Survey: Is having a live PodCast recording on Castaway Cay a good idea?

Do you think we should have the live podcast on Castaway Cay?

  • Yes. It's OK with me if you have it on Castaway Cay.

  • No. I would prefer you do it somewhere else on another day.

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I voted no. I'd like to spend my CC day actually doing CC stuff. I thought the way it was done on PCC 1.0 was a good solution.

I totally agree. That is the stop where people want to get off the ship. Nassau is where the podcast says to stay on the ship. CC is the place to spread out and play.
Just throwing this out there - I would suggest maybe doing the Podcast at the Dolphin again, like in December - the day we land or the next... There doesn't seem to be enough time to do it all onboard... I know I missed a lot of ship activities the last cruise doing Podcast events and there are even more events planned this year...
Just throwing this out there - I would suggest maybe doing the Podcast at the Dolphin again, like in December - the day we land or the next... There doesn't seem to be enough time to do it all onboard... I know I missed a lot of ship activities the last cruise doing Podcast events and there are even more events planned this year...

I voted no and I think this is a great suggestion. :thumbsup2
Just throwing this out there - I would suggest maybe doing the Podcast at the Dolphin again, like in December - the day we land or the next... There doesn't seem to be enough time to do it all onboard... I know I missed a lot of ship activities the last cruise doing Podcast events and there are even more events planned this year...

I thought of this too, but remembered how many events are being held post-cruise. The only option I could see would be that Friday morning or early afternoon before DATW.
Just throwing this out there - I would suggest maybe doing the Podcast at the Dolphin again, like in December - the day we land or the next... There doesn't seem to be enough time to do it all onboard... I know I missed a lot of ship activities the last cruise doing Podcast events and there are even more events planned this year...

I think this is a very good idea! :idea:
Just throwing this out there - I would suggest maybe doing the Podcast at the Dolphin again, like in December - the day we land or the next... There doesn't seem to be enough time to do it all onboard... I know I missed a lot of ship activities the last cruise doing Podcast events and there are even more events planned this year...

This falls under the category of you can't please all the people all the time. If we did this the people who had to go home right after the cruise would complain - afterall it is supposed to be a 'Podcast Cruise'.

Keep in mind, you don't have to do everything we have planned on the cruise. As a matter-of-fact you don't have to participate in anything we arrange. These are just added 'perks' for cruising with us.
This falls under the category of you can't please all the people all the time. If we did this the people who had to go home right after the cruise would complain - afterall it is supposed to be a 'Podcast Cruise'.

Keep in mind, you don't have to do everything we have planned on the cruise. As a matter-of-fact you don't have to participate in anything we arrange. These are just added 'perks' for cruising with us.

Sorry John, but I think this is a great idea also. Saying we "don't have to participate in anything we arrange" kind of rubbed me the wrong way. If we didn't want to participate then we wouldn't have booked a DIS Podcast Cruise. It seems if space and working around DCL's schedule is an issue then the Dolphin is a great choice. This is just my opinion. :)
I would think the team and the cruisers would enjoy a laid-back day on CC... but then again, the rabid poddies that they are, maybe not! :rotfl: And there is an interesting and unique "cool factor" in recording on the island.

I plan to be enjoying the sunshine and adult beverages that day, whether there's a microphone nearby or not. :beach:
I voted No...This is my First Cruise ever and I am looking forward to Castaway Cay day and won't want to give any of the time spent on the island up to attend the taping.
Same here! First cruise ever and first time to any kind of tropical island type place. I think I would rather be doing tropical island type place things.
I thought of this too, but remembered how many events are being held post-cruise. The only option I could see would be that Friday morning or early afternoon before DATW.

And I think those are viable choices. But I'm not the one planning it, so it'll be when it is.
I will go to the live podcast where ever it is...providing it's during the cruise...I'm one of those that is leaving the day we get back in. I'm thinking of the amount of space that will be required to hold that amount of people and doing it on Castaway Cay would probably be easier than trying to find a location on the ship...but I've never been on the ship, so I don't know to much about it. I voted yes.
I agree with the majority: I don't think it's a good idea.
This falls under the category of you can't please all the people all the time. If we did this the people who had to go home right after the cruise would complain - afterall it is supposed to be a 'Podcast Cruise'.
Jamie was just throwing out an option, that would keep Castaway Cay "A Family Beach Day" for all the Podcast Cruise participants. Since the Purpose of this poll is to ask us for our opinions, I think it unfair of you to shoot her down for voicing an idea for you & the team to consider or not to consider, if you are finding problems scheduling things on the cruise ship around DCL's Schedule.

