South Beach Dieters......... Unite

Hi everyone! How are all of you doing on the Beach? I, for one, am still on my plateau. It is VERY frustrating!!!! Anybody else on Phase 2 and NOT losing? And if you experienced this, what was your remedy to defeat the plateau? Thanks!! Have a great day!
Hi Nicole! Another welcome to the Beach. There are several of us that have quite a bit of weight to lose and we can do it together! Like Jerry said, you need your snacks and to drink lots of water. These are keys to being successful on this woe. I have a friend who has not been as successful with SBD as she would like to be and one of the things she is not doing is getting enough water. I challenged her today to start drinking at least 5 12 oz. glass of ice cold water during the day here at work and drinking several more at home in the evening. I know drinking enough water has been one of the keys to my success so far.

sm4987 - I totally agree with you about the sugar cravings. I know you will be successful at the wedding no matter what is served because you have the mastery over your cravings. Good for you. Let us know how you did - and you have a good weekend too!

Hi WeirdEye - I'm so sorry you are on a plateau. I have a friend at work whose weight has not budged since she started Phase 2. She is very frustrated. I made a list of tips for her and saved it on the computer for future reference (like when it happens to me). I'll share it with you and I hope it helps.


1. Don’t eat too little and don’t eat too much – find a balance so your body doesn’t go into starvation mode; *You may want to eat a bigger breakfast and eat less for lunch and dinner – but don’t skip snacks

2. Exercise – Dr. A suggests 20 minutes sessions *You may want to shoot for 5 or 6 times a week that way you know will probably get in at least 4 days

3. Water water everywhere! Drink plenty of water. An overweight person should drink the normal recommended 8 glasses a day plus an additional 8 oz. glass for every 25 pounds extra they have to lose *I drink at least 2 ice cold glasses a night before bed to help flush my system

4. Join a support group and/or keep a journal. It may sound dorkey but it works! * has a wonderful support group for low carbers that has a SBD challenge thread
*keeping a journal (like on the DIS WISH board) of the food you eat allows you to go back when you stall and see what you have really been eating – the printed page doesn’t lie!
*keeping a journal or joining a support group gives you a feeling of accountability

5. Don’t discount the “whoosh” factor. Okay, I’m no doctor and I probably am not explaining this well but this is how this phenomenon was explained to me. When your body releases fat cells, they are replaced initially by water molecules and your body waits a while to see if you will replace the water by storing fat again. When it gets the signal (how, I don’t know) that you obviously are not going to replace the fat cells, it releases the water which gives you your “whoosh” and you lose several pounds all at once. The point of this is that sometimes the body is in a waiting mode to see if the fat is going to be replaced and when it realizes that is not going to happen, it will release the water. So you may go a period of time without a loss on the scale. That’s why measuring is so important. Everyone’s body is different so don’t give up on this way of life! Try to tweak the program so it works for you. You will see results!
Thanks Lisa!! Great tips! Hopefully, I will see my WHOOSH soon. ;)

Welcome Nichole to the Beach thread. My son's name is Nicholas..very close...LOL!
Thanks Lisa and everyone else for the warm welcome. It's so nice to have others who understand how hard it is to lose weight and change your lifestyle. Thanks for the much appreciated encouragement. I'm on day 4 now and am doing pretty well. I'm missing some of my old foods. It can be a little depressing for a person like me who loves to eat. But I know that I'm doing this for my health and I'm determined to get through this two weeks. I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to eating pita bread and the other allowed foods on phase 2. That right there is a huge change.
I do have a quick question: Is mayo or reduced fat sour cream allowed on phase 1? I can't seem to find it in the book and I'm wanting to make a veggie dip.
Luv2nascar- Congrats on the 10 pounds lost! That's terrific. Hope I will be able to do that well.
Hi JulieK! I understand what you mean about being excited about eating pita bread...LOL! You know, I used to LOVE bread of any kind and ate it quite often. Now, I don't crave it and can pass it up completely. I do eat bread about 2-3 times a week now on Phase 2. For lunch today, I had a pizza sandwich made out of oat bran pita bread...very yummy! My DS said that he wants me to make them every week.
Hi Julie,

