Take the DIS WISH challenge here

Hi, Kalicokat!

I have been with WW for 2 years. I lost 100+ pounds in less than a year, and then I've been playing around. I am back to serious. My goal was to lose half of myself also...129 pounds to bring myself to 129.

YOU CAN DO IT!!! WW really works if you stick with what you are supposed to be doing. Truthfully, I feel better when I'm on program, too. It takes some working on the mental aspects to really be successful.

CONGRATS on your first 4.2 lbs!

I just started Weight Watchers Online on Monday. I have over 100 pounds to lose and am hoping to drop at least 30 or more before our cruise in December.

Please sign me up. After DD1, I lost all of the weight quick as can be - with the Marine Corps breathing down my neck so I wouldn't get an adverse evaluation for being overweight! This time around, I'm a civilian and unfortunately my current employer doesn't care what I weigh! 5 months later I've only dropped 1/2 of what I gained, which was way too much, and I started out far too heavy! I want to lose at least 35 pounds to feel like my normal self and am back to WW on-line to do it.
<b>mommyflower</b> Welcome to the DIS and a special welcome to WISH. I'm so glad you decided to join us. I imagine that eating a controlled carbohydrate diet will help you control that hypoglycemia <i>and</i> help you lose weight. My husband and I both follow Atkins and his blood sugar is normal for the first time in 15 years. Eliminating refined carbohydrates from his diet has made him just feel a lot better too.

I'm glad you are going to be part of my support group. Your new WISH friends are going to help you reach goal, just wait and see.

<b>PaintedStuff</b> Thanks for posting here, too. I'm glad you decided to take the challenge. Jiminy102 helps us find our pm buddies, usually, you might want to send her a private message.

Lots of WISHers follow the Atkins plan so if you have any questions about the program or need advice, all you need to do is ask and you will receive speedy replies.

<b>Candlelady</b> I'll list your plan as controlled carbohydrate, if that's alright with you :)

<b>PixieMagic</b> Welcome to the DIS and a very special welcome to WISH. I'm really glad you found us and I hope you can visit often.

Sounds like you have had wonderful success with Atkins. I have no doubt that you will lose the rest of that weight and get into that size you want. All of your new WISH friends are going to help you do that!

<b>YangYang</b> I'm glad you decided to take the WISH challenge. We have many WW WISHers here and I'll bet you have lots of WW expertise to share with them.

You've had some excellent success so far, following the WW, plan. With the help of our WISH support group, you are going to reach that final goal, too. I hope you can visit often and participate as much as possible. It is helpful to all of us for you to do that.

<b>jwfla422</b> It's great to see you here. I'm so glad you decided to join my support group.

You have a reasonable goal, a wonderful plan and a great attitude. Now that you have the WISH support group behind you, you are going to be so successful. Honest, just wait and see!

<b>dakhronic</b> I'm glad you decided to "delurk". Welcome to the DIS and WISH. You're right, it's wonderful to work our way toward goal along with other Disney fans.

Lots of WISHers follow the Atkins way of eating, including me, and we've had great success with it. I imagine you will be successful, too.

Visit often and no more lurking allowed, okay? It is really helpful to everyone when you participate here. It will especially help <i>you</i>, honest :)

<b>kalicokat</b> Welcome to WISH. All of us will always be grateful to Kelsie for coming up with the idea of the WISH challenge. She brought all of us together and we have a lot of fun helping each other along the road to goal.

We have many WW WISHers here. If you have any questions about the program, all you have to do is ask and you will receive many speedy replies. Our support group is just waiting to offer help if you need it, too. All we ask is that <i>you</i> help <i>us</i> if we ask. It's a pretty nice deal, actually.

<b>Kajudy</b> Welcome to the DIS! I'm really glad you found WISH and decided to take the challenge. WW is a wonderful program and our WW WISHers have had great success with it, I'll bet you do too.

Visit us often and don't be shy, okay? We're looking forward to getting to know you better.

<b>flexsmom</b> I'm so glad that you decided to take the WISH challenge. We have several WISHers following the WW online plan. If you have any questions about the program don't hesitate to ask.

You have set a reasonable goal and have an excellent plan in place, now that you have the WISH support group, too, I have no doubts that you will reach goal and make new friends along the way.

<i>It's great to see new members taking the WISH challenge. I'm glad all of you could join us.</i>

You may add the WISH member clipart to your signature if you want. What we do is begin with a <b>zero loss</b> no matter how much weight we may have lost before taking the challenge and then every time we lose 5 pounds we get to "trade up" to a new clipart. It's lots of fun and quite motivating.

There is an excellent post by our own Wovenwonder telling you how to add the member clipart to your signature right <b>HERE</b>.

