Team 6 - Team Ohana - Check in and introduce!

Just drivin' by, will have a real post tomorrow. Hey, shouldn't somebody reign Jeanne in? She's a wild woman! I'm going to blame it on Connie & Panda -- it couldn't be our sweet Nancy!

JenB -- I have way too much 80s on the ipod, but I love it! How can you go wrong with Bon Jovi and Duran Duran?

Ok, it's off to slumber land for me, as soon as I get the Worf off my lap. It is not easy to type with a cat between me and the keyboard...

Hello cousins :wave:

I missed a few days of posting and I couldn't believe how much I had to catch up on. 'Ohana rocks! :thumbsup2 Which brings me to my next topic:

I get it from Nancy....she's such a bad influence! :lmao: This is us after the famous V&A wine pairing dinner!

I want to vacation with Jeanne & Nancy! :lmao:

Nancy - Congrats on losing 5 lbs and your clothes fitting better. That's great! :thumbsup2 What did you think of Plum Spooky?

Jeanne - Great pics of swimming with the dolphins! :thumbsup2 I love your team open house/mingling/visiting idea (I'm so good with words :upsidedow ). Did you decide if you're going Goofy?

Corinna - I love the 'Ohana song that you posted. It's definitely not obscure in my house. I play it all the time for DS2 and he makes everyone come into the kitchen and dance. We have a big window in the kitchen too, so I'm sure the neighbors think we're crazy if they happen to see us all dancing around. :rotfl: Although I hate to weigh myself, I really do like the idea of tracking weight loss. I'd definitely be on board for that.

Maria -Are you enjoying the day off? I am, but I'm not loking forward to the shoveling I'll have to do later. :sad2: I'm glad to hear that your chin is better. :cheer2:

Mel - If you found my brain in your luggage, just throw it out. I don't think it has done me any good for years (at least since I had kids :rotfl2: ). I love the idea of an 'Ohana/Wish get together. As for Lost, you're not alone - I've never seen it either.

Grizzbuzz - Good luck on your first 1/2! :cheer2: Can't wait to hear all about it! As for something special to mark your 40th, how about doing the full in Disney?

Debra - I love the idea of a "cheat sheet" on the new thread, especially now that my brain is somewhere in Florida. :rotfl: How's your XT going? Did you make jambalaya for DOOD? How was it?

Jen B - Any decisions on the Princess 1/2 yet? It sounds like fun.

Denny - The more "cousins" we have here, the better, so please put that card back in your wallet! :goodvibes

Jen, Richard, & Christa - :wave:

As for me, I'm working on weight loss too. I haven't been running much due to snow and ice, but I'm hoping to get back into it soon. Also, I think I have convinced DH that we need to do the full again in 2010! :cool1: Of course, it's not definite because we have to take a better look at our budget and also see if my parents would be willing to watch the kids, but it looks promising. I'll keep you posted.

Have a great week, everyone! :goodvibes
I'll come back a bit later to catch up, but wanted to post this news flash!

Robert and Linda are in for Ohana 2009! :cheer2: :cool1: :thumbsup2
Hi folks - just visiting from my team. Had to come by to say hi to Jeanne, as she said hi to me on our thread. Jeanne, I also enjoyed the 10 miles we did together, that was the fun part of the marathon. I did not enjoy miles 15-26, and consequently, decided to sign up for the half next year. I may someday get to the Goofy, but December is such a hard time of year to train in, and I will need to get in much better shape if I am to have fun at the longer races! And I am one of those who likes to race for run, not to make myself hurt or prove a point.

So Hi to all you folks over here, and have a great day!
:grouphug: Well, since Robert and Linda are back :cool1: , my only question is:

When do we start logging for this year??? Is it Feb 1?
Connie, Dave, and Lynn: Soooo good to see you here! :cheer2:

Maria: Yay for no scarring! Oooh, you have TIVO! It will totally change your life. (Unfortunately, my DVR makes me watch more TV, but I feel much more efficient about the whole thing.)

