Spring Flower pics


DIS Veteran
Aug 31, 1997
Here are some spring pics. http://www.imagestation.com


Gina, these are the beautiful irises you sent me a few years ago.
Oh Deb, your pictures are magnificent!!!!! :sunny: Absolutely gorgeous! The peonies are breath-taking, and your Celebration Rose, exquisite!!!!! :sunny:

The ~ Iris Gina~ is pretty special too! ;) :)

I'm running out of superlatives..lol. :)

Thank you so much!!! :D
Can't kill those iris with a stick....LOL!

I have some killer ice blue miniature iris you might love, Deb! I'd be happy to send them in September!

Your pics are lovely. I'm mad for peonies! Thank you for sharing!
Thanks Buds, glad you liked them. I'll post some more soon.

Kim, you flatter me so:cloud9: Celebration is a new rose for me this year. I just couldn't resist it. Always room for one more. It's an English shrub rose.

Gina, your irises are big hit here:flower: We all love them and they hardy! Would love to have some little blue ones whenever you want to dig and send. Do you need big blues? I have some that are ready to divide.
I would LOVE some big blue ones! LOL!

And I'll send you some little blue ones.....they're icy blue....about 12 -18 inches high.

I also have yellow ones....dainty...if you'd like some.

I guess I'm turning into the IRIS QUEEN! :earseek:
what kind of camera did you use?
saw it was a Nikon which one?

also I hope you do not mind but I put your peony pic on my desktop!

Just put some more pics up on Image Station with the same link.

Gina Queen Iris princess: I'd love little yellows. Yes!

This is the big blue (more purple I guess) that I'll be dividing.

Mal, I used a Nikon 3100 for these shots. I have Nikon 35's and a Mavica digital but use this little guy the most. It's so light and easy to use.
I'm thrilled you used a peony shot for your desktop. If you want I can send you the full size pic. Just tell me it's number. The resolution would be a lot better. I compress and reduce the pics before uploading them to Image Station.

Thanks to all you buds for your kudos.:daisy: Better watch out you're encouraging me.
Beautiful Irises...I think I have some yellow ones like that in my garden that are blooming now..:scratchin
Your flower pictures are just absolutely beautiful!! I adore the pink peonies the best, as if there was any wonder. HA HA!


BTW - I am jealous. My peonies have buds but have not bloomed yet. Maybe because I also didn't feed them this year :( or maybe because I am a little further east than you. BUT - I have a WONDERFUL picture of your peonies to keep and admire if mine fail to bloom for some reason, and also to admire because yours are pink and mine are blush.
Yours will probably come out anyday. I think you're about a week behind us in season. Mine are planted in the worst spot for us. We have to go around them to get through the gate when they're in bloom. They seem to like the attention and the location. I don't dare move them they take so long to get blooming. My new red ones are just coming up out of the ground. No flowers there this year.

Can't wait to see your blush.

Enjoy your birthday pic. I took it just for you, knowing how much you love peonies.
Now we have Peony Princess TuliRose to add to our garden party. :wave:


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