Something About Nothing............ #14

Hello everyone. I slept in until 10:00 today. It was so nice. I don't really have much of anything planned today. I think I might do some light house cleaning, but that is all.

Last night I dreamed that I was supposed to go to EPCOT, but my phone wasn't working. I was worried about being able to communicate with my friends, so I decided that I needed to go the the phone store first and get my phone fixed. I think this dream came from a combination of reading about the Figment popcorn bucket yesterday and from my email being down for the past 3 days. I still don't have email.

although I have no idea who Filbert is???
No clue here either.

Sigh, and even more crazy, the one college my DH teaches at, said even if you are positive, can come into class.
That's crazy. At my dh's school the professors are required to wear masks but the students aren't . Doesn't make sense to me.

My youngest DS, you’ve met (who mac can vouche for as being very conscious, especially as to mask wearing) & having both Pfizer vaxx; is struggling right now.
Hoping he is feeling better soon.

And she did only have one hand.......she had a stump where her hand and lower part of her arm would have been.....I never once noticed. And funnily enough one of my brothers thought I was joking as he hadn`t noticed either.

I do now consider myself more observant......thankfully!!
That reminds me of something that happened with B when she was 7 or 8. One summer her Girl Scout troop met at Dairy Queen for ice cream. There was a new girl there who was thinking about joining the troop. Later I asked B some questions like, Did you meet the new girl? Was she nice? etc. Then I asked B if she noticed anything different about the new girl. She said no. So I asked B what color the girl's hair was. B couldn't remember. The girl in question had alopecia. She had no hair at all. To this day I still don't know if B was completely unobservant, or if she really didn't consider that a difference worth noting.

Dh just reminded me that we wanted to go to a furniture store today. We have a small credit with them that expires later this year. There is nothing that we really need right now, but it would be a shame to let the credit go to waste. We are considering a new chair for our spare room.
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Oh Nickelodeon.....a channel we never watched, or very rarely.....was Kenan & Kel from that pot of shows? We did watch that and the odd cartoon I cannot remember.......
That’s the one
one day my mum said to me, doesn`t Kathleen do well for only having one hand!!!!! Wait......what.........I asked her when she had lost it and what happened, horrified in thinking it was recent.......turns out she was born that way.
Most Kids are like that before they hit middle school
This has been the highlight of my day so far.
Better a slow day than seeing tsunami
wave heading toward you.

had read of today’s 1-2 feet ones in Hawaii and heading to our west coast. Thot hmmm not so bad. NOT. Saw video of the incoming water in a town:oops:
I’ve never been quite satisfied with attempts for some reason. Even my go to of adding dijon a miss


always thotof that as a calling vs a job. They’d be lucky to have you.
Do u have teaching certificate? Here, I’ve had one DS teach early on in his career via some sort of exception the state offers In districts that find themselves in a pinch but, only in secondary levels
I am not a huge beef fan, so I use ground beef. Must be the German in me who likes ground meat :rotfl2: I like to use a good beef bone broth, lots of sour cream, worcestershire (subbing sherry vinegar and keto steak sauce since it's fairly high in sugar), onion, garlic, and sometimes a bit of dijon. Sometimes it comes out good sometimes not. I think the ground beef is better about absorbing the flavors and adds a nice fatty flavor of it's own.

I normally wouldn't bother considering being a sub, and they usually do want teacher certification. However, they are giving exceptions and not even requiring a college degree right now. There are so many staff and teachers who are out quarantining/isolating that principals, administrative staff, and teachers with free periods are having to basically babysit classes. Some districts/schools near us have had to shut down for a day or more due to lack of staffing. I figure if they are willing to accept just my bachelors in Electrical Engineering for an emergency, and since I am not working, then I could probably help out. If it's science, math, or technical related, then I could definitely help out for a few days. Those are also the classes where it's hardest to find qualified subs. Heck, we are always helping our son out with his computer science course, at least in guiding him and telling him how to go about debugging issues in his programs. I hate just giving him the answers, but I definitely don't mind pointing him the right direction on how to solve the problems himself. They increased the sub pay, so I am hoping that helps them to actually find qualified people to be subs. It's definitely not something I plan on doing after the current crisis passes. It's something that I know I could not do as a profession. I just don't have the patience. College could be different, but still not really my bag.

