Something About Nothing............ #14

@Charade67 you got it! Nachos by the pool sounds like a great idea for the chicken club lol! Proud to be a member!

it’s getting difficult finding gardeners! We had same guy for a few years, then 2 yrs ago he moved to another province :sad2: He was so good. Took over his dads business.
Found another guy last year, then this season he says he’s having a problem finding staff and not doing our area anymore. Sheesh. So now on 3rd gardener in 3 yrs!
Your neighbourhood boy sounds great! A real go getter! Hopefully you can hang onto him while he’s in school.
Ah usually not much new on the tv on most nights, Charade.

Fading fast. I’m not a night owl mostly.

I used to be fearful of HHN, but now I like it and even went by myself a couple of nights. I’m not a screamer, more you’ll get an oh out of me. I think the costumes are great. The only thing I don’t like, is when there’s complete darkness in the houses. Doesn’t scare me, it’s just I’m not good at seeing where I’m going in pitch black areas.

Prepped most of what is being served tomorrow. Helps my sister, as we counted, 10 kids, with the oldest being 12, will be there, and more than twice that number of the adults. Some rain to fall, but seems to be around lunchtime. We usually try for dinner around 4 or so, so the rain should be gone by then, we are all hoping. Better all stay outside to eat and play. Pool today was a nice 85 degrees. And while we still had hazy skies, where she lives, closer to the mountains, could actually smell the smoke more than where I live. We are still in the yellow zone, still over 100, so older one still at risk spending too long outside.

Good night all.
Yes not much on TV with writers strike!

Lynne I’m a jumper! And would probably scream. Hate things jumping out at me! If I’m at the movie and there’s an unexpected scare and I’m holding the popcorn, everyone’s wearing it!
Have a fun day tomorrow.

Our house is up the hill from the ocean inlet. There’s a beautiful park that goes along this part of the water where our towns Canada Day festivities are being held. There’s always an evening band on as part of the celebrations. I can hear music softly drifting up from the park. Some years we have fireworks over the inlet but can’t see a barge so I’m thinking not this year. When they do I can watch from my deck. When the kids were young their friends would come over to watch.
I hope whatever is with your leg and toes gets resolved and healed way before your September trip, Charade.

Sue, that sounds like a perfect place to live. Where I am, they do the fireworks in our township’s senior high school field. We live less than a mile from it. When the kids were young, we would walk up to see them close. We can see most of them from our home. We also have a parade that has been since the town where I am has had it for almost 100 years. It goes along the main route that is a block from my home. When the kids were young, we’d walk to that one, that goes at dinner time, and drive, mid morning, to another one in a bordering township, as that one threw candy significantly more then the one near me. So much candy, we learned to take bags for the kids to put the candy in. I didn’t have any pockets or my pockets were not very big, so we all had to carry it. Now, once in awhile little one wants to see that earlier parade. Rarely do we see the one next to us, lately, either. Regardless, we will hear the local fire companies trucks blowing their horns, and the bands marching in it too as it goes by, Borh the parades and fireworks bring the crowds, lots of people. Iif we go out, we make sure we park two of cars next to our driveway, and use the one in the driveway. Any open parking spots along my cul de sac will be taken by around an hour or so before the parade starts. And if we go out, the main road is closed by mid afternoon, so more traffic on the road that crosses it, where I live off of, so I doubt we will go anywhere other than leaving just after lunchtime.

Ah up at that early hour. DH ran over to do some more cleaning of his mom’s house. At some point, they will sell it. It needs a freshening up, and a good cleaning out of stuff, enough a dumpster should be used.

Then by lunchtime, DH should be back, then we’ll get ready to be in that lazy and snacking, and food coma afternoon. We always bring ice cream treats. We pick them up on our way, as even when we have our family picnic on the actual holiday. Our grocery stores are open on the July holiday, just maybe have shorter hours when on the holiday. And so, no need to buy, to keep in our freezer, then hope not to melt too much, to put in my sister’s. This way, we have a hot or cold keeping bag in my car. Will bring it into store, buy the ice cream, put in bag and go. The store we go to is only about 10 or so minutes drive from my sister. So always easy, and of course, we try one of the treats as we dump them out of their boxes.

So as my phone flashes severe weather warnings for the next 24 hours, it’s gloriously sunny. And warm. 73 out and oh so muggy. And windy. Thankfully the wind blew that fire smoke away, so no air quality issues today. Well, older one still medicating, pollen still in the air.