I can't find any info about sour cream in Phase 1 in the book but I do see a recipe for cilantro mayo (using reduced fat mayo) and it's in Phase 1. I just stuck to lean meat, veggies, eggs, cheese and nuts the first two weeks because it was easier for me and DH so I'm not familar with too many other things you can have during that period. You might want to do a search on and look under the message board. They have a search engine and you can search the SBD site. I use that site all the time when I want to investigate whether it's okay to have a certain type of food. Hope this helps!

It sounds like are doing so well. Keep up the great work and before you know it, you'll be eating that pita bread!
I'm not sure that I have alot to contribute to this thread, but DH & I are in Phase 3. I've lost about 65 lbs., but I lost about 50 lbs. pre-SB, using a food diary & the food pyramid. DH has lost over 40 lbs., all on SB. We are eating healthy carbs & still follow many of the teachings of SB. We still execise almost every day and we've not regained any weight. My battle, within myself, is whether I should stay at my current weight. I'm 5'6'' and I weigh 160. Its a little higher than the weight charts suggest. But with exercising, I'm probably in the best shape of my adult life. I'm comfortably wearing a 10-12, which is so wonderful after years in plus size. But I see that many people "go to the Beach" when their weight reaches 160. I am a FIRM devotee & when I watch the FIRM informational, there's a woman who looks right into the camera & says, I knew I needed to do something when she reached SIZE 14! I feel that I can maintain my current weight & I'm want to stay at a size for a while, even if its only to get good use of my new wardrobe. We started in May '03 and never really officially declared ourselves in Phase 3. We both just plateaued and relaxed (food-wise) We also did little cheats throughout Phase ! & 2. For e.g., I never gave up my one cup of caffenated coffee w/ 2% milk, in the AM. But I love to talk about SB. Feel free to ask me any questions.
Hi Sue!

It's nice to have a veteran around! I think you are the first Phase 3 person I have ever run into. Welcome, I know you will be a valuable asset to our thread!

I can relate to your comments about your goal weight. At first I wanted to weigh 150 even though I am about 5" 1'. I looked at the weight chart and realized at that weight I would still be considered overweight. So I lowered my goal to 140, then I decided I would probably be alright at 145 so that became my goal. I have been overweight all my teen and adult life so I have no idea what size I will feel and look good at. I do know that when I can wear a 10/12 comfortably, I am done no matter what scale or the charts say! I look forward to joining you on Phase 3 someday.
I am happy to be posting here. I started out on Atkins on October 16, but it didn't work well for me this time. I lost about 40 pounds on Atkins two years ago---very quickly. Gained it back when I reverted to my old habits. Tried Atkins again in October, and had very slow progress.

I need to reread the SBD book, because I feel I missed alot. It doesn't provide a step by step account of how to follow the program, so I need to review the book.

I am happier being able to eat veggies, and believe in choosing the right kids of fats.

I have just begun to eat low carb bread in the morning, and I hope that it doesn't hurt me. Anyone else eating bread? If so, what kind?

Hoping for good results, although, the results for me on SBD have been slow. I think I still eat too much at each meal. I haven't been exercising regularly, but more than I was before I started to change my lifestyle in October.

I feel lighter, I feel healthier, my bloodwork from a recent physical was very good. Good cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

I have recently begun having late night cravings and binges. I am going to try to go to bed earlier to avoid this. I am not hungry, but feel compelled to eat. Good thing I don't have alot of junk in the house on which to binge. My binges are nuts, chicken, cheese----but too much of these, and late at night, is also not good for me.
Originally posted by A1A1
I have recently begun having late night cravings and binges. I am going to try to go to bed earlier to avoid this.

