Stupid Crowds!!


<font color=red>Covets Clown School<br><font color
Jan 12, 2006
OMG!! Pete that made me laugh so hard!!!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

STUPID CROWDS!!! That is so acurate....Thanks for that, I have a friend thinking of going July 4th weekend for a first trip and I was I can explain much better.

I want that shirt...........:woohoo:

I miss the old December crowds sooo much!! :headache:
I have a feeling I'll be dealing with the "stupid" level of crowds this year too. I am heading down the second week of June. I really can't swing it any other time this year. My DD has already been out a week of school in November for our Disney cruise. If I pull her out again, I'll be up a creek with her teacher!
That's the perfect term for extra heavy crowds, too!! I actually found the socioeconomic explanation about WDW post 9/11 and their need to add the package deals...really informative and it helped to 'splain why I noticed more crowds this past year and made me appreciate the deals we have had these past five years or so---also made me want to buy those no exp. Universal Tickkies, too before they go away. I guess I ahve been spoiled by the great deals WDW has been offereing and I have come to expect them---now I really appreciate them, too!

BTW---Pete and the Podcast team members are stupid funny IMHO!

BFP!! BFP!!! (Bob For Pres.)


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