Star Wars Weekends, 24 Hour Party and Shenanigans UPDATE10/16 Star Wars Sci Fi bfast

I hear you about the cost of character meals and feeling like you need to eat a ton at the buffets to get some of your money's worth. I think that is pretty hard to do with the food so it kinda comes down to the character experience to determine if it is worth it too you. Glad to see you had good interaction with the characters - definitely think having one of the later ADR times helped. I had heard of some rather poor character experiences with that meal (like 2 sec pictures, no real interactions, etc.). Love the pictures with all of them together at the end

Glad things worked out with Fantasmic! it really is a great show and just so much "Disney" in one place. Haha, poor Ariel - even sadder as she is on a boat ... in water .... you'd think if trouble came from the fireworks a mermaid could just jump in the water ;)

Wow, if Peter Pan is a walk on you know it is empty - that is great! Ugh, 2am to 5am, even without a calculator I can tell that is not much time for sleep
I hear you about the cost of character meals and feeling like you need to eat a ton at the buffets to get some of your money's worth. I think that is pretty hard to do with the food so it kinda comes down to the character experience to determine if it is worth it too you. Glad to see you had good interaction with the characters - definitely think having one of the later ADR times helped. I had heard of some rather poor character experiences with that meal (like 2 sec pictures, no real interactions, etc.). Love the pictures with all of them together at the end

Glad things worked out with Fantasmic! it really is a great show and just so much "Disney" in one place. Haha, poor Ariel - even sadder as she is on a boat ... in water .... you'd think if trouble came from the fireworks a mermaid could just jump in the water ;)

Wow, if Peter Pan is a walk on you know it is empty - that is great! Ugh, 2am to 5am, even without a calculator I can tell that is not much time for sleep

Ahhh your last two paragraphs just seriously cracked me up.
A millenium falcon glow cube!!!! Not only do I love the glow cubes, I also love Star Wars. So keep making SW themed glow cubes and I'll keep handing you my money, Disney.

Yes, sadly, I agree. :rotfl:

I mean, come on people. If the question is 'best dresser' there is no other answer than Lando stylin' Calrissian.

Yup! He's the man.

Pocahontas' hair was looking a bit...different? Or is it just me?

I think, it...could a...wig? Just guessin' here since it's so hard to tell....:rotfl:

I cannot say enough good things about the Obi Wan and Beyond show. It is hosted by James Arnold Taylor (also known as JAT), who is the host of SWW. He is a voice actor.... I could sit and listen to him for hours. We stumbled on his show last year at SWW and have loved him ever since. Last year when he was doing autographs I even got him to do my voicemail in his dramatic announcer voice.

Totally agree! So talented! That is so cool you got him to do your VM message!

We found one! SWW has a lot of roaming characters. I kind of don't like that, because it is almost like a full body contact sport to try to meet with these characters. They usually have a large crowd and their strategy is to meet one or two guests then they move on. So people follow behind them like lost puppies and you sometimes have to be somewhat aggressive to get these characters to notice you and/or stop.

Yeah, I get anxiety when I see the roaming characters with the crowds following them...I don't know whether to follow or run away.

I'm not sure how often he hears that he is the favorite so he got pretty excited and grabbed a lightsaber off his CM attendant. He decided to give me an impromptu lightsaber lesson.


Mickey was enamored by Chopper...but really, who isn't??

I love Chopper! Where did you get him?

This was not a good eating night for me. When it is very hot outside, I'm not hungry at all.

I do not have this problem.:lmao:

Anyone else just feel the need at the shockingly priced disney character buffets to shovel the food in to try to get your money's worth?

I do this at inexpensive buffets too. :lmao:

Oh blue milk ice cream...I love thee so.

I regret not trying this now. I didn't get it because I thought it would be like blue milk which I didn't love at Sci Fi. But it looks like it would be better frozen.

At the end of the night, the characters all line up for last minute pictures together.

This is amazing!

Fantasmic is my favorite nighttime show at Disney. I love the characters and Fantasmic features many. I also love the music. I always think that the best Fantasmic strategy is to see the second showing if at all possible. Usually those are half empty and we can slowly make our way inside and still get great seats. I'm really thinking for our next trip I want to see it 2 or 3 times.