I find this to be an effective way to handle those late night cravings. Sometimes, though I won't go to sleep, just getting out of my trigger areas like the kitchen, (which naturally opens up to the family room), or family room, and into another part of the house helps. Sometimes I take a long hot shower or bath and then crawl into bed and go over the plans for tomorrow, or read or watch TV, or play with my kids. Anything to distract from what I know is probably not real hunger. Even if it is, I will sleep it off and get up early and have a yummy breakfast, and exercise. (as long as nobody else is watching! :crazy: )

Good luck on your journey! Sounds like you have got a good plan.

Keep the Faith!
Thanks Lisa for the info. I guess I'll hold off on the sour cream until phase 2 just to be safe.

Sheila, stop it you're making me drool!! Pizza sandwich on an oat bran pita, sounds yummmmmmy! Can't wait. Only 9 more days to go!:bounce:
I don't know if this advice will address your cravings, but I suggest you re-think the low-carb bread in the morning. SB is good carb, not low-carb. There are some delicious WHOLE GRAIN breads that are probably a better choice than a possibly processed low carb bread. We don't rely heavily on any breads for breakfast. In the book, they suggest holding off on fruit & other carbs until later in the day, to avoid spiking, which could cause cravings. We still eat alot of egg-based breakfasts. Occassionally, we have a high fiber cereal with fat free yogurt or O'Soy (Stonyfields Farm) but I find that I feel hungry during the days that start with a serving of carbs. Also, make sure you eat your snacks, during the day. It's tempting to skip a snack if you don't feel hungry or to increase your weight loss, but I found that skimping on food during the day had the residual effect of hunger at night.
Hi A! I'm glad you found your way over here!

DH and I eat Roman whole wheat bread. As Sue mentioned, on SBD we are not eating low carb but good carb so the lc bread is probably not a good idea.

Have you done Phase 1 or did you skip it because you were doing Atkins? Your cravings might be attributed to not going through Phase 1 of the program.

You might also want to consider keeping ice cold water and Trident sugarless gum handy. Last night I had wicked bad cravings for something sweet. It was definitely unusal for me but sometimes when I have a really good dinner (like my yummy taco salad) I want a sweet afterwards and I was determined not to have anything last night. Dessert is fine each night but I was being stubborn with myself. Anyway, instead of having dessert I grabbed an ice cold 1/2 litre of water and chewed on a piece of gum. That did the trick for me. Hope these suggestions help you.

You are doing very well so keep up the progress. We have to keep telling ourselves slow and steady wins the race.

I hope everyone on the Beach has a great weekend!
Seven points to remember about SBD (from the South Beach Diet web site):

1. The South Beach Diet is not a low-carb or low-fat diet. The focus is on selecting the right carbs and fats.

2. The South Beach Diet does not require you to limit portion size, count calories, or count grams of carbohydrates. You can eat until your hunger is satisfied.

3. The South Beach Diet is flexible. You don't have to follow the meal plans to the letter—feel free to swap meals and ingredients to suit your tastes and needs.

4. You can't lose in a day what it took years to put on. Permanent weight loss is a slow process. Eliminating the carbs that cause cravings makes weight loss easier.

5. The South Beach Diet allows for the inevitable slipups—that is why there are three phases. It's okay to fall off the wagon as long as you get right back on.

6. The South Beach Diet is a lifestyle change, not just another diet. Because it allows you to eat the way you actually like to eat, you can sustain it for the rest of your life.

7. Weight loss is only one of the benefits of the South Beach Diet. It will also improve blood chemistry—and lead to a healthier you.
Tlgoblue, Sueg, Zeraspride, JCJR - Thanks for your help. I really need to go back and reread that book. I read it at night while I was in bed, and always fell asleep reading. I must have missed half of the book! I don't remember anything about the bread later in the day. In fact, I was thinking it should be the opposite, so I was purposely eating it in the morning. I was thinking that I could work of the carbs throughout the day. Pretty warped. I see the logic of not eating it first thing in the morning.

