Super Goofs March Challenge


Real athletes run, others just play games...
Jul 24, 2007
Here it is, the best team on Earth:
ESCAPE (Co Captain)-Susie/AR

STEVE (SAP1227's HUBBY)-Christy/FL

Post your miles for March here. I will be back later with the February totals for each individual and our team. Make sure to check the February thread for your totals that I have from this weeks.

"I look at victory as milestones on a very long highway."~Joan Benoit Samuelson

Each month is a victory for us in the very long highway that is our health. Keep moving Super all rock!!!:woohoo:
February individual totals:
(Princessrunner) Lisa-79.93/17.25 (these are the converted time totals)
(Escape) Susie-38.05/12.17
(SuzanNews) Suzanne-15.44/4.55
(Creativebeth) Beth-118.00/26.83
(Cruelle de Mom) Cecilia-83.27/16.67
(Groovygirls) Joanne-42.17/20.78
(Hockeygirl) Laurie-16.00/15.35
(jmasgat) Maura-20.05/18.27
(KiMickey) Kim-4.00 miles only
(Kristi1357) Kristi-31.56/12.52
(lllovell) Laura-30.50/13.33
(MickeyHead) Chad-23.23/9.92
(Nukeman) Steve-57.52/21.50
(Pungodingy) Angie-67.62/22.48
(SAP1227) Christy-18.53/3.53
Steve (Christy DH)-11.03/5.03
(Westcliffemom) Stacey-107.50/4.00 (WE MISS YOU!!!!)

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
I forgot! Sorry!

Wed: 30 min stretch/strength
Thurs: I already posted
Friday: 60 min / 5 miles

Sorry Lisa......the day got away from me!

I can not believe our first month is over so quickly!! This is the last of my busy months, so if I can provide some decent numbers this month, I should have higher numbers in the months to come!!!!

Great job everyone!!!
Hey all, I'm gonna start off stronger this month!

3 miles/54 minutes (finally found a way to not hate the treadmill, got a tv down there and threw in a movie!)

1 hour shoveling (and it's still snowing)

AND I'm headed out to Girl Scout's Winter Carnival and we're going snowshoeing...

Let's hope I can keep it up this month!

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekends so far!
Hey guys! Chad & I recruited another person for Great Bay - Brian from work!
He is trying to do a race (or more) a month.

Boy, is he going to be scared when he sees our sea of lime green! :rotfl2:
Ran (verus ran/walked) my first 5-miler today--Woohoo! Took 47:33, although I think the route is a tad short. So even with a few tiny hills, and adjusting the mileage, I figure I did about a 9:40 pace. Not really caring about that yet, but it still surprises me that I can run faster than 10 minutes/mile. Anyway, by my reckoning, I am past the half way point in the Minnie 15k and almost to the Hollywood Studios. Next week--6 miles!

Also, tried out new socks today (injinji) and sport beans--both went well. So far, I have been immune to variation in nutrition/hydration/apparel, lets hope it stays that way.

Beth: Don't sweat it, that's why I post the prelims so I can get everything right. Math is not my strong point!!!

Angie: You are a better woman than I. After 1:45 on the TM and 8 miles later I am still not charmed with it. Watched The Game Plan. Cute movie but it still did not help. For some reason, I just cannot run the entire time on the TM, feel compelled to walk. I talk myself out of running really easy. When I am outside, time passes so much quicker even if I run the same route day after day. I am glad to hear that you can tolerate the TM though. I guess us northern women need to learn how....:scared:

Christy: Our first month has certainly flown by. Your DH and your own contributions all matter. We are a team. Of course, more is better....:rolleyes1
Kristi: The more the merrier!!! Or was that misery loves company? :lmao: I think we need to have a Charlie's Angels pose at the end for you to post on the main thread. Chad...Charlie...something like that!! :upsidedow

Well you just read that I did manage my scheduled 8 albeit on the TM as we are in the midst of the 10-16 inches predicted for today. Unbelievable amounts of snow up here. DH and kidlets have gone for a snowmobile ride so I could be alone in my misery. Spring is coming soon right.......:beach:
Maura: We posted at the same odd...Congratulations on the awesome pace for 5 miles. Someday I want to run under 10 mpm but I seem to hover around the 11 range...unless I am on the TM where things seem to be a grind for me and I end up walking more then getting mad cuz I am walking so I run and the vicious cycle begins. I have 6 miles next Saturday so maybe I will try and keep up with you. It will give me an added challenge!!!