We always see the second show! It wasn't crowded at all when we went. I love this show too.

I also think the Fantasmic stage looks a lot like Admiral Ackbar's head.

Or is it just me?

It does!!

Even though we were having an early morning the following day at SWW again, we made the choice to get on a MK bus! They were having extra magic hours until 2 am. Our gamble paid off! The park was super empty! Every single ride was basically a walk on or a 10 minute wait. So pro tip for everyone: if you are at Disney for a 24 hour day and MK has EMH the following day, go the following day!

Good tip!!

I've said it before, but seriously....nothing better than the MK at night when it isn't crowded. Talk about magic, you can feel it in the air.

Looks like you got a well deserved night sleep and had a great time star wars-ing it up. The Warwick (? forgive me if I got it wrong) show sounds like a ton of fun. Sorry you weren't hungry for dinner, but at least ya got some blue ice cream out of it ; )
Looks like you got a well deserved night sleep and had a great time star wars-ing it up. The Warwick (? forgive me if I got it wrong) show sounds like a ton of fun. Sorry you weren't hungry for dinner, but at least ya got some blue ice cream out of it ; )

Nope, you are correct, Warwick Davis. It really was a lot of fun. Some of the audience participants can make it great, for this year's show we had an amazing 'Val Kilmer' who really played up his role.

Geez I have been away a long time. Shortly after my last update Brian and I took off on a road trip, with our dog Sirius, back to our old condo in Columbus, OH to finish getting it cleared out so it could be sold. We spent a couple days with my family in PA, and we also got the opportunity to meet up with Stacy, who I can't tag for some reason...I hope you see this... at the Columbus zoo!!! I hope she had a good time, Brian and I both did and it was awesome to wander around the zoo and chat about Disney. Also, I'm not sure if you've heard but both those female lions ended up giving birth! One had her babies two days after we were there!

I do have some pictures from that trip, but I believe they're still floating around on Brian's phone so I need to get them.

After that trip, we were back to Austin and I was hard at work for my job. Our government contract is ending soon so that will be the end of OT so I've been working every spare minute I have to make some extra money.

But anyway...back to my report!

Day 5 Sunday SWW Full Day

It was Sunday morning, at ungodly hour o'clock in the morning (maybe around 5?). We were all up and ready to go so we could split up into autograph lines. We were going to drive over since none of the buses were running....until we discovered Stephanie's rental SUV had a flat tire. Ugh. I went into Disney vacation saving mode immediately. I told everyone to meet me outside in front of the lobby and I force walked my way over and asked for a taxi. In about 3 minutes a taxi van was pulling up, and $15 later we were pulling up at DHS, day saved!! If the taxi driver ever wondered why 4 adults were dressed in their Star Wars finest and headed to an amusement park 3 hours before it opened, I will never know.

We quickly split into our lines. Stephanie and I joined Warwick's already long line and Brian and his mom had decided they wanted to meet Vanessa Marshall (the voice of Hera from Rebels). Her line was much shorter.

We had a decently good time in line chatting with the people around us. The couple in front of us were 501st and were going to be in the parade later that day. I spent some time updating line and time status on the DIS SWW thread. Time went by somewhat quickly and soon they were handing out wristbands. We were happy to get ours, considering the late night the day before and the tire trouble.

Finally we were able to get our wristbands, I think Brian and his mom had to ask for later times but were able to get them. Those 2 both decided they wanted to go back to the room for nap time. Later on they said their bus driver joked with them that they were the only ones who left the park before it opened.

Stephanie and I both got really good spots while we waited for the rope to drop.

As you can see, it was a Star Wars Weekends miracle and I could actually see the stormtrooper pre-show for once.

Finally they let the 'puny roap' drop and the Chewie 5k was on! Stephanie surged ahead while I sedately trundled behind. Sometimes it pays off to go with a very gung ho companion. She ended up winning the Chewie 5k. Right behind us was a nice DISboards couple, so we spent our 5 minute wait chatting happily. Then Stephanie and I decided to utilize the bored Photopass guy and get some candid speeder bike shots.

