Star Wars: The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread. ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK

The Leia and Han backstory was my biggest disappointment. It was heartbreaking to realize they were strangers. She says, "it wasn't ALL bad, was it?" I almost cried.

I had hoped for a happy ending, but it seemed her life was an endless military career. Losing her son, then having Luke and Han abandon her was very sad.

It was difficult for Carrie Fisher to emote after all the plastic surgery. It was hard to even notice a reaction after she felt Han die. Her voice is so harsh now, I almost wish they would have dubbed in another voice.
I am glad I finally saw this movie today so I don't have to avoid the internet anymore lol.
So basically I loved this movie! I thought it was straight up a lot of fun, but fun with history and roots to hold it all up. I enjoyed the new characters and I loved the fact that even though Luke Skywalker was largely absent, nearly mythical, he was somehow ever-present in the very fiber of the film.
The ending of this movie gave me CHILLS. And tears. I kept saying "Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God." I don't even SAY "Oh my God" normally but dang there I was saying it. It was LUKE. FREAKIN'. SKYWALKER.
I gotta digest this. And will see it again soon.
Star Wars is back.
And I can't wait for the next one. I am definitely hoping (and expecting) that Luke plays a major role in it.
I am glad I finally saw this movie today so I don't have to avoid the internet anymore lol.
So basically I loved this movie! I thought it was straight up a lot of fun, but fun with history and roots to hold it all up. I enjoyed the new characters and I loved the fact that even though Luke Skywalker was largely absent, nearly mythical, he was somehow ever-present in the very fiber of the film.
The ending of this movie gave me CHILLS. And tears. I kept saying "Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God." I don't even SAY "Oh my God" normally but dang there I was saying it. It was LUKE. FREAKIN'. SKYWALKER.
I gotta digest this. And will see it again soon.
Star Wars is back.
And I can't wait for the next one. I am definitely hoping (and expecting) that Luke plays a major role in it.

All the Obi San, yoda, anakin, Han Solo Mumbo over the years aside...

Mark hammil is the star or Star Wars. As in there is no Star Wars without him. Ford was never that important.

So I agree with what they did with him and as immediately described after the the best end scene by a factor of 100.

I hope he didn't get paid by the minute though...

Now...he can't be Obi wan/yoda part II...

Just can't...can't be the "wise, hands off mentor"

He's gotta get in there.

I think I see where they're going with this...and while you can Shakespeare solo and have fisher neither walk, nor talk, nor apparently open her eyes...

You have to get hammil back into the thick at some point. No summersaulting yoda...but not a watcher either.
All the Obi San, yoda, anakin, Han Solo Mumbo over the years aside...

Mark hammil is the star or Star Wars. As in there is no Star Wars without him. Ford was never that important.

So I agree with what they did with him and as immediately described after the the best end scene by a factor of 100.

I hope he didn't get paid by the minute though...

Now...he can't be Obi wan/yoda part II...

Just can't...can't be the "wise, hands off mentor"

He's gotta get in there.

I think I see where they're going with this...and while you can Shakespeare solo and have fisher neither walk, nor talk, nor apparently open her eyes...

You have to get hammil back into the thick at some point. No summersaulting yoda...but not a watcher either.

I totally agree with everything you said. And I agree I want to see Luke be an active, truly awesome Jedi, not just an advisor to the next gen. I realize the new characters are the stars of this trilogy, but Luke Skywalker is the heart and soul of Star Wars.

The only thing that could have made a more awesome ending was if they somehow faked us all out and didn't credit Mark Hamill at all in the movie and then suddenly at the end...that would have been epic but then I think I would have passed right out lol.
Does anyone think Han could have been saved somehow or is he truly gone??
I think he's really dead... and this is coming from someone who wore a "Coulson Lives" t-shirt for months after The Avengers, before they even announced AoS :p
Han is my favourite character, but I think for it to resonate emotionally, he should stay dead.
I really liked the new movie. The new golden trio is awesome, I really like Poe and Rey especially. A good dynamic between Poe and Finn and between Finn and Rey. I'd like to see the three of them share more scenes in the future films. Rey was the kind of female lead that the new generation deserves.
Does anyone think Han could have been saved somehow or is he truly gone??

Gone. I was mixed for the first 10
Minutes after...but here are my thoughts:

1. They did it well. They didn't need to say he was the father prior...they could have done that on the bridge and given it more gravitas...but it was down well. Chewie was great in that and I even loved the "fall"

I wish he would have said something like "you're mother and uncle can help you" or something like that as his last words...the ultimate force skeptic on the way out.

2. I never thought ford would do more than one. Not for a second. He's kinda jerk by all accounts...and has mentioned not getting paid for Star Wars far too many times over the years. He did a solid job...I didnt think he was the best by far...but I honestly think he cashed a ransom check here.

3. Ford was right that there wasn't anything for solo to do. The character was thin since he came out of carbonite 30 lbs heavier in Jedi.

What could he do? Review star charts? Be a rebellion quartermaster? A intergalactic mailman in the falcon? He looked every bit of 72 years old.

