TCD is just back from the Fort with Big news to report!

The "spillage" in the road of the 1900 loop happened while we were staying there. It was diesel fuel that had leaked out of a MH. Not sure what the problem was....a ruptured tank or just something come loose. It was very smelly for several days.....we were glad to be farther back in the loop.

Thanks for solving this little mystery. What a bad place to spill diesel fuel. I'm glad I wasn't on this loop, and I am glad to see that you were able to move on up to the 300 loop.

Anyone still reading along?

Oh, yeah baby! Reading every word! LOL

So, what is this all about? An RV and a pop-up on one site? And, that isn't a real North Carolina flag, is it? Shan-man?

As best I can tell, that is a flag used during combat in the 'war of Northern aggression' (i.e. the civil war).

That isn't a real North Carolina license plate, is it? Shan-man?

What is it with the North Carolina campers and the Stars and Bars?

Yes, that is definitely a genuine NC license plate!

Loving the report, looking forward to more!

BTW - We had a similar sand trail poured after our tranny hemorrhaged all over a campground road!
The "spillage" in the road of the 1900 loop happened while we were staying there. It was diesel fuel that had leaked out of a MH. Not sure what the problem was....a ruptured tank or just something come loose. It was very smelly for several days.....we were glad to be farther back in the loop.

eeew yes it was very smelly! We were kinda close to it and had to deal with the smell, yuck
eeew yes it was very smelly! We were kinda close to it and had to deal with the smell, yuck

I use diesel fuel as a cologne.......

The St Andrews cross section of that NC flag is the "battle flag" of the Confederacy. The common version that you see is rectangular and is actually the Naval jack whereas the battle flag is square. The first flag of the Confederacy was the "Bonnie blue" a simple blue rectangle with a white star in the center. Those folks were at FW last Christmas, IIRC in the 200 or 300 loop
... So, it was off to the Earl of Sandwich. Fine with me. I like it there. It was busy here, too, but the service was quick and efficient, and we enjoyed a good meal. TCD
Downtown Disney is the 1st time we ever ate there and now we eat there every time we go to DD. When we got back to Texas we learned there's one about 45 miles away, but we've never gone there-I guess because we know the Tx EofS wouldn't be as good as Disney's EoS because it's not Disney!!! You know what I mean (same thing with those Ice Cream Sandwiches & Hot Dogs--- they're sold everywhere but they're always better at Disney!) :)

Great report & pics- love it :)
Yea, where's more pics, you ask if any of us are still following, we need more pics!!!!

We will only let you off the hook if you're at the Fort right now taking pictures of the ;)
Sorry for the slight delay today. My computer is acting up.

On with the report.

My last update left off with us visiting Downtown Disney, briefly touring the Fort at night, and turning in.

On Friday morning, January 2, I was up early again, and now had the TCD spy mobile available to get me around the Fort quickly.

So, I headed out.

I was heading up to the maintenance area to see if I might get a glimpse of the old River Country water tower. I took the road that goes by the cabin pool. I saw something was going on there, and stopped to see what was up.

There was a castmember cleaning the pool area, and a brave camper taking a dip:



I would say that it was in the mid 50's that morning. As you can see, the pool was nicely heated.

Some shots of the building that houses the restrooms and laundry facilities:




Someone was asking questions here on the boards about the laundry facilities for the cabins. This is it. This is the only laundry facility located in the cabin loops. The only other place that is close would be if you had a cabin in the 2100 loop. That loop is very close to the 1000 loop, and there is a sidewalk that takes you to that camping loop's comfort station.

The laundry facilities at the cabin pool are about twice the size as the facilities at the regular loop comfort stations. Here are some shots of the inside of the cabin laundry room:



And, check this out. If you want to bring a picnic lunch and make an afternoon out of it, feel free:


I don't know what those picnic tables were doing in there. I have been in here before, and I don't recall those.

I love this sign.

In case you need to know in great detail what an average load of laundry consists of, here you go:


I would say that makes things pretty clear. But, what happens if you put in three pairs of jeans, and two sets of undergarments? How much money do you need then?

I never noticed that there is automobile parking here at the laundry. It is right inside the 2500 loop:




So, if you are on one of the cabin loops further away, then you can drive there, and park here.

