Sun Sensitivity and Social Anxiety


DIS Veteran
Jan 30, 2005
Can anyone give me the heads up as to which rides have lines that are in the sun? I am extremely fair and I take meds that make me even more sensitive. A family member will be in a wheelchair so we will be at accessible entrances if that makes a difference, although I know most are mainstreamed access. Yay! :banana:

Secondly, I have extremely bad social anxiety at times. I know WDW in June isn't the emptiest place ;) but are there any locations that are quieter and with minimal lines or lines where bodies aren't smashed up against one another? I know about first aid and if things get too bad I will go there and sit for a bit but I would rather find something to do to occupy my mind and my family.


I don't have the exact issue, but sometimes being trapped by crowds, touching other people really gets to me.
One of the places I like to "escape" to at the MK is the Exposition Hall in the back where the photo opps are. It's cooler and never seems to be crowded so you can get some breathing room but there's still stuff for the others to do.

In Epcot I find the Stave Church in Norway to be usually pretty empty and cool.

I'd be interested in hearing other suggestions too. :flower:
I have anxiety issues, too, and find WDW one of the *calmest* places to be, if you do it right. Personally, I try to avoid parades/fireworks, unless I can get there early, and plan on staying long after the crush has cleared out. Busses can be another nerve wracker, you'll have to decide for yourself whether to squish on a crowded one, or use the time and wait for another. We usually go in August, when it's often very crowded, and except for MK, the other parks aren't too bad. Keep hydrated, eat regularly (we do at least one sit down PS a day), and listen to your body for warning signals. If you can stay up late without screwing up your sleep habits, I'd highly suggest the late EMH, it's really cool to be in the parks late at night, when it's cooler and a little less crowded. Think about your hotel, too, and ask for a quiet room, if that would help.
Good luck!
Just me again :flower: Thought on this some more, and thought I'd recommend time at the resorts, too, just visiting them, all have plenty of quiet places. From MK, it's nice to take the boat to FW/WL/GF, it's such a beautiful quiet ride. We stay at the campgrounds, and they have a lovely buffet, where you can sit out in the rockers on the porch, and just soak up the atmosphere. Very soothing!
I have huge anxiety problems, but usually the lines are so orderly I know what to expect and don't feel trapped.

The parade and firework crowds, on the other hand, have caused me a panic attack. I was tired and wanted to head back to the hotel but couldn't find a way out of the park that wasn't closed or blocked by crowds. When I started to cry and hyperventilate I almost asked a CM to find someone to help me get out of the park. I did get ahold of myself enough to walk in the other direction from the crowd, found a "snack cart", ordered a soda and sat to wait it out. This turned out to be far less humiliating. :guilty:
:flower: Just bumping because I am interested too.... :flower:

What about the :sunny: sun sensitivity issue?

My oldest daughter has albinism (albino) and can not be in the sun for very long. I have been told we can get a GAC but what do they do for this exactly? WIll they bump her through or just give an alternate waiting area? Will this in any way increase/decrease or waiting times for rides?

Thank you!
yoopermom said:
I have anxiety issues, too, and find WDW one of the *calmest* places to be, if you do it right. Personally, I try to avoid parades/fireworks, unless I can get there early, and plan on staying long after the crush has cleared out. Busses can be another nerve wracker, you'll have to decide for yourself whether to squish on a crowded one, or use the time and wait for another. We usually go in August, when it's often very crowded, and except for MK, the other parks aren't too bad. Keep hydrated, eat regularly (we do at least one sit down PS a day), and listen to your body for warning signals. If you can stay up late without screwing up your sleep habits, I'd highly suggest the late EMH, it's really cool to be in the parks late at night, when it's cooler and a little less crowded. Think about your hotel, too, and ask for a quiet room, if that would help.
Good luck!

everything you have written is so true and works. in the anxiety tapes i have listened to says don't avoid situations if possible try to deal with them taking baby steps. like if you love parades/fireworks then tell yourself i will see the fireworks. the body listens just show it whoses boss. anxiety is all about you not being able to control your body but its controlling you.
PrincessasMommy said:
:flower: Just bumping because I am interested too.... :flower:

What about the :sunny: sun sensitivity issue?

My oldest daughter has albinism (albino) and can not be in the sun for very long. I have been told we can get a GAC but what do they do for this exactly? WIll they bump her through or just give an alternate waiting area? Will this in any way increase/decrease or waiting times for rides?

Thank you!

Talk to Guest Service upon arrival. No, GAC will not lessen waiting time. The vast majority of rides have shaded lines now, so she would still be right in the line with you. If you do hit a sunny spot in the line, perhaps have her go sit/stand in a shady area until the line re-enters shade, and then she can rejoin you. Some rides/attractions might have to re-route her to wait in an alternate place but not many that I can recall.
Most of the lines are shaded and/or indoors. They have done a good job of shading the lines. The one situation I can think of that is a problem as far as sun is the parades, but you might be able to find a shaded area (you'll need to get in place early) or she can wait with someone else in the shade while a few members of your party save space.

Exactly how they handle the GAC (Guest Assistance Card) for sun depends on the attraction, how much of the queue is in the sun and how busy it is. If the line extends out into the sun, they may allow her and one or 2 other members of your party wait where the shaded area begins and have the other members get into line.
If you use fastpass, you can avoid a lot of the waiting in the sun. All the fastpass lines I can think of are shaded for the most part and in most cases, you wait in line for less than 15 minutes. To minimize the time in the sun, you can send someone in your party to go to the fastpass machine with all your park passes and get fastpasses for the whole group.


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