Here is one of me and my sophisticated companion of the day (taun taun) sitting properly on the bike:

I got out my lightsaber to ward off any errant stormtrooper shots and before I knew it the bike just took off with me on it!

Was all taun taun and I could do just to hold on.

Then Stephanie decided to give it a whirl:

And the speeder went berserk on her too! Geez, who keeps these bikes up? Thought Disney was better than this.

Soon enough a cheer traveled up the line and Chewie came towering towards us. Last year the ewoks didn't come out with Chewie until after the parade, so we were pretty anxious about seeing one this year. But as soon as I heard all the girls in line go awwwww I knew we had ourselves an ewok!

Sigh. I feel like I need to explain my outfit here. I was going for TIE fighter bounding. I don't really think this outfit looks great in pictures, but I swear I thought I looked decent in the mirror in real life. Oh well. It was also hot as the surface of the sun this day, so maybe the tights weren't the greatest idea. But I do love them.

Stephanie was smart and brought her SW half marathon medal from the DL race in January to show Chewie.

Since we were the first done with Chewie and the ewok we had an unfortunate lag in stuff to do. The only other character out right now was Vader and we weren't worried about meeting him since we'd see him at Sci Fi breakfast on Tuesday. Darth Maul didn't really have a line yet, so we wandered in search of things to do and saw the Cinderella carriage with no one in line.

Since we still had a lot of time to waste, we decided to go into the special SWW merchandise shops.

I did enjoy all the decorations in here. They did a good job.

The first shop we looked through was the one with all the limited edition SWW stuff. It also had art prints, vinyls, and things like that.

I was actually pretty disappointed with the selection this year. Last year we got an amazing Kessel Run print with the Falcon and tons of vinyls and other things. This year all I picked out were a few postcards of SW in a IASW kind of art.

After we were done looking around we decided we should probably get in Darth Maul's line. We were about 10ish groups back and got to sit next to an adorable little boy in a Darth Maul costume. He admired my taun taun and we chatted about SW for the 15 minutes it took for Maul to come out.

Darth Maul's line is actually a lot of fun. Maul is so mean and threatening to all the guests its so much fun to watch, so many people are afraid of him. When it was the boy in the costumes turn I took a picture. I felt ok taking one since he is decked out in full costume and not recognizable.

He had a pretty cool face off with Maul.

Then it was our turn. Maul is my favorite prequels character and he is just such a delight to meet.

The Muppets gift shop had been turned into a quasi SW shop for the SWW:

As we were on our way to our next destination we found a tusken raider. It was odd, he was by himself but I know that they usually travel in groups.

He had a good ol time trying to untie my shoe laces with his gaffi stick for about 5 minutes.

He tried with Stephanie, and was stumped that she didn't have laces to untie.

We decided to hightail it out of there in case he called all his other raider friends over. I like my shoelaces tied, thank you very much.

We watched Boba Fett guarding carbonite Han Solo for a while.

I really wish Fett would let Solo out for SWW one of these days.

Next up we decided to do the other special SWW shop:

This one had all the general merchandise, plus the snack counter and the SW name tags and the Her Universe merchandise. Once again, I was pretty disappointed with the merchandise. There was a lot more stuff I wanted at last year's event. At least these jawas found something they liked:

Stephanie ended up getting a new name tag and some sort of alcoholic drink at the snack counter:

I was very hungry and hot at this point and we were getting close to parade time. We headed to starbucks, but first stopped for a photopass and got photobombed by Sully:

These random character photo bombs seemed to be photopasses thing on this trip, there were lots of them.

We showed up near the main street of DHS and it was a total mob scene with people waiting for the parade. We could barely get inside starbucks and once in there we had about a half hour wait to order and get our food. Those poor CMs were very harassed looking and I felt bad for them, people were tired of waiting and not being nice. That is all I'll say about that. We finally got our drinks and breakfast sandwiches and at this point it was about 5 minutes to the start of the parade. We had no hope of seeing the main parade so we decided to head for Indiana Jones to watch the 501st from there. It was very rough going even making it across the street to get to our area, I'm not kidding when I say there were about 5 or 6 rows deep of people on the streets.

