Something About Nothing............ #14

Guess where we are today!

Gorgeous weather and this place is still somewhere special. Having a 5 minute break while they do a flight simulator.

Just visited Atlantis, now going to see the amazing Saturn 5.

Kyle is in his complete element! We’re loving it too!!!


Wow, I think I saw something about the fires on TV yesterday. It showed a large area that is affected by them. Was this your area? Those acts of nature are really scary and I hope they get it under control soon! Take care.
Ours is big...but there are bigger ones. So far the one closest to us has burnt about 14,000 hectares which would be about 55 Sq miles of land. I know that there are areas that have more area burnt.

So far, it's good here since it's burning away from the city and can't circle back as it has no fuel with everything being burnt already if the winds change direction. We will just have to worry about them working their way from the south of us now.
I foolishly thought my sister would want to come over today, bit I was wrong. My niece wanted to go shopping. They live in Atlanta, but she wants to shop in out little town. I can’t imagine anything she could find here that she couldn’t get in Atlanta. So B and I got lunch and then went to Walmart to pick up something quick for breakfast in the morning. I also got my car washed.
Tomorrow is going to be very busy. Dh has to be on campus by 8:45. His departmental ceremony is at 10:00. B and I are going with him and will find stuff to do while he is at his ceremony. We will get lunch somewhere on campus and then go to B’s ceremony at 2:00. We have dinner reservations at 6:30 tomorrow night.

Guess where we are today!
Awesome! I haven’t been to the space center in literally 2 decades. The last time I was there I took pictures for a photography class assignment.

Pumpkin - I’m praying the the fires are controlled and eliminated soon.

I feel like I should be doing something right now. I think I have everything done though.
Graduation was great. Oddly they did not go in alphabetical order. She was so excited after her name was called. Was nice, festive and very crowded. Was good we caught the train, and they did have shuttles. Had a very late, late afternoon lunch, so no one hungry for dinner. Guess all will pick at whatever they feel like eating when hungry. I just made a pot of tea, after we got gas and did a big box store shopping after we got back.

Warm outside. Yay for us getting more seasonable warm May weather. And yay, at least in the 5 day forecast, looks like a partly cloudy day and 88 the high the day we arrive. Woot! Heat loving twosome ready for days of relaxing and fun. And one wanting to be sunning to be that dark tan kid.

Pumpkin, so scary about the lake houses. I hope yours did not burn up. Lightning started forest fires are so hard to put out when dry and windy conditions persist. Hope they get the fire under control very soon, and no more loss of property, and certainly no loss of life.

Ah yes that day of commuting, and after having almost half the red lights red on no one else around, still the fastest commute of the day. See that horizon? Yep, we have an early sunrise. 6:37 am. But this time of year, the pre dawn is much lighter. Still had to use my car lights, but was pleasantly light. And still cool while this high weather system is in charge, as clear skies night and day. But a good warm up from the 50 degrees it is right now. 80 the high this afternoon. Woot! Nice and warm on the way home.

Getting that much closer to Friday. Yay. Decided to do some errands after I get home, as time to get the luggage out tomorrow. Woot! By this time tomorrow, will have known our SW places in line for over a half hour. Woot to an early flight. Hope not very busy when we get to the airport. Ours is a crap shoot as to how fast through security. Early mornings can be very busy.

But here, at office. Not many early birds. So quiet in my office, and very few coming in with me. But where I go, there are enough buildings, I am hardly ever the only one coming in at this early time.

Great pictures from the coast, Schumi. Looks like you have been having a wonderful time, and good weather too.

Time for more tea, by the hot water from the bottle. No city water for me.

And since I’m thirsty this this morning, it’s fitting it’s a Thirsty Thursday. Keep hydrated all, good for the body, even more so, when it’s very hot feeling. So do your part, and have some drinks, alcoholic or not, or both, and raise a glass to the fact that:

Friday fabulous feeling loading. Tomorrow we will be feeling that fabulous Friday. Though I am still on that week day routine tomorrow, at least my time to commute ends today. But, Woot! This weekend starts our fun. Yay!

