Super Goofs Challenge April Edition

Well, not really feelin' it today, Goofs. Yesterday I had a lousy, shortened run of 1.5 miles--shin again. Maybe it was just residual from the massage--he really worked my legs over. So total of 30 minutes of run & stretch.
Today, so far did 20 minutes fit ball and took the dog for a long walk, about 1 hour. He is currently snoozing, yeah!
I think I'll just XT for next week before Minnie.


Sorry to hear about your struggles of late with injury. Hope you can get things turned around for the minnie. I can only hope one day to do the minnie, I guess I need to make that a goal for me and would love to do it with DD.

Today was run for me 47 minutes on the TM for 3.3 miles.
Also exercise/strength training for a total time today of 135 minutes

Wednesday...30 mins treadmill/1.31 miles

Thursday...30 mins treadmill/1.33 miles

Friday...30 mins treadmill/1.32 miles

Saturday...30 mins treadmill/1.34 miles

I am VERY nervous about the Minnie 15K although I know I can do it!!
Cecilia I hope your race went well. I see you finished in 2:07 and some change. Maybe not sub-2 like you were hoping, but to many of us here, it is a great accomplishment and inspiration for our own training. With the trying events in your life lately, it makes my whining about aches/pains seem rather petty, and it makes your races really stand out.

Thank You Maura

I was on track for a sub 2 at mile 7 and then my diaphram cramped which pushed all the air out of my lungs. Thankfully, I wasn't too far from a medic tent and one of the men there knew how to bend me backward to allow air into my lungs. By the time I could breathe again, I had lost too much time for Sub 2. I was so demoralized that it was tough to keep going. I crossed the finish line and completely fell apart in tears. Evidently I do not handle disapointment very well.

I have to go, so no time for a detailed report. My Dad was admitted to the hospital last night and it is not looking good at all.

Cecilia Our thoughts are with you and your dad.

Today I had a nice relaxing 40 minute swim-so good for the cardio and so kind on the legs.

Hey goofs.....on the road back home using dh phone! My race went really well. I tied my Pr and had a really smart race. My garmen had alot to do with that. I love my watch! I will update more when I am home. Thanks for the kind words Lisa!

Another sneaker question

I tried out my new Saucony's today. No rubbing of my current blisters, but before I could see if it would start when I got some distance going, the backs of my ankles were rubbing...up high where the top of the sneaker is. I was about 1.5 miles away from my house, by the time I got home, they had been rubbed raw and I had my first bloody sock (and sneaker)

So, my question is, for the Minnie, do I wear my Nike's with the gel inserts, and hope I dont get new blisters/irritated blisters, or do I wear the new Saucony's and slap some moleskin/bandaids on and hope for the best?

I am so tired of sneaker issues...I want this to be easy...

Cecilia, try not to be bummed about your time, it's still an AWESOME time, and it was due to something outside of your control.
Oh thank you Angie.

It was a tough race. Physically and mentally. I literally suffered through the whole thing. I was emotionally raw to begin with because of everything with my Dad. Then when I was in pain, (even after I could breathe,) it made me think even more about my Dad and I was just so torn up that it zapped my mental edge.

I have always wondered what kind of runner I would be if I had to face injury or some other issue. I have had a blessed running career with only minor issues to hinder me. I am a little bummed to discover that I am not Superwoman when it comes to overcoming pain while racing. I could learn alot from you.

As for which shoes to wear: the Nikes if the Saucony's caused that kind of chaffing.

Later, you can see if the store where you go the saucony's can stretch that heel for you. Fleet feet does that to my shoes because they rub at the laces if they aren't stretched.
HI Goofs,

47 minutes TM today for 3.3 miles
30 minutes exercise/strength training
total of 77 minutes workout time.

Have a great week eeryone!
Cecilia ...Awesome Job !!! My thoughts are with you and your dad.

CreativeBeth..Congrats on tying your PR

Not much to report for me...walked 5 miles on Saturday in 85 minutes.
Have to figure out how to increase my speed.