This is why, if there is a SWW and if we go next year I hope they offer the packages with seating, because we will definitely go for one of those. Otherwise we'll never see the main part of the parade, it is just too insane and I'm very short and I refuse to camp a spot starting when the parks open, I have too many other things I'd rather do.

I'm going to end this here and pick up next post since I have a ton of parade 501st pictures.

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We found plenty of space on the secondary parade route and gladly sat in the shade with our drinks and food. This break was very needed for me. I was tired, super hot and we hadn't had a proper meal all day. For those of you who don't know, half the parade stops at the stage in front of the Great Movie Ride. All the SW dressed Mickey characters and the SW celebrities stop at the stage, but the 501st continues to Star Tours. Soon enough the 501st was coming by:

My favorites: the Imperial Guards:

TIE Fighter pilots:


Not really necessary in Orlando.

The troopers from Endor, not sure what their official name is, speeder bike troopers?

Tattoine troopers:

I imagine the big gun is for any Krayt dragons.

Tusken Raiders (I hid my shoes):

Jawas, disgusting creatures:


Clone troopers:

Not sure who the 2 humans on the end are? Anyone know?

Also, FYI random people sitting near me, not every wookie is Chewie, ok??

We were both much refreshed after eating and sitting to watch the parade. Also, now that the parade was over it meant more characters were available so we hightailed it to the Clone Wars set.

On the way we saw the SWW special photopass photographers:

All in a days work.

We got into line for the Clone Wars characters about 20 minutes before the came out. We were over there a little too early, because the CM said they weren't starting the line yet, for whatever reason, so we went and sat in shade and hovered. The CM must have gone on break however, because when we weren't watching people started lining up and no one kicked them out so we rushed over and were a bit upset we were a few groups back. Anyway, soon enough our first character came out. We were excited about her because she was one of the few we missed last year.

I will admit, Brian and I have only got through season 1 of Clone Wars. I know everyone says the show gets a lot better in the later season, but season 1 was a bit rough to get through for us, so we don't know a lot about Assajj.

Actually, let me amend that. Assajj does not like taun tauns. How do I know this? She took mine and wrung his poor little neck. Little guy was traumatized for the rest of the day.

She did not go easy either, I actually thought the poor thing's head was going to pop off.

At this point Brian met back up with us. We had just jumped back in the Clone Wars line in hopes of getting Ahsoka next. It was a bit touch and go for a while, Assajj just was not leaving and we were almost to the front so us and the group in front of us started slyly letting people go ahead of us. It worked, and finally Cody and Ahsoka came out!

Chopper came out of the backpack since the poor taun taun was tramatized. Ahsoka is such a great character. There were so many little girls in the line hoping to see her. Disney should have her out more often so little girls can meet a kick *** heroine.

It was finally time for our first FP+ and first show of the day. We gladly headed over to the theater for the Rebels show with Vanessa Marshall.

I loved the poll questions before the shows started.

It had a really fun opening skit with Sabine and Ezra from Rebels:

Oh no! Ezra got captured!

Nope! Just got old JAT disguised as a stormtrooper!

It turns out to be a very short, fun show. Vanessa Marshall, who voices Hera in Rebesl was very engaging and seemed to really love SW. She even talked a bit about her new voice role, Gamorra in the new Guardians of the Galaxy cartoon.

Now comes the tricky part of the day. The shows we still needed to see and all of our autograph times were all very close to one another. So as soon as this Rebels show was over Stephanie and I had to hightail it over to see Warwick Davis. We got there with a few minutes to spare and were let right in. Once inside we got to see JAT run through (on his way to the next show). Pretty soon it was our turn to meet the man himself! I'd met Warwick about ten years before at a SW convention, but he was very fun and nice and genuine and I'd made a special poster with all his movies that I wanted him to sign.