It was for the best.
I totally agree with everything you said. And I agree I want to see Luke be an active, truly awesome Jedi, not just an advisor to the next gen. I realize the new characters are the stars of this trilogy, but Luke Skywalker is the heart and soul of Star Wars.

The only thing that could have made a more awesome ending was if they somehow faked us all out and didn't credit Mark Hamill at all in the movie and then suddenly at the end...that would have been epic but then I think I would have passed right out lol.

Couldn't have pulled that off.

As described...Luke skywalker is the key character in Star Wars.

Nobody would have every believed that ford and fisher would be back and he wouldn't.

I thin they did the best approach to mask him this time by keeping everyone guessing.

I thought he was gonna show up with green blazing and save Rey and Finn from ren...
But I like this way better.
After their son went bad and Luke disappeared, Han went back to being a smuggler and he and Chewie were always gone. They didn't break up so much as he ran away... At least that was how I took it. He and Leia reconciled in this movie, but only a little while before he died. So no, no happy ending for them, unfortunately.

That just really makes me so sad.
That just really makes me so sad.
It was sad, I agree..but it's also I think true to the characters that they reacted to their own grief in such different ways that it pushed them apart. While part of me wishes they could have had a little bit more time to reconcile..that Han and Luke would have had another opportunity to be onscreen together, I think they did Han's exit well.
That just really makes me so sad.

It was incredibly sad. Han says he ran back to the only thing he was ever good at which leads me to believe he thinks he failed as a father. I think they possibly didn't agree with how to best raise him and knew early on he had an anger issue (much like his uncle and grandfather). Han probably
feels a little responsible for sending him off to Luke and thus creating Kylo Ren.
It was sad, I agree..but it's also I think true to the characters that they reacted to their own grief in such different ways that it pushed them apart. While part of me wishes they could have had a little bit more time to reconcile..that Han and Luke would have had another opportunity to be onscreen together, I think they did Han's exit well.

I haven't seen it yet. I will but next week. I hope that Han's exit has some serious consequences for those (Hi Kylo/Ben) who caused it in future chapters. I know because I received the book on Friday and just read it. I don't mind spoilers or knowing. Sometimes I just like to be prepared. Than again I read the expanded universe and for me it does sound like Jacen's story all over again. I didn't care for that particular chapter in the Expanded universe. And I do know that the expanded universe is no longer canon. I was perfectly fine with that. I hope that Adam Driver gives it more gravitas than what's on the page.

Oh and if anyone wants a fun read Time Magazine had a great blog on their website called "Memo to Kylo Ren." Worth checking out but with a warning like this thread full of spoilers but really fun.
It was sad, I agree..but it's also I think true to the characters that they reacted to their own grief in such different ways that it pushed them apart. While part of me wishes they could have had a little bit more time to reconcile..that Han and Luke would have had another opportunity to be onscreen together, I think they did Han's exit well.

100% agreement.

I actually really like it after I thought about it.

The Galaxy is in chaos...we still don't know why but will Hopefully find out. Leia takes what's left of the old Heroes and starts to fight the bad guys on a budget...right were she started. You assumed disillusioned with the governement that took over. Would anyone think that "president Leia" of "first minister Leia" would be compelling? Far too "prequel"...not gritty enough.

And solo went back to doing his own thing with his dog. It's sad but completely appropriate...almost poignant.

The 3 tried to redo the world in their eyes as the Heroes...but they failed and now they have to find the strength to lead again.

It's actually a brilliant setup.

Luke failed to be yoda. Han and Leia failed to be ward and June assume Leia failed to eradicate the empire and get the things back to real governement. (The republic was portrayed as Vichy France...but they got a fleet...perfect)

Honestly...I'm liking more about it ever minute.

Very not prequel.

I also agree that it's sad about Han an Luke. That ended in 1983...that's an emotional trigger for this fanboy :(
Officially...I think driver and Abrams nailed it.

They're getting a lot of flack online. But i disagree 100%.

It had to be that way.

I think he's honesty a way better anakin. Fans I think we're wanting darth Vader circa 1980...but I think it shot right over their heads.
Saw the movie today and loved it - it wasn't perfect but really good.

As @lockedoutlogic said it was more of a reboot than straight sequel ... though I see it as a reboot like Star Trek: The Next Generation, and this was A New Hope for The Next Generation. I actually enjoyed most of the nods to the original (general plot, that this generation has their bar full of strange aliens, their hot shot pilot, etc.) - though probably could have done without the canyon run in the battle scene (actually liked how that started with them wanting to do multiple passes at the center point)

I do think it makes sense that they would build a "bigger Death Star" - classic bad guy logic of "yeah, didn't work the first time, but it will this time since it will be BIGGER!" - though would have been a nice twist if they did just make the weapon not work vs destroying the entire planet (even could have had "fire" shoot out both ends if needed a big explosion type scene)

The one thing that kinda bugged me is how Rey was able to beat up Kylo Ren pretty handily despite no training and even Finn held his own and made some contact. As the only one with training with both using the Force and a light saber he should have done better. Perhaps that gets explained some in the next films and can see that he perhaps talks a bigger game than his skills are - and he does appear to be over-compensating with his fancy light saber, but still ...