Good luck to everyone doing the Minnie. (Wish I could join you put the
pace requirement scared me off.)
Good morning Goofs. An overall VERY long weekend for me. DD had a bad day Saturday and ended up in 4th place overall. She was very upset and very emotional (weren't we all at 13??). Sunday was better. She had some awesome diving saves and at the end of it was asked to goalie for the 19-U team which was quite an honor. She was playing her home town team on her travel team which was fun for her too. Long days standing, eating out, sleeping in foreign bed not to mention the 1 a.m. on Saturday morning after a benefit dinner. I am tired, gained 2 pounds and not a very happy mommy. No exercise ALL WEEKEND....

Cecilia: I have nothing but love to send to you, and to your dad too. You are stronger than you think and that will be coming through soon. It must be the year for diaphragm issues. At least you still tied your PR...which with an injury is a personal best anyway!! I am thinking of you daily and hoping for the best for you, and your dad, whatever the best may be.

Angie: My Saucony's rubbed my first run out too. Not as bad as yours but I had blisters on both sides. I think the back of the shoe is just thicker than the Nikes. I had to use bandaids for the first few runs and even put precautionary ones on in WDW. After a few runs, they seem to go down and form better to your feet. I would go with the Nikes though so an not to punish your poor feet anymore. Did you get any of the rubbing in the other places with the Sauconys?

Maura: Sorry for the continuing shin issues. Here's hoping it is just residual. I think that your idea of XT is a good one before Minnie. I hope the shins heal by then.

Suzanne: YES YOU CAN DO IT. I am sooo excited for you!!!

DisneyLuv: You can do it too. You will get faster and by ToT time, you will be more than ready!!

Chad: Yep, beer, wings and chili. Could life get any better? Oh and the shirt says Will Run for Beer. I would have tried to keep pace with you at 9:30 but sub-9 is beyond me....and my knees...and my lungs...:lmao:

Beth: Yay for a great race and yay for the Garmin. Love that thing!!!

Lynnielou: You should set a goal for yourself. I LOVE the races just for that purpose alone. I don't need to win anything just give me my bling and a PR and color me a happy girl.

Well Goofs, I am off to the gym today and hoping for 3 miles. We are due for some serious rain (2-3") from this afternoon until tomorrow so I may be banished to the TM. I have to do something as I am 2 pounds up and not happy about no exercise. Not even a walk. Oh, and I found out that if I had gotten up earlier on Sunday and gone back to the YMCA where DD had her gymnastics meet, there was a 5K that started at 8 a.m. ARGH!!!!! :mad:
Okay, I signed up for the Smuttynose 5K. Only the first 500 signups get the Will Run for Beer tee so anyone else interested should get their registration in soon!! This will be a day trip for me (if we don't have a softball tournament) as the race starts at 11 and the party goes until early evening so I can get home at a good hour.

Angie, if your DD wants to do the race, I will talk to my DD13 and see if I can talk her into it too. If she does not have a tournament that weekend, she may want to run it!!
1.5 miles/23 mins

1.5 miles/24 mins

2.5 miles/37 mins

3 miles/46 mins

3 miles/48 mins

Lisa, I am going to check out that race tonight, and check w/DD... I suspect she'll be interested, she's been asking to do the 5K's with me, and I want to encourage it, so? I'll let you know! Oh yeah, no other rubbing w/the Saucony's, but didnt get as far as I'd have liked due to the ankle rubbing...will be trying again (like you, probably TM, 'cause of the rain)

How is everyone else doing?
Happy Monday, Goofs:

Beth Congrats on your PR!

Did my 50 minutes of strength/stretch this am. I'm getting really excited & plenty nervous about the Minnie this weekend. All of you pros must know what it felt like your first race--any last minute tips for a first-timer? I'm still at the stage where I don't have confidence that I can do it unless I have had a recent good run to reassure me (and I haven't since last week).

Plus, I am so used to running in the am on an empty stomach that I am still trying to figure out what is a good pre-race fuel/hydration strategy. I was planning on trying to eat a bagel or something 2 hrs in advance, and drink 16-20 oz water 1 hr in advance, but I'm wondering if, given the weahter down there, I should try to drink Gatorade instead. Don't really have time to mess around with trying new things, but the things that I have tried my stomach tolerates just fine (gu (yecch), sports beans). Your thought are welcome.

