Team Goddess - Volume 11. Rocking 2012 Goddess Style!



I love this picture Ronda. I don't know - it somehow captures the grit and success at the same time.

I was truly surprised to see your height because in your pictures you read taller.

Thanks guys! I actually had been lurking on the DVC boards and park tip boards for years (usually right around my trips), but didn't find the WISH section until googling one of the awesome t-shirts I saw at the marathon this past weekend. Scrolling down on the main page is SO HARD. :rotfl:

PrincessRhi - aka Rhianna. Or one of the many nicknames I've picked up playing sports

Age: 31- will be 32 in just under 2 weeks
Height: 5'8'
Weight: Oh man. 240. Sigh.
Personal Stats: Just moved to WPB from Boston to live with my boyfriend-- would love a WDW wedding since we both love it there. We have three awesome dogs.
Live in: West Palm Beach, FL
Favorite Park: The science nerd in me LOVES Epcot.
But I Love: really big and fast rollercoasters
Passions: bar trivia, karaoke, rugby (retired from playing), hockey (also retired), coaching, rescuing senior animals, volunteering, neuroscience, canoeing, and drinking wine.
Important to know: I'm a nerd. I have a lot of knowledge to put plans together, but sometimes lack the action/motivation to follow through. I love being outside. I didn't become a 'runner' until I was 24, but I've run an ultramarathon relay (by far my FAVORITE event EVER), a few marathons, and even more half marathons, 10ks, 5ks, and other random distances-- plus DNFed a few times. I love the camaraderie of running, even though I'm a turtle.
Weight loss plan and goals: Man, has weight loss been a rollercoaster for me. I find that I eat balanced meals within my calorie range, but due to years of high stress jobs and family situations, I became inactive and the weight just snuck back on. Over the past six years, I've put back on 55 pounds that I worked hard to lose and keep off post-college. I didn't notice 10lb/year gains until I realized I was 10lbs lighter than I had been at my heaviest point. :scared1: So my plan last year was to start running distance again. Long story short, my overall goal is to lose 5lbs/month (if I have bigger losses, great-- if not, oh well) and find my 9 minute mile that I loved so much. Maybe if I tempt it with cake it will come back. And I need the motivation/encouragement to actually stick to a training plan.

I just DNFed the Marathon Relay-- I got food poisoning on Thursday night, was RIDICULOUSLY sick through the weekend, HAD to show up on the line Sunday morning and give it a shot. Had I not had a phone/portapotty thing, I likely could have finished, but I'm glad I threw in the towel because it got bad. But rather than feeling like giving up, I signed myself up for the Princess half. I guess I'm off to a good start :)

Hi Rhianna. :wave2: Welcome to you. We are always excited to have more people.

Liz - I got so excited for you when I read Rhianna's wedding plans. :rotfl2: And then I saw your post. Priceless.
Kat and Ronda - I will give it a try. Thanks for educating me. I guess I thought the skipping to the next step over and over was strictly my computer. It's making life on here very difficult. Multi-quoting is taking twice as long because I have to go back and forth and back and forth....
I haVe things to say about Paula and snow. In mo particular order. :rotfl2:

Snow. It's raining right now. I haven't even seen a snowflake this year (not sure what happened when I was in Virginia - I had above temps there!! :woohoo:. Like I've told you all downtown gets little. :sad2: Our main highway is like a snow line. And even around Toronto has hardly been hit. But tomorrow. Major snow a comin'. :yay: MAJOR SNOW A COMIN'. I'll love it until it looks dirty. I hate dirty snow.

And I have Raptors tickets (NBA) tomorrow. :dance3: $12.50 tickets as per usual. But have them. Will still try to walk but I've gone from 15 minute walk to 50 minutes.

PAULA!! Paula, you need to get your a$$ back here. Here's my very selfish reasons. I realized today that YOU are the reason why *I think* I have finally separated self worth and the scale (and Liz) . To not have it mean something more than it is - what a gift to give to another Paula! GET BACK HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lisa - so cool that you're back downtown and can walk to stuff. I can get to most everything a girl needs on my bike. I *could* walk, but I love to bike. Yea townies!