My Opinion is by scheduling the Podcast recording on this day would be a dis-service to those of us, who want to spend this time with our family and friends and to enjoy all the amenities that Disney's Private Island has to offer us. To quote you and the rest of the Team in regards to Castaway Cay..."Castaway Cay is the Carrot at the End of the end of the stick of a Disney Cruise" "Think a Luxurious Gilligan's Island with plumbing"; "A Tropical Paradise not to be missed", so you can see the majority of us want this day to be our Free Day of scheduled events.

Keep in mind, you don't have to do everything we have planned on the cruise. As a matter-of-fact you don't have to participate in anything we arrange. These are just added 'perks' for cruising with us.

Yes, this is true, but like Anna stated as quoted below, If we didn't want to participate in the "Added Perks" we wouldn't have booked the Podcast Cruise. For me and a great number of us, this is our first cruise and the reason we booked This Cruise as our first cruise experience, was to attend the Podcast events, but also experience the wonderful things a Disney Cruise has to offer like Castaway Cay.
I have already come to the realization that I may not be able to attend every "Perk" being offered by the team and will have to pick and choose based on when things are scheduled, and will only be attending those events that fit into my planned itinerary for the trip around what I want to experience, whether it falls on Nassau Day, Castaway Cay Day or the day at Sea. And Yes, you are not going to "Please" everyone regardless of what and when you schedule things throughout the cruise - that is a given at any event like this.

Sorry John, but I think this is a great idea also. Saying we "don't have to participate in anything we arrange" kind of rubbed me the wrong way. If we didn't want to participate then we wouldn't have booked a DIS Podcast Cruise. It seems if space and working around DCL's schedule is an issue then the Dolphin is a great choice. This is just my opinion. :)

Well Said Anna.
Sorry John, but I think this is a great idea also. Saying we "don't have to participate in anything we arrange" kind of rubbed me the wrong way. If we didn't want to participate then we wouldn't have booked a DIS Podcast Cruise. It seems if space and working around DCL's schedule is an issue then the Dolphin is a great choice. This is just my opinion. :)

Sorry Anna - I didn't intend for this to rub you or anyone the wrong.

Someone stated that the last cruise they felt like a lot was planned and they didn't get a chance to enjoy the ship as much and that this cruise even more is planned.

I was just stating that no one has to feel like they HAVE to participate in everything we have planned. If something that is scheduled conflicts with something else you want to do no one will be offended if you don't attend what we have planned.

I know that some of you think that doing the podcast after the cruise is a good option but that's just not going to work out. In addition to allienating many people who are not staying after the cruise it would be an added expense to get the room at the Dolphin, especially when DCL would be providing the space for free as part of the cruise.

I am open to everyone's suggestions and I am just replying with my feedback and opinions as well.

At the end of the day we will make a decision based on what we have to work with. I know not everyone will be happy with the end result it but again, we are doing the best we can.
Jamie was just throwing out an option, that would keep Castaway Cay "A Family Beach Day" for all the Podcast Cruise participants. Since the Purpose of this poll is to ask us for our opinions, I think it unfair of you to shoot her down for voicing an idea for you & the team to consider or not to consider, if you are finding problems scheduling things on the cruise ship around DCL's Schedule.

Sorry Tracey I didn't think I was throwing out or shooting down anyone's option or opinion. I was replying with an answer as to why the option would not work.

We are looking at many different options but doing the podcast recording as not part of the cruise would be a dis-service to those who cannot afford or have the time to be at WDW after the cruise.

My Opinion is by scheduling the Podcast recording on this day would be a dis-service to those of us, who want to spend this time with our family and friends and to enjoy all the amenities that Disney's Private Island has to offer us. To quote you and the rest of the Team in regards to Castaway Cay..."Castaway Cay is the Carrot at the End of the end of the stick of a Disney Cruise" "Think a Luxurious Gilligan's Island with plumbing"; "A Tropical Paradise not to be missed", so you can see the majority of us want this day to be our Free Day of scheduled events.