Stephanie went first (I also own the shirt Warwick is wearing haha)

Then it was my turn! You can kind of see the poster I made. It has his characters from Harry Potter, Star Wars, Willow, Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy, 10th Kingdom, Prince Caspian and Doctor Who.

I think he liked it.

Next we had to zoom back to the stage for our Stars of the Saga Fp+

Damn right:

The opening show was great, but I think I might have liked last years better. I like how there is a very loose, continuing storyline from year to year.

Silas Carson and Warwick Davis were the Stars of the Saga for our weekend:

I did not know that Silas was in Doctor Who!

Both Silas and Warwick were really great and very engaging, it was a good show. We even got a special message!

I appreciate that Kathleen Kennedy has a Her Universe shirt on.

Next it was time to meet up with @yulilin3 and see if we couldn't do some Chopper stalking.

Basically your only shot to meet Chopper was to waylay him as he left the stage after the Padawan Mind Challenge. Unfortunately, this day, Chopper was in no mood to stop (what can I say, you know that droids tude) and they passed right no by me :(

Ah well, you win some you lose some (the winning some would come a little bit later that day).

Then it was time for Brian and his mom to meet Vanessa Marshall. We had printed out a really great picture of Hera and Chopper for her to sign.


Brian said she was great and you could tell she was a true fan of Star Wars . They also chatted a little bit about how excited she was to voice Gamorra.

It was time to continue with our busy busy day, so we split up to implement our characterpalooza plan of attack. A few weeks before this trip Kenny the Pirate had reported that character palooza was now going to be at random locations. So Brian went to the IJ/Echo Lake area, I went to the Streets of America and Stephanie and her mom took the most likely location (since her mom is the slowest) the TOT gates. Yep, we are apparently this serious about our characters.

As luck would have it, they opened the TOT gates at about 10 after 6. Stephanie sent out texts to Brian and I and we started to rush over. Brian was much closer so he made it first, and as he walked in they shut one of the gates.

Everyone was worried I wouldn't make it before they shut the gates, but I powered through it (ugh, so tired and so hot at this point) and just made it in before they shut the gates.

We still had time to meet with most everyone there.

Stitch decided he was going to ride the taun taun.

Stitch, you definitely have a glitch. But I love you anyway.

I asked Pinoch how his nose was doing these days, if there was any irregular growing.

Here we are all rowing the ship:

Sadly, neither Brian nor I saw our holy grail character at characterpalooza this trip. No Mushu or Robinhood. Oh well, there is always next trip.

We had an ADR for Rebel Hangar next, which was great news for me because I was super tired and incredibly hot and just so over everything. I just about had a mini fit about everyone expecting me to check in for the ADR. Then I went over and sat on the sidewalk and watched some ducks.

Hmm, it actually looks like my pictures got out of order and I skipped an event that happened earlier. I'll sub that in here real quick. Earlier we had headed to meet the Jedi Council, but on the way stopped and took this pic of Chewie with Wicket. I've still never met Wicket, sigh.

Right when we got in the Jedi Council's line I checked the DISboards and discovered that the coveted, rare Boba Fett steins (which are now everywhere) had just been restocked at a cart near us. Stephanie ran off in search of some while I saved our spot. After about 15 minutes, when I was close to the front, she came back. Success!

Soon after that, we got extremely lucky and were able to meet Anakin. I had a burning question I'd really been wanting to ask. So I asked him what his thoughts on sand were (I hate that line in Attack of the Clones). He gave me a very serious face, and said 'I hate it'. Then made a super disgusted face.

Then I swear he was trying to hold back a laugh. I certainly hope so. Ridiculous Anakin and his sand pick up lines. Anyway, back to the Rebel Hangar.

Very soon we were called in to be seated. Once I was finally sitting and had some water my mood turned good again.

We got the Han Solo table:

A much needed drink:

Han Solo is such a cool dude:

Between our two groups, we got almost everything on the menu (and spoiler: it was all delicious):

These beauties were mine:

3PO would be on the meats and cheese platter. That is so him.

A pair of jawas quickly came by after we had our food.

This was the result of my first trade:

Thanks buddy.