Leaving with what was seen yesterday. Sister was out and about and in the drive, saw a brown bear hanging on the side rail, looking straight at them. They said it then ran away. Yeah, we have both brown and black bears, but rarely see them, as they stick to the forest near her. Then when at sister’s we were sitting at pool, and a mom deer came along with two small and spotted fawn. Yep, even where I live, you can see our white tailed deer. Then, my sister has a hanging flowered plant that is a favorite of hummingbirds. And sure enough, as sitting near it, we saw a hummingbird come to the flowers. Yay even this much North, we still have hummingbirds in the summer. Have not seen many of them, so always a treat to see one. The ruby-throated one is the most common, it comes in the spring to mate and then migrated to warmer parts by late summer or early fall. And four other kinds also sometimes visit our area. But the one we saw was that most common, beautiful ruby-throated one.

So with wildlife news, weather news, and our family plans for today, my family wishes all a most happy and lazy Sunday today. And my family always has so much food, you are all welcome to come.

Woot! Still the weekend.
Same here. I hate jump scares. I’m also not fond of anything gory. My plan for September is some park time balanced with some lazy time at the hotel. Hopefully by then I will know what is wrong with my leg and toes and have a treatment plan.
Sounds like a plan! Where are you staying this time? Too bad I’m not there in Sept. My friends are going. But daughter is going with me and she has to be back for school start up. She works in daycare. But the good thing is there won’t be HHN :laughing: so park won’t be closed early!
I hope by then you have an answer and remedy for your leg & toes.
@Lynne G that sounds like our neighbourhood Halloween fireworks. They always do them in the field behind the elementary school. When our kids were young we’d walk up to watch. It served a dual purpose! Everyone’s up watching the fireworks so 8:00 was the unwritten rule trick or treating was over.

Poor DH, always hard going through cleaning up parents house. I had to clean out my moms.

Lots of black bears here. We have a community FP page and people are always posting pics. Black bears. No Grizzly here but occas a sighting in Whistler up in the mountain. A few months ago caused a stir when bear wandered down into town.
Love seeing deer. We get occas spotting but they stay in the forest for the most part.
We have humming birds year round. A species called Ana’s hummingbird winters here. We have 2 feeders. On the occasion when our temps drop below zero I’m pretty busy rotating the feeders in and out to keep from freezing. I have only seen the occasional bird lately.

Enjoy your 4th festivities! And stay safe with the crazy weather warnings. I hope Pumpkin is ok. Watching 6:00 news and her province had a tornado.
This year I’ll be at Aventura. I’m staying longer this time so I chose a lower price hotel.

We just had thunderstorms here. Caspian has hidden somewhere, but I can’t find him. He’ll turn up eventually.
Oh right! I now remember you told me! We have 2 weeks so doing a split stay with RP. At least it will be an easy move.
Food coma it was and have leftovers. Now relaxing and almost ready for bed. We had tornado warnings around 8 this evening, but expired in 15 minutes. Sky is mostly clear, and phone is saying thunderstorms throughout the night, ending around 9 am tomorrow. And to think, sone like to hear rain to sleep. I will probably wake up if I hear thunder. DH, I think, needs his meds tweaked again. He is so tired, was dragging all day, then fell asleep at 7:40, not much after we got back home.

Guess I should be getting ready for bed. Hope Charade’s cat is now relaxed with storms gone from her home area. My dogs never reacted to any loud noises, but I know many cats and dogs do.

And hope Pumpkin is safe with her having a tornado in her area.

Ooh a lazy Monday I took off, yay, so two more days of enjoying time to relax.

Hope all have a good night sleep.
We have had a very warm day and the ac is on to stay

We have had one year where the temps have been tolerable but don’t think that will happen again.

Charade that is a really nice looking wand!

Did you have a difficult time deciding which one to buy?

Or was it that the wand chose you?
Always fun to get a wand, and nice display, Charade.

Between the noisy rain and a restless bedmate, I may be napping later today.

Glorious sunny day to start, then the clouds, some with rain, fill the rest of the day. Should hear the trash trucks soon, as luckily, normal week day for most. Not much we need, so I think will see if little one is interested in going anywhere. Most likely we will be out and about close to a late lunchtime.

And so, phone still flashing extreme weather within 24 hours. Yeah chances of rain with it being so humid. Phone say isolated thunderstorms at 1 pm. Well, little one is good at driving in a downpour.

Hot day, close to 90 and enjoying this sunlight pouring through the windows. Tea and the remote. DH is teleworking a few hours, and older one works. What a nice Monday here.

Most marvelous Monday to all.
Good morning. I don’t feel like doing anything today. Unfortunately I have a pile of laundry that’s not going to clean itself. Not the most fin way to spend a holiday.


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