Have that most terrific Thirsty Thursday today. And congratulations to Charade and B. Tomorrow they can both say, we graduated. :thumbsup2 ::yes::
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Good morning. Up early again today but this time for a reason. Dh has to be at the school by 8:45. B and I will go with him. There is a grad fair we can attend while he is at his ceremony. I’m not sure if B realizes that she will get honor cords. I haven’t said anything, so it may be a surprise.
B’s ceremony is at 2:00. We will have some time to kill before then, but we are not leaving campus. I know parking will be awful. My ceremony is tomorrow at 10:00, but the big commencement service is not until 7 pm.
The countdown is finally at 1.

Graduation was great. Oddly they did not go in alphabetical order. She was so excited after her name was called. Was nice, festive and very crowded.
Congratulations to your daughter. I guess it would take too long to line everyone up in alphabetical order.

I need to start getting ready. I want to go back to sleep.
I can't wait to hear allllllll about it! That was such a highlight of our trip! Dh has zero idea what it was about and was blown away. We can't wait to go there again when we take the kids. They will love it!

Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!

It was fabulous, and amazingly for the time of year it was deserted. One small school trip And that was it For schools. It really is the best of days, you’d enjoy it.

I foolishly thought my sister would want to come over today, bit I was wrong. My niece wanted to go shopping. They live in Atlanta, but she wants to shop in out little town. I can’t imagine anything she could find here that she couldn’t get in Atlanta. So B and I got lunch and then went to Walmart to pick up something quick for breakfast in the morning. I also got my car washed.
Tomorrow is going to be very busy. Dh has to be on campus by 8:45. His departmental ceremony is at 10:00. B and I are going with him and will find stuff to do while he is at his ceremony. We will get lunch somewhere on campus and then go to B’s ceremony at 2:00. We have dinner reservations at 6:30 tomorrow night.

Awesome! I haven’t been to the space center in literally 2 decades. The last time I was there I took pictures for a photography class assignment.

Pumpkin - I’m praying the the fires are controlled and eliminated soon.

I feel like I should be doing something right now. I think I have everything done though.

When you come back it’ll be lovely for you to visit again.

Good morning. Up early again today but this time for a reason. Dh has to be at the school by 8:45. B and I will go with him. There is a grad fair we can attend while he is at his ceremony. I’m not sure if B realizes that she will get honor cords. I haven’t said anything, so it may be a surprise.
B’s ceremony is at 2:00. We will have some time to kill before then, but we are not leaving campus. I know parking will be awful. My ceremony is tomorrow at 10:00, but the big commencement service is not until 7 pm.
The countdown is finally at 1.

Congratulations to your daughter. I guess it would take too long to line everyone up in alphabetical order.

I need to start getting ready. I want to go back to sleep.

That’s going to be a lovely surprise for her if she doesn’t know yet.

One more day, you’ll both have the best time I’m sure.

Winning view this morning…….. :rolleyes:


Heading out…….

Have a lovely Thursday :)
Then one of our first cousins passed away Tuesday morning.
Oh no
We really want to be there for my older sister D as she lays her husband to rest.
Thoughtful, She will Really appreciate that! That is a really daunting drive for anyone IMO!

Glad you found a good rental rate!

Carole - that’s my sort of (rocket) garden! Sounds like another amazing trip in the works

Some parts of our outer city limits are on evacuation notice. There is a wild fire not far from the city. It is still out of control yet, but hopefully since the winds have died down, they may be able to contain it.
Sorry to hear that eek
think my favorite part of our cruise we did was eating our breakfast on our balcony every morning. Enjoy all the ports and activities on the boat.
Hehe yes the buffet provides a lovely breakfast. Otherwise Only have eaten one lunch there otherwise as usually too full
Hehe, email just received from SW, it said get excited, check in time is a few days away. Well yes it is.
seems many airlines have jumped on that band wagon to upsell services via multiple emails from other lines in week leading up to trip

My stomach drops each time, fearing a cancellation or schedule change
We know that the neighbor on the one side of ours old lot lost his home - but we haven't heard if ours was saved. If it's still standing - it will have extensive smoke damage at the very least :sad:
Graduation was great. Oddly they did not go in alphabetical order. She was so excited after her name was called. Was nice, festive and very crowded. Was good we caught the train, and they did have shuttles.
They go by departments here. DS finished a dual majors & a minor. Business and mathematics, they had him walk in the first one. It was then alphabetical. Admittedly, happy we could then duck out of that all day event.
I would be remiss to not post pics of the ports we did visit. The loss of St Thomas due to medical emergency still stings a bit

St Maarten, did Dutch & French sides. No orient beach as the sargassum is already there. Projected to hit east coast of FL and drift into the Gulf this summer into fall.