A word of advice on attracting jawas at the Rebel Hangar, it does not hurt to have a droid with you and to put him on display. Those jawas were all over Chopper, and they really wanted him.

Chopper also attracts other beings...

We were at a table right next to the aisle way and I had Chopper sitting on the ledge. I was busily eating when I looked up and my heart stopped. Walking towards us were the two hardest to meet SWW characters:

Great pic, huh? Haha. I quickly yelled something incomprehensible at them to get them to stop. I then pointed out Chopper and told them that he'd been bad mouthing them and the rest of the Ghost crew all day because he felt under appreciated for saving all their butts in the finale of last season's Rebels. We chatted a bit about Chopper and his attitude then we asked if we could grab a picture.

Stephanie later said she was in love with Ezra's eyes.

After that meet and greet the day felt complete. So lucky.

Brian walked around and took some pictures of the decorations:

Each of our groups ordered a carbonite bucket of cupcakes to take back to the room.

Then we spotted JAT! No...not really, but it was his double that drives his car in the parade. At the Stars of the Saga show, James Arnold Taylor (JAT) had shown a picture and made a joke about how his driver every year (he gets the same one) looks like his twin. Anyway, we called the JAT look alike CM over and got a picture with him.

He said no one had ever asked for his picture before, even though he was aware of how much he looked like the real JAT (I guess they joke about it all the time and he talked about how friendly and nice JAT is), but he was happy to be asked for his picture.

Yep, I am totally gonna finish this day out:

Then Stephanie had the great idea to put our pictures up on Twitter and to tweet that we'd just met and had our picture with JAT. Then, much to our great excitement, JAT tweeted us back! I guess he answers fan's tweets all the time, but we still felt very special.

This is a copy of the tweet, I didn't feel like doing a screenshot right now or any other better method of copying:

@HopyTiger @ahbrookfamvaca Wait a second!!! @PaulChadkin are you posing as me again!?

07:18 PM - 24 May 15

We were all beat at this point and ready for bed. This was our last night to see the fireworks, however, so we needed something to do. That something turned out to be right next door at the old Sounds Dangerous theater. There was a Rebels season recap show playing in here and the last showing of the night was about to begin. Inside there were life size statues of Chopper, Sabine and Ezra.

The recap show was pretty enjoyable, especially since we were seated and it was nice and cool in there.

As soon as it was over we found some seats for the fireworks on the steps near the ice cream dino. None of us were interested in jockeying for space near the stage to see the show this night, and we could see the giant screen from these seats anyway. Soon enough the SWW finale began:

I actually really like the fireworks behind the palm trees, I think it looks cool:

These ones kind of look like stars to me:

Yay! You're back!! I thought of you when they announced Star Wars Land at D23 and wondered what you thought about it.

I also had to (sadly) reschedule our September trip to February so no MNSSHP, but I'm hoping they'll have some of the easy to get ready Star Wars stuff for us to see as a consolation.
Yay! You're back!! I thought of you when they announced Star Wars Land at D23 and wondered what you thought about it.

I also had to (sadly) reschedule our September trip to February so no MNSSHP, but I'm hoping they'll have some of the easy to get ready Star Wars stuff for us to see as a consolation.

Well, I mostly liked the announcement. I have to say first, I feel like it will take them forever to build. I want it now, hahaha. Also, I am a little bit sad they seem to be basing everything off the new movies, I'd rather have some stuff from the original trilogy.

That being said, I am very excited. I really hope the environment is as immersive as the Harry Potter lands at Universal.

I definitely think there will be SW stuff for you in February. I think they'll have the preview center with a few characters open, and they said they'll have that Seasons of the Force early next year. No one is quite sure what that is...but maybe you'll get to see it!!

But I will shed a tear for your September trip and MNSSHP :(
I love your Star Wars day! It had everything! You were able to meet all the characters, and Warwick Davis!! Super cool! I remember him from Willow! What a great day you had! Your Rebel Hangar experience looked amazing as well! Did you see Chewie? I'm never trading with a Jawa again!!

