"Stop Your Snorin', Let's Get To Soarin'!" A Thanksgiving TR! New 10/19- X3!

I'd rather be walking around Epcot resorts than shopping on any Black Friday! ::yes::

Sorry about the knee issues. You know I walk around in pain pretty much all the time on our trips, but I suck it up and do it, because it's worth it. Glad your pain was just temporary.

I think you getting sick of Disney is not going to be happening. There are plenty of people who live close who are still in love with the parks. Maybe they don't go as often as they did at first, and maybe there is some excitement lost in the 'arriving' part than there is when you travel from a distance, but once you get there, you are still going to love it as you do now, I believe. School is going to keep you busy, anyway, and you won't go to Disney World as often as people might be thinking you will.

And in your case, as you leave your family behind, it really will be nice to have WDW as a familiar friend. :thumbsup2
I would, too, but I doubt a Thanksgiving trip will be happening this year. :(

After having serious foot problems and not being able to walk without crutches for 8 months during freshman year, I get scared whenever my leg bothers me. I'm glad you are able to enjoy Disney, despite the pain.

I don't think it's going to happen either. I know it would be really hard for me to be away from my family without Disney. It's still going to be hard, but being able to go to Disney and being in a familiar area will help a lot. I know my major will be hard, but I'm hoping to go to Disney every Friday next summer and then during Fall/Spring semesters, once or twice a month.

Just thought I would announce my presence! Kinda late right now so I'll catch up soon enough. Subbiiiinnnnnggggg... NOW!

:welcome: Hi!! :goodvibes
HAHA wait..who gets the creepy clown slide??

Well you know I love Target...they do always have the best deals!

Wait..I didn't tell you?!?!?!? Leaving September 14th to stay with friends for a few days in Orlando, then Disney for a few days, then Tampa to stay with other friends for a few days! YAYYY!
I guess I'll take the slide. I'm obsessed with swimming.

I always love the DVD deals on Black Friday. That's where majority of my DVDs come from.

Ohh, that's awesome!! Looks like with my tentative plans, I'll be missing you by a week. Where are you staying for the Disney portion?
All caught up! You're doing a great job writing this. I think it's awesome how you take on Disney commando touring style. No sleeping in Disney! It's a real policy people, get with the program! ::yes::

And I loved this:

I feel the exact same way. My parents, one of which is so anti-Disney it's ridiculous, always tell me it'll get old and I'll get sick of it, but I just don't see it happening. Disney as just affected me so much I'm literally living a Disney life. I haven't been to Disney in three years and I will still talk someone's ear off about it, I still find this overwhelming sense of happiness going in a Disney store, watching a movie and I just think I appreciate it in a way nobody else does. People also tell me you really need to see other places (my sisters actually tell me this all the time), but I've been to a lot of places. I've been to D.C., some places in Upstate New York, New York City, Quebec City and some others. They just don't have what Disney has. I think my last trip to New York City ranks with my first Disney trip as probably the most amazing experience in my whole life, but there are just somethings about New York I don't like. Disney is perfect in my mind. I love NYC to death (I am really hoping to go to a school there or at least close for college), but it's just not Disney. Sorry I kinda went a little off with this, but I needed to make a point. You either love Disney or you don't, that's the end of it, and if you don't, you know it's one and done for you.

Excited to hear about the rest of your trip! Will definitely be sticking around :mickeyjum
Thank you! I'm glad someone appreciates my life style. Maybe you could talk some sense into my family?:lmao: There's no sleeping in Disney.
My parents are beginning to get sick of Disney. I feel the same way! Disney is more than a vacation-- it's a way of life. It just makes me so, so, so happy. I've seen other places, too, but nothing is Disney. My mind is psychologically dependent on Disney. 3 years? That's crazy! I really hope you get to go soon. Usually, after our APs expire, we have to wait a few years to go back, but now with me going to college up there, that's not an option anymore. :cool1:

I'm actually going to NYC tomorrow. I have family there, so I go every year. While it's fun to see the city, I am not a city girl in anyway and am always happy to come back home to Florida. Sounds like going to school by NYC will be great for you. I'm really happy that the university closest to Disney is really my best option, academically, financially, and distance-wise. Are you planning on doing the DCP?
No need to apologize! I completely understand. :goodvibes
I guess I'll take the slide. I'm obsessed with swimming.

I always love the DVD deals on Black Friday. That's where majority of my DVDs come from.

Ohh, that's awesome!! Looks like with my tentative plans, I'll be missing you by a week. Where are you staying for the Disney portion?

Aw man! Only missing each other by a week!?!? No idea where we are staying yet. We might just stay off property :eek::sad1: We may only be doing MK one day so who knows! I've been so busy with work, I haven't had time to plan anything!
Hi guys!
I'm so sorry that I've gotten so behind on the DIS. School, work, and planning Disney trips, which I will keep a surprise for now, have been keeping busy, but I have some exciting news!

I officially committed to my dream college! The Disney part of it is dreams really do come true and............................

It's only 35 minutes away from Disney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drive:pixiedust::banana:

Aw man! Only missing each other by a week!?!? No idea where we are staying yet. We might just stay off property :eek::sad1: We may only be doing MK one day so who knows! I've been so busy with work, I haven't had time to plan anything!
Sooo... how was the trip? I can't believe how behind I've gotten on the DIS!
Awesome .. I'm jealous !! :thumbsup2
Hehe thank you! :goodvibes
Enjoy your senior year and all of your college planning! :cool1:
Thank you! I've been off to a great start until I broke my ankle and the bone next to it on my way to the car last week.
I last left off at DHS! We went to go see Beauty and the Beast for my first time!! Ahh, it was so awesome... and Gaston... 'nough said.