Hope your youngest gets to feeling better soon. I think these variants are going to be lingering.
Decided to make up some teriyaki chicken & rice & portion into 4 freezer containers fir jr. I added some heat to try to speak to his muted taste buds. Turns out the cats are out of food. Will need to brave WM in a bit & grab a 40 # bag. Was hoping if I wait the majority of the panic buyers will have peter’d out

need to figure out what takeout the mr & I will grab. I could honestly care less.
Some districts/schools near us have had to shut down for a day or more due to lack of staffing
The city schools here were mostly closed down this past week but, covid new infection related. It gets to a certain number & the doors are shut for a reset

here, now that all schools have handed out chrome books, there are no more snow days. Rite of passage gone for s new generation of kids

Find it odd that if a day or two absence only, the class can’t morph over to the dedicated online virtual school run class for one subject or two re their advanced classes.

Even if they could be supervised by a sub & just be able to view a pre-recorded the teacher feed and not have commenting capability. What do I know lol? Might be contractual issue there

this coming from the grandma who had to take a few very deep breath's a few weeks ago & try to remember concepts of Algebra I:blush: re makeup vacation assignments

anyhoo good luck
The city schools here were mostly closed down this past week but, covid new infection related. It gets to a certain number & the doors are shut for a reset

here, now that all schools have handed out chrome books, there are no more snow days. Rite of passage gone for s new generation of kids

Find it odd that if a day or two absence only, the class can’t morph over to the dedicated online virtual school run class for one subject or two re their advanced classes.

Even if they could be supervised by a sub & just be able to view a pre-recorded the teacher feed and not have commenting capability. What do I know lol? Might be contractual issue there

this coming from the grandma who had to take a few very deep breath's a few weeks ago & try to remember concepts of Algebra I:blush: re makeup vacation assignments

anyhoo good luck

They are trying to avoid shutting down or going virtual. All students have Chrome books, so that's not an issue. Internet/wifi is an issue for some, but they were able to figure out how to handle that last school year. The biggest issue is that the Texas Education Agency, which doles out state/federal money to the school districts, will not provide money for days that schools close due to covid anymore. If the districts or even individual schools shut down, then they lose money. My son's district is already in the red for last year, because they had to provide extra funding for things to handle virtual learning, like Chrome books and wifi hotspots. The state wouldn't provide money for it, even federal money. Also, the way that school funding happens in Texas is very wonky. Our district is large and in the city, so salaries and property/facilities are more expensive, higher expenses. However, our district has to send about 50% of the money it collects in property taxes (that's how Texas mostly funds schools) back to the state of Texas in a recapture scheme. That money is then given to districts that pull in less property tax money, particularly those in south Texas near the border. So, the district can't afford to lose money, unless they want to lay off teachers, mostly teachers for specialized/elective classes. It's a cluster :(
I have been reading, answering emails and an eye on the weather channel today

Now it’s my playtime to catch up with what is important… this thread!

and have no idea what I was going to say

Am thrilled not living in the north anymore
That cold weather of northern Illinois, lower Wisconsin is only a past memory now

Weather here for me is ok for today
Temps ok but that will change Sunday or Monday.

The low temps are going to ruin my flowers that have started to bud
I had a shocking event 10 minutes ago

Reading emails last 10 minutes and saw I had an email sent today from UO that today was my last day to renew my AP for the 20% discount

You bet I made the call to renew !

It was my one and only email for the heads up from

Employee had no idea why it was not sent days ago

Told him I’m just another red headed step kid I guess…

(But all set up and pass renewed )

Now all is fine in the world of Mac
Hello everyone. I slept in until 10:00 today. It was so nice. I don't really have much of anything planned today. I think I might do some light house cleaning, but that is all.

Last night I freaked that I was supposed to go to EPCOT, but my phone wasn't working. I was worried about being able to communicate with my friends, so I decided that I needed to go the the phone store first and get my phone fixed. I think this dream came from a combination of reading about the Figment popcorn bucket yesterday and from my email being down for the past 3 days. I still don't have email.

No clue here either.

That's crazy. At my dh's school the professors are required to wear masks but the students aren't . Doesn't make sense to me.

Hoping he is feeling better soon.

