for dinner, don’t judge me.
I think we've all done something like that at some point.

There is a possibility of some snow here tomorrow. Probably just a dusting if that much, but who knows. Once they predicted a coating to an inch and we got 6 inches.
Busy day for me but wanted to put the porch light on here in case any homies drop in during the night.

Lynne is on her cruise and Robo is now sleeping in her bed in the South until spring returns up North

Charade, I always bought the otterbox for my iphones.
Well worth the cost as it saves the phone when it drops or in my case, falls out of my pocket.

I replaced my phone to the Iphone 11.
Went with the apple clear plastic back cover for it.
This phone has fallen off the table, my jacket pocket, and out of the car when I forget it is on my lap and I open the car door....
Guess I have been lucky as no damage to the phone.

I did get the invisible screen applied to the face of the phone so no scratches...yet..

Good night and sweet dreams homies.
Keishashadow lol I thought it was a medical term too! Glad to hear Jr is getting better.

Pumpkin welcome home I think lol. Brrrr. Great pics, so that’s what blue skies look like! It’s been so long, nothing but rain and more rain. Honestly I really can’t remember when I last saw even a patch of blue! It even rained at Whistler. And wet snow. Temps hoovered around 0c.
At home it’s been 5-7c

i spent the morning gathering up bits & bobs to pack, charging cords, wireless headphone, sunscreen, etc. Went out to lunch with friends. We had a later than usual lunch so didn’t leave until 3:00. Had to go home to continue adding bits to pack and start dinner. Curry chicken with broccoli over rice. Now just watChing tv and waiting to do my online check in with the airline in 30 min.

Tomorrow I make the 3 hr drive down to Seattle. Will stop at a Costco gas bar on the way down. US gas is so much cheape. I’ve purposely let my tank go down, although I still have half a tank.

I get to use my Nexus card for the first time! Yay.
Mac thanks for leaving the light on! I have a clear Spiegan case that has the whatever- space technology that buffers falls. So far it works. And case isn’t bulky. This was the first time I had a screen protector applied. I bought the Xxs max when it came out. I bought it outright from Apple Store because I have a great rate plan I didn’t want to loose. And have Apple care.
That's a good deal, @Sue M!

I bought my dad an older iphone for Christmas as he said he needed a new phone, but didn't want a brand new one so I got him the kind of model I still have which is the 6s and got him a rugged OtterBox case. It does the trick perhaps too well since he has to press hard to do things on it. I told him maybe I should buy him another case, but he likes it the way it is. iPhones are relatively good as long as they do not land directly on the pavement, or rock with literally no protection. I have a fairly delicate case and in the Spring I'll be having it for four years and no cracked screen. *knock on wood*

Hope @Charade67 and @macraven got some sleep. I know you two have troubles with that sometimes.

I hope everyone has a good day. It's Taco Tuesday!
Pumpkin.....beautiful pictures!!!! And wow that's cold......hope you keep warm.....yes, Banff is somewhere I`d love to see.

Keisha....nothing wrong with a brownie for dinner......I have been seen with a tub of white Ben & Jerry`s ice cream and a large spoon in the past as an alternative dinner!!!

Disxuni, yes, meatballs were beautiful! A favourite in this house.

Charade Happy new dining`s nice when you find a bespoke firm you will buy from again. Oh I can imagine your carpet with all that glitter around!!

Sue, safe travels.

Well, they promised us mild weather today but very is freezing!!! High winds are building now, but didn't spend long outside today. One friend asked if I`d like to go a walk with her along the beach with the dog.....that was a firm no!!! Call me in the summer!

I hate Guinness with a passion.....but have some diced beef in a large dish soaked in it.....hate the smell so it`s tucked away.....but will cook it slowly all day tomorrow and have it over two Keisha`s brownies, it`s better second don't taste the Guinness at all, it`s just a very rich flavour when it`s cooked...….and loads of ground pepper too!

Tonight is chicken stuffed with Brie and wrapped in prosciutto......Tom did ask for a grilled chicken sandwich......oops!

Time for cup of tea I think........
Terrific Tuesday to all. Trying new recipe for chicken parm soup in crock pot. The mr wouldn’t touch that with a pole, drug out a quart of beef veggie soup from freezer for him. Need to grab some provisions later. Find myself going into hibernate mode when it dips below freezing if truth be told
We finally got our new dining set today. We were supposed to have it on 12/16 but the store's finisher quit. They hired a new person, but had fallen behind on orders. They refunded our delivery fee which was nice. We plan to buy a few more things from them in the future.
Good thing you didn’t need it for the holidays. Nice to hear you were satisfied
replaced my phone to the Iphone 11.
Went with the apple clear plastic back cover for it.
This phone has fallen off the table, my jacket pocket, and out of the car when I forget it is on my lap and I open the car door....
Guess I have been lucky as no damage to the phone.
I had new 6s fall out of pocket into a stream of rain water. Caught it just in time before it went into storm sewer. Mr King’s It book did flash thru my mind. Had otterbox case on, apparantly air cushion kept floating, phew. Never buy the insurance. that particular phone did go bad but known apple issue with battery, they replaced it. One of my kids is still using it.
Just finished reading a book.
Anything good?
Spiegan case
I got my new phone the 1st day, spiegan the only case I could find. Seems to be thicker than one I had years ago.

