Taking a 6 wk old to BC..

I also say go for it. We have traveled quite a bit with our children. They are 3 1/2 and 8 months right now. I find it much easier to travel with infants than toddlers.

I talked to our pediatrician about traveling with my first baby and he looked at me like I was crazy. He said that the baby would be ready to travel before I was. As soon as I felt like going on a trip, my daughter could go, so long as we weren't taking her to a developing country that would require vaccinations.

I didn't see where you live but the most stressful part of any trip for us has been the plane rides. We live in California and the shortest flight we have taken was to St Louis. Once we reach our destination we have a great time. We just change our expectations of what we can get done while there & always schedule naps. I'm sure you have realistic expectations since you already have two children.

Sure you will spend a lot of time feeding the baby and changing diapers but you would be doing that at home as well. I would rather be doing it at Disney than home anyway. I would just talk to your older kids & explain that you won't be seeing as much as they usually do. I bet they would love splashing in the pool or playing in the playground while you feed the baby.

My DH and I have wonderful memories of vacations with our children and I don't regret taking any of them.
Is make a mental picture of walking thru,say,MK(while hubby is at convention)....holding the 2 kids hands..pushing the stroller...imagine which rides you and baby could do....or will you wait while the older kids ride by themselves? Could these 2 stand in a long line by themselves,or if you are with them will you hold the baby in line and then watch them ride. Just visualize the whole experience of WDW but add the baby,stroller,bottles,etc PLUS taking care of the older ones ....maybe that will help.

(FYI....my hubby has gotten sort of sick from every trip to WDW because of the germs on all the railings and then touching his face-I would not take a baby for just this reason)
I agree with what mirlow had to say. Are you going in the summer heat?-- If so, I'd think you would be too hot and uncomfortable to carry a baby in a snugli carrier. If it's not summer, and you are blessed with a non-colicky baby, and you have help from your hubby, and your older kids won't need tons of attention, and you have lots of energy---- go for it! I can understand your not wanting to miss WDW. But, if I thought that I wouldn't have fun- I'd save my money for another time.
One thing is, there is a big difference between a six week old new born and a four month old infant. I would agree that there are benefits for infants at walt disney world, and that they can enjoy going. Moreover, I am strong proponant of families enjoying their time together and parents being closely involved with their infant - of course. But the issues of keeping up with an infant at a theme park aren't the only ones involved in this case. There are medical risks with a newborn that don't apply to slightly older infants. For a new born, it is entirely possible that at six weeks old their respiratory system isn't fully developed and their immune system isn't completely independent. Someone touching your new born isn't relevant for airborn illnesses you might be exposed to around thousands of people or traveling. I take some umbridge at the post that pediatricians wouldn't know what they are talking about. That is bad advice, in my opinion. It is fairly common practice to advise against exposing a newborn to extremely public situations until they are two months old. I think that you should turn to your pediatrician to make your call, not an internet group. That is just my opinion, but I do have a ph.d. in child development, and have worked for 12 years in early childhood. I am fairly confident that you could take your new born with no ill effects, but I'm not sure why you would want to risk it and I am not going to advise you either way not knowing you or your baby. Let a medical professional that has examined your baby give you advice.

I've been taking my two children every year since they were 2 1/2 and 6 months old. I'm with the lady from the kibbutz. You know what your children and you can do - you make the call.

BTW - When I was pregnant with #2 (and first child was 1 1/2), I was scouting aroud DisneyWorld to see what the youngest child was - to see how they handled it - and so I would know when I could return the following year. There were several families there with infants - they youngest was 5 weeks. She said, "No problem".

I have to agree - they were actually easier to take on vacation when they were that age than they are now. They complained less about heat and fatigue, didn't care what attractions we went on (baby hand-off in the ride queue), slept immediately at any dark attraction (HofP, Am Adventure, any movie, etc).

If you are calm and take everything in stride, so will the rest of your family.
Gosh I feel really bad about the answers everyone is giving you. I think I would not be able to take a baby to WDW. I am very high strung and had a difficult time going to the grocery store with 2 children 18 months apart but I am older now and I think I could do it, the grocery store I mean. If you are the type of person who is easy going then I would say go. There are germs every where and if you are nursing you baby I think that they are supposed to get your immunities so I wouldn't worry about that. If you have the energy then I would go. Years ago you never took your baby out anywhere before it was baptized. Things change and I really think it is up to the individual. I have seen people in the parks with 6 week old children and they are sleeping peacefully in those kagaroo pouches everyone has now. Way back in the 80's everyone thought I was nutty to take my 2 YO to Disney now everyone thinks thats normal. Good Luck and hope you have a nicetrip if you go. Make sure you keep taking those prenatal vitamins.
I am NOT a mother YET <trying to change that through adoption>. However, I have watched kids for 10 years and get this, I had two boys, three months apart who were 2 months and 5 months, plus a 2 year old, AND a 7 year old. We spent the entire day walking at an event here , and the boys slept most of the time except for feedings and changings.