Angie, if you have the blister bandaids, try putting one of them where the rubbing was with the Saucony's and see if that helps. This is another reason I went to the Injinji socks, they are padded at the top and helped with the rubbing.
Okay, Joanne, I just did my Hollis Applefest registration too. Whew, I think I'm done registering for races....for now....:thumbsup2
Way to go Beth!

Maura - NOTHING NEW on race day. If you haven't had gatorade on a run, do not start now. From the 48 hour mark before the race you should stick to food and fuels that you know you can handle. If you are worried about not getting enough salt, then have a salty lunch or snack the day prior to the race. I think a bagel 2 hours prior is fine, but not necessary.

(all this advice being given by the woman who ran to the start of CMM while chugging her final cup of coffee) :rolleyes1
Maura, sorry I missed your post in the mess of my registration fray.

I run in the afternoon and so very rarely in the morning that the WDW half was a new experience for me. Also, being January in Florida and very snowy and cold in Maine, the humidity was also an issue. I ate oatmeal and drank my normal coffee 3 hours before the race start and then munched a PowerBar about a half hour before. If you don't do Gatorade then..well..don't. I completely agree with Cecilia on the DO NOT DO ANYTHING NEW advice and I cannot stress this enough. I did not follow my own advice during Great Bay and suffered for it.

Being that this is a 15K event my routine would be the same with the oatmeal and coffee (must have coffee) 2-3 hours prior and the PowerBar or other protein rich bar before the race start. Whatever they are using (i.e. Gatorade, Accelerade, etcetera) you need to try before the race to see how it sets. I get heartburn from lots of things, peanut butter included, so I have to be careful. During my races, depending on frequency of fluid stops, I either rinse and spit or drink. If I need some electrolyte, I drink water first and then the drink du jour to help dilute it more and absorb it better.

I know in my heart that you will do well during Minnie. If I had a great run before my race, I would think something was truly wrong (hmmm did that not happen before Great Bay...) and if I did not feel phantom pains in my feet, ankles, knees before the race, again, something must be really wrong. Believe in yourself, you will do fine!!
Hey everyone!

Sorry for being MIA lately. April has been a tough month for me...personally and professionally. However, school will be out in a couple of weeks and I'm hoping life will get back to normal soon.

Just a quick drive-by: DH & I just completed the Oklahoma City Memorial Half this weekend (Sunday). I will post a report on the weekend races thread but in a nutshell, it was really a great event...despite the rainy, windy and cool weather at the beginning of the race. Unfortunately, I didn't train much for the event but I guess due to my WDW marathon training, I was able to do what I needed to do - finish the race. :thumbsup2

Lisa, I will get you the hours for the previous weeks in the next couple of days for April's totals. DH and I put together a list this weekend since I lost the original list. :sad2: Here are my hours for last week in the meantime :

I think we still go Sat - Fri, is that right?

My hours:
Sat (Aug 19) - 1 hour/2 miles
Sun (Aug 20) - 1.5 hours/6 miles
Thur (Aug 24) - 1 hour/2 miles

Steve's hours:
Sat (Aug 19) - 1.5 hours/6 miles
Sun (Aug 20) - 2 hours/25 miles
Tues (Aug 22) - 1 hour/2 miles
Thurs (Aug 24) - 1 hour/1 mile

I will post the race hours with this weeks mileage/hours.
Hi again! I just skimmed everyone's posts for the last 7-8 pages. Geez, where have I been. :confused3

For those with aches and pains, here's some :wizard: to help you get through the week.

Angie - as for the blisters....I crowned myself blister queen because it seems that I always get a blister of some kind during any longer run. I've tried new shoes, all kinds of socks, remedies from my foot doctor, nothing really worked. However, for this half this past weekend, I did something I normally don't do - I taped my feet where I usually get blisters. I always put on some sort of moleskin but this time I put moleskin in the problem areas and then wrapped my feet with athletic tape over the moleskin. I don't wrap too tightly as my feet tend to swell during an endurance race. This worked for me this weekend. I didn't get a single blister. I'll test it out again for the Minnie and the hotter weather. I'm so hoping it works because I'm tired of the blistering.


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