Get ready to succeed, my new friends, because you are all WISHers now and that's what we do here...we <b>succeed</b>!

Onward and downward,

Thanks for the welcome! I have noticed feeling alot better since changing my diet. There so many things that your blood sugar can effect! I am definately less moody and my DH is greatful for that!;) I look forward to getting and giving help here on the boards.
Hi wonderful Dis Wishers! I am starting a new plan to become more healthy and to drop the 10 extra lbs that I have been carrying around for the last 2 years. I plan to walk for 1/2 hour each day and to watch what I eat much more carefully. Maybe even find some time to use that Ballys membership that I have. I am hopeful that my new lifestyle will help my family eat better also. Just knowing that I have somewhere to be accountable will help keep me on track. Thank-you!:D
<b>mommyflower</b> My husband used to have "sham rages", which is just a fancy way of saying that he lost his temper over absolutely nothing. Now that his blood sugar is normal, that doesn't happen anymore. Our house is a much happier place now <i>and</i> he just feels better :)

<b>Disneycrazymom</b> Good for you for taking control of your weight while you have 10 pounds to lose. I sure wish <i>I</i> had done that.

I'm going to list your plan as "eating sensibly", will that be alright? I'll bet you do great with this, the WISH support group will always be here if you need help.

You may add the WISH member clipart to your signature if you want. What we do is begin with a <b>zero loss</b> no matter how much weight we may have lost before taking the challenge and then every time we lose 5 pounds we get to "trade up" to a new clipart. It's lots of fun and quite motivating.

There is an excellent post by our own Wovenwonder telling you how to add the member clipart to your signature right <b>HERE</b>.

Visit often and participate as much as you can. It is so motivational to participate on WISH, I speak from experience :)

Thank-you NativeTXN. Listing me as eating sensibily is perfect. I will give the clip art a try but I am NOT good at adding those things. I had to ask for outside help to add my countdown timer!:)
Im new to these boards, but was thrilled to see your WISH program. I would love to join in, if you have room for me. (no pun intended) I actually cried putting on my clothes today and it's time to stop feeling sorry for myself and jump into action. I am starting tomorrow because I already had a pity party that involved food. I don't know where this horrible habbit came from. I was never like this. Here's my goal. I would like to lose 35lbs before my January 30th Disney trip. Any and all support you guys can give will be so appreciated. Thanks so much...this really is great!!:bounce:
I'm Baloo's honey. I'm on the Atkins diet about a week and I'm trying! My first post. Is there a low Carb BEER?
Joe:bounce: :wave:
Originally posted by Baloo
I'm Baloo's honey. I'm on the Atkins diet about a week and I'm trying! My first post. Is there a low Carb BEER?
Joe:bounce: :wave:

Yes, Michelob has a low carb beer and its great. It's specifically advertised as being a low-carb beer. I can't remember what the name is. I drink it when I actually get to drink (not often) and its great.
I can't believe it's taken me so long to find this! I definitely want to join!

I am 36 years old, with a DH of 40. We're both obese; he has Type II Diabetes, I have a chronic back injury. SO! When we finally found Atkins, we decided to give it a shot! We started about 12 weeks ago, and I've lost 5 inches (!) and 25 pounds! :D DH has lost about 20lbs.

I can't say enough about Atkins. I have more energy and less pain than I have for years. And not only am I losing pounds, but also inches. Before I could lose and lose, and never change sizes. Well, guess what, tomorrow I'm going to go buy a new pair of jeans. Wonder what size I'll need? :) :)

It is really great to find a forum to help me out. I hope I can help others, so any questions, shoot! I see us using this diet for the rest of our lives. I can't walk by a shopping cart now without analyzing the carb content!
I started WW 9-11-03. My DH was looking into Adkins & South Beach diet, but they aren't for me. I lost a lot of weight 7-8 years ago with WW. I did not reach my goal weight because I got pregnant with my DD who is almost 7. I am tired of the extra weight, big clothes, high cholesterol and now my Blood Pressure is being affected.
I need to loose 45 pounds and then have my doctor recheck the cholesterol and blood pressure.
My goal is to loose 20 lbs. by our March HHI trip and have the rest off by 9-11-04.
I have started to walk and DD and I are starting a yoga class Wednesday.
WISH me luck and will power!:Pinkbounc :bounce:
My DH and I have been doing WW for just over a year - DH lost 45 lbs and put most back on. I lost 35 - and for the last 6 months have been fighting the same 5 lbs - up & down.

I hope to get back on track!!
Just got round to posting on here....

I've completed one week on Atkins (induction) so far....and I lost 13 pounds!!

So far, so good!

Looking forward to some extra support - in the UK atkins is a really dirty word right now!
I've got more new friends :) I just love meeting new WISHers.