:rolleyes1Next person who says global warming isn’t real should be handed a shovel & forced to clean it up

Dutch side

Cas beach Where the wealthy (and cruise riff raff) stop for lunch lol

Maho beach, it’s a bit of a rush to stand under the multiple planes landing The rain was bonus points lol

St kitts, that’s the Nevis volcano shrouded in the ever present cloud


I nominate Dickenson bay In Antigua as one of the most beautiful beaches. It’s say you could visit a new beach for every every day there & still have some to spare. For relative isolation, trumps the smaller/less wide beaches in Hawaii where personal space is at a distinct premium.

Has a small & shallow port, can’t handle the bigger ships. Need to offload cargo, can see the ships in distance.

If I hit the lottery, you would find me here


Time for 2nd breakfast 😈
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Good Thursday morning everyone :wave:



Thinking of HHN

have my evening tea after a beautiful day. Little one got me produced in England tea in a tin. It’s good. And little one was in the mood for a steak dinner, so we went to the butcher store I like, and got a nice filet roast he sliced into steaks for me. Perfect on the grill, with sautéed carrots and tomatoes, and white rice. Since we picked up some heirloom tomatoes, we made bruschetta, with a bread loaf we got sliced, so put some olive oil on them, and placed on grill, toasted the bread, then added the tomatoes. Yum meal. Older one is coming home to finish up the leftover. Lucky him. I think little one ate more steak than the rest of us. She likes a good medium cooked steak. And that’s how I cook my steaks. I like medium to medium rare.
Sounds like a delicious dinner Lynne.

Some parts of our outer city limits are on evacuation notice. There is a wild fire not far from the city. It is still out of control yet, but hopefully since the winds have died down, they may be able to contain it. We have been hearing helicopters and water bombers since Friday night. I'll post a picture of how earie it was Friday night. It felt like the zombie apocalypse was happening. What should have been a beautiful bright evening, felt like something out of a horror film. We haven't in all our years here, haven't had a fire this close. It is one for the record books. We are hoping for lots of rain to fall - but of course there is none in sight.
Sorry to hear about the wild fire. I hope your area stays safe and there is no damage to your families camp.

Gotta love having those little buddies! I know our gd was so excited to tell grandpa that " she will share her dilly bars with him next time we visit" Her and grandpa love their DQ icecream
Yes, little buddies are the best. That is so sweet that your granddaughter wants to share her dilly bar with grandpa.

Prayers for your family. I am so sorry for all of your recent losses.
Thank you charade there is an old saying that deaths come in threes. I’am beginning to believe it’s true.

, run to the TB day
TB day is an easy dinner for sure. Hope you enjoyed it.

Robbie, I’m so sorry to read of more sadness in your family. Your dad sounds like a grand gentleman, sadly becoming few and far between.
Thank you Carole. Yes, looking forward to spending time with dad. I’am trying to think of places to take him while he is in Florida. He is excited about the trip.

I’m sure you’ll love taking the little guy to Universal, the new Minion experience is coming along nicely.
Good to hear they are making progress. It will be nice to see what the new Minion experience is about.

My sister is coming to visit and she is a Georgia Tech graduate.
Enjoy your sister time.

Hehe, little one said she has to set alarm to
be in time for her graduation tomorrow. We are all excited.
Congratulations to your daughter on her granduation.

Beautiful day here again - smoky skies - looks overcast and foggy and smells like camp fire. The fire is still burning out of control outside of the city. - but is moving away from the city. The small ski/bike trail hills have been burnt along with the chalet and campgrounds. Hopefully we get some rain soon - nothing in the forecast yet.
Glad to hear the fire is moving away from you. I ‘am sorry to hear your neighbor at your camp area lost their home.

