spiderman, is this a ride that will cause motion sickness?


DIS Veteran
Jan 16, 2001
Hello: Can someone tell me if the spiderman ride, will cause any kind of motion sickness, either form visual dizziness, or from any spinning? Thank you,

I get motion sick on Star Tours, body wars and Back to the future. However I do not get motion sick on Spiderman. I guess it depends on how easily you get motion sick.
On Star Tours and Back to the Future you really get a lot of movement. On Spiderman there isn't much movement. It's done mostly with special effects and the 3 D aspect of the ride. If you start feeling sick, you can just close your eyes and will hardly feel anything.
Here's a little trick I discovered...DRAMAMINE!!! Or the prescription drug Antivert. I can ride ANYTHING IF I take one of these motion sickness pills! They really work, and I don't get drowsey because I'm having so much fun! :D
Deb, you shouldnt have any problem on Spiderman, in fact, Its my new favorite ride! Careful with dramamine,,,,has side effects I heard, I think one may be drowsiness. Like someone said, you have any problem,,,,just close your eyes, its awesome though :)

I like Bonine for motionsickness. It last 24 hrs and it doesn't seem to make me sleepy like dramamine. I usually take it right before bed since I liek to hit the big rides early. I haven't used it at WDW yet. IT worked great on our second trip to US/IOA. BTTF, The red side of DD and even Strom force (think tea cups on speed) didn't bother me.
Yes, Spiderma will cause you motion sickness, its spins and jerks you around, but a fun 200 minute wait ride~
Hi Sha lyn:

I just bought bonine, I thought though that I would take it when I get up for the days rides. Is it okay to take three four days in a row do you think? If I get a migraine from motion I am done for a couple of days, so I have to be careful.

I really don't think there is too much for me to go on in ioa, but hubby will like it, nothing makes him sick.

I just read the package and there is no warning about the number of days. I have only taken it for 2 days straight before. This trip it will be more like a week. If you like drinking a glass of wine at dinner you might also want to take it at bed time. The package warns that taking it with alcohol will increase the chance of getting drousy. I figure that by dinner time enough of it is out of my system that a glass of wine or a mixed drink won't hurt. Both night at US/IOA I had one drink with dinner. Neither night did I feel drousy or intoxicated.

Another ride that might get to you is the hanna barberra ride at US. It is a large "theatre" type simulator. If you rode journy to Jerusulem in the milinium villiage at Epcot, it is that type of seating. Last yr it bothered me a little but not much. This yr I had no problems thanks to the Bonine.

Cat in the hat spins too. They can turn the spinning off on your car if you ask. With the bonine the spinning didn't bother me.
Okay thanks, I have not been back to wdw for 6 years, so there will be alot of new stuff, I will have to carefully read the brochures, cause the simulator things will get me and my daughter.

I never get motion sickness, except on Spiderman. I can do all the rides at Disney, all the rides at IOA including Dueling Dragons and Hulk, but I get off Spiderman feeling SO dizzy. I think it might be a combination of the 3D effects, the live action, and the motion of the car that just doesn't agree with me.


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