That reminds me of something that happened with B when she was 7 or 8. One summer her Girl Scout troop met at Dairy Queen for ice cream. There was a new girl there who was thinking about joining the troop. Later I asked B some questions like, Did you meet the new girl? Was she nice? etc. Then I asked B if she noticed anything different about the new girl. She said no. So I asked B what color the girl's hair was. B couldn't remember. The girl in question had alopecia. She had no hair at all. To this day I still don't know if B was completely unobservant, or if she really didn't consider that a difference worth noting.

Dh just reminded me that we wanted to go to a furniture store today. We have a small credit with them that expires later this year. There is nothing that we really need right now, but it would be a shame to let the credit go to waste. We are considering a new chair for our spare room.

That doesn’t make sense at all…..either everyone wears masks, or don‘t bother……

She probably didn’t think it was huge difference……

Happy buying with your credit……

Always nice to drop in and see lots of fun chatter here

Nothing exciting going on within my 4 walls
Did a run early morning to pick up meds at Walgreens

This has been the highlight of my day so far.

Sometimes it’s the simple things…….lol…..

That’s the one

Most Kids are like that before they hit middle school

Better a slow day than seeing tsunami
wave heading toward you.

had read of today’s 1-2 feet ones in Hawaii and heading to our west coast. Thot hmmm not so bad. NOT. Saw video of the incoming water in a town:oops:

Kyle showed me the eruption that set it off earlier as seen from space……didnt think it would cause so much damage…..I was wrong.

I am not a huge beef fan, so I use ground beef. Must be the German in me who likes ground meat :rotfl2: I like to use a good beef bone broth, lots of sour cream, worcestershire (subbing sherry vinegar and keto steak sauce since it's fairly high in sugar), onion, garlic, and sometimes a bit of dijon. Sometimes it comes out good sometimes not. I think the ground beef is better about absorbing the flavors and adds a nice fatty flavor of it's own.

I normally wouldn't bother considering being a sub, and they usually do want teacher certification. However, they are giving exceptions and not even requiring a college degree right now. There are so many staff and teachers who are out quarantining/isolating that principals, administrative staff, and teachers with free periods are having to basically babysit classes. Some districts/schools near us have had to shut down for a day or more due to lack of staffing. I figure if they are willing to accept just my bachelors in Electrical Engineering for an emergency, and since I am not working, then I could probably help out. If it's science, math, or technical related, then I could definitely help out for a few days. Those are also the classes where it's hardest to find qualified subs. Heck, we are always helping our son out with his computer science course, at least in guiding him and telling him how to go about debugging issues in his programs. I hate just giving him the answers, but I definitely don't mind pointing him the right direction on how to solve the problems himself. They increased the sub pay, so I am hoping that helps them to actually find qualified people to be subs. It's definitely not something I plan on doing after the current crisis passes. It's something that I know I could not do as a profession. I just don't have the patience. College could be different, but still not really my bag.

Hope your youngest gets to feeling better soon. I think these variants are going to be lingering.

Of German descent too, but tend to avoid ground beef in favour of proper steak…….I think I have mixed blood…….lol……..well, we are part Scandinavian too.

Decided to make up some teriyaki chicken & rice & portion into 4 freezer containers fir jr. I added some heat to try to speak to his muted taste buds. Turns out the cats are out of food. Will need to brave WM in a bit & grab a 40 # bag. Was hoping if I wait the majority of the panic buyers will have peter’d out

need to figure out what takeout the mr & I will grab. I could honestly care less.

The city schools here were mostly closed down this past week but, covid new infection related. It gets to a certain number & the doors are shut for a reset

here, now that all schools have handed out chrome books, there are no more snow days. Rite of passage gone for s new generation of kids

Find it odd that if a day or two absence only, the class can’t morph over to the dedicated online virtual school run class for one subject or two re their advanced classes.

Even if they could be supervised by a sub & just be able to view a pre-recorded the teacher feed and not have commenting capability. What do I know lol? Might be contractual issue there

this coming from the grandma who had to take a few very deep breath's a few weeks ago & try to remember concepts of Algebra I:blush: re makeup vacation assignments

anyhoo good luck

Teriyaki chicken always goes down Well here……

Algebra gives me the willies………scary!