So I have been tracking since Jan 3rd! YAY me! I also exercised 4 days this week so far. And I bought Zumba shoes for my class. It's starting to get dark in here again!

Awesome! :cool1:

Kelly - you running?

We are going to St Louis this weekend. DGF's mom has moved to rehab/skilled nursing and seems to be on the mend. We've been caring for her dog, Gus. She's anxious to see him. He's a great motivator for her. I've got a mild cold right now - always when I fly - so I don't know how much I'll see her. It's my brother's bday tomorrow. I'll get to see him and the kids. Good motivator for me!


Great to hear that Sues mum is doing well!

Running - I haven't done as much as I would have liked the past month or so. We've been really hectic since my Grandad got his Ahlzeimers (sp?) diagnosis, getting everything settled, but he seems really well lately so its time to get the shoes back on! Honestly, I can't wait to get back to it regularly!

PrincessRhi - aka Rhianna. Or one of the many nicknames I've picked up playing sports

Welcome Rhianna :yay:

Snow. It's raining right now. I haven't even seen a snowflake this year (not sure what happened when I was in Virginia - I had above temps there!! :woohoo:. Like I've told you all downtown gets little. :sad2: Our main highway is like a snow line. And even around Toronto has hardly been hit. But tomorrow. Major snow a comin'. :yay: MAJOR SNOW A COMIN'. I'll love it until it looks dirty. I hate dirty snow.

We had huge snow predicted for December, like we had the year before...nothing. In fact I think it was the mildest Christmas day I can remember - before Lunch I was playing in the garden with my niece! Although the temperature has dropped 10 degrees from yesterday to today and they are predicting.....ICE! :scared1:

Grrrrr Ice - my nemesis :eek:

Everyone - come and post your bios! I like reading them, even though I know you already :rotfl2:

Hope everyone is having a great day :hippie:
Oh my goodness, wonky day here. :crazy2:

Our internet was out last night and a good portion of this morning. Our provider had a regional router issue :headache:

I had my weekly weigh-in and beating this morning. This week I kept detailed records of my food, water & exercise. (oh Lisa. Erin is KILLING me! :eek:) I was feeling just a tiny bit frustrated that my weight loss was only 1 pound. I thought I had *earned* more that THAT! Well, Ms. Erin did my bodyfat. I lost several pounds of fat, gained a bit of muscle and overall dropped 2.4% of my body fat. :yay: Ok. I can live with a one pound loss now :thumbsup2

So I have been tracking since Jan 3rd! YAY me! I also exercised 4 days this week so far. And I bought Zumba shoes for my class. It's starting to get dark in here again!

:darth: :rotfl:

I adore Zumba! Yes, I still look like a fish out of water, but it's so much FUN! And isn't it easier to exercise when it's fun? :woohoo:

15 DAYS until Disney Goddesses! I'm crazy excited and can't believe it's really happening, part of me thought I would never make it back.

SO exciting Karen! Have you started packing yet? I'm totally last-minute packer, but I'm definitely a stacker/collector starting, well, about now! :laughing:

I'm dying to live vicariously through you guys this year with the Princess, but this is the last year I'm on the sidelines, I'm gonna be there next year!


WELCOME RHIANNA! - ok. Boston. Let's see? Red Sox? Patriots? :confused3

Rugby. I played in college. Stupid fun :rotfl2:

Wine. My 2 best friends are Kendall and Robert. As in Kendall Jackson and Robert Mondavi :lmao: Seriously - kindred spirit here. Although, I am currently totally and completely on the wagon. My goal is to make it all the way to the Princess alcohol-free. For me, alcohol is the #1 factor in my weight gain and/or loss. I'm aiming for more "loss"

I love this picture Ronda. I don't know - it somehow captures the grit and success at the same time.

I was truly surprised to see your height because in your pictures you read taller.

Me too. On both!