I just want to say that EVERYONE on this team should be exceedingly proud of yourselves. Big pat on the back for everyone. You have embraced this challenge, persevered over illness and life in general and we are all coming out winners. No matter what anyone else says SUPER GOOFS ROCK!!! :worship:
Instead of sitting here, I just did 30 mins of strength training with Gilad on Fit TV. I doubt I would have done that before the challenge, so THANK YOU!!! I REALLY wanted to go run after that, but Steve is at work so I am home with the boys. I need to make it a priority to get my treadmill back from my parents house this week!

I told Steve to go to the gym at work and ride the bike for an hour:rolleyes1 :rolleyes1 He said he would try if they don't get a call, so cross your fingers he has a super slow day at work!

I can not believe you are still getting so much snow. The weather here has been strange! On Tuesday it was almost 90, Wed and Thursday the high was in the 50s, and today the high is 75! Steve planted a garden in the back yard last week, so we spent a lot of time this week covering it, since we did get 2 nights of frost.

Maura--Great job! I can not seem to break the 11 min mile pace for more that a very short distance, but I am working on it! I would love to get to 9.99, just so I can say in the 9's:lmao:

Angie--The TV helps so much! You are having a very busy day.

I am off to work in a little bit (if only I worked out at the gym as much as I work there!!) and then to a Japanese Steakhouse for my Brother's 21st birthday dinner. Tomorrow I have to babysit a 5 month old from 9am-7pm and teach the 3 year old class at Church, so it may not be a good day for miles, but I can probably squeeze in a Fit TV show when the baby is napping (thank goodness for DVR!)

My Challenge for myself this week is to think outside of my normal box. My only 3 choices are not: run outside, run/bike at the gym, or classes at the gym. I CAN get in exercise right here, in my house, with the boys here, I just need to DO IT!
Hello New England team mates- just heard about a really fun race- up Mt Washington! Entry is done by lottery at Mount Washington Road Race (don't have the link handy but you can do a goggle search). I just signed up for the lottery- hope to see you there!
joanne - found it!
Um, Joanne, that gives "challenging hills" a whole new meaning. I am going to have to give that some (okay a lot) of thought. :scared:

Glad to see everyone has been getting out today. Beth, you are updated to 123 miles and 8:15 hours. Holy smoke girlfriend!!! :eek:

Unless there are any other changes to last week, the team totals are:
790.40 miles
226.05 hours.

All I can say is WOW!!
Hello New England team mates- just heard about a really fun race- up Mt Washington! Entry is done by lottery at Mount Washington Road Race (don't have the link handy but you can do a goggle search). I just signed up for the lottery- hope to see you there!
joanne - found it!
Chad "won" the lottery into that race in 2003.
He ended up finding out he had cancer a few weeks prior, had surgery and didn't get to do the race.
Funny, he hasn't tried to enter that lottery again.
One moment of insanity was enough apparently!:lmao:
Hi team!

I feel bad about my miles and hours this month and I promise promise to do so much better in March. The weather will turn spring like here and that will help me tremendously. I am humbled by all the numbers everyone wracked up and most of you had much worse weather than I did!

Running up a mountain? and t hey have to have a lottery?! You yanks are insane! (jk)

Have a great day all! I will be back to post my miles after the race.

Good luck Cecilia. And don't feel bad about your miles. You get double for the race!!! :cheer2:
Hi team! :goodvibes

here's my miles for today:

13.1 race miles = 26.2
in 2:01:18 :goodvibes

I guess that pretty much stomps all over my sub 2:11 goal.

Um, Joanne, that gives "challenging hills" a whole new meaning. I am going to have to give that some (okay a lot) of thought. :scared:

Glad to see everyone has been getting out today. Beth, you are updated to 123 miles and 8:15 hours. Holy smoke girlfriend!!! :eek:

Unless there are any other changes to last week, the team totals are:
790.40 miles
226.05 hours.

All I can say is WOW!!

HOLY MOLY!!! That is a lot of exercising! Congrats everyone!

I spent all day yesterday doing the Cub Scout District Pinewood Derby and getting new tires for the car. One was fun and one was painful - I bet you can figure out which was which.

I am looking forward to another GREAT month for us. I am completely amazed how much you all are keeping me on track even when I want to blow things off! Thank you Super Goofs!

A big WOOHOO , Cecilia. Sorry for not wishing you pre-race good luck, but apparently you didn't need it. You really did great! A real inspiration for the rest of us.:worship:

So does this mean that the secret to doing great is going in "not feeling ready"? (I believe those were your words)

As for me, I did 60 min of Aqua aerobics today.

Maura: How do you like Aqua aerobics? I would probably like it, if I didn't drown!:scared1:

Cecilia: So you are starting out the month with some good numbers! Wow, you did great. I only dream of running so fast.....I am trying to PR this year, and it is beating a 2:24:25 time!

So, outside I went today! I felt ok, but legs were tired at the end.

Time: 1 hour 30 min
Miles: 8



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