Special things for 72 year old Mom?


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Jan 6, 2002
I am bringing my 72 year old mother with us on our next trip in Feb. DDs are 10 and 13. Hubby is Disneyed out and staying home. We usually hit the parks commando style -- open to close -- non-stop. I know this trip will have to be different. Does anyon have any suggestions for special things to do and see with Mom. On past trips, our family has eaten mostly counter-service and then a late dinner back at the hotel. What restuarants are "not-to-be-missed"? We will be staying at AKL for 5-6 days.

We went with my mom in 2000. She was 86. Some of the things she enjoyed the most were the parades and shows. (I think its because we all slowed down at those points!). She needed a wheelchair, and if your mom tires easily, I'd recommend one. My mom got on all the rides she could, and would have done more if I'd let her (I didn't think she should do KS because of the health warning). I wish I would have let her do anything she wanted, because I know she was disappointed not to see the animals. She went on Buzz, but I think the rest of us had a better time. She loved the "historical" attractions like American Adventure and Hall of Presidents. She also loved World Showcase, including all the films, etc. that we don't often slow down enough to enjoy. The eateries she liked the resturants at Mexico, Germany and Morocco, but her favorite was breakfast at the Crystal Palace. She wasn't big on the characters, but put up with them in good humor. I hope you have a wonderful time and really enjoy the trip. I am so glad we took Mom when we did - she went to heaven about 8 months ago and I treasure those WDW memories and photos.
Just had to share this story. We were in the MK a few months ago and DS and I were getting ready to get on Space Mountian. This family came up beside us to board and they had a eldely man that looked to be about 90 years old in a wheel chair. I think everyone stoped to look. Not polite I guess but it was a real shock. This man had no expression on his face what so ever. They had to help him a lot to get out of the wheel chair and into the car. We were one car or so ahead. When we got off we waited to see this man get off. Still no expression at all on his face! He seemed ok , but I just was suprised that the CM did not at least question his health and ability to ride this ride. Just wanted to share this.

Jordans mom
We were in Disney in Dec. w/ my 84 year old grandmother. She had a good time but tired very easily. We got a complimentary wheelchair right from the resort which we used in all parks. She could not do the parks every day & not the full day either.

If there was something she didn't want to go on she was content to just sit & people watch & wait for us all. She enjoyed the World Showcase, all the evening shows & parades. Really enjoyed The Great Movie Ride in MGM. Also liked Ariel.

If there was an intense attraction such as Space Mountain or the Dinosaur she didn't ride. Mainly, she enjoyed watching her children, grandchildren & great children have a good tiime.
My Mom is in good health. She walks or swims everyday. Has a busy social life and travels. Her traveling companion (my father died 12 years ago, she has a gentlemen friend but no love interest) is not one to go it WDW. I don't think she will go Space, ToT, or RnR coaster. But I think she could handle Splash (my personal favorite) and Dinosauer. She does have a bad back that bother her from time to timeand may slow her a little but we will just take it at her pace. I'm so excited to be taking her I can't wait.

I am going to surprise everyone with 2-3 days conceirge at AKL (the other nights I a regular room) so we can do the Sunrise Safari. Does anyone have any other ideas?

Some places that my parents really got a kick out of -
Breakfast at the Fountain View Cafe at EPCOT. As the name says, it's to the right side of the big fountain just past the EPCOT globe. Great coffee, great view, you get to watch the fountain go in time with the music.
Resturant Akerhaus at Norway, the buffet at Germany, and the boat ride in the Land. We also went on the additional tour at the Land, it was very interesting and realtively cheap.
Another thing to consider are some of the tours that they have in the parks. My mother and I went on the Secrets of the World tour in EPCOT, had a great time. Lots of walking.
My mother is pretty heavy and it was very obvious that she was not going to be able to do any serious distances so we rented an electric wheel chair for her (from a non-disney company, they delivered right to the resort, NO problems, easy to use, overall GREAT!).
The animal kingdom overall was a hit.
Over at the MK the riverboat was a big hit, along with the haunted mansion and the pirates of the caribean. We unloaded my father out of the boat like a sack of potatoes, it was pretty funny.
Have a great time!
What Barrett is calling an electric wheelchair is actually called a scooter or ecv (electric convenience vehicle). An electric (or power) wheelchair is actually a lot different and they only rent those to people who already have one at home. For anyone who wants to rent a manual wheelchair or ecv (also called a scooter) from an outside company, here are some of the ones that DIS posters have used:
Care Medical:

Walker Mobility:

RANDY'S Mobility is in Kissimmee 407-892-4777

Colonial Medical

most of the WDW resorts have manual wheelchairs to lend, but they are first come first serv, and what they have might not meet your needs. Like all they have when you come might be an extra wide one when you really need a regular size one.


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