<b>Sara's Mom</b> Welcome to the DIS and a very special welcome to WISH. I'm very glad you joined us and I hope you can visit often.

I know how you are feeling--I have cried about getting dressed myself, in the past. I've done the very same thing. Will you be following a formal eating plan on your quest for better health or will you be eating sensibly? I'm really glad that you will be part of my support group. Our WISH support group is a wonderful group of people.

<b>Baloo's Honey</b> Don't you think you deserve your very own user name? LOL. I'm so glad to see you here, your wife is just a sweetheart so I know you must be pretty special, yourself.

I follow the Atkins plan, too and so do many other WISHers. You have a ready made support group specific to your program. You are going to do just great, I'm sure of it. There is, indeed, a low carb beer. Michelob Ultra Lite 2.6 grams/12 oz. On the other hand a diet coke and rum or diet and Jack Daniels = zero carbs. Choose your poison carefully ;)

I'm so glad you decided to join us, Jim!

<b>newtowdw1</b> Welcome to WISH! I'm so glad you decided to join us. Has your husband found that his blood sugars are normal now? My husband and I both follow Atkins. Dh is type II diabetic and since his first week on Atkins has had normal blood sugars. His lipids are normal now too!

We have lots of WISHers following the Atkins plan so if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. You will receive many speedy replies. I hope you will keep us posted on your husband's progress as well as your own. I think you are both going to be very successful. I'm thrilled to have you as part of our support group!

<b>rsschneck </b> I'm glad you have found the right plan. Finding the eating plan that is right for <i>you</i> is a very important part of being successful.

We have many WW WISHers and I know they will be happy to share their advice and expertise so if you have any questions, all you have to do is ask. They will be there to give you answers.

I think you have set a reasonable goal, have a great plan in place and now you have a support group to help you along that road to goal. You are going to do great!

<b>rasnlms</b> Welcome to WISH. If it's encouragement and motivation you need you have definitely come to the right place. WW is a wonderful plan and you will find lots of information and advice about it here. I hope you will share your WW expertise with us too.

You sound very determined. Sounds like you are on the road to goal. Welcome aboard.

<b>AlisonB</b> Welcome, my friend. It's great to see you here. "Atkins" is a dirty word in the US, too. It's getting better, though.

Sounds like you have already seen tremendous success with your eating plan. What a motivation! I'm so glad you are going to be part of my support group now.

<i>If you haven't done so already, you may add the WISH member clipart to your signature if you want. What we do is begin with a <b>zero loss</b> no matter how much weight we may have lost before taking the challenge and then every time we lose 5 pounds we get to "trade up" to a new clipart. It's lots of fun and quite motivating.

There is an excellent post by our own Wovenwonder telling you how to add the member clipart to your signature right <b>HERE</b>.</i>

I'm so happy to welcome more new WISHers to our support group. I hope you are all ready to <b>succeed</b>, all of your new WISH friends are here to help you do that!

Is there room for one more here? :) I've been thinking about joining this group "for awhile" and now seems like a very good time. Last week I was diagnosed type II diabetic. The doctor put me on an 1800 calorie diet, with 15-17 carbs, per day. So far I'm doing really well with it, I'm happy to say. I'm also on glucophage (500 mg once per day) and between the diet, medication and exercise my blood sugar is doing great!!

I don't ever want to have to give myself insulin injections so I really, really want to stick with the diet/exercise program and I am hoping to find support here, and give support to others who need it, as well.

I've lost 13 pounds since May but wasn't really "trying" so hopefully now that I am trying it will start coming off a bit faster. I'm planning on losing at least 50 pounds, 60-70 would be even better but I know I need to take it "one day at a time." The weight didn't come on overnight, and it's not going to come off that way either.
I've been lurking a while but have decided to join. I am doing WW and have lost 8 pounds so far but want to lose another 70!

My first goal is to lose weight for the Ossies do a WDW Xmas. 3 whole weeks at BCV. Mum's first proper vacation out of the UK and Dad's retirement gift!

Ok- I'm taking the plunge. I am new to this board, but was "lurking" last week reading recipes etc and getting inspired to join. I am a Weight Watchers Lifetime member, and I just rejoined the group a couple of weeks ago. I originally lost 50 lbs with WW, so I know it works and is a good balanced program - it is time to get back on track. I had a DS 18 months ago, and still am carrying around weight from pregnancy plus some from just before that, so time to shed some pounds and get back to good healthy eating.

I've already lost 5.8 lbs in the last few weeks, but for the purposes of this board - I will start at ground zero today. Can I count my 1.8 lb from today's weigh in? Otherwise 0 is fine. Here we go! :Pinkbounc

Goal is 21 lbs away!


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