T_shirt exchange

Thanks KimRaye for letting all involved in these exchanges know that we are appreciated.I am very grateful to all those who took part and readily sent these things out.My DD and I took part and I have a parcel from my DD to send out.It was a last minute exchange.I have constantly in touch with the person that she is exchanging ( it was a straight exchange) and the recipient has been very understanding and patient.
I have to say I totally disagree with how this was done. There was no attempt made to PM the people who's names were posted here. If they have not signed in they would NOT have seen posts asking them to contact their person nor would they have known their person didnt get what they sent. Shaming people before someone speaks to them directly is wrong IMHO.

I spoke with Kinlaw6450 tonight. I made the effort to contact her. She is a friend of mine. I had NO other information to contact her besides what is in her profile; information ANYONE could have accessed had they tried. I managed to get ahold of her. She said her package WAS sent out on June 23rd by Priority Mail. If her person didnt get it, it was through no fault of hers yet she was made to look very bad here. She is upset about it understandably. I would be also and I am upset for her. She has been both out of the country and away from home on conferences but made SURE her exchange went out before she left.... and before today had not had a chance to sign on at all. She wouldnt have seen the messages that asked for people to contact their exchangees nor would she have seen that her person didnt get the package she sent out. She only signed in today because she got an IM from me asking her to contact me and she only signed in to send me a PM to ask what was up. She didnt have time to read the boards. She would have had no reason to check up on the Tshirt exchange because she DID send out her package.

Please before someone goes around shaming other people make sure the facts are known.

After all of this I dont think either of us will be participating in another exchange.

Poohbears5, Kinlaw6450 feels badly that you didnt get your shirt but she did send it out on June 23rd by Priority mail.
lvs_eeyore I am glad to hear that kinlaw sent out her exchange its a shame it got lost .
I did not participate in this exchange because I was one of the ones who got burned in the ornament exchange. My exchangee (who I will not name here) is one of the same ones listed on this thread as not fulfilling their end of the exchange again. I did not receive a PM or email explaining their situation, but with some people, there's always something.

I'm sorry if some of those named on this thread were 'wrongfully accused.' I feel bad that your names were listed when you did send out your tee-shirt. But, I can fully understand and appreciate the anger and frustration that Bouncy is feeling.
Thank-you Jennyfyar,
As I have said before it only takes a minute to send a pm and ity is not difficult.If a package was sent out as mine was 8 weeks ago and not been recieved wouldn't you ask your exchangee why they hadn't posted anything,a word of thanks or whatever?I did to my exchangee,I asked if she had recieved anything,it spoilt the surprise for her but I spent a lot of money on my exchangee and the postage isn't cheap either,so I wanted to know.Surely if you had sent out something you'd be the same?

As for pming people first before naming.surely if the person wasn't on the boards to read the posts then why send a PM she obviously wouldn't have seen that either then.There was warnings put on the boards for all to see,with a lot of disappointed people agreeing with me.

If some people do not want to take part in any more exchanges then thats fine.It was a post that upset you,think how the people who got stung ( not for the first time either) feel.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and me to mine.I will always do as I say whether people like me for it or not.
Originally posted by Bouncy
As for pming people first before naming.surely if the person wasn't on the boards to read the posts then why send a PM she obviously wouldn't have seen that either then.There was warnings put on the boards for all to see,with a lot of disappointed people agreeing with me.

I want to thank you for all the hard work you did for this exchange. Please don't feel bad about what you posted. I support you 100%. Until recently I was in the same boat as the other folks who did not receive their t-shirts. My partner had a great explaination ... surgury! Ouch! I wish I had known :(. I would have certainly been more patient.
Well - I'm a happy camper now!! My t-shirt, plus a whole bunch of goodies, arrived from Talking Hands yesterday!


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