I say go to WDW. It will be a struggle sometimes, and youll probably wonder why youre doing it, but it will be so worth it. Especially if you use a Baby Bjorn carrier which I think is easier on the shoulders, and take plenty of breaks at the comfort stations. My big think with the kids is I am always pushing drinks down them which means more bathroom breaks, but less headaches. Also you probably wont be able to go on as many rides, but thats what is so great about WDW, not everything is a ride!

Good luck!

P.S. I too saw a lot of newborns at WDW on our honeymoon and one of them was just 9 days old!
This is a tough one, because so much depends on the personality of the baby. My youngest daughter was a quiet and calm baby, the kind you could take anywhere. However, my oldest was very sensitive to stimulation. I could not take her out in public or she would cry - noise, people, anything would set her off. She needed a calm, quiet environment as an infant or she was miserable. Every baby is an individual, and their personalities cannot be predicted in advance (unfortunately, LOL!). I'm with those who would encourage you to wait. Six weeks is awfully young and you can't be sure how the baby will react. Just my opinion.
I'm sorry you have been getting so many negative responses. It is not up to other people on what is right for your family. You asked for resources and received a lot of grief.

For tips on traveling to WDW with very young children, read some of Brian Bennett's information on www.Mouseplanet.com. He went to WDW when his first adopted son was only 2.5 *weeks* old. They had a fabulous trip. Also, on Deb Will's site, (www.wdwig.com) there is a section all about traveling to WDW with young childrena nd infants. This information should be useful to you.

I'm currently pregnant with my first, and our first trip for baby is planned for when she will be about 5 months old. I would have no qualms about bringing her earlier, but that's how things worked out. many people say that it is easier to travel with infants than with older children (though you will be dealing with both). As an experienced mom, I'm sure that you know what to expect, and you will have a fabulous trip.


I've been hanging around this board for 2 years and I've noticed that when a person asks others if they should go to WDW in spite of _____ (fill in the blank,) they really are just looking for a stamp of approval for the decision they have already made - to go to WDW. (period)

My bet is that if every single person who answered the question had stated that they thought the person with the infant should NOT go - that person would go anyway. Want to bet?
GO. If you are bottle feeding I wouldnt go just based on the pain in the neck on getting bottles together in the park.

All this talk about "exposing the baby..." is a bunch of baloney. Kids are tough at that age, alot tougher than alot of people on this thread give them credit for being. About all your kids need at that age is YOU.

If you want to protect your kids against all the world will do to them... use a condom, that way they will never get hurt!

Like Carl sez, you are going to go anyway... SO HAVE FUN and do not feel "guilty"...sheesh
This thread really concerns me. An infant does not have the ability to regulate his/her internal temperature until he/she is about one year old. Please be careful that your baby does not become overheated or dehyrated. Also, infant's skin is extremely susceptible to sunburn during the first six months. Watch out for direct and indirect sunlight. I am not sure, but I do not think that you can use sunblock on an infant until they are at least 6 months old. Finally, baby equipment that is out in the sun can get really, really hot.

IMHO, and in the interest of the child, I think I would plan a trip once the baby is little older. Good luck with your decision, and with the trip if you choose to go.
Originally posted by Mario
An infant does not have the ability to regulate his/her internal temperature until he/she is about one year old. Please be careful that your baby does not become overheated or dehyrated. Also, infant's skin is extremely susceptible to sunburn during the first six months. Watch out for direct and indirect sunlight. I am not sure, but I do not think that you can use sunblock on an infant until they are at least 6 months old.

First of all, the OP did not say what time of year she is going on this trip. If it is during the winter, then the heat and sun are not really an issue, even in Florida. Secondly, it is always a parent's responsibility to make sure that their child is dressed/covered appropriately for the temperature and exposure of the sun regardless of whether the family is vacationing or taking a stroll around the block. As the OP has two other children, I'm sure that she is well aware of how to care for young children to ensure that they are safe from the elements.

People have babies in the summer all of the time, and yes, even people who live in Florida have babies (and sometimes in the summer)!

As far as the sunscreen issue goes, I'm pretty sure that Coppertone makes a product called "Waterbabies" that is SPF 45 and appropriate for babies (though I would have to check the packaging, and don't hapeen to have a bottle in front of me).
I would say go for it! I have 3 children aged from 1 - 4 and although I haven't taken any that young - ours have always been from 15m onwards I do know friends who have taken their very young babies over to Spain and have been fine. I would make sure that your baby is not exposed to the sun. I'm not sure about sunblock not being used before 6 months that may be sunblock with insect repellant. Newborns sleep most of the time so you should be able to just keep him/her in a sling without any disruption to the baby. As you'll know yourself it will be tiring, but as you say you've older children who will probably want to go on holiday also. If you have your GP's permission then I'd go.