I do swear by the glass screen protectors.
still have which is the 6s and got him a rugged OtterBox case. It does the trick perhaps too well since he has to press hard to do things on it
Better safe than sorry
Keisha....nothing wrong with a brownie for dinner......I have been seen with a tub of white Ben & Jerry`s ice cream and a large spoon in the past as an alternative dinner!!!
Oh, man, why didn’t I think of warming it up in MW, adding vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, some chopped nuts and a cherry on top. Can you tell I’ve had nothing but coffee so far today hahahaha
Lynne - looking good! I prefer shady days on the beach long as no rain. Isn’t going under that bridge the coolest thing? Seems like you will barely clear it.
:wave2: Making a quick morning stop in!

Keisha....that's my kind of meal!!! I'm not a sweets fan...but I do adore rich piece of brownie!!!! And didn't you know those calories don't count :rolleyes1 lol. I'm not judging...I would totally be joining you!!!

Sue....we lucked out with the weather in Calgary. It was gorgeous with temps around 5 C as well...and lots of clear skies and sunshine. I soaked up as much as I could. I know you have mild winters...but I don't think I could deal with the grey skies. I need sunshine!!!! I hope you have a great trip. Enjoy all the sun and surf you can!

Disx...I just got rid of my old 6. That phone is still in perfect condition. I had in an otterbox type case...but the case had a sliding hidden compartment for cc and debit cards. I LOVED that case...and am sad that they don't make them for the newer phones. But my 6 is still in great condition. We kept it in case on the of boys looses or breaks their phone...then they get the crappy old 6 to use as punishment lol. I would have kept it...but it just didn't have enough memory on it for me...and I was NOT handing apple anymore money over memory storage.

Schumi...that chicken sounds divine. We are having a simple chicken stirfry tonight for our meal. I"m hoping to catch up on your trip report. I almost get caught up...then you post more!!! lol. But I'm enjoying it and living all the pictures!!!!

Lynne...those pictures look amazing. I can feel the warmth of the sun, sand and water. Enjoy!!!!


I hope everyone has a good day today.
Hello! Coming to you from Gringotts single rider line- where we’ve been for 30 minutes now. Ride stopped to add train cars I think the TM said (I’m stairs just below platform). Decided on a Universal day today. Gorgeous day.
started on a post with quotes from reading and catching up- but that was on the iPad this am while we decided what to do. Harder on iPhone. Got up at 5 am yesterday to get a boarding group for Rise of the Resistance. Holy moly. Worth it. Unlike anything anywhere else!! Schumi/Carole I know you don’t care for Star Wars but Tom has to experience this!
Think we are trying for another ride tomorrow.
Oh and DH upgrades his ticket to annual passes at Disney and Universal-have to say I LOVE the passholder entrance line at Universal Studios-bypassed long lines to get in and went straight to NBC cafe for breakfast. Oh and I got to dance with a Blues Brother. Once we get out of Gringotts heading to IoA and see if we can get on Hagrids. Lower crowd day today so may be best bet. Oldest has been sending us pictures and videos of the puppy. We may have bought the puppy stuff from here before we’ve even got the kids anything :rolleyes1
Hope everyone has a great day!! Lynne’s cruise looks like fun!


  • 3CD3262F-F0D5-42BB-B2F4-867441F17447.jpeg
    34.9 KB · Views: 9 that`s a breakfast!!!! Yes, when no food has been consumed, anything works!!!

Lynne......nice pics....have fun!

Pumpkin.....chicken stir fry is one of our favourite dishes! But, I`m like a short order chef when we all have it.......Kyle has chicken with teriyaki sauce, Tom has spicy chicken, onions pineapple, peppers but no ginger......I`m a ginger freak and have mine chock full of fresh sliced ginger...….and no, it`s easier to get take
Glad to read you`re enjoying the trip report.....I`m enjoying reliving this one a lot!!! Thank you!! Have a great day too......

Monyk…...sounds like you`re having a fabulous trip!!! I think we all hope they extend the AP line.....oh I`m not sure I could go to Disney....even for Tom, and actually he said the same thing......but it does sound a lot of fun from everyone who`s experienced it...….enjoy the rest of your trip!!!!