It was then time for TSM! Amy let Dad use her FP because she wasn't in the mood for TSM? I told you she was sick.
I beat Dad because I'm awesome.

Next it was food time. Starring Rolls, please. The rest of the afternoon doesn't have many pictures because I think my camera died, so I needed to use my phone, but I lost all of my phone pictures a while ago when I got my new laptop. Sorry about that!

Dad and I got a red velvet cupcake to share to hold us off until lunch! As soon as we started to dive in to the holy food, Mom and Amy came. Paws off my cupcake!!
After awesome disney food was consumed, we decided to have a photo shoot. Aren't we precious?

Now I"m confused because we have Voyage pics again. Maybe I went to go see it again alone? Sounds about right.

Dad wanted to go back to the resort and us girls wanted to go resort hopping.
AKL- Jambo House was the resort of choice. It's in my top 3! I love the feel to it- you really don't feel like you're in Florida anymore.

We went to Mara for lunch at around 3. That's so late for me. I forgot to eat I was so busy. How could I forget to eat my Disney food?
I got a flatbread and we split some zebra domes. They were so yummy. I had wanted to try them for so long.

We then went to explore outside. We saw some trails and this happened.
I have to promote the one responsible... that girl.


I'm a giraffe, a short giraffe.

I would love to be swimming, but I have a giant cast that can't get wet. I fell down stairs after school going to the car and broke my ankle, along with the bone on the other side. The Thanksgiving trip went down with me.

We caught the bus to DHS and then took the boat back to the Dolphin.

We rested for a few hours, well the family rested, and I practiced my patience skills as I waited 92928 hours to go to the Magic Kingdom.

At around 8, we went downstairs and caught the bus to MK. Fortunately, the bus was waiting so we did the infamous dash. You know you've done it before. We've got places to be and things to see.

I will miss this this year.

Main Street was a hot mess. So many people! We cut through the Emporium and made our way to Tomorrowland. I tweeted "dear MKers, the MSEP is at 9. I will give you until 9:30 to get out of my kingdom. Sincerely, Princess."

We decided to take a spin on the TTA while we waited for the crowds to die.

We then meandered on over to New Fantasyland. The wait time for LM said 75 minutes, but we swam right on and had the whole ride to ourselves. I am way too obsessed with this ride. Everything about it is just sheer perfection. Ahh, I miss it.

I know, I know. I used flash, but we literally had the whole ride to ourselves.

We got off and the crowds were dead. Yay! Time to party!!
We had dinner at 10 at Pinnochio. Again, super late for me, but it's prob bc I had ice cream at dinner hour. It's fine. I had a meatball sub and that's all I know.

Here's where things get interesting. The CM who was gathering our food was "earning her ears". Amy had a hot coco with her meal and when she went to drink it, she burnt her tongue really badly. I have no idea how as she's used to warm drinks. She was in a lot of pain!!

We were leisurely eating and then I realized Wishes was starting in 2 minutes! Let's move it people!! We watched from New Fantasyland and I loved it from that area. We stood in front of Gaston's and it was perfect. I highly recommend it.

We then did IASW! Such a classic!!

Hi guys! I haven't been on the DIS in forever, but SO much has happened.
I don't even know where to start.
Ok, so, we went to Disney for a few days during Spring Break and then I finished high school. The day I finished, we drove up to Orlando for my college orientation and were at Disney memorial weekend. It was a fun trip, but I was pretty upset that high school was over. I had wanted it to end forever, but now that it had, it was so depressing. Orientation went horrible for me, for the most part, and I really did not think I wanted to go away for college anymore. This scared me bc I wanted to come to this school since 8th grade more than like anything.
May 31st was graduation and then June 4th, I went out west with my mom, Amy, and Grandma since my Dad had to work for my graduation. We went to Vegas, Zion, Hollywood, and.............

DISNEYLAND!!!!! It was a dream come true. I've been wanting to go to Disneyland practically my entire life. Unfortunately, I was sick during the trip, but I pulled through and really enjoyed everything. I LOVED DCA and Walt's Park.

I came back June 14th and was busy helping Mom with work, had a little graduation party, and 19th had to leave for college. It was very stressful and was difficult. I cried most of the time about leaving my family for college.

I moved into my dorm June 20 and began classes June 23. The first few days were rough, but I'm all settled in and I actually really like it here. My dorm is really nice and less than a year old. One of my suitemates is a big Disney fan. I am taking 2 classes this summer. One is about world religions and the other is an into to communication class. My major is health sciences-pre-clinical and I want to be an occupational therapist.

Ohh, and incase you didn't know, I now live in Orlando. I'm around 45 minutes away. In the 9 days I've been here, I've been to disney 4 of them. What a dream come true!

I will not be able to finish this trip report bc the trip was over a year ago, but I can post some pictures from the last couple of months and you can always keep up with my latest antics on Twitter (partyintherain), Instagram (partyintherain1115), and Facebook (PM me for that). I am debating about starting a blog, but if I do, I will def post a link. :goodvibes

When anybody is in Disney, message me, and we can coordinate a DIS Meet!


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