Thanks KathyK! I did not realize that people in Florida had babies, too! I am glad we cleared that up! LOL! :) Your views on this topic may change once you give birth to your little one. Congratulations and best wishes on your pregnancy.

The source for the information that I posted is from The American Academy of Pediatrics (KathyK, they have a great book entitled "Caring for Your Baby and Young Child"). Sunblock (of any type) is not recommended for children under 6 months of age, regardless of what the Coppertone bottle says. :rolleyes: That even includes children born in Florida!

We have been to WDW in all seasons and have gotten sunburned in January! The best way to stay "safe" is not to be exposed to the sun. The OP is going in October, and the average highs can be in the mid 80s.
Ignoring the baby for a moment, will your OB/Gyn let you travel 6 weeks after delivery? I remember that was when I had my postpartum check, and there was no way that I way up to it!
I just have to jump in here with my opinion. There seems to be a lot of conflicting information regarding whether to take a 6 week old out in public for health reasons.

If it were my decision I wouldn't dream of taking my 6 week old baby out around that many people--no matter what my physician or science or anyone told me. There's always an exception and I wouldn't want to take a chance that my baby would be the one.
I just couldn't risk it.

No. I'm not a clean freak. I'm not one of those who are afraid of a few germs. I have no medical knowledge to back me up. I just have concerns about a baby that young being exposed to who knows what.

I suppose I worry because my nephew passed away at six weeks. No one could explain why. Please don't misunderstand, I'm not suggesting that anything would happen. I only bring it up to explain why I think the way I do.

I know some of you are thinking "there's no proof." You're absolutely correct--there isn't. You have no way of knowing if it will happen, and medicine has no way of knowing why it happens. They can only give guesses. To my mind guesses aren't enough.

Why take an unnecessary chance? Wait a few months. Disney will still be there, and you and your baby will be better able to enjoy it along with the rest of the family.
Hi Scrapper!

First of all let me say this - GO, GO, GO!!! and ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY!!!

I am so sorry for all the negative posts you have gotten on this!! I really think the majority of the negative posts come from older people. Or maybe people are jealous that you are going and not them? That will make people say very hateful things. Having babies was a LOT different years ago - I can tell from the stories that my mom and grandma tell me! My mom was "knocked out" for the delivery of me and had to stay in the hospital for a minimum of 7 days after she had me - and this was normal at the time! Then as my grandma tells me about her delivery of my mom, she was told by her doctor that she was not to leave the house until the baby was a month old and then the only reason that she was allowed to leave was to take the baby to see the doctor, then it was directly home again!

In August of 2000 we took our 3 month old daughter and 8 year old daughter and had a great time! I don't know what time of year you are planning on, but hopefully it's not August! It was HOT! But we did survive! You will have an even EASIER time than I did as you have a smaller baby! Even at 12 weeks all our baby wanted to do was SLEEP!!! Every picture we have of her, whether it's at a park, with a character, at the pool, WHATEVER - SHE IS SLEEPING!!! It was GREAT! I breastfed her, so it was SOOOO EASY!! You can do that anywhere - in the parks, on any ride you can take a baby, in any show, at the pool, in the restaurant, etc.

I did skip over a lot of the posts cause I couldn' take all the negativity anymore, but I did see a few that were positive! Hopefully there are more than I realize! After all you are talking about a baby that will be 6 WEEKS old, not 6 DAYS old!!! Get real people! When my baby was 7 days old we were at the local semi-pro baseball game. My doctor surprised me and came up behind me and told me that he was so glad to see that people are not afraid to take the baby out with them. He could see that I had her dressed for the weather and that she was, what else -- SLEEPING comfortably! Whenever we had her out that early we always joked that we were building her immune system - same as when that pacifier drops on the ground for the hundredth time! For that first kid you scrub it each time, for the second, third, etc. - they are lucky if you pick the lint off before you give it back!

As far as the ridiculous sunblock comments go - my doctor explained to me (as my friend's doctor's have all explained to them) when my daughter was a few weeks old that sunblock shouldn't be a problem as long as it states that it is PABA FREE. He said to test it on a small part of her to make sure that there is no bad reaction before leaving on vacation. We put it on her if she was going to be in the pool, but otherwise we just kept light clothes on her and she was mostly in the stroller with the stroller shade and an attachable umbrella over that. We brought a wet washcloth with us to cool her down with if needed.

We are going again next May and she will be two! I would much rather be repeating the trip with the infant than the plane trip with the toddler!!

I really hope you do decide to go and I know you will have a great time. I am jealous of you, but only in a GOOD way!


P.S. Does you username mean that you are a scrapbooker?
TracyOO, I have read through all of the posts and I did not find a single one that was "hateful"! Nor do I think that the people who had concerns about taking a 6-week-old on such a trip were old and senile. Please remember that the original poster ASKED for opinions. Yours is welcome, but please do not attack and insult others. Thank you.


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