The sky was beautiful on this morning:



And, here comes a purple bus to get folks where they want to go:


There is also a basketball hoop here in this area, for anyone interested:


From here, I did head toward the maintenance area, but too many people were coming in and out of there.

So, I headed back to the loops, and looped around the 1700 loop. I noticed this camper's New Year's Eve decorations:


This same camper was here at Thanksgiving. With almost the same decorations. Look:


So, I headed down to the Settlement.

That is when I ran into the surveyors by the 600 loop. I have already posted the photos that I took of them.

I then looped into the 600 loop, and crossed over to the 700 loop. This is one of my favorite places to loop.

On the 600 loop, I saw this home-made RV. Looks rather nice:


On the 700 loop, I cruised by the sites that had been so nicely decorated for Christmas. The last site on the left had most of its decorations taken down.
But, this Mickey Mouse remained:


I wonder what this is all about?

Do you see the chain?

And the lock?

Maybe this statue is valuable.

Maybe Mickey saw the surveyors by the 600 loop with the orange ribbon, and has decided to start a campaign to save the trees?

I don't know.

Yea, I would imagine someone wouldn't want something like that Mickey getting stolen, looks like it's not cheap.

And that is hilarious about the campsite that between Thanksgiving and Xmas basically stayed the same minus a couple
Time to share my favorite moment from this trip.

I swear that the Fort is a magical place. You never know what is around the next corner, or what magical moment will happen next. I have been to the Fort dozens of times, and on every trip something unexpected and wonderful happens.

And, this trip was no exception.

On Friday morning, after looping around the 600 and 700 loops, I decided to pay a visit to the horse barn. We used to stop in there on every visit. The DD's used to be more into horses than they are now, so it has been a while since we have paid the ranch a visit.

It has been a long time since I have seen any activity in the Blacksmith shop, but something is going on in there on this morning.

So, we need to take a look, right?

In case we have any newbies reading along this deep into the report, the Blacksmith shop is located in the Settlement area of the Fort. A very short walk from the Settlement bus stop.

Here is what the Blacksmith shop looks like as you approach:


This is a working shop, with all kinds of interesting equipment and supplies (which are usually packed away) :


You have heard of Hidden Mickeys, right? Well here is a hidden TCD:


Here at the shop, I find a castmember working on a horse:


His name is Floyd.

That's the horse.

I am sorry but I didn't get the castmember's name.

Floyd pulls carriages around the Fort. He used to work at the Magic Kingdom. He is getting new shoes this morning:


Hey, what is this. Another guy with leather chaps? Exactly what is going on around the Fort these days?


And look closely, you can see another hidden TCD!

On his hat, too:



While I am visiting, I notice that some other castmembers are sprucing the place up:


It is good to see so much work going on around the Fort lately. The whole place is really looking good!

I see some evidence of New Year's Eve revelry:


That's a big horseshoe, isn't it? I wonder if it came off one of the Magic Kingdom's horses? Wouldn't it be nice to have one of those to hang at your campsite?

If you stay at the Fort for any length of time, you will see these trucks and trailers traveling through from time to time:


This is what they use to take the horses back and forth to the Magic Kingdom.

Some more shots from around the Blacksmith shop:


I don't remember the big Mickey head on this gate, but here it is:


That is the horse barn there in the background. I have some photos taken inside there, which you will see in my next post.

Here is something interesting (well, it is interesting to me anyway). This Vineland Station sign is a prop from the Haunted Carriage Rides from Halloween time at the Fort. Someone forgot to take it down:


So, what was so special about this moment?

I am getting to that part.

While chatting with the castmember, I asked what happens with all of the old horseshoes. He says they are sent out for recycling. I asked him if it would be a problem if he gave a used horseshoe away. He said he didn't see a problem with it. But, Floyd's old shoes were a bit thin in places, and had some sharp edges. That wouldn't make a real safe souvenir. The castmember then rooted through a pile of old horseshoes that was lying there, and came up with a real nice horseshoe. Which he presented to me. And, here it is:


I tied a piece of twine onto it, so I could hang it at the campsite. I will work on a better way to display it next time. A pretty neat souvenir. A shoe from a horse that worked in the Magic Kingdom.

And, my favorite moment from this trip. :)

wow TCD, nice little keepsake you got there!

It's been a few years since we've seen activity at the Blacksmith as well, I think the last time was maybe 4-5 years ago. Nice to see that they're sprucing the place up as well!


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