Thanks for the suggestion about G.A. McKevett; I'm on Lean Mean Thirteen and will soon be up-to-date with Stephanie; it'll be fun to read another light series. I'm going to go with Diana Gabaldon for a bit, though. P.S. I can now answer the question whether I'm a Morelli or Ranger girl. Duh. It's so obvious. And I aspire to be Lula. That woman is comfortable with herself!

Cats and keyboards...don't even get me started.

Richard/Maria/others: Have you all read Ender in Exile yet? DOOD bought it for me. What did you think of it?

Jeanne: I always love the pictures of you and Nancy. You're always so, um, happy! (And I believe that you'd be that way even without the alcohol--after all, it IS a depressant.) Maybe Race for the Taste should be an 'Ohana event. Food and drink pairings for post-race recovery sounds perfect. Right, Robert? ;)

JenB: I say go with what running style makes you faster! I'm sure you're courteous of those of us who are behind you. (But that would include keeping that 80s running mix to minimum volume. :rotfl2: ) Have you heard from your friend/emergency babysitter yet?

Julie: Great news about marathon weekend! PD for the $ and childcare issues. I empathize with the former and sympathize with the latter--does pet sitting issues count? Yep, made the jambalaya. I guess it was okay? :confused3 Not like I taste-tested it or anything. DOOD said it was good, but he eats my cooking regularly and might have lost some taste buds along the way.

Corrina: I think the date for beginning is February 1st.

As for me: Yep, I'm definitely ill. Bleh. At least the weather here is bleh as well. Icy rain turning to snow. Cancellations everywhere. We lost lost power here in the neighborhood--not my street, luckily--this afternoon. It's a good day to stay in and stay warm.

Team Business
I'm starting the new thread tonight, even though I'm not sure all the nuts and bolts of the challenge have been hashed out yet. I'll include some brief, get-to-know-you questions for everyone to answer. I think it will be good for everyone, especially new team members who may join us. I apologize in advance if it feels like homework. (You can take me out of the institution, but... :lmao: )

Right now, the suggestion is that we keep our own tallies and post the team totals monthly. It sounds good to me. But some teams are keeping their own individual spreadsheets anyway. Is that something we want to do, because we can work that out. Also, I think it's a good idea for those of us who want to drop weight to list that as our public goals and to keep a tally of that, too. Biggest Loser style, maybe?
Hey Team!

I'm home today with ds -- no school = Mommy today. We try to trade off, but frankly I don't like to go out when we have copious snow, so I'm happy to be the stay at home parent.

I thought that was going to mean a great workout for me. Instead it meant none. DS is working on multiple projects for school, and he needed parental guidance all day long.

Lynn -- Every time I remembe where you are, I feel silly about complaining about Boston weather. You know the true meaning of cold! :cold:

Debra -- The Diana Gabaldon books are well worth reading, you will love them. I found her after she'd written A Breath of Snow and Ashes, which was great because I could read them all without waiting for the next one. They are addictive ::yes:: I read Ender in Exile just after the Half. I really enjoyed it, but I am an OSC fan. I liked the different perspective, and the look into those lost years. I'll wait until you read it to tell you what I found most surprising. I have read all the others, too, so I'm coming at it from that perspective.

Robert & Linda -- So glad you are joining us! I didn't see you at the Pop Meet this year, but I know you were busy running your own event. You bring so much to us and Disneyrunning, we are psyched to have celebrities among us! :wave2:

Corinna -- I won't be making any lists this week. It's been a workout dud. Are you planning on doing percentages or just straight lbs? If you do percentages, then we have to give you our weights -- you'll have information I won't give my dh! ;)

Jeanne and Nancy -- You guys are definitely the fun bunch! Hey, are we planning your big fat Greek wedding yet? Inquiring minds again...:flower3:

Julie -- It would be so awesome if you could join us for 2010! I never thought I'd get Dennis to agree to do it again, and now he considers it a given! :lmao:

Connie -- Yep, "my bad" has indeed come out of my mouth! As long as you don't start saying the things in big letters at Pop, I think you're ok! :thumbsup2

A big shout out to all the other cousins! I guess I'll see you on the new thread! Don't forget to give us a link, Debra. I am lazy and oblivious :crazy2:

Happy LOST to those watching!
Maria :upsidedow
And I aspire to be Lula. That woman is comfortable with herself!