I had a shocking event 10 minutes ago

Reading emails last 10 minutes and saw I had an email sent today from UO that today was my last day to renew my AP for the 20% discount

You bet I made the call to renew !

It was my one and only email for the heads up from

Employee had no idea why it was not sent days ago

Told him I’m just another red headed step kid I guess…

(But all set up and pass renewed )

Now all is fine in the world of Mac

Nice deal mac……:thumbsup2

Well, we have found our new favourite pub that serves food.

Phenomenal place that blows the other place in that Village out of the water…….steaks were sublime…….perfectly cooked and so tasty. The restaurant was very olde worlde style….beautiful and with a real coal fire in the area our tables were located. Everyone had a beautiful meal.

They had decent chocolate desserts for most and I had a lovely creme brûlée. Decent wine list too. So yes, we’ll go back there for sure.

Frozen fog all round tonight, but supposed to be gone by tomorrow……

Won‘t be late in bed tonight……
Ah, Saturday night. Yeah, in my pajamas already. No need to go out. Early dinner too. Since that chicken broth was still around, made cream of chicken rice soup, with carrots sliced thin, and a few pieces of the last of my celery. Was so good, was ready to lick the bowl. Then grilled cheese for little one and me, to dip in it, and a toasted turkey breast with cheese and mayonnaise sandwich for older one. Salad with caesar dressing. And we are all full. Now tea in my cup, as eh to watch from what I see. Think both kids will go to bed way after me, as older one does not work tomorrow, though he was up very early today. Both are playing online with their friends,

And a very cool drop in temp, as when I wake up, thermometer will say 9 degrees. Eek. Cool spell for us. At least next week seems to be more seasonal with 40’s the highs, though by the end of the week, back to low 20’s as the highs. Winter! Yeah, I’m already done with this cold. And I do think our Februaries are the coldest month. So thoughts of warmer weather are still months away. Still thinking of a Spring Trip, but it’s still a maybe. Maybe more like May or later Summer. Though my Fall trip is a go, for sure. Ah, time usually does fly. Hoping next thing ya know, Spring is here.

Time for more tea, and a what else can I watch.

May all stay warm, and have a very good night’s sleep.
Good evening. I ended up not getting any housework done. Dh and I decided that we need new bath towels, so we did some shopping for that. The old ones will get washed and donated to the Humane Society. Then we went to the furniture store to spend our credit. We left with an office chair, a desk lamp, and 2 bed pillows. After we got home I napped. I have a new side effect - a fever. It's not high enough to be of concern, but it is making me feel bad. Good thing we aren't going anywhere for the next couple if days.

Turns out the cats are out of food. Will need to brave WM in a bit & grab a 40 # bag.
I hope it wasn't too crazy.

Reading emails last 10 minutes and saw I had an email sent today from UO that today was my last day to renew my AP for the 20% discount

You bet I made the call to renew !

It was my one and only email for the heads up from
I'm surprised that didn't give you more of a warning. Glad all is well now.

Well, we have found our new favourite pub that serves food.

Phenomenal place that blows the other place in that Village out of the water…….steaks were sublime…….perfectly cooked and so tasty. The restaurant was very olde worlde style….beautiful and with a real coal fire in the area our tables were located. Everyone had a beautiful meal.
I love finding new, good restaurants. We eat out way too much though.

Ah, Saturday night. Yeah, in my pajamas already. No need to go out.
Same here. No need to go anywhere for the next couple of days.

Dh is watching the NFL playoffs. I will probably go back to sleep again. I don't care anything about these teams.
I found my twin!!
Similar meal as Lynne’s but I cheated and use some can soup of cream of asparagus and a can of cream of celery

chicken and rice dish for dinner
But I made a tad too much and we will be looking at leftovers for two days …

charade I did ask the TM why such a late email for my renewal

Dude put me on hold to check and told me they can’t figure it out that I only received one alert
UO usually starts sending out messages 30 days in advance for special renewal deals

I’m okay with it as I did not dawdle once I read the email for the renewal discount

Its more of a jump in price this time around but did expect a sizable Increase was going to happen
Good evening. I ended up not getting any housework done. Dh and I decided that we need new bath towels, so we did some shopping for that. The old ones will get washed and donated to the Humane Society. Then we went to the furniture store to spend our credit. We left with an office chair, a desk lamp, and 2 bed pillows. After we got home I napped. I have a new side effect - a fever. It's not high enough to be of concern, but it is making me feel bad. Good thing we aren't going anywhere for the next couple if days.

