~Spin off ~ What is the best stroller for DLR?

I've our Maclaren Quest. It's super tiny but has good storage and a decent canopy. It's years old and has taken a beating but still works well. Both our 3 and 5 yr old are under the weight limit. I also love their travel bag. It has wheels and protects the stroller but is so oversized that we have more packing space for free :)
Wow! Thanks so much everyone. I'm heading to a store this week and made a list of the strollers recommended. We'll try them out and see what we like! :thumbsup2
We own 3 different Maclaren strollers, the Volo, the Quest and the Techno, and hands down, my favorite is the Quest (the one we have had the longest).

We bought the Quest when our oldest was 3.5 years old and it has endured several airplane trips and many vacations, some to well paved places to NY or WDW, but also to pebble roads, all this with an older child.

The underneath storage can fit a lot more than you would think, what I would do if I wasn´t going to be folding and unfolding, is put the stuff in different zip lock bags (ie, one for the extra clothes, one for snacks, one for sunblocks) and just take out the one we needed. They also sell saddlebags for the stroller and those work great too and the stroller can be folded with them on.

What I love most of the Quest above the other two, is that it has a very good recline (not flat like the Techo, but it is much lighter) and, for older children, it has the deepest seat, which makes for a more comfortable trip, it can be steered one handed even with a heavy child in it (we used to have a Combi that was a pain to push with a 1.5 yo) and it has a canopy and rain shield too.
We got a new Joovy Ultralight a few months ago from Costco (I needed something that would fold compactly to fit in my car, but would also hold an infant in a carseat and a toddler behind.) I had read that the Joovy cabooses were hard to push, but the ultralight is so smooth and light - I just know it's going to be awesome in the park. Plus, the sun canopy is HUGE! We had to clip on an extra sun umbrella with our last stroller, but we are totally covered this time. Besides that, it was a really good price too. Maybe worth checking out to see if you like it too. Good luck!
With 3 small kids I have owned my fair share of strollers. Disney always played a roll in my choices.:rotfl:
We have had an embarrassing 8 strollers to date. Everything from cheap umbrellas to maclaren doubles!
My favorite is the City Mini! Love it, mostly because of the way it folds but also for how easy it is to move. Maclaren was a close second but we only have the double so it is bigger. Least favs were probably the 2 peg peregos both the double and single.
we take our schwinn double jogger to WDW and I love it!


we may or may not take it to DL. I haven't decided yet or not. We are flying and we normally drive to WDW.

I also have an umbrella (jeep) but it isn't too comfortable for long trips (to push or ride in)

we also have a single chico that came with our car seat - we may take it and make our 5 year old walk, but we are undecided.
I have a PegPergo Aria, that I love. My sister has a City Mini which I think is really cool and also love. Find something that has good shade cover, nice undercarriage, easy to fold, reclines, with lots of support and is comfortable for both the child and the person pushing it :), that's the things I look for :) Good luck!!
I loved my Peg Perego Aria too, UNTIL the combined weight of my kids hit about 50 lb. With a 10 lb baby and a 20 lb one year old it was a dream to push. Fast forward 1 1/2 years and I've got a 30 lb two year old and a 35 lb three year old and I feel like I'm wrestling with it all the time! Who knows, maybe it needs a tune up, maybe I got a dud. I had about a year of constant use with it, but now its gathering dust.
So my advice would be to take along an older child or two when you go to test strollers. I'm wishing we had at least brought a sack of dog food or something and tried wheeling that around! The balance makes a huge difference, too. A double stroller with twins will handle quite differently than one with a five year old and a baby.
Oh, and I borrowed my SIL's Joovey Caboose once. (standard, not light). Sled is a very accurate description.
I'm in DL right now renting a double city mini from travel babees for my 5 and 2year old. It's a fantastic stroller. Dh wants to buy one when we get home!!
OP, the real answer to your question is that it depends.

If you have a child who doesn't nap and you don't need much storage, a Maclaren Volo is a great stroller. Be aware that it will tip if your child gets out while a bag is hanging on the handles, though. I hate that about ours.

If you want a full featured single stroller that reclines and has decent storage, you'll want something like a Peg Perego P3, the UppaBaby Vista, a Baby Jogger City Mini, a Britax B-Agile or the like.

For double strollers, I had a Joovy Ultralight Caboose and it was SO long. Also the front seat barely reclines, so if you have a napper it won't work well.

My favorite DL stroller for 2 kids is my Britax B-Ready. It's an inline double, which means it's only as wide as a regular single stroller, but has a second seat that gets added to the back. It's MUCH easier to maneuver in the parks than a side by side double. Both seats recline fully and have great sun shades.


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