Spring Break 2009 @ Universal, IoA & T-Rex Cafe **LOTS OF PICTURES**

After Suess Land we made our way over to The Lost Continent...


I really wanted everyone to see Poseidon's Fury but it was closed that day. It's one of my favorite attractions and I wished we could have seen it:guilty:.


Mythos Restaurant


The Wizarding World of Harry Poter Construction...

The older kids rode Dueling Dragons twice, then we moved on to the Jurassic Park area...


Basically we didnt do much here, everyone wanted to ride the River Adventure ride so I stayed back with the bags and drinks. I found a shady spot to rest right next to a stand that was selling those delicious turkey legs! I really wanted to get one, but I didnt want to eat without everyone so I passed. They were in line for about an hour, and they all loved the ride! When they came back they wanted to move along to the Toon area. So they got in line for Ripsaw Falls, this ride had about a 90 minute wait but they realy wanted to do it, so once again I found a shady spot with tables outside of the Comic Strip Cafe (which is right next to the ride).


I tried to get the kids to eat while we were here at the Comic Strip Cafe but they werent in the mood to slow down yet! Plus we had a bag full of snacks they were munching on all day anyways.

We browsed around Toon Lagoon for a bit...



And then we went over to Popeye & Blutos barges...by this time the sun was setting and it was starting to get cool again so the lines were pretty quick. The kids & my mom rode this about 6 times!! They loved it!


After the Barge ride my son & niece wanted to go do some of the bigger rides so we gave them some money for food/drinks and made arrangements to meet up later and they went on their way. We made our way back to Suess Land after a few stops at shops and games around Marvel Super Hero Island. My daughter won a little stuffed Dalmation toy so she was thrilled, lol:woohoo:!

We decided to go eat since we were all hungry, I really wanted to get something good but my daughter won the debate and she choose Circus McGurkus Cafe (I was not happy with my food on my first visit years ago) and the 2nd would be the same. Me and my daughter had the pizza and my mom had the chicken, I am not a picky but that food was worse than the cheapest buffet food around. But I doubt they are trying to win any awards with what they're serving so no biggie. It would have been really fun to eat here, everyone was very disappointed when I told them it had closed:guilty:...


After we ate Jaden played in the interactive Suess area "If I Ran the Zoo" for a while.



After her playtime, we met back up with the older kids and did some shopping at the shops near then entrance. We were some of the last ones out of the park and although we wanted to try the new Burger King Whopper Bar (we never made it the first night of our trip) everyone was too tired so we headed back to our hotel.

All in all it was a good trip, I wish the kids could have done a few more rides but with the crowds it was just not easy:)! I stayed within my budget, even though I splurged a bit the day we went to Downtown Disney, but learned a few things I will do or not do next time.

Buying the refillable mugs was great, worth every penny.

I wish I had purchased the all you can eat meal deal for at least the older kids...they wanted to eat everything in site and it wasnt cheap even just letting them get a few things. So next time we will get them the meal deal!

All though the hotel was very simple (nothing like the on site hotels/resorts we are used to) it was all we needed since we were gone from morning til night anyways. But I love the amenities of the bigger hotels so when we go for extended stays I will still stay there.

Wish I had spent more time planning our meals, I tried the go with the flow approach and it reminded me why I like having every detail planned. There was too much back and forth over where we were eating and we wasted time debating when we could have been doing other things.

Thats all I can really think of at the moment, it was great trip and we all had lots of fun! So until next time, peace:hippie:!
Thanks for finishing! I enjoyed all of your TR, and seeing those photos was just the lift I needed this afternoon!

I'm sure you will have a wonderful trip when you go again -- I always learn something which makes my next trip even more full of Mummy dust!

Maria :upsidedow
Thanks for finishing your TR. I had stopped looking at the Universal site when our trip got derailed in favor of WDW. Universal definitely looks like lots of fun and with kids now reading Suess I'm sure they will enjoy it.

Too bad you didn't get to have Green Eggs and Ham.
Great TR!!! I just came upon the whole thing today. Very glad I did! I read it front to back. I love the Cat in the Hat dress!!!!
We are going to US/IOA for the first time in June and I CAN'T WAIT!!!
You have inspired me to possibly do a trip report of my own!
I'm glad your daughter had a great birthday trip!:yay:
Thanks for finishing! I enjoyed all of your TR, and seeing those photos was just the lift I needed this afternoon!

I'm sure you will have a wonderful trip when you go again -- I always learn something which makes my next trip even more full of Mummy dust!

Maria :upsidedow

Thanks and I agree, live and learn:)!

Thanks for finishing your TR. I had stopped looking at the Universal site when our trip got derailed in favor of WDW. Universal definitely looks like lots of fun and with kids now reading Suess I'm sure they will enjoy it.

Too bad you didn't get to have Green Eggs and Ham.

Thanks for reading! Are you still going to Universal or just the Disney parks?

Great TR!!! I just came upon the whole thing today. Very glad I did! I read it front to back. I love the Cat in the Hat dress!!!!
We are going to US/IOA for the first time in June and I CAN'T WAIT!!!
You have inspired me to possibly do a trip report of my own!
I'm glad your daughter had a great birthday trip!:yay:

Thank you! Please do a trip report, the more info out there the better!

Hope you all have agreat time on your trips!
Thanks so much for the trip report! I read it all start to finish today.

Since I will be taking a three and six year old on Thursday, seeing the kid areas was very helpful. Also since my daughter is a HUGE Barney fan, I'll know to be early for that show.

Great report, beautiful family, and your camera is awesome!
Thanks for your TR. Tonight DH and I talked about our faraway trip and decided the only Disney we are going to do is Downtown Disney. Other than that pure Universal. I had forgotten how much fun Universal is so I needed this to get over the funk. BTW.. I grew up in Florida, mostly East coast, but I did spend two years in Tampa. I miss being that close to the action sometimes...


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