Suggestions from Floridians about moving and living near WDW

Does anyone suggest taking the chance and making this move? Perhaps we'll start applying to freelance positions in the Orlando area and in Orlando itself. Is it worth the chance? I currently work with clients from all over but my fiancé Stephanie works with local couples from New England photographing weddings, parties as well as kids and family sessions. I think it's worth it if the right oppertunity presents itself. Working for Dreams Unlimited Travel would be the absolute dream come true. We don't want to make the wrong choice in moving, but feel we will be happiest there.
Does anyone suggest taking the chance and making this move? Perhaps we'll start applying to freelance positions in the Orlando area and in Orlando itself. Is it worth the chance? I currently work with clients from all over but my fiancé Stephanie works with local couples from New England photographing weddings, parties as well as kids and family sessions. I think it's worth it if the right oppertunity presents itself. Working for Dreams Unlimited Travel would be the absolute dream come true. We don't want to make the wrong choice in moving, but feel we will be happiest there.

That is only a choice you can make. Start looking at what freelance openings there are but also do some research about how much competition there is in the area, what the going rates for services are, and what are standard contracts that are easily available. Also heavily consider are you up to taking a regular job for awhile before you get the actual freelance work in Orlando? It seems you already have a name and business in your home state so think back to what you had to do to get where you are now and really consider if you are willing through all of that again. Now you say you work with clients all over. Are you able to continue working with those same clients so you can maintain your portion of the equation or are you still reporting to someone else just as a freelancer so while your clients are all over your work has to be turned in to the office? There are so many different set ups for freelance that no one can be sure if what you are doing will carry over to Orlando.

Also consider if you are willing to go back to working for someone else or start driving for Uber or something like that to make up the difference in income while you try to establish yourself in the greater Orlando community.

Dreams Unlimited is a dream for a lot of people but just remember their Unplug team is relatively small and the travel agent team requires travel agent experience and is a 24/7 day a week job. I would suggest their recent podcast where they say exactly what it takes to work for Dreams.

I want to solidify that I am not trying to discourage you I am just trying to bring up real considerations that you and your fiance have to look at before making such a leap especially as freelancers. You don't want to get all the way to Orlando and sever ties with your current clients then find out there just isn't enough work in Orlando.
That is only a choice you can make. Start looking at what freelance openings there are but also do some research about how much competition there is in the area, what the going rates for services are, and what are standard contracts that are easily available. Also heavily consider are you up to taking a regular job for awhile before you get the actual freelance work in Orlando? It seems you already have a name and business in your home state so think back to what you had to do to get where you are now and really consider if you are willing through all of that again. Now you say you work with clients all over. Are you able to continue working with those same clients so you can maintain your portion of the equation or are you still reporting to someone else just as a freelancer so while your clients are all over your work has to be turned in to the office? There are so many different set ups for freelance that no one can be sure if what you are doing will carry over to Orlando.

Also consider if you are willing to go back to working for someone else or start driving for Uber or something like that to make up the difference in income while you try to establish yourself in the greater Orlando community.

Dreams Unlimited is a dream for a lot of people but just remember their Unplug team is relatively small and the travel agent team requires travel agent experience and is a 24/7 day a week job. I would suggest their recent podcast where they say exactly what it takes to work for Dreams.

I want to solidify that I am not trying to discourage you I am just trying to bring up real considerations that you and your fiance have to look at before making such a leap especially as freelancers. You don't want to get all the way to Orlando and sever ties with your current clients then find out there just isn't enough work in Orlando.

Thank you, I am aware of what it would take to work for Dreams Unlimited. It's a gamble. If I was lucky enough to become one of their travel agents, then the choice would be simple. Though, if not, then I think what Stephanie and I have going could transition well in any location. It's a tough one, for sure!
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As it stands, we've got a comfortable amount of savings. We just want to be smart with it. Being near to the parks, while also being successful in what we do would be perfect. Just don't want to make a poor choice! Thanks for the help once again.
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I can only offer that, while I don't live in Orlando, I'm a life-long Floridian and wouldn't want to live anywhere else. It was 70 degrees and sunny today-- just the way winter should be. Especially this time of year, there's always something to do, and it makes us happy, as youve indicated it would for you, too. Summers can be an adjustment. Have you spent extended time in Orlando in July or August?

Fwiw, I live in Miami and find Orlando traffic intolerable. Rush hour seems to be all the time. Most other big cities have better ways to manage traffic patterns, but this has always been a struggle for ORLANDO.

Bottom line, if it will make you happy, it's probably worth it. Maybe one of you can line up a traditional job, even in a less desired field, just to make the transition smoother until you can establish your free lance businesses here. The economy of Orlando is pretty tourist-based, which can create or limit economic opportunities depending on the situation.

Good luck.
Fwiw, I live in Miami and find Orlando traffic intolerable. Rush hour seems to be all the time. Most other big cities have better ways to manage traffic patterns, but this has always been a struggle for ORLANDO.

I moved from Miami to Orlando half a year ago and Orlando traffic is heavenly when compared to Miami. You need to learn to use the ground streets which are so much more free flowing than any in Miami and use the expressways that are not called I-4(429,408)as they have ridiculously low traffic for a city of this size.The only time traffic was as bad,and probably worse than Miami at the time was the week between Christmas and New Years as the amount of tourists in the area gets crazy.Aside from that week I probably spend 20-30 minutes less to get home from work at 5-6pm than I did in Miami and my commute distance is pretty much exactly the same,12-13 miles.Every day in Miami no less than 45 minutes,usually 60 or more and in Orlando 25-35 minutes,all ground streets.I live in the Windermere/Winter Garden area which get me to all the parks Disney,Sea World and Universal in 10-20 minutes.
As it stands, we've got a comfortable amount of savings. We just want to be smart with it. Being near to the parks, while also being successful in what we do would be perfect. Just don't want to make a poor choice! Thanks for the help once again.
I'll say it a bit stronger this time...

