Stroller for 8 yr. old? Which one?

Excuse me? Did I offer any advice or my personal preferences? No. But, I do feel bad for this poor woman who asked for advice and got attacked over and over again. Get a life, no one cares if you use a stroller or not or your opinion on the matter. It's really not all that important for you people to be insulting other parents and their kids.
Excuse me? Did I offer any advice or my personal preferences? No. But, I do feel bad for this poor woman who asked for advice and got attacked over and over again. Get a life, no one cares if you use a stroller or not or your opinion on the matter. It's really not all that important for you people to be insulting other parents and their kids.

Okay, really, who is the cranky one here :lmao:
Wow. How old are you? 10?

Really, you are here admonishing posters for being rude, yet you are the rudest, crankiest one on this thread. I was merely pointing out the irony in that and you can't seem to accept that without lashing out with the personal insults. You aren't "hurting" me with them, you are just proving my point each time you post ;)
So, I'm rude for standing up for the OP and calling out other people for being rude and not minding their own business? And you don't see how rude you're being? I feel sorry for you if you can't see that.
So, I'm rude for standing up for the OP and calling out other people for being rude and not minding their own business? And you don't see how rude you're being? I feel sorry for you if you can't see that.

No need to feel sorry for me, I see things quite clearly, didn't you even read my posts ;)
Nevermind. You're obviously looking to be a troublemaker. Nice. How very mature of you.
Nevermind. You're obviously looking to be a troublemaker. Nice. How very mature of you.

Right, I'm the troublemaker, I just pointed out how cranky you sounded and then you couldn't let it go and had to personally insult me. I wasn't the one to stoop to that level.

I suggest you go back and read just how nasty your posts come across, maybe you'll be able to "see it" then

If you dont think so, youre probably guilty of being rude)

Disney doesn't want those things because they are a trip hazard. People pull wagons and luggage behind them and can't see what they are doing. Easier for others to trip on them. You don't have as much control over something you are dragging behind you as something you are pushing right in front of you.

yes, that is another reason disney doesn't allow them. I forgot about that. as well as how much space they take up and clog the walkways, etc.

Rent a locker. It's cheaper. SHEESH! This is why the walkways are so congested with wheeled vehicles. .

of course you need strollers with little ones.. and you need more stuff with little ones, too. as kids get older, less stuff. but backpacks work very well.

I don't care how other people parent unless it affects me. as I said earlier, if all the kids were in strollers, it would a lgoistical nightmare. no room to walk. half the bus room taken up by strollers. more strollers accidentally bumped into people. etc. This is the reason why I would rather people didn't use strollers for their older kids.

unless, of course, they have special needs.
Excuse me? Did I offer any advice or my personal preferences? No. But, I do feel bad for this poor woman who asked for advice and got attacked over and over again. Get a life, no one cares if you use a stroller or not or your opinion on the matter. It's really not all that important for you people to be insulting other parents and their kids.

She asked about a stroller big enough for an 8 year old, and posters let her know that strollers that big don't exist, but not to worry, because those who have BTDT with 8 year olds can attest that an 8 year old does not, in fact, need a stroller. This is the first time the OP is going to WDW with an 8 year old, and probably didn't realize that the majority of 8 year olds are just fine walking on their own.

And if you think comments on this particular thread are rude, I strongly suggest you leave these boards ASAP! :lmao: If the OP decided to ask about her 8 year old ds using the ladies room...:crazy2:
Asking if the kids college colors are going to be on the stroller and implying that she's a bad parent are going too far. I've seen the thread about the 8 year old boy in the women's room. I won't go near that:-)
Excuse me? Did I offer any advice or my personal preferences? No. But, I do feel bad for this poor woman who asked for advice and got attacked over and over again. Get a life, no one cares if you use a stroller or not or your opinion on the matter. It's really not all that important for you people to be insulting other parents and their kids.

Oh but many of us do care! It is crowded enough and jammed up enough as it is with little kids legitimately in strollers, we don't need any 8 yr olds who don't belong in strollers adding to the congestion. Disney was so much easier and more enjoyable to get around back when people didn't put kindergartners and up in strollers.
Why not reduce the amount of stuff you bring (make everyone carry their own stuff) and leave that stroller at home? It would really be a pain to bring a stroller just to carry extra stuff around.

I agree. I actually enjoyed our last trip the most because I did not bring in anything extra that didn't fit in my pockets. I never even had to stop for a bag check.

If we wanted a drink we would get free cups of water at the different CS places and carts that had the option. If we needed a snack I didn't care to buy something for us to share.

Before this last trip I would always carry a backpack with snacks and waters in it. I have never needed a stroller or anything to carry our stuff. To me that is crazy.
Oh but many of us do care! It is crowded enough and jammed up enough as it is with little kids legitimately in strollers, we don't need any 8 yr olds who don't belong in strollers adding to the congestion. Disney was so much easier and more enjoyable to get around back when people didn't put kindergartners and up in strollers.

What is legitimate stroller usage is totally up to the individual. Thats the rub. You don't get to say for the Smith family, and they have no say for your family. You each get to decide for your own family!

Honestly, why make yourself crazy over it? Disney is never going to ban strollers for kids over a certain age. Just ignore it the best that you can, if it bothers you. Wanting the rest of the world to agree with you isn't going to happen. Why make yourself nuts?
I can't believe this thread is still going! The OP asked for advice on a stroller--what type of stroller, not whether or not she should use one.She certainly didn't ask for rude comments (and yes, they were rude. If you dont think so, youre probably guilty of being rude) or parenting advice. Why do so many of you need to tell everyone what YOU do with YOUR family over and over and over again. I think you'd all be less cranky if you learned to mind your own business.

Funny but who is cranky?? I'm certainly not and yes I will share what MY family does. It is NOT being rude!!
I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about the people who go on about what they do like it should apply to everyone. I wouldn't read the boards if I didn't want to hear about other people:-)


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