Looking forward to seeing it again to pick up on more details and with different theories in my head now. Also can't wait for the next film and where they take Kylo Ren and Snoke (especially knowing how Andy Serkis described Snoke as "severely damaged. Although he's a powerful leader, he comes across as vulnerable. Very scarred and disfigured."

As of know I would rank them as:
- Episode V
- Episode IV
- Episode VII (though I could see this moving up as the acting is much better than in IV overall)
- Episode VI
- Episode III (though, I did like III probably more than most)
- Episode I
- Episode II

(I was very disappointed in the prequels, though probably hate them less than some - I feel like there about 1.5 really good movies if you took the best parts form the 3)
The one thing that kinda bugged me is how Rey was able to beat up Kylo Ren pretty handily despite no training and even Finn held his own and made some contact. As the only one with training with both using the Force and a light saber he should have done better. Perhaps that gets explained some in the next films and can see that he perhaps talks a bigger game than his skills are - and he does appear to be over-compensating with his fancy light saber, but still ...

Looking forward to seeing it again to pick up on more details and with different theories in my head now. Also can't wait for the next film and where they take Kylo Ren and Snoke (especially knowing how Andy Serkis described Snoke as "severely damaged. Although he's a powerful leader, he comes across as vulnerable. Very scarred and disfigured."

I have seen several complaints about Rey's abilities across various social media outlets.... The way I see it 1) her ability to use the force with no training just shows how amazingly strong she is... Just think how impressively strong she'll be with training. It's a direct correlation to how strong Kylo could/will be after his training, as he really doesn't have much training either (though definitely more than Rey does)... 2) she really barely used the force... She outwitted Daniel Craig to get free, and she zapped the lightsaber away from a very injured Kylo Ren. Other than that, she was just using her I-do-this-every-day fighting skills, much like she used the stick she carried around the whole time.
I thought Ren was well arrogant, yet whiny character with tons of teenage angst...and he managed to not be totally annoying with it. He plays the struggle between light/dark well (much better than Christiansen did, though that's not exactly a high mark to beat). I think it's appropriate that he's *not* Vader. He shouldn't be..he's obviously still struggling with the light/dark choice in this movie - evidenced in the scene talking to Vader's helmet. There was none of that struggle shown in Vader in New Hope. It will be interesting to see if the bridge scene will end up serving to solidify his choice to the dark side, or if there will still be some struggle in him.
If only these movies can be like Star Trek: the next generation...

The original show was bad acting with corny technology...

The next was deep character studies and a sleek look. It holds up to anything.

And as far as Rey beating ren...

Are we not on board that she is the most powerful Jedi in the Galaxy? And that she's obviously more gifted to vanquish the bad guy who I believe to be her cousin?


They did throw that whole "gotta be trained" thing out the window.

I'm hoping we get a little bit on that down the road...

Maybe Jedi master sipha dyas knows?
If only these movies can be like Star Trek: the next generation...

The original show was bad acting with corny technology...

The next was deep character studies and a sleek look. It holds up to anything.

And as far as Rey beating ren...

Are we not on board that she is the most powerful Jedi in the Galaxy? And that she's obviously more gifted to vanquish the bad guy who I believe to be her cousin?


They did throw that whole "gotta be trained" thing out the window.

I'm hoping we get a little bit on that down the road...

Maybe Jedi master sipha dyas knows?

I think that's the only logical step for 8. She's shown real promise with the "Raw" Force.. Now she has to be trained (likely by Luke?) and taught how to hone and fine-tune the Force.
I have seen several complaints about Rey's abilities across various social media outlets.... The way I see it 1) her ability to use the force with no training just shows how amazingly strong she is... Just think how impressively strong she'll be with training. It's a direct correlation to how strong Kylo could/will be after his training, as he really doesn't have much training either (though definitely more than Rey does)... 2) she really barely used the force... She outwitted Daniel Craig to get free, and she zapped the lightsaber away from a very injured Kylo Ren. Other than that, she was just using her I-do-this-every-day fighting skills, much like she used the stick she carried around the whole time.

I think it was more the actual "light saber fighting" that got me. In ANew Hope, at first Luke basically struggled to turn the thing on and then here, these two are both more than component in fighting someone who has at least some training with using the weapon and they had never held one before.

I have less of an issue with the other "force moments" as I think it is a testament to how strong the Force is in her.

Speaking of Rey - kinda hope she isn't Luke's daughter. Based on the vision scene, when she was left on the planet she seemed old enough to at least known who her parents were and to have remembered the name Luke Skywalker, etc. I think would be interesting twist if she was descended from someone on the Dark Side (Palpatine, etc) and the Republic/resistance stashed her there so they couldn't find her and help her develop to the Dark Side


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