I hope it wasn't too crazy.

I'm surprised that didn't give you more of a warning. Glad all is well now.

I love finding new, good restaurants. We eat out way too much though.

Same here. No need to go anywhere for the next couple of days.

Dh is watching the NFL playoffs. I will probably go back to sleep again. I don't care anything about these teams.

No such thing as eating out too often.......we love it, whether it`s with groups of friends, just the 3 of us or special dinners out with just the two of us for a nice romantic dinner. Why not.......

I found my twin!!
Similar meal as Lynne’s but I cheated and use some can soup of cream of asparagus and a can of cream of celery

chicken and rice dish for dinner
But I made a tad too much and we will be looking at leftovers for two days …

charade I did ask the TM why such a late email for my renewal

Dude put me on hold to check and told me they can’t figure it out that I only received one alert
UO usually starts sending out messages 30 days in advance for special renewal deals

I’m okay with it as I did not dawdle once I read the email for the renewal discount

Its more of a jump in price this time around but did expect a sizable Increase was going to happen

What a coincidence :rotfl:

Nice you jumped so fast on the deal!

Ended up staying up very late last night after all, so we slept late this morning which was just lovely......and frost has all gone so it`s not as cold thankfully, but we have rain now.

Didn`t put the beef in the slow cooker last popped it on this morning, will be smelling that gorgeous aroma soon. Dumplings will be popped in for last half hour.

I think we are still full from last night`s food........and we all agreed this morning we have found our new place to will be cursing us for a slice of toast with some lemon curd for breakfast......more than enough with a large pot of English breakfast tea.

Plan a very lazy Sunday ahead......will do a little housework, chat to some friends and get some TR done.....I`m quite impressed how fast I`m getting through this one, but it`s that time of year of not much going on for most of our friends too. So, going to pop The Nun`s Story dvd in and watch that, my favourite Audrey Hepburn movie as my guys are out for a couple of hours.




Happy Sunday ::yes::

Ah, good Sunday morning to you Schumi. Someday, I’ll be back in England, and will enjoy a proper breakfast tea. I’m a tea drinker, and my sister knows it, so now using some of the tea she bought me for Christmas.

Oh and I mistook, we are at a nice 8 degrees, not 9, this early morning for me. Clear skies, and still very dark out, with sunrise still some time later. That storm along our Eastern coast will arrive by dinner time. Still saying the snow we will see, will be washed or slushy mess, as rain to follow before it leaves Monday morning, ready to dump snow on those further North in the NE. Charade, hope you did not get much snow as the storm passed by you. Nice purchases, and hope that higher fever goes away very soon, if not already.

Yay Mac! I never seem to get those discount emails. But as I have to renew next month, sigh, higher price, but still I will renew. I tend to get more than a week in the parks, and the small discounts and savings on my hotel stays, why I keep renewing. Hope your WM run got you the cat food. I was so glad to made two trips to Sam’s. When I was looking around the store waiting for older one, the amount of stuff in carts was crazy, There was long lines to checkout, and lots of people. Not nearly as crowded, and not much of a line, when I went when the opened at 8 am yesterday morning.

And so, as routine as our week days are, so are are weekends. Lazy Saturday, and house cleaning, as getting the trash out, Sunday. Yeah, and alarm should set, but yay, a bonus relaxing Monday. My bedtimes sometimes are a little later on the weekends, but my early time up, is too.

Super happy Sunday homies. Stay safe, warm, and good all are feeling well. If not feeling as well, sending get well good thoughts your way.
Happy Sunday. I am just sitting here watching the snow fall.

I wok up this morning with my temperature back to normal, so that is good. Arm is still a little sore, but not too bad. I guess I should do some of that housework I didn't do yesterday.
I’m watching it also charade and hope it stops soon

It is rare we get snow and last report said our area should only get less than one inch at the most

If it continues, 9 hours from now, we should get the spraying of brine
Mostly likely that won’t be happening

(highly doubt that will happen in my area)

our weather advisory is over at midnight
We are at 38 degrees now but weather for early Tuesday is back to 58 temperatures

Cities south of us would have services as they will have the issues of heavy snowfalls
And they are getting power outages now

Good to read you are okay and arm pain is tolerable
Hope you have a quick recovery!

and hope no snow issues in your area !
Happy Sunday. I am just sitting here watching the snow fall.