I'm going to have to find out where character palooza sister found one (obviously since she's a character-radar) but I was oblivious to them. :rotfl:
Great Update! Love the leggings BTW.
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Well, I mostly liked the announcement. I have to say first, I feel like it will take them forever to build. I want it now, hahaha. Also, I am a little bit sad they seem to be basing everything off the new movies, I'd rather have some stuff from the original trilogy.

I concur on the original trilogy, but it's still going to be pretty cool. And it is going to take FOREVER to build. My kids will be in high school before it's done, I bet!

I definitely think there will be SW stuff for you in February. I think they'll have the preview center with a few characters open, and they said they'll have that Seasons of the Force early next year. No one is quite sure what that is...but maybe you'll get to see it!!

Since there's no sign of Fantasmic on the February schedule yet, I'm hoping that means Seasons of the Force will be happening. And it would be nice to have some different characters to meet. (Not that I've met any of them, of course, since this is my first trip since I was about 8 years old but you know what I mean.)
The troopers from Endor, not sure what their official name is, speeder bike troopers?

Tattoine troopers:

Not sure who the 2 humans on the end are? Anyone know?

In order:

1) Scout Trooper (sometimes also called Biker Scouts)
2) Sandtroopers
3) The guy is Starkiller & the lady is Juno Eclipse from the video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
In order:

1) Scout Trooper (sometimes also called Biker Scouts)
2) Sandtroopers
3) The guy is Starkiller & the lady is Juno Eclipse from the video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

That is interesting. I wonder how starkiller and eclipse were allowed to march. I thought WDW had banned most, if not all, of the now defunct EU characters.
That is interesting. I wonder how starkiller and eclipse were allowed to march. I thought WDW had banned most, if not all, of the now defunct EU characters.

I'm not sure. Juno can pass as a regular Imperial Officer & I would guess Starkiller could pass as a generic Sith in that outfit. I don't know what their stance on The Force Unleashed is. I know they've pretty much renounced everything that happened in the EU books, but I don't think I've heard their stance on the video games.
I'm gonna have to pretend I have any idea who any of those characters are and say I can't believe you met them ; ) Think I said it before, but Star Wars is lost on me but now my hubby wants to do the new star wars half marathon next year. I'm gonna have to study your TR so I have any clue what is happening ; )
I love your Star Wars day! It had everything! You were able to meet all the characters, and Warwick Davis!! Super cool! I remember him from Willow! What a great day you had! Your Rebel Hangar experience looked amazing as well! Did you see Chewie? I'm never trading with a Jawa again!!

I'm going to have to find out where character palooza sister found one (obviously since she's a character-radar) but I was oblivious to them. :rotfl:
Great Update! Love the leggings BTW.

Well, we did not see Chewie that time. We saw jawas and the holy grail: Ezra and Sabine. But we do have a second Rebel Hangar reservation on our last day, Tuesday. So you'll have to stay tuned to see!

When is your next trip? You can either check Kenny the Pirate's website to figure characterpalooza times out, or you can just PM me. There is a bit of a complicated formula to it that Kenny figured out, it depends on Fantasmic showings and how many and when they are.

Haha thanks, I'm glad someone loved the leggings. I was very excited about them...but they were super hot.

I concur on the original trilogy, but it's still going to be pretty cool. And it is going to take FOREVER to build. My kids will be in high school before it's done, I bet!

Since there's no sign of Fantasmic on the February schedule yet, I'm hoping that means Seasons of the Force will be happening. And it would be nice to have some different characters to meet. (Not that I've met any of them, of course, since this is my first trip since I was about 8 years old but you know what I mean.)

Well, I wish you tons of rare character luck. Then you can write a trip report and make me jealous hahaha. Seasons of the Force has to be going on then, they did say early in the year. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

I'm gonna have to pretend I have any idea who any of those characters are and say I can't believe you met them ; ) Think I said it before, but Star Wars is lost on me but now my hubby wants to do the new star wars half marathon next year. I'm gonna have to study your TR so I have any clue what is happening ; )

Study away! :) Have you tried to watch any of the movies before? If not, I'd think you would be very knowledgeable if you could only get yourself to sit through the original.


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