I actually bought the book on CD today, so I could listen to it in the car. That might be more helpful to me right now. I want to stay away this time.

I had a better day, and am going to go to bed now so I don't have one of those late night eating attacks.

Thanks again for the help.
Thanks Jerry for the reminders! Sometimes DH and I get caught up in the low carb mentality - we keep telling ourselves it's good carb - not low carb that's important!

A - reading the book again is probably a good idea. I know I read it at least 3 times through. I do eat a slice of whole wheat bread just about every morning lately. It hasn't affected me so far at least but I will keep a close watch on the scale and if it seems like I am stalling, I will definitely cut out eating a slice of bread early in the morning. I do eat it with eggs and some protein so perhaps that helps or slows how it absorbs in my blood stream. Take care!

Btw, I made some buffalo chicken strips for dinner tonight and I made a separate post with the recipe. They were delicious! If anyone is interested, check out the thread.
I see you are going to HH in Nov. We are DVC members & go to WDW every March (OKW/home this yr.) & HH every summer. We did a Private Affair with Chef Gordon in Aug. He is the best. We were seriously in Phase 2 at that time & Gordon accomodated us. We had shrimps & scallops. He actually went to the SB website, after I booked & discussed our current WOE. We did "cheat" with crabcake appetizers - since I have his recipe, I know it is LOTS of butter and Ritz crackers- but the rest of the meal was SB friendly & it is always our best meal at HH. SueG
Hey, does anyone use the Smart Balance Omega 3 Spread to cook with? It seems to give off a really funny oder, and has a much different taste after is has been heated. I threw away the packaging and I'm not sure whether or not it is used for cooking or just as a spread? (It tastes OK unheated and I cant wait to try it on a piece of Whole Wheat toast! :tongue: )

Keep the Faith!
Well I did it. I went to the wedding and had nothing. Not a piece of cake, or anything. I wasn't even tempted. DH and I went to several of our favorite places to eat in San Antonio, and I exercised complete and total control. I had one pieve of bread in a sandwich and quit. I didn't want anything else. It just did appeal to me. DH on the other hand went carb crazy this weekend. However, you know they say men can lose faster anyway, so I know he's not as concerned. I got on the scale this mornign and I am a total 7 pounds down before TOM! I can't wait to weigh next week. Have a great day eeryone.
(I posted the below message on the big thread at the top but it belongs here too!)

Hi Everyone,

Where to start...

My family is taking it's first family trip EVER in May. We are staying at Pop Century for 10 days. I am very excited about this trip and have been planning like crazy. Well, I decided I didn't want to go on this vacation over weight! I want to go on water slides at TL and BB with my children without fear of what I might look like in a bathing suit. I want to walk around without pulling a "wedgie" from shorts that are too tight! I want to sit on a ride without tucking the cellulite back under my thighs or not sit comfortably because I am worried about how tight my waist band is! I am sure we have all been there...

Anyway, I am about 15-18 lbs over what I would like to be. My BMI should be about 22-25 and I am 25.9 Just enough to be pudgy, unhealthy and not comfortable. I lost the baby weight well with my first two children but the weight just has not come off from the last one. It could be because I am in my 30's now and I can feel how my metabolism has changed. My youngest is three now so it is time!!

I have done weight watchers with some success but I am always so darn hungry. I am also horribly tired of counting points and measuring food.

A friend suggested the South Beach Diet which I dismissed as being just a "fad" diet from the name alone. Well, you should see her...FABULOUS! I decided since we were in similar situations (height, weight, age) that I would read the book at least. I finished the book a believer, it really spoke to me. I plan on starting the program tomorrow although I have pretty much cut out bad carbs since reading it on Thursday.

If you have read this far...thank you! It felt good just writing I need to go get my wish challenge clippie!


Height- 5 ft 7.5 in
weight- 160
Exercise- Pilates 4x a week





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