Straight guy who lived gay for 30 days..on oprah tomorrow


DIS Veteran
Apr 8, 2006
On Oprah tomorrow (thurs) is going to be a straight man who lived the life of a gay man for 30 days. Looks interesting!
Thanks for the heads up. I'll be watching it.
...and then Oprah says "Well when I was a gay man for 30 days..."
It was decent, I suppose. Those who want to believe we are all hedoinistic hardbodies living in the Castro got their vicarious jollies from all the leather bar shots. I can't help but think this won't convince anyone of anything, really. The loons who think being gay is contagious will actually say that seeing the military guy dance on a gay bartop proves their point.

When all it proves is that, the more you know a group of people, the harder it is to demonize them.

I guess it makes for better TV than "prejudiced person goes to live with a gay couple somewhere in Middle America, and comes to sympathize with the difficulties they face."

What I found most interesting, though, was Oprah's "levels of gayness" comment. I never knew we had levels, or I would have done more to go out and get me some more Gay Experience Points.

"Do you know who you are speaking to, sir? I'll have you know, I am a level twelve homosexual. You'd best watch your tongue."
I saw the "30 days" show this piece is based on , and , obviously , a 1 hour show gives a better idea than a segment on Ophra of what this experiment was. the goal of the show is to immerse the participant in someone elses lfe( a christiamn fondamentalist live for 30 days in a muslim family , a women goes on a 30 day drink binge with her daughter who does this in college continually etc)

In the show , the guy meet a lot of different gay people : a baseball ( or is it a football )team, gay veterants ( the guy was in the army), a lesbian minister , parents of gay people etc. You really do see him living an evolution. The part where he dances with is shirt off in a bar happens when one of his best friends from out of town comes to visit. he went once before at the bar and the experience was not good for him , he almost ended up fighting with someone and is trown out of the bar by the doorman. This second time , he is in a party mood with is friend and gets drunk and this is when the shirts come off ! His gay roomate is mad at him that he did something like that because he is not gay and it makes him look like a tease. ( I would have dance shirtless with this guy !)

From what I read here , Ophra had to go to the essential , where as when you watch the full show , it is a bit more nuanced. The show is produced by Morgan Spurlock , who did the movie about eating fast food nonstop for a month.

On the first show of the series , his girlfr3ind and him goes to live on minimum wage for a month ( find a n appartment , jobs etc).

I watch this show on IFC and on the documentary channel in Canada.
toto2 said:
The show is produced by Morgan Spurlock , who did the movie about eating fast food nonstop for a month.
I really enjoy Morgan Spurlock's work. We watched the "30 Days" episodes and loved "Super Size Me". Any chance he will continue with "30 Days"?
MrVisible said:
What I found most interesting, though, was Oprah's "levels of gayness" comment. I never knew we had levels, or I would have done more to go out and get me some more Gay Experience Points.

Well if it was on Oprah, it has to be the truth! The woman has such a lemming like following that this will be everyone's buzzword.

Damn, are there levels of heterosexuality, too?

Thanks for the recaps, I can't stand Oprah, so I didn't see it. I did see a few minutes of the show where the couple was living on minimum wage, if that's what you want to call living.
MrVisible said:
What I found most interesting, though, was Oprah's "levels of gayness" comment. I never knew we had levels, or I would have done more to go out and get me some more Gay Experience Points.

"Do you know who you are speaking to, sir? I'll have you know, I am a level twelve homosexual. You'd best watch your tongue."

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

My dh is a gamer - this is cracking me up!!!! :)

Me! Me! I want to be a level twelve too! :Pinkbounc

The things some people come up with eh? :lmao:
MrVisible said:
What I found most interesting, though, was Oprah's "levels of gayness" comment. I never knew we had levels, or I would have done more to go out and get me some more Gay Experience Points.
Great! First ogres have layers! Then gay men have layers! What next....Onions!!
I watched it and concluded it was basically done for sensationlism. That's all. It does not conclude anything. The straight guy was gorgeous, the gay guy absolutely adorable and someone I'd love to be friends with. Oprah? Sorry dear but you are so out on a limb trying to be part of the scene here it is not even funny.
Based upon the comments on this thread, I was prepared to be kind of irritated. But after watching that segment, I think I could understand what Oprah was trying to convey. Admittedly, it was kind of clumsy, but I don't think she meant any harm in terms of "levels."

Besides, the all around conclusion was "live and let live." We're all humans that deserve equal respect on all fronts. Frankly, I'll take that kind of sensationalism any day.

Finally, in terms of her audience (or "lemmings" as was previously stated - kinda harsh but I digress), there are many, many, many people out there who take her word as gospel. That being the case, her support in equality is find by me. :thumbsup2
I know Ms O does a lot of good deeds ...but I'm so over her self-important "come on to me for I am the light" gig she's been on for the last few years.
If you haven't seen Kathy Griffin do her bit about Oprah, you must watch one of her specials or get the DVD. ("Look a stigmata!" "No, Oprah, that's just a paper cut.")
Will Oprah take credit for people be/not being gay?

I don't understand the point?

I do understand that to better understand someone is to live with them and get to know them. But what will TV hype this up to be? Are we going to see the truth or will that be left on the editing floor?
MrVisible said:
What I found most interesting, though, was Oprah's "levels of gayness" comment. I never knew we had levels, or I would have done more to go out and get me some more Gay Experience Points.

"Do you know who you are speaking to, sir? I'll have you know, I am a level twelve homosexual. You'd best watch your tongue."

Oh Gosh are you all missing pages from the OFFICIAL " Gay Agenda Handbook"?

The level's of GAY are described on pages 1,745 through 1,797 its plain as day right there.

SeattleRedBear said:
If you haven't seen Kathy Griffin do her bit about Oprah, you must watch one of her specials or get the DVD. ("Look a stigmata!" "No, Oprah, that's just a paper cut.")

Oh, I've seen it And I thought-
FINALLY! Hallelujah! Someone said it!
Thank god! Or should I say Thank Oprah.
Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited that Oprah's on our side. Heck, if she can get some of that literary mush up the bestseller list, she can probably get us equal rights in a few weeks.

I'm just surprised she wasn't more knowledgeable or tactful about the subject. But all in all, it wasn't too bad for Oprahnography.

Sorry I didn't reply earlier; I was off on a gay quest. Went up a level, and now I dress better!


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