Spinoff thread: What's been cancelled for you?


DIS Veteran
Jul 18, 2012
I was reading a thread in which the OP was very mad about the state of their cancelled vacation. I thought it would remind everyone that everyone's experienced event/celebration/trip cancellations if we all listed what we've had to cancel. Here's my list:

  • DS13's 13th birthday party
  • day camps and sleepaway camps
  • the big summer party celebrating my parents' 50th wedding anniversary
  • End of school year parties and ceremonies
  • cousin's high school graduation and party
  • any chance of seeing my dad in person until this is over. He has dementia which is getting worse so I worry about how he'll be the next time I see him in person.
  • visiting my parents when they were in the hospital
  • (probably) my sister's summer visit
  • doctor's appointments
  • attending my best friend's 20th wedding anniversary vow renewal.
  • annual Memorial Day and July 4th parties.
  • Seeing a friend and her son in person before they move out of state. Their son is DS9's BFF.
  • touring the local TV news station. I won the tour in a charity auction.
  • music and dance recitals
My youngest brother was supposed to get married two weeks ago. We were all going to travel to Toronto for it. Now, it’s postponed indefinitely.

On the plus side, we got the idea to Zoom with my aunt and uncle in Australia. We have one with all the Australian cousins in the works too.
-Two dance shows for my kids
-A 5 day dance festival they had been working towards since August
- All of the regular end of the year stuff
-A cruise in August
- Disney trip
- huge family reunion in June

Still waiting to see on some stuff
March 2021 cruise
Nutcracker (my kids are all dancers)

In the scope of things, we haven’t lost that much, but still disappointing.
Things for me are still "postponed" for the moment:

Jake Owens concert (back in March)
Dierks Bentley's concert actually had been moved from this July to next July......so I guess that's just a movement
My Mom's 90 huge birthday celebration has been postponed; hoping to celebrate maybe end of summer
I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that we can go on our big family trip to Mackinaw City in August
My niece's wedding is still pending for the end of July

My local casino is opening this next week but me personally am postponing my visits for awhile.
I lived for about 2 1/2 months in the parking lots of grocery stores because all the campgrounds were closed. I've been full timing in an RV for a couple years now and the cancellation of my camp locations was not something I'd planned on in any way, shape, or form. Very glad to be back out in campgrounds, although much more limited than before.
I was reading a thread in which the OP was very mad about the state of their cancelled vacation. I thought it would remind everyone that everyone's experienced event/celebration/trip cancellations if we all listed what we've had to cancel. Here's my list:

  • DS13's 13th birthday party
  • day camps and sleepaway camps
  • the big summer party celebrating my parents' 50th wedding anniversary
  • End of school year parties and ceremonies
  • cousin's high school graduation and party
  • any chance of seeing my dad in person until this is over. He has dementia which is getting worse so I worry about how he'll be the next time I see him in person.
  • visiting my parents when they were in the hospital
  • (probably) my sister's summer visit
  • doctor's appointments
  • attending my best friend's 20th wedding anniversary vow renewal.
  • annual Memorial Day and July 4th parties.
  • Seeing a friend and her son in person before they move out of state. Their son is DS9's BFF.
  • touring the local TV news station. I won the tour in a charity auction.
  • music and dance recitals

Our spring break trip to California, to see both the girls (as DD#1 was flying in from Nebraska with GS#3) and their families.

DS's sophomore year of high school

DH's work time at the office. He's now home until at least the end of the year. His company said they will look at reopening at the end of August, but will go by state and local rules for each office; and for the people who need it (like DH), they can be home until at least next year.

ETA: I forgot. My nephew was supposed to get married this June. They are putting it off a year.

And...that's pretty much it.
Oldest Granddaughers College graduation
Husbands work big fundraiser for the year
local Heritage Days festival
Trip to Ocean City (maybe later this summer/early fall)
Husband has been working at home full time since this started, it may postpone his retirement a couple of months

Nothing we were too upset about other than the college graduation
Niece’s college graduation.
Long weekend in St Louis.
Long weekend in Houston.
Long weekend in Atlantic City.
This was the first year I bought a season ticket for the local minor league baseball team.
Two planned holiday celebrations
My cousins first birthday party.
All in all, I’d say I’ve had it pretty easy and have been very lucky through this pandemic.
We were on a plane in March, flying across the country to see my son perform in his first professional show. He was playing a lead! Then he texted to say the show was cancelled. Then he ended up flying home with us because his university went to online classes.

My DH is pretty sure his 40th high school reunion, scheduled for September, will be cancelled.