I think that by posting this poll shows that we are sensitive to the fact that for many folks this will be their first cruise and that for others CC is the highlight and they may not want to spend part of that day attending the podcast. If we weren't going to take these things into consideration I wouldn't be asking for input.

I thought people would appreciate that we are trying to take into account what their wants and needs might be.
i didn't vote as i keep flip-flopping....
my initial reaction was 'no', agreeing with the people who look forward to CC activities..

but then i remembered i easily had a couple of hours when i didn't really do much of anything on CC and i could have easily spent them laughing at/with the podcasters...

on the other hand, when we were on our 4 day cruise, the sea day had a lot of dead time for fact, we were pretty bored on the sea day (which is why we actually preferred our 3 day cruise to the 4 day)...
perhaps DCL has improved the sea day since we were on the 4 day cruise, but i'd be happy to have the podcast taping on that day...

or better yet on the nassau day....i'm more than willing to give up nassau....
It is most certainly an intriguing idea.
All I keep picturing is the commercial for Malibu Rum with the DJ's on the beach having a party. :goodvibes

Outside venue. That more than tempts Murphy and his law. It would be very nice to relax, hopefully enjoy some sun and participate in the taping. However open air venues tend to have horrid audio capturing capabilities--especially the aforementioned crowd cheering.
Dumb question/observation, but has the equipment be subjected to a similar environment before? I don't know the specs of your machines, but temp, humidity levels, and other environmental issues can impact the functionality of said machinery. I'd hate to have a sun shiny day and hundreds of cheering DISers only to have a giant sparkler display in the middle of taping and all the equipment shot.
What about fauna? Would we have to worry about dodging bird 'bombs' and those cute little tropical lizards?
At the end of the day we will make a decision based on what we have to work with. I know not everyone will be happy with the end result it but again, we are doing the best we can.

I for one, appreciate and understand this statement. However, we do not know what other constraints and variables there are that need to be worked with--so I cannot see where we would have any additional insight. Kinda feels like a well intentioned taunt gone horrible awry.
Outside venue. That more than tempts Murphy and his law. It would be very nice to relax, hopefully enjoy some sun and participate in the taping. However open air venues tend to have horrid audio capturing capabilities--especially the aforementioned crowd cheering.
Dumb question/observation, but has the equipment be subjected to a similar environment before? I don't know the specs of your machines, but temp, humidity levels, and other environmental issues can impact the functionality of said machinery. I'd hate to have a sun shiny day and hundreds of cheering DISers only to have a giant sparkler display in the middle of taping and all the equipment shot.

The equipment would be Disney's so I would hope this would all be worked out. They do have an audio team on the cruise at all times and they would do all our set-up for all our events.

With that said they did mess up the video from the live recording of PCC 1.0 so take that for what it's worth.

What about fauna? Would we have to worry about dodging bird 'bombs' and those cute little tropical lizards?

It's good to know you're always looking out for us Todd :lmao:

The venue would be completely covered and we will have Walter the Lizard Whisperer in case of reptile intrusions.
I voted YES.

For me being a few times before at Castaway Cay i wouldn't mind having a taping during the CC day, i even would love having the taping there because it would make CC even more special....
But i do understand that for a lot of newbies CC is THE day to see and explore things.

I also believe that the taping should be during the cruise.
Then everybody that have booked the cruise have the choice to join the taping or not.
I also can imagine that the Podcast doesn't want to pay extra for space when it's free on the ship.

And also don't forget that before the cruise the Podcast team is running around and arranging a lot of last minutes things and doing a taping then is just crazy, after the cruise the team probably want to take some rest and wind down again.
We have some or many events to participate in during the cruise, the team has to attend all of them and also do the work upfront and after a meet.

Then as i said i can totally relate to people that say i don't want the taping during CC day.

Maybe it's an idea to do the taping during the Nassau day instead.
I believe that when you never visited Nassau before then you have to get off the ship and see Nassau.
But i also believe that Nassau won't take up the full day to explore.
When a taping would be at the end of the Nassau day then people that want to visit Nassau can do that first and then come back a bit earlier to enjoy the taping.
I don't know if this would conflict in any way with any of the excursions but maybe it's something to consider ( i also believe that this option already crossed the minds of the team)....

Just my 2 cents
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