Debra, does that mean you'll be doing the Goofy next year wearing a skin-tight lime green spandex skirt, a leopard print top, stilettos, and carrying a forty caliber nickel plated Glock? :rotfl2:
Hey guys! Just skimmed briefly...but it looks as though we will be posting miles 1ce a month. Am I right? We don't start til Feb 1st....ahhhMan:sad: . So my 125 (so far) miles of running this month will not count;) .

Sorry so short and aam....(All About Me). I am swamped at work...yes still here. Just taking a quick break then back to paper work!:crazy2:
Debra, does that mean you'll be doing the Goofy next year wearing a skin-tight lime green spandex skirt, a leopard print top, stilettos, and carrying a forty caliber nickel plated Glock? :rotfl2:

I'm supposed to be writing a lecture I have to give on Friday, but.....OMG!!!! Official Ohana running wear???? :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Glad to see all the cousins returning for another round. We'll definitely have to put an Ohana meet on the calendar for next marathon weekend! we assume Ranger? I seem to be the only one in the world who's a Morelli girl.
Maria: How disappointing about the delayed gratification of the WO. Tomorrow perhaps. I can't believe how much homework kids get these days. I'm sure I'd be much smarter if that had been my experience. I've read all the OSC/Ender novels, too, so I guess I'll be inclined to like this one; DOOD must have thought so, too, since he sprang for a hardcover.

Julie: I'll wear that outfit--sans stilettos and with a fake Glock--if you will! :thumbsup2 (Not sure I could do the too-tight sizing though--and no thongs on the course for me.) It would definitely make for a memorable team photo!

Christa: Hey, you keep track of your miles, so how you allocate them and in what month.... :rotfl2: JK! How are you feeling for your upcoming race, btw? Taking it relatively easy, I hope. :lmao: Seriously, take care.

Mel: Good to see you here! Isn't this much more fun than lecture notes! I'm all for Let's see: Morelli cooks comfort foods and is happiliy domestic. Ranger eats healthily and living with him would be like enjoying a resort hotel with stellar room service. Hmmmm... Tell you who I wouldn't shack up with? Stephanie.

We're definitely doing a meet, don't you think, and I'm counting on your creative (and sometimes evil yet fun-loving) mind to come up with details!

NEW TEAM THREAD: I've posted a new thread with several posts for housekeeping and such.
  1. We've got the roster, challenge rules, and monthly totals on the first post.
  2. The second is an "introduce yourself" set of questions. If you answer them, I'll summarize the posts and place the answers there. Don't feel obligated to answer any or all of the prompts, though. I just thought it might be fun to create a cheat sheet of the Ohana cousins for us, our new cousins, and people visiting the thread.
  3. The third post is a calendar of events. I'll do my best to keep it updated all year round so we know what's going on with our cousins. Big shout-out here: I hope everyone gets to do a charity event again this year and will especially consider Race for the Cure. :flower3:

Tracking starts February 1st, but don't hesitate to get the new thread started!

P.S. We've already got a new 'Ohana member: Fluffernutter: Marcy! :cheer2:
I'm supposed to be writing a lecture I have to give on Friday, but.....OMG!!!! Official Ohana running wear???? :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Julie: I'll wear that outfit--sans stilettos and with a fake Glock--if you will! :thumbsup2 (Not sure I could do the too-tight sizing though--and no thongs on the course for me.) It would definitely make for a memorable team photo!

Sounds like we have an official 'Ohana uniform for next year. Who's in? :lmao:
Make that a lime green shirt (isn't that what we're wearing anyhow?) and a leopard print skirt and I am in. :thumbsup2
Make that a lime green shirt (isn't that what we're wearing anyhow?) and a leopard print skirt and I am in. :thumbsup2

Cant wait to see Robert, Richard and Denny in that outfit :thumbsup2

Do you think we need feather boas...Dennis Rodman always looked quite fetching in his ;)
Cant wait to see Robert, Richard and Denny in that outfit :thumbsup2

Do you think we need feather boas...Dennis Rodman always looked quite fetching in his ;)

I don't think so :sad2:

Debra: RFTT is the place to be this year! We have to have a few beverages and snacks at F&W!


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