You are FOOLISH to move to Orlando simply for the parks. It WILL grow old. We live in Orlando because I work at MCO. I'm still figuring a way to move toward the Gulf coast.

We moved to Orlando from Connecticut a couple of years ago. Although we were big disney fans who visited several times a year from Connecticut, we did not move here for Disney. In fact, that was almost a negative in our thought process.
We moved because of job transfer.

It seems to me that you are putting too much emphasis on being close to WDW. The allure of WDW can wane over the years, and there are much prettier areas in Florida than the Orlando area.


But sir,

Hear me out if you can. Everyone is different. I've loved Disney and have wanted to work at Walt Disney animation or Pixar animation studio since I was just a kid. Disney is important and something that I couldn't get tired of. I know that. My fiancé Stephanie couldn't either. Having that special place in our backyard would mean the most to her and I. What would possibly be boring or old about it when it's been your life for as long as you could remember? My dreams for my life revolve around the Disney company and it's important I stay close to it. There's nothing in the world like it. As I said again and ponder this... everyone is different. Just because it happened to you does not mean it'll do that same thing for us.
My husband and I are from SoCal and live in Celebration. We have worked for the Disney Company off and on for most of our lives. Believe me when I tell you that it's not all it's cracked up to be. They do not treat their employees well at all. Why? Because of people like you. People who think think their lives would be complete by working horrible hours for pennies, just to work for the mouse. Meanwhile, there are run-down motels on 192 filled with dreamers who came here to be closer to Disney, who can't afford a real apartment.

If you don't have a job and a place to live, I strongly advise you not to come.
You may also consider apartments in Celebration. Back when I worked for Disney, I had friends that lived in Celebration (in an apartment with a dog). While they loved it, I found it way too "fake".

A quick glance at one of the apartment communities in Celebration lists one-bedrooms starting at $1,200 and two-bedrooms starting at $1,400.

It would be hard to get any closer than this to be at Disney World. You could even avoid the major highways to get to the parks.
I'm packing up my worldly possessions as we speak and getting the heck out of Michigan. I've been here too long, and I'm restless, so I'm headed down to Davenport (near Orlando). I have family there, and I can't take one more winter in this economically decimated state. I've made moves like this before, (three to be exact, Chicago, Los Angeles, and where I currently live), but I thought I would settle down in my old age (34). I just can't stand the idea of being buried here. I know that's odd and macabre, but that is the panic that has swept over me through the last several years. The feeling didn't go away, so I made it my new year's resolution to leave.

You need to follow logic, but don't let it completely dictate your decision. Logic is not synonymous with happiness. If you and your wife think you need to make the move, then do it, but be smart. Orlando may not be for you, but Florida is a large state with lots of opportunities. It sounds like you could do your work anywhere. The only concern, then, would be that your wife would be able to re-establish her business. It might take you a few years to reach your goal, so don't be hasty and try to rush in.
Im on the search for folks who might have some tips about where me, my fiancé Stephanie, and two golden retrievers can live in FL with no "rif-raf" yet close to the parks etc. Currently living we in New England, and this year has been the toughest with the cold and not much to do etc. Disney changed our life when we visited in 2014. Sometimes we think there might be more opportunity in FL as apposed to MA as we are both freelance entrepreneur types. Me being a freelance Children's book illustrator and Stephanie being a Wedding Photographer, it might serve us well to possibly move to somewhere more bright and happy with more oppertinity and things to do and see. We currently live in a dog friendly apartment complex. Any of those that are in a nice area yet close to the parks? Isn't travel up to 30 minutes to be near our favorite spot in what seems to be the world. Thanks to anyone willing to help us decide!

Zach, Stephanie, Handsome & Dashing

We too are currently looking at moving to the Orlando area. When I came here to ask similar questions about safe areas to look in I was told to check out the Taking the Florida Plunge facebook group. Lots of people can answer questions about moving to Florida (not just the Orlando area either). We even found a realtor and looked at some homes on our last trip!
I'll say it a bit stronger this time...

You are FOOLISH to move to Orlando simply for the parks. It WILL grow old. We live in Orlando because I work at MCO. I'm still figuring a way to move toward the Gulf coast.


That's one thing you just can't assume,you don't know the person or their likes.For example when I lived in Miami I spent 35-40 days of the year in Orlando combined from 12+ trips a year,so I really like the parks.Here I am over half a year since moving and trust me I'm not getting tired of the parks.I mean its not just the daily parks but to be able to do all the festivals,events and concerts I couldn't do when living in Miami is the biggest plus.For example for Food and Wine in Epcot that runs for 60 days I visited Epcot roughly 35 days in those 2 months.
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But sir,

Hear me out if you can. Everyone is different. I've loved Disney and have wanted to work at Walt Disney animation or Pixar animation studio since I was just a kid. Disney is important and something that I couldn't get tired of. I know that. My fiancé Stephanie couldn't either. Having that special place in our backyard would mean the most to her and I. What would possibly be boring or old about it when it's been your life for as long as you could remember? My dreams for my life revolve around the Disney company and it's important I stay close to it. There's nothing in the world like it. As I said again and ponder this... everyone is different. Just because it happened to you does not mean it'll do that same thing for us.
Okay, I'm pondering....

I guess you'll learn the hard way. You asked for advice and I gave it.

I do wish you the best of luck.

Did you guys ever move and how's it going? I plan on making the move around February 2018.
Maybe you've already found your spot but I love Winter Garden. It is close to the parks but feels out in the country. I like it for that reason - but others might find it too far away from things. I love it!


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