Stuff in Stollers: Safe?


DIS Veteran
Apr 2, 2004
How many of you guys leave stuff in your strollers while you do attractions? I'm thinking about leaving the bag with extra clothes and diapers and snacks and such, but I would take in the camera and other valuables. What do you think? What has been your experience?
So far nothing's happened to us. We use WDW's strollers and we always leave the backpack behind. Never had anything taken out and I've left a camcorder in there before.

I would just take the normal precautions you would take if you were going any other place. Just because its WDW, people tend to think its safer (that includes me...guilty)
We take our camera with us, but leave the diaper bag, sweatshirts etc in the stroller and have never had a problem.
If you are unsure about leaving stuff like clothes, etc in a stroller, you could always just rent a locker for the day - they are $7 down and you get $2 back at the end of the day. So basically it is $5 not to have to worry about carrying or leaving stuff unattended. Plus, any purchases that you don't send to the front or the hotel, you can store in it and not worry about it falling out of the stroller and being lost or stolen.
We always take cameras etc. but leave the diaperbag, extra clothes behind. I have never had anything taken.
Just to be safe, don't leave anything valuable or that will cost a fortune to replace. There is never a guarantee that nobody will take it.

We took my neice in the fall and we left her diaper bag in the stroller too. However, it only had diapers, wipes, and a change of clothing for her. All of it could of been replaced for under $20.00. Nothing ever went missing. I would of been mad if it had, but it wouldn't of put a "dent" into our trip.
Pal Mickey was left for 2 mins and was gone. Watch your stuff, and don't leave anything you would be heartbroken to lose, IMO.


Don't mean to sound so grumpy!:blush:
Believe it or not, we had my grandmother's wheelchair taken!
WDW came through for us, but I was surprised and couldn't believe it (there was nothing with the chair, thank goodness!).
Not being a very trusting person, leave nothing you can't afford to lose, including treasured toys etc.
That said, we once left a £1500 (about $2500) camcorder in the stroller when we were going round The Land. About two thirds the way round I realized my mistake, and spent the next 15 minutes or so deliberating whether or not to jump out of the boat and retrive my precious possession! I didn't, but literally ran back to the stroller, only to find it still hanging off the back!
Won't do that again...
In the past I would leave everything in the baby bag, zipped closed, and only take my really important things with me.....just like you, keys, passes, etc.... It's better to be safe than sorry, but I don't think anyone would steal baby supplies.
Since we rent the Disney strollers, we take everything. Not because we think people will steal a diaper bag (although you never know) but someone might accidentally walk off with it. Usually we tie something to the stroller to identify it, but I still walked off with someone else's while I was in my "vacation haze". I wasn't stealing it, I just picked the wrong one.

To avoid the hassle, I don't put anything I wouldn't throw away in a stroller.
I'm with everyone else... Don't leave anything of value in the stroller, and you should be fine! We always leave the diaper bag or back pack in the stroller and we've never had a problem!

We once accidently forgot our camera on the top of the stroller (when it was the old kind) and came out to find the camera just where we had left it.

I always make DD take her stuffed animal in the rides with us.
we are taking 2 umbrella strollers--one cheap, one not so cheap. Since i just read the post about someone's stroller being stolen--is there a way to prevent theft of these? a bicycle lock? Thanks in advance!
We have always left our bags on the stroller and have never had a problem. We have a very unique double stroller so it is easy to find which may be a theft deterent. We carry nice cameras with us, but often leave disposables in the stroller.
always left snacks, back pack, etc. in our stroller without any problem. I have heard that stuffed animals and such have been reported to have walked away but have never heard anything about cameras, etc. Still, I would take that kind of stuff out to just be safe. Had never heard about a stroller being taken unless there was some confusion on who's was who's. That is why we always tie something on the handles to help us find it fast. Even if you think you have a unique stroller (color, style, age) you will see others like it!
The best way to handle the "stuff in the stroller" dilemma is to try NOT to use the basket of the stroller for storage. I know, I know, that seems weird, but it's true.

Just think how much easier it is to transport a stroller if you don't have to stop to remove the contents of the basket every time you fold it. I learned long ago that the basket is a black hole that will slow you down if you let it. Instead of using it, I carry a lightweight cloth drawstring backpack that I sling over the stroller handles. Everything is stored there. When we park the stroller, we snatch the backpack off and take it onto the ride or into the restaurant. No fuss or bother, just grab and go, and all of our stuff is accounted for. (When DS was little and I had to carry food, we left a lunchpack cooler in the basket, but that was ALL that was in it.)

Of course, something that goes along with this strategy is the idea that you don't need to carry a lot of stuff into the parks with you. If it all needs to go into one backpack, you'll force yourself to pare down, and you will be very glad you did. Other than baby food/changing supplies, which we don't carry any longer, here is our list: digital camera, sunblock spray, sunblock stick, a small bottle of bubbles, park map, two flat cloth diapers in a large ziploc, a Brita filter bottle, an extra plain water bottle, rain ponchos, a ziploc of pretzels, and a change of clothes for DS. Park tickets are on lanyards around our necks, and my ID and money are in a string wallet around my waist. We all wear sport sandals, so no need for extra shoes. In parks where there are water rides, we also carry a plastic bag big enough to hold the entire backpack.

Key point: if you buy any souvies inside parks, DON'T leave the store with them!!!! Send them to your resort if you can, or have them held at the park entrance for when you leave. It's the best way to ensure that they do not get lost or broken.
We have left things in the stroller by accident and nothing has ever happened to them.

My suggestion and this is what works for me:

I have a bag like one of the Lands' End or LL Bean bags with the shoulder straps. I keep all of the valuable stuff in that bag. When we park the stroller, I just pick up that bag and we go to whatever ride. This way I still use the storage area, but I don't have to worry about wasting time or digging for all of the valuables and forgetting something.
A friend of mine took her brand new umbrella stroller (not a cheap one) to the parks and when she got off the ride, someone had replaced her stroller with an old, dirty one that was the same model. They even took her items from her stroller and put them in the old, dirty one and left it.

However, what comes around, goes around. Several days later they were parking the old stroller at a ride and spotted their new stroller. They were sure it was theirs because they had placed a hidden identification tag on it. So guess what, she swapped the stroller and gave the people back their old nasty stroller.

What a stroke of luck that she found hers. If it were me, I would have waited for the people to come back and questioned them but she was so glad to get her stroller back that she just left with it.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
On 4/1, our Maclaren double stroller was gone when we came out of the Playhouse Disney show at MGM. The CM that controls the stroller parking contacted park security and he was on the scene within minutes taking information about the stroller. We had left sweatshirts and autograph books in the stroller, but had our backpack and camera with us. Needless to say, the CM and security were excellent! They got a description of our stroller and were getting us a double park stroller to replace our stroller. By the time they brought us a replacement, the security officer had found our stroller parked outside the Great Movie Ride. Because we did not leave anything of great value in our stroller, I had a feeling that the stroller was not stolen... althought we were inconvenienced, I came away from the experience with a positive opinion about how much Disney employees will try to make a bad situation "right". :)


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