I wok up this morning with my temperature back to normal, so that is good. Arm is still a little sore, but not too bad. I guess I should do some of that housework I didn't do yesterday.

Good to hear your temp is normal, always a good sign.

I was worse with the booster than previous 2 was like nerve pain all down the left side, not actually the arm itself, vey painful and for the full week. Glad yours is passing quickly and not lingering.

I’m watching it also charade and hope it stops soon

It is rare we get snow and last report said our area should only get less than one inch at the most

If it continues, 9 hours from now, we should get the spraying of brine
Mostly likely that won’t be happening

(highly doubt that will happen in my area)

our weather advisory is over at midnight
We are at 38 degrees now but weather for early Tuesday is back to 58 temperatures

Cities south of us would have services as they will have the issues of heavy snowfalls
And they are getting power outages now

Good to read you are okay and arm pain is tolerable
Hope you have a quick recovery!

and hope no snow issues in your area !

Tom didn`t believe me till I showed him your pictures of the snow.......he asked if you`d moved back to illinois is a big change in temperature for you.....keep nice and cosy.......

Been a very quiet day today......on my own for most of it which is unusual for me, but quite nice to watch some chick flicks.......

Beef in ale was delicious and dumplings turned out fine, not too doughy, so a lovely winter warming dish for such a cold day. I love my slow cooker!! So, clean plates all round tonight again.

Earl Grey coming right up with a coconut lime cake slice as a treat.........plan an early night, but best laid plans........

Kyle showed me the eruption that set it off earlier as seen from space……didnt think it would cause so much damage…..I was wrong.
fascinating to see it, makes you wonder if there is any square inch of earth not under satellite observance lol
tend to avoid ground beef in favour of proper steak……
Soniam’s dish sounds interesting, lest you wouldn’t have to worry about the meat getting chewy. might be something to explore during dental work. Anything but that hamburger helper Had a friend who had it on the table twice a week.
Teriyaki chicken always goes down Well here……
same, he had a bit today. Glad i portioned it out into 4 freezer containers. Can stash them & pull back out as mood strikes him.
Phenomenal place that blows the other place in that Village out of the water…….steaks were sublime…….perfectly cooked and so tasty. The restaurant was very olde worlde style….beautiful and with a real coal fire in the area our tables were located. Everyone had a beautiful meal.
yum, now I’m hungry. Wings up next next as is our wont during football game day. Not sure what I’m making as a side tho other than celery sticks. Cheese plate later,
And I do think our Februaries are the coldest month. So thoughts of warmer weather are still months away.
absolutely, February is a horror. good luck to ur eagles, they need a burst of energy right now. I’m sure I’ll turn off our steeler game by 9 pm :rolleyes1
I hope it wasn't too crazy.
specifically, went to Sams to do the online scan & go. Easy Please since the mr was there to do the heavy lifting. Cats were quite happy to see me :)
Dude put me on hold to check and told me they can’t figure it out that I only received one alert
UO usually starts sending out messages 30 days in advance for special renewa
quite odd. Sounds as tho you were 30 days past your actual renewal date. set up a note in your phone calendar as reminder For next year, 30 days prior tho. That’s when u should start to receive the reminders
No such thing as eating out too often.......we love it, whether it`s with groups of friends, just the 3 of us or special dinners out with just the two of us for a nice romantic dinner. Why not.......
i can’t remember the last time we sat down anywhere to eat here. just not comfy with how my fellow diners appear to be rolling. Did enjoy our takeout yesterday, juicy hoagie for the mr & loaded Stromboli for me (anchovies and nobody whining about it as when i get some on pizza when I share with my kids). Ooooh, it’s touching my pepperoni, it smells, boohoo
Cities south of us would have services as they will have the issues of heavy snowfalls
And they are getting power outages now
no power is far worse than shoveling. We were just bumped up to forecast of13 inches. Supposedly, going to start soon. let the madness begin


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