Guess where we are today!
KSC. Hope you all had a great time.

Keisha great photos of the beaches. the ocean looks crystal clear.

Sitting in my favorite spot this morning looking at the window. I have my big cup of hot coffee in my HHN cup.

Yesterday was a busy. Had a number of errands to get done. Picked up somethings from the store. Will pick up a few other things today and tomorrow. I do meal prep for hubby while I’am gone. All he has to do is reach into the refrigerator or freezer and pick his meal and warm it up. Son and daughter in law will come by while I’am gone and they will have dinner out with hubby too.

I have a pedicure appointment today. Will have happy feet after that. Then will go by the butcher in Fresh Market and stock up on some meat.

I have a hair appointment tomorrow morning. I had one for next week, but I will be gone so my hair dresser was able to fit me in early.

Thinking of things to do with Dad while in Florida. He will be there a week. Main reason we are going is to be at Brother in laws service and spend time with older sister. It is hot and do not want to wear him out, but do want to show him a nice time.

I think I might take him to Kennedy Space Center. He has never been and he seemed excited about going when we talked about it. I tried to think of things that would not be terribly taxing on him. He said he wanted to go to the beach for a little while one day.

I have a few places to take him out to dinner on the beach. I think he will enjoy that. There is also a restaurant that sits out a bit over the intercostal waterway and the dolphins come in and swim nearby.

Grandson has finished his finals and just like that he has his first year of college under his belt.

Going to go out and do some things out in the yard until it is time for my salon appt.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone.
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Keisha, when we did our Disney Eastern Caribbean, we did stop at St. Maarten, and did watch those planes go over us at Maho Beach. Not my idea of fun, given the noise that was heard. But bucket list. That cruise, we went to there, St. Thomas, and Castaway Cay. 7 day one. Last one was a Western one with Carnival. January cruise. Water was still warm in Belize and not so warm, but fun with parrots in Roatan:IMG_7319.jpegIMG_7433.jpeg:
Belize and not so warm, but fun with parrots in Roatan:
I remember you talking about those cruises. Funny, your DD graduated yesterday and she’s a happy lil in those pics. They grow way too fast!

Had to laugh, I check prices for all my travel regularly. The DCL sailings our dates in July now less than RCCL we will be on. That’s a first.

We have an interest in the Central American Mayan temples. did an 8 hr ship excursion in Belize once. Supposed to have 4 hours at Mayan site near Nicaragua. Bus broke down 3 times, each conveniently in front of a bar where we wasted time until the bus miraculously would start again.

Included roast ‘chicken’ lunch was iguana. Um no. We bought potato chips. Only time I demanded a refund for a truly crappy excursion

Being told they would fly us to next port as ship didn’t want to wait for us was final straw. The busfull of disgruntled cruisers pretty much exploded at that point. Tour guides half jokingly said they were glad they had side arms. To their credit, ship did wait an hour. Enough to have us explore other lines after that poop show

Rotan, another big miss for me. Too swampy. Despite bug spray we were devoured by bugs on beach. I developed skin poisoning/blood infection less than two days later where I was bitten repeatedly on chest . >:(Glad I had trip insurance to reimburse ships’ dr fee in area of $1,000

I’m not a fuss budget sort, like getting out of my comfort zone & try to go with the flow. Cleanliness factor just strikes me as lacking in western ports we visited pre-pandemic. Imagine worse now. Cancun land trips are a thing of the past for me too, especially as to the local violence against tourists.