My aunt passed away in April. I was not able to go and see my cousins who lost their mom. They were not able to plan the type of funeral and family gathering they wanted. They're holding off until we can all get together in a church and pay our respects properly. They all flew out when my dad passed away last year. I wish I could have done the same for them, but we'll have to wait.
DS #2 2nd semester freshman year in college
DS #1 2nd semester junior year in college
And all the associated hockey games (in the playoffs!) and musical concerts for both of them this semester
all our wonderful church celebrations around Easter that my choir had been working hard for
my birthday celebration
my brother's birthday celebration
my father's birthday celebration
Our Memorial Day camping trip
4th of July parade and annual cookout has been cancelled
nephew's high school graduation and party

Birthdays, eh, hopefully we'll be able to do our family celebrations next year. But the hockey team might not be as strong and go as far next year, and DS#2 was so very excited! And we cannot redo our annual Memorial Day and 4th of July celebrations, just praying that my family is all healthy and well so we can resume next year. We do a lot of things with extended family, the biggest thing in all this is not being able to get together with them. I miss them!
Between my son's illness that began in December and Covid 19, six months of our lives have been cancelled. 2020 is whack.

Our family's list of cancellations:

New Year's
Son's 21st birthday party
My spring semester as a teacher
My son's spring semester as a student
My son's job
My husband's work travel
Valentine's Day
Our anniversary plans
Our annual summer trip to California
My niece's wedding
Memorial Day
4th of July
Many, many family gatherings
The list goes on and on...
A family wedding
Michael Buble concert
Trip to Mexico
Mom, Dad's and sister's birthday celebrations
DD's birthday
DS college graduation
Memorial Day
July 4th celebrations
WI State Fair

And many, many more things we haven't done, but those are the big ones.
I had two out of town races and multiple local races cancelled.
A guy's weekend
Our summer vacation
Daycare so both my wife and I have to work from home while taking care of a 3 year old.
Pretty much all of the city sanctioned things we do in the summer like outdoor movies, festivals, holiday celebrations.
We had to basically delay my grandma's funeral. Immediate family gathered at the graveside all standing apart but we had no funeral or viewing.
4 or 5 concerts.
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Not much for me but DD11, has had the following cancelled or postponed: Her 11th birthday party( she invited some friends to go see the new live action Mulan movie on opening night), Grade 5 commencement (she moves to middle school in September), year end dance recital (tentatively rescheduled for September from May), summer of competitive swimming, and a huge international Girl Guide/ Girl Scout Camp. This camp was being held about an hours drive from ou home, and she lucked out that the first year she met the requirements to attend it was close so it didn't require expensive travel cost, she was in tears when it was cancelled in March even though it wasn't happening until August. This camp happen only every 3 years and it's still up in the air as to where the next one will be held. We did get a refund on the fees paid out of pocket, but any funds raised through group fundraising events went to pay non refundable deposits for the camp, so won't be transferred to her unit or future camp. I'm ok with that.
I travel for work, so weeks of travel and lost time in product development. We just can't do this remotely.
Multiple trade shows have been canceled. Some are claiming to be happening this fall, but I can't believe it.
Our kid's school was of course canceled, but they had an excellent digital plan in place here.
2 of the kids will have had their birthdays during this time, but it's not a huge deal, as we don't really have bday parties or anything.
All sports stuff was canceled. Some have started back, but none that our kids participate.
Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts canceled meetings, camping trips, and summer camps.
One of the kids had chorus trips canceled, including Disney World, Six Flags, etc.
My wife was supposed to go to a friend's wedding, that has been pushed back a couple times.

Honestly, it hasn't been that bad. I'm in the minority. I hate going to the office, and rarely did before this. Working from home was fine.
I went out every single day to do what needed to be done, including visiting locations within driving distance. I went to the office as needed.
We went on Memorial Day trip.
We went to Orlando to try to catch the rocket launch, heading back tomorrow.
We visited grandparents (yes, I kept my distance, but the kids didn't). I took the kids to give my wife a day off for Mother's Day.
the end of the school year
friend wedding canceled end of April until Oct.
3 vacations......WDW in May, DCL in June and River cruise in August.
We've still had family birthday parties, Easter, Memorial Day
I was sad to miss several things, but on a good note, I was supposed to be in DC this week for a conference. The organizers did an amazing job of pivoting to a virtual conference. It was outstanding! Speakers included Mike Rowe and the US Surgeon General, featuring interactive Q&A and chat. We also had great continuing education sessions in smaller groups. I missed the personal interaction but liked the virtual set-up way more than I thought I would.
My DGD11 had a lot of things cancelled on her.

5th grade graduation (enters middle school in fall)
Much of basketball season (she'll have to tryout for 6th grade team, next year)
Basketball camp (bone up on her shooting)
Regular summer camp
Neighborhood pool (MAY open up in a month)

Last summer, she had things scheduled nearly every week. This summer, nothing. My husband and I are flying her down to Texas to visit her aunt in July. Hoping that doesn't get cancelled.


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