I`m so full from dinner...….chicken breasts were bigger than I thought, but they were beautiful.

Howling gale outside, so I`m glad we`re in some baking in the oven......Madeira Cake....a bit like your Pound Cake......delicious, and some cherry scones.

Night in front of the tv...….high living!!!!
Looks like @Lynne G is having some fun! Also, those treats sound good, @schumigirl. Amazing new icon there!

@Pumpkin1172 I would love to have a 6 for punishment! Haha. However, I can understand how that can be considered so. Youngin's do like the newest and greatest thing. I'd know since I'm sure to some I'm still considered one.

@Monykalyn I'm sure you're out of that line by the time I write this. In the past if I ever rode Gringotts I'd always do SR line first thing in the morning even though it's usually not as crowded, because it seems any other time it's always a long line, or they close it. Good luck with Hagrid's! As for GE I've cheated and watched RoR on YT at home as it'll be awhile until I get to ride it in person.
We had the most disappointing snow today. This morning we had a little bit of flurries mixed in with rain, and then it turned to all rain.

Hope @Charade67 and @macraven got some sleep. I know you two have troubles with that sometimes.
Sleep wasn't great and I had weird dreams. One of them was about cell phones.

Charade Happy new dining`s nice when you find a bespoke firm you will buy from again. Oh I can imagine your carpet with all that glitter around!!
Thanks. We already love the new table. It's amazing how much heavier it is than the old table. I vacuumed up as much glitter as I could, but am still finding it everywhere.

Anything good?
The most recent Mary Higgins Clark novel Kiss the Girls and Make Them Cry.
Hello! Coming to you from Gringotts single rider line- where we’ve been for 30 minutes now. Ride stopped to add train cars I think the TM said (I’m stairs just below platform). Decided on a Universal day today. Gorgeous day.
We had Gringotts break down while we were waiting in line. We had gotten as far as the elevators. They finally had to let us out through the back.

Got up at 5 am yesterday to get a boarding group for Rise of the Resistance. Holy moly. Worth it.
I can't wait to ride that one. Hopefully it will be better for us than Smuggler's Run. We were so bad on that one that it was actually kind of funny.

Dh has gone to watch The Joker at the cheap theater. B and I are currently watching the first Captain America movie for about the 10th time. This is her favorite MCU movie.
Hagrids was great as usual. DH first time. We talked to two girls behind us the whole time, so much fun in line that the 65 minutes flew by (their first time too). Posted was 100 minute and the 65 minutes was start to off the ride and walking out. Now Facebook friends with them. Then met DH frat brother and friend who’s down here for work at city walk, then to an Ale House, FaceTime other friends hoping to see them on Saturday at Disney. I think this is a sign I should be in Florida full time :D
Taco Bell night
Tv show Jeopardy

Yes, that is the highlight of my life for today

Not a bad way to spend an evening!!! I’ve never watched a single episode of Jeopardy! Well, it’s not shown over here of course, and I’ve seen loads of clips on other tv shows.......but thats about it......

It’s that time of year it’s too cold and dark to really want to do anything at night.

We had the most disappointing snow today. This morning we had a little bit of flurries mixed in with rain, and then it turned to all rain.

Sleep wasn't great and I had weird dreams. One of them was about cell phones.

Thanks. We already love the new table. It's amazing how much heavier it is than the old table. I vacuumed up as much glitter as I could, but am still finding it everywhere.

The most recent Mary Higgins Clark novel Kiss the Girls and Make Them Cry.
We had Gringotts break down while we were waiting in line. We had gotten as far as the elevators. They finally had to let us out through the back.

I can't wait to ride that one. Hopefully it will be better for us than Smuggler's Run. We were so bad on that one that it was actually kind of funny.

Dh has gone to watch The Joker at the cheap theater. B and I are currently watching the first Captain America movie for about the 10th time. This is her favorite MCU movie.

I hate when they say it’ll snow and it ends up rain! Not that I’m wanting it to snow of course.......a few proper flurries on Christmas Eve would be lovely and that’s about the only time I want snow.

Mary Higgins Clarke still writes??? I haven’t seen her books since the 1980’s!! Could always work out who the killer was in her books after a few......I think they made a couple into TV movies years ago.

Wind has finally died down, it was wild overnight but now it’s just cold. Mild weather is going away for a few days.

So, think a day in will be usual Wednesday lunch plans as both other couples are on in Orlando and the other is in Switzerland, so we’ll catch up near the end of the month.

Scrambled egg whites and avocado for breakfast this morning.......

Have a great Wednesday..........


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