Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker discussion thread (*** now contains spoilers ***)

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I loved it. And I was profoundly moved. I felt the love of Star Wars throughout the film, and as someone who shares that love, getting that sense so important to me. It's not Star Wars without love and hope.

The trilogy would have been better if there had been a clearer vision for it from the first movie on; most of the problems in each movie stem from that lack of planning, IMO. Still, my reaction to TROS is that it is the best I could have hoped for. I'm grateful.
You don’t see the difference in a character being center stage for 3 films vs being introduced in the third film? He wasn’t part of the first 2 films, they brought him back because they exhausted the other options. And it really wound up not about the Skywalkers in the end. The end was all Palpatine vs Palpatine. Now I enjoyed him being back, but it would’ve been significantly better had this been planned and played out over multiple films rather than popping up in the conclusion. The same move didn’t work so well in Spectre either, it feels disingenuous.

I suppose but with the story that he’s the one behind Snoke he sort of still is part of it. I see your point but I don’t think it’s a big issue.
you’re spot on in your analysis. it really comes down to Lucasfilm/Disney completely dropping the ball on the story arc of this trilogy. I enjoyed all 3 films, but I think they did a bit of a disservice to what could have been if they’d just laid some of this out ahead of time. But as I said in my original, I was worried it’d be much worse, and I think they landed this thing without any major collateral damage.

I would be interested to see what JJ’s episode 8 would’ve been like.

How is no one talking about seeing Han one last time? That one got me. I think they did a great job of keeping that under wraps.

As for Rey's saber at the end, it very much looks like part of her staff that she's had since Jaaku.
I was thinking maybe Rey's father wasn't strong in the Force, which is why Palpatine wanted the granddaughter

I didn't think it was double sided but do think the color of the blade looked rather "gold" or "amber"....which makes me think that there will be a new set of Kyber crystals for sale soon....along with a new legacy saber!

Me too! That is for sure what he was going to say....and I would not have liked that plot line at all. Rey and Ben had an unspoken connection.
They are already selling one at Dook’s
Ok. Saw it last night. Thought I’d take a moment and collect myself before I just ran on and posted last night.

As someone who was a SW fan since childhood, and turns 42 in a couple days, I truly, heart and soul, loved - loved - loved this movie. Start to finish. (Ok - I’d change one small part.) It was very emotional for me. I honestly cried throughout the entire movie. My kids even kept throwing tissues at me! This movie came full circle. I want to see it again. Over and over again. I’m sorry for my overexcited, and maybe even exaggerated tone, but for me personally, that movie was everything. I wanted to talk about it all night. I think, aside from the movie itself, where it all really became special is when I looked over at my kids enjoying it, and realizing that in a way, they are experiencing a piece of my childhood. I’ll make movie comments in Spoiler form later, but I just wanted to get that off my chest.
I was thinking maybe Rey's father wasn't strong in the Force, which is why Palpatine wanted the granddaughter

When Rey was confronting Palpatine on Exogal and she was choosing the Jedi side, Palpatine made a mention of her being 'weak' like her parents. I figured Palpatine saw his kid as a lost cause and was trying instill the anger and dark side in the grand-daughter.

I would be interested to see what JJ’s episode 8 would’ve been like.

I'd really love to see a behind to scenes documentary at some point centered on the production and planning of this recent trilogy. Whether folks loved or hated these new films it does seem likely that they didn't have a well planned out road map or had some internal writing and production struggles with the direction to take. With the kind of money invested in this IP, I think many would love to know how we ended up with what we got. I don't think anyone involved will want to say anything or be allowed to say anything for a while ... or at least until we see some changes within Lucasfilm
Having not seen the movie yet I am just scrolling through and avoiding the spoilers

But with some many (and thank you to everyone for following along with that) it reminds me of when you are a kid and trying to watch the adult films on the cable box and they are all scrambled so you can't make much out ...

... Or I mean, so I have heard ... from other people .... not me.
Did I miss a resolution to Finn's interrupted revelation to Rey? You know,where he had something to tell her but didn't. Twice.

Re: Things unsaid...

I have to add, it was either he loves her as others mention, but I think it more likely its that he is Force sensitive... several times in the movie he is clearly feeling the force (Leia's death, he knows where Rey is, etc.). I hope it's that anyway. I liked the Finn/Poe/Rey dynamic being about friendship rather than romantic love.
Re: Things unsaid...

I have to add, it was either he loves her as others mention, but I think it more likely its that he is Force sensitive... several times in the movie he is clearly feeling the force (Leia's death, he knows where Rey is, etc.). I hope it's that anyway. I liked the Finn/Poe/Rey dynamic being about friendship rather than romantic love.
I agree. He knew something different. Just not sold on a romantic angle. But it was odd that whatever it was it was left unsaid for the movie. It was like they left it out in edits. Strange to have it as a cliff hanger
Re: Things unsaid...

I have to add, it was either he loves her as others mention, but I think it more likely its that he is Force sensitive... several times in the movie he is clearly feeling the force (Leia's death, he knows where Rey is, etc.). I hope it's that anyway. I liked the Finn/Poe/Rey dynamic being about friendship rather than romantic love.
Yeah I thought about that too
Ok. Saw it last night. Thought I’d take a moment and collect myself before I just ran on and posted last night.

As someone who was a SW fan since childhood, and turns 42 in a couple days, I truly, heart and soul, loved - loved - loved this movie. Start to finish. (Ok - I’d change one small part.) It was very emotional for me. I honestly cried throughout the entire movie. My kids even kept throwing tissues at me! This movie came full circle. I want to see it again. Over and over again. I’m sorry for my overexcited, and maybe even exaggerated tone, but for me personally, that movie was everything. I wanted to talk about it all night. I think, aside from the movie itself, where it all really became special is when I looked over at my kids enjoying it, and realizing that in a way, they are experiencing a piece of my childhood. I’ll make movie comments in Spoiler form later, but I just wanted to get that off my chest.

The bolded is mine, and these are my feelings exactly. In fact, I used those same words. Star Wars (A New Hope) is the first movie I can remember seeing in the theater. I don't know if it's the first one I ever saw, but it's the first one I remember seeing. I was 4, and I saw it with my cousins. We loved it and saw the other two together when they were released. Those movies were our thing. This movie brought back all of that for me - being a kid, falling in love with a franchise, sharing that love with people close to me, getting lost in another world. I couldn't have asked for a better ending. It felt like a love letter to the fans, and I am so okay with that.
The bolded is mine, and these are my feelings exactly. In fact, I used those same words. Star Wars (A New Hope) is the first movie I can remember seeing in the theater. I don't know if it's the first one I ever saw, but it's the first one I remember seeing. I was 4, and I saw it with my cousins. We loved it and saw the other two together when they were released. Those movies were our thing. This movie brought back all of that for me - being a kid, falling in love with a franchise, sharing that love with people close to me, getting lost in another world. I couldn't have asked for a better ending. It felt like a love letter to the fans, and I am so okay with that.

That’s so funny because my older cousin was the reason I watched Star Wars in the first place!! His whole room was Star Wars! I can actually remember his bedding! All his toys were Star Wars!! I always thank him for introducing me to it. Now my DS loves it, he and I have watched every movie together. It’s so special to start a whole new generation on a love of Star Wars. And I put in Bold one of your statements: I would have changed one small part, but other than that, I completely agree. Thanks for sharing your story with me ❤
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