We had a smattering of snow here today. Just enough to cause a delay for school. But, it's about time really! We haven't had any snow since...well...since that horrific storm in October where we got 13" and lost power for what seemed like an eternity!:rolleyes1

Have fun at the ball game! Are you required to wear a team jersey? I mean - I know how some people can get about their sports ;)
Nancy! 2.4% bodyfat! That rocks! :worship:

No, I really haven't started packing! I don't know what the heck is wrong with me?!?!? I'm a freak of a planner and planned this trip for months and months, made tshirts, journals, autograph books...and now...I got nothin'. :laughing: I think part of it is b/c everything we are wearing, we still are wearing NOW, so I can't pack any of that stuff and the tshirts I made are already in the bins I'm taking (we're driving). So, I don't know what to do?!?! It's really confusing, I usually have this all planned down to the last toothbrush but I seem stuck in limbo?!?! :rolleyes1

Lisa, enjoy your snow! In fact, why don't you enjoy my snow can have it all! Take it! Take it! :p
Liz - I got so excited for you when I read Rhianna's wedding plans. :rotfl2: And then I saw your post. Priceless.

LOVE IT. Just goes to show how well real friends know me! :goodvibes

I hate dirty snow.

Me, too. Give me pretty white or make it all go away.

PAULA!! Paula, you need to get your a$$ back here. Here's my very selfish reasons. I realized today that YOU are the reason why *I think* I have finally separated self worth and the scale (and Liz) . To not have it mean something more than it is - what a gift to give to another Paula! GET BACK HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was awesome - then hilarious when you threw me in there. :rotfl2:

I am keeping a list of non-scale accomplishments. I try to add to it daily. Aren't you proud of me, Lisa?

Thursday is my crazy day. Well, I managed t exercise AND clean my house, and I never do wither on Thursday. Today was particularly busy at work, but I did it anyway! Woo! 5 days of exercise this week!

I leave tomorrow right after work. I'm not packed. Not happy about that!
I'm here. :)

Today was a crazy day. Stuck to my program even though it meant meeting old coworkers for lunch and watching them eat Thai, then going out for a beer after work with some coworkers and watching them drink beer.

Rhianna, love the name!! 7 of us are also doing the Princess - it will be year 3 for this group.

We're all turtles for the most part except for Nancy (AKASnowWhite) and Erika (3DisneyKids). Ronda is gradually turning into a rabbit as well.

I've done 8 half marathons since this group pushed me into my first, Princess 2010. My PR was November 2011 at 2:44, but I am down for the count lately with a strange lower leg injury. Still hoping to walk the Princess, though.

Lisa! I definitely owe you mail. I'm such a slacker.

Also, I want to give you guys a chance to order Princess/Goddess shirts. Cost for each will be $23-26 a piece, not including shipping.

Here's the link to the general Team Goddess shirt:

Here's the drinking shirt, which has a lot of crazy sayings on the back. :)

We're not going to place the order until next week, so you have time to decide. If you do want one, PM or email me and we can do paypal or you can mail a check, and I will send it out (like I did for Karen last year). The Team Goddess one can also be done in an order of 1 but it will be closer to $30-35 each, I think.

Also, these run true to size if a bit generous.
I haVe things to say about Paula and snow. In mo particular order. :rotfl2:

Snow. It's raining right now. I haven't even seen a snowflake this year (not sure what happened when I was in Virginia - I had above temps there!! :woohoo:. Like I've told you all downtown gets little. :sad2: Our main highway is like a snow line. And even around Toronto has hardly been hit. But tomorrow. Major snow a comin'. :yay: MAJOR SNOW A COMIN'. I'll love it until it looks dirty. I hate dirty snow.

And I have Raptors tickets (NBA) tomorrow. :dance3: $12.50 tickets as per usual. But have them. Will still try to walk but I've gone from 15 minute walk to 50 minutes.