At this point would consider western itineraries that visit grand cayman, Cozumel & costa maya. Never felt unsafe there

Robbie /sounds like nice plans for your dad. I’m sure the adventure will invigorate him. Will he use scooter? KSC sure is a lot of walking & it always seems more humid there to me than central FL or the beaches, proper

Maybe visit the manatees if they haven’t departed by now?
Keisha, even my kids said, we will most likely never do a Western again. Was nice though, that one was out of Tampa, and did Cozumel, Belize, Roatan and Grand Cayman. We had only done Disney, in Eastern and Bahamas, but we didn’t mind Carnival. Though if we do go in that cruise line again, we’d pick a much bigger ship. Was going to go on Royal, but virus canceled that booked cruise. So at this point, whenever we decide to cruise again, price, large boat and where it goes are what we will be looking at. Ack to that bus tour. Eeek. We got lucky, that beach was a spit of sand that we went to via a speed boat right from the ship. The bird visit was booked through cruise too, as there’s only one main road in Roatan, and we thought best if any delay, was on a cruise bus ride. Grand Cayman, I had booked my own water tour, but the water was too rough with the cold front, so was cancelled. I did complain and got my money back. We decided to take a local bus to one of the hotels, but when we heard others on the bus talk about them going to the turtle park, we decided we would too. By the time we got out, turtle place said we would have to find a taxi. I was like way too expensive. After about 10 minutes, the local bus let off a family. Driver said he was done for the day. When we said we needed to get back to our ship, and he said he lived close to there, and we got a private ride for the price of the local bus, more then half less than the price if the taxi. And we had a ball at the turtle place:
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I would be remiss to not post pics of the ports we did visit. The loss of St Thomas due to medical emergency still stings a bit

St Maarten, did Dutch & French sides. No orient beach as the sargassum is already there. Projected to hit east coast of FL and drift into the Gulf this summer into fall.

:rolleyes1Next person who says global warming isn’t real should be handed a shovel & forced to clean it up

Dutch side

Cas beach Where the wealthy (and cruise riff raff) stop for lunch lol
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Maho beach, it’s a bit of a rush to stand under the multiple planes landing The rain was bonus points lol
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St kitts, that’s the Nevis volcano shrouded in the ever present cloud

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I nominate Dickenson bay In Antigua as one of the most beautiful beaches. It’s say you could visit a new beach for every every day there & still have some to spare. For relative isolation, trumps the smaller/less wide beaches in Hawaii where personal space is at a distinct premium.

Has a small & shallow port, can’t handle the bigger ships. Need to offload cargo, can see the ships in distance.

If I hit the lottery, you would find me here

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Time for 2nd breakfast 😈

Love your pictures Janet, nicest I’ve seen from there. You always have the best time.

We have friends who have stood under those planes, before KLM stopped the biggie coming in…..impressive and yes, we’d find that fun too!

That rocket garden is lovely, and yes we are having the best time!! It’s gloriously hot!

Good Thursday morning everyone :wave:
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Thinking of HHN
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Sounds like a delicious dinner Lynne.

Sorry to hear about the wild fire. I hope your area stays safe and there is no damage to your families camp.

Yes, little buddies are the best. That is so sweet that your granddaughter wants to share her dilly bar with grandpa.

Thank you charade there is an old saying that deaths come in threes. I’am beginning to believe it’s true.

TB day is an easy dinner for sure. Hope you enjoyed it.

Thank you Carole. Yes, looking forward to spending time with dad. I’am trying to think of places to take him while he is in Florida. He is excited about the trip.

Good to hear they are making progress. It will be nice to see what the new Minion experience is about.

Enjoy your sister time.

Congratulations to your daughter on her granduation.
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Glad to hear the fire is moving away from you. I ‘am sorry to hear your neighbor at your camp area lost their home.

KSC. Hope you all had a great time.

Keisha great photos of the beaches. the ocean looks crystal clear.

Sitting in my favorite spot this morning looking at the window. I have my big cup of hot coffee in my HHN cup.

Yesterday was a busy. Had a number of errands to get done. Picked up somethings from the store. Will pick up a few other things today and tomorrow. I do meal prep for hubby while I’am gone. All he has to do is reach into the refrigerator or freezer and pick his meal and warm it up. Son and daughter in law will come by while I’am gone and they will have dinner out with hubby too.

I have a pedicure appointment today. Will have happy feet after that. Then will go by the butcher in Fresh Market and stock up on some meat.

I have a hair appointment tomorrow morning. I had one for next week, but I will be gone so my hair dresser was able to fit me in early.

Thinking of things to do with Dad while in Florida. He will be there a week. Main reason we are going is to be at Brother in laws service and spend time with older sister. It is hot and do not want to wear him out, but do want to show him a nice time.

I think I might take him to Kennedy Space Center. He has never been and he seemed excited about going when we talked about it. I tried to think of things that would not be terribly taxing on him. He said he wanted to go to the beach for a little while one day.

I have a few places to take him out to dinner on the beach. I think he will enjoy that. There is also a restaurant that sits out a bit over the intercostal waterway and the dolphins come in and swim nearby.

Grandson has finished his finals and just like that he has his first year of college under his belt.

Going to go out and do some things out in the yard until it is time for my salon appt.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone.

Enjoy your pedicure and hair appointment Robbie……always feels good.

I think your dad would love KSC, we loved it again yesterday but noticed the lack of seating around the place. Several elderly folks were complaining. There are the odd bench around, but not many. That aside, sounds like your father would enjoy it. I think he’ll just enjoy spending time with you here too.

Sadly I do believe deaths come in threes. Hopefully not always.

It’s hot!!!

Not a complaint as you all know……happy lizard!

Had a lovely time in the Studios today, now off to Eddie V’s for dinner…….oysters and steak!

And some red wine too……..Thirsty Thursday all the way……….
Robbie /sounds like nice plans for your dad. I’m sure the adventure will invigorate him. Will he use scooter? KSC sure is a lot of walking & it always seems more humid there to me than central FL or the beaches, proper
There are wheelchair rentals at KSC. Figured we would be in and out of air conditioned buildings so the heat should not be too bad. I think my sister has an extra scooter if needed. We will just have to watch weather and see what works.

He is really excited about the trip. Nice to see him looking forward to the trip.

Maybe visit the manatees if they haven’t departed by now?
We have a place not far from where my home is that I go to see the Manatees. I had planned to swing by there to see if they are still around.
Enjoy your pedicure and hair appointment Robbie……always feels good.
I enjoyed my pedicure today. Looking forward to getting hair done tomorrow morning. Yes, does feel good to get some foo foo appointments.

I think your dad would love KSC, we loved it again yesterday but noticed the lack of seating around the place. Several elderly folks were complaining. There are the odd bench around, but not many. That aside, sounds like your father would enjoy it. I think he’ll just enjoy spending time with you here too.
We will make sure to get him a wheelchair or a scooter so he will be comfortable.

Had a lovely time in the Studios today, now off to Eddie V’s for dinner…….oysters and steak!
I know you will have a nice dinner at Eddie V’s. I have never had a bad meal there. Enjoy your dinner.

And some red wine too……..Thirsty Thursday all the way……
Have a glass for me too.
Thursday eve. So ready for week to be over. Getting a little excited. Started a list. But at least whatever forgot, can usually find there. Have to get up early, but at least no commuting. Took a little nap, around dinner time, so kids made dinner. They grilled chicken, made mac and cheese, oven baked the fries, and had a salad. I’d say at least when they are on their own, neither will starve. Was delicious. And I was full. House feels a bit cool, so made a big pot of tea. Enjoying that and will make it an early bedtime. And was good, as traffic was not as bad as was last time I commuted on a Tuesday.

Tomorrow will be the warmest day this week. Will be 84 degrees in the late afternoon. Yay, shorts are more the staple, finally. But will keep and take a couple of lightweight pants. As night and early mornings still that little cooler, and I swear the airports and planes feel cool to me, and more comfortable in pants when traveling. But do keep a pair of shorts in my carry on bag. I always change to shorts while I wait for my luggage. Reverse after I drop off my luggage.

And so, hope all have s good night sleep, and hope Robo is nice and refreshed with her salon visit, and pedicure.
IMG_1520.jpegOoh quiet here. And tea for me. Had a good night sleep and up in that early morning, as usual. And yeah:


But hope all are like me, and enjoying a fabulous Friday. Yep, the shortest of online, and the longest of lunch times. So if not a lazy Friday like next week, it’s a perfect week day routine one. And one that has the shortest of sleeps tonight too. Woot!

Good morning all. And a wish:

It’s Friday!


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