PAULA!! Paula, you need to get your a$$ back here. Here's my very selfish reasons. I realized today that YOU are the reason why *I think* I have finally separated self worth and the scale (and Liz) . To not have it mean something more than it is - what a gift to give to another Paula! GET BACK HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok ok... since you had a revelation, I will come out of my hibernation / workaholic haze to comment.

Lisa I am so freak in proud of you I cant even put it into words! Yup - speechless I am.

What a great thing to find. It is liberating is it not?
Oy - haven't been on here in ages. So need to update everything. Will post a bio and update my signature tomorrow. It is time for me to call it a night.
Paula!!! :goodvibes

Kat, the shirts look GREAT this year! I still wear mine from last year almost every time I run. :lovestruc Of course, that may be b/c I only have one other running shirt, but I digress! ;)

I'm going to pass this year, mostly b/c I just can't pull off any extra purchases with the trip coming up. I'm totally getting the jitters and freaking out about having enough money for the trip. Next year I will not only be ordering, but wearing my shirt in the Princess with you girls finally!
Also, I want to give you guys a chance to order Princess/Goddess shirts. Cost for each will be $23-26 a piece, not including shipping.

Here's the link to the general Team Goddess shirt:

Here's the drinking shirt, which has a lot of crazy sayings on the back. :)

I love the shirts! Any idea how the arms run?

I had a bit of wind knocked out of my sails last night when two of the four friends that were running this year decided to put off their Princess registration until 2013, so now my plans are up in the air. Under normal circumstances I'd just go solo and be able to swing it, but I just booked two rooms for March when my dad is in town (quick aside- is it weird that at almost 32 I'm still excited by holding my dad's hand while walking down Main St in the MK?) so my finances are a bit tighter than usual. Sigh. Hmm... I wonder if there will still be relatively inexpensive rooms left in a few weeks when I get paid again...

I have a plan in place today to see if I can pull it together since I do know quite a few people who are running-- man, I'm really hoping this works-- I'm REALLY looking forward to it!
I love the shirts! Any idea how the arms run?

I had a bit of wind knocked out of my sails last night when two of the four friends that were running this year decided to put off their Princess registration until 2013, so now my plans are up in the air. Under normal circumstances I'd just go solo and be able to swing it, but I just booked two rooms for March when my dad is in town (quick aside- is it weird that at almost 32 I'm still excited by holding my dad's hand while walking down Main St in the MK?) so my finances are a bit tighter than usual. Sigh. Hmm... I wonder if there will still be relatively inexpensive rooms left in a few weeks when I get paid again...

I have a plan in place today to see if I can pull it together since I do know quite a few people who are running-- man, I'm really hoping this works-- I'm REALLY looking forward to it!

I have BIG arms and I think they will probably be okay. I'm totally a pumpkin on stilts.

We are about the same height and I was 230 at my highest, and an XL in a very similar shirt (dimensions are the same) fit okay at that weight if not great. I am usually arm self-conscious and I don't remember being so with the one I have. They are cut generously.
I'm totally getting the jitters and freaking out about having enough money for the trip. Next year I will not only be ordering, but wearing my shirt in the Princess with you girls finally!

I completely understand this! I freak out about money close to trips, also!

I am so glad you and Rhi like the shirts! I do the words and initial layout and Kat does all the design work, ordering, etc. I have the easy part! But it's fun to see them as a reality!

I had a bit of wind knocked out of my sails last night when two of the four friends that were running this year decided to put off their Princess registration until 2013, so now my plans are up in the air. Under normal circumstances I'd just go solo and be able to swing it, but I just booked two rooms for March when my dad is in town (quick aside- is it weird that at almost 32 I'm still excited by holding my dad's hand while walking down Main St in the MK?) so my finances are a bit tighter than usual. Sigh. Hmm... I wonder if there will still be relatively inexpensive rooms left in a few weeks when I get paid again...

I have a plan in place today to see if I can pull it together since I do know quite a few people who are running-- man, I'm really hoping this works-- I'm REALLY looking forward to it!

I would keep the rooms, if I were you - if you already have them. So only one friend can go with you? Or would you be on your own?


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