TEAM MICKEY--Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge!

Happy New Year!!

I think I introduced already - but I will add on. I am Kristi, 39 (40 in February) SAHM of 2 boys 9 & 6. I have been very busy the last 2 years as PTO treasurer which I enjoy doing. My wonderful husband Steve has been doing WW with me since August and I have lost 34 pounds!

This past Biggest Looser challenge was my first and I was the overall winner! So I plan to keep doing well and spur Team Mickey to a win for the spring.

This week: Get back to tracking. I have been bad these past 2 weeks and I need to get back on plan.

This month: Exercise more!

Challenge: Just continue what I have been doing since August and lose. I have another 40 pounds to go to - so just keep chugging.
Morning Everyone!

I sent Tracey my weight and unlike the previous years, I gained over the holiday. It's okay though. I'll get it off quickly. It'll be the next 30 pounds that will be harder to lose. ;)

Not sure what is on the dinner menu tonight. Breakfast and lunch are all set, but dinner tends to be up in the air for too long. My parents are notorious for having one of the stop at the grocery store after work for that night's dinner. I prefer to plan ahead. :rolleyes1

My sister is coming by any minute so I better go. I also need to eat breakfast and start drinking my water for the day.

Have a great day everyone!
QOTD 1/1/11 Saturday--two parts
1. Introduce yourself, if you haven't done so yet.
2. Do you have a goal for this week, this month, this challenge?

Happy New Year!!!

My name is Pam. I'm 39yrs old. I've been a school bus driver for the past 9 years. I've been married for 17yrs and have two boys (13 & 15) I've been overweight most of my life.

My goal for this week?... will be to get some kind of exercise in every day. Sadly, I'm one of those people who have a LARGE amount of weight to lose so even going for a walk each day is a big deal for me. But I'm dedicated to get SOMETHING in every day this week. Whether it's going for a walk around the track or doing one of my many exercise tapes.

My goal for this month?...I am a water drinker to begin with but I need to get in more each day.

My goal for this challenge?...I would like to lose 30lbs.

I have never done any of these WISH challenges so it might take me a little while to get used to how everything works. I hope to get to know a lot of people and learn a lot!!!
As for me, I weighed about 260 pounds just a couple of years ago. I began an effort to take it off and got very serious about it about eight months ago. Today, I'm extremely happy to say I weigh 175.

Hi MB. You have done amazing so far. Great Job. Keep up the hard work. Your pics look wonderful.

I don't like to exercise! I do it, I like the results, but when I'm in it, I hate it. there, I said it! So my goal, in addition to losing the weight and eating better, is to find a way to enjoy exercise by changing things up a little. Can't wait to make this happen!

Hi Kath. I guess its true what they pain, no gain.:lmao: You might not like it but at least your out there doing it. Good for you:thumbsup2

I am Kristi, 39 (40 in February) SAHM of 2 boys 9 & 6. I have been very busy the last 2 years as PTO treasurer which I enjoy doing.

Hi Kristi. I must say you have my dream job.;) How nice that you can be home for your boys but stay busy being involved in their school too. Im glad you enjoy it. Great job on winning the last challenge. Glad to have you on our team.:yay:
QOTD 1/1/11 Saturday--two parts
1. Introduce yourself, if you haven't done so yet.
2. Do you have a goal for this week, this month, this challenge?

1. I think I already did this yesterday but heres a recap.

My name is Lindsay. I am married with 2 boys ages 3 and 6. I work full time as a practice manager of a pediatric practice. This is my 3rd challenge. Lost 35lbs to date. Running the princess half in feb 2011, hope to loose at least 15 by then (which is only 8 wks away). I still have a total of 25lbs yet to loose.


week- follow the HH. drink my water, exercise (run 3x) and weights/toning, and eating my veggies(this is the hardest for me).

month- Stay more excuses.

challenge- I would love to be at my goal weight by the end of the challenge which would mean a loss of 25lbs. I would like to start off the summer looking and feeling my best.;). This challenge I am also hoping to complete my goal of running my first half marathon.
Hello TEAM MICKEY! Its been slow on here so far today so I am assuming everyone is still sleeping. I would have been except my boys dont know what "staying up late, and sleeping in" means.:lmao:

I must say I really enjoyed dick clarks rockin eve last night. The backstreet boys and New kids on the block were my favorite.:cloud9: I felt like I was back in highschool again. Its amazing I still new all the words to there songs but I cant remember what I did a few days ago.:rotfl2:

I need to get started on drinking my water. I am going to run 6 miles shortly. We are also going to my nanas for dinner but I am not a fan of pork and sauerkraut so I wont eat much. She also serves a bunch of veggies so that will be great for hitting my veggie goal today.

Good morning team Mickey! I'm Liz, I'm 28 years old and I have quite a chunk of weight to lose!

For this challenge, I'm hoping to lose 50 pounds. I have 200 pounds to lose so 50 pounds will help so much. I'm having so much problems staying motivated after losing an initial 70 pounds, so I'm really hoping this will help put a firecracker back in my butt :rotfl:

Looking forward to getting to know everyone and cheering everyone on!!
Happy New Year !!!

Hello my name is Maria. I'm 42 years old. I've been married for 22 years, and we have a 15year old dd. I have been overweight all my life. In 2003 I lost 52 lbs, sadly to say I put them back on and found some more:rolleyes1. My job consist of :surfweb: so i'm sitting in my behind and not moving around much.

My goals for this week is to drink my water, drop the sodas, 30 min of exercise each day and to eat more fruits and veg.

My goal for the month is to stick with it, if I make it thru the first month I can do it.

My goals for this challenge is to lose 35 lbs, and get healthy.

My goal for this week?... will be to get some kind of exercise in every day. Sadly, I'm one of those people who have a LARGE amount of weight to lose so even going for a walk each day is a big deal for me. But I'm dedicated to get SOMETHING in every day this week. Whether it's going for a walk around the track or doing one of my many exercise tapes.

Hi Pam. Hey a walk in the park or even around your house is a start. If you stick to it you will be amazed by what you can do at the end of this challenge. Start small and dont over do it. I look forward to getting to know you too. You will do fine!

For this challenge, I'm hoping to lose 50 pounds. I have 200 pounds to lose so 50 pounds will help so much. I'm having so much problems staying motivated after losing an initial 70 pounds, so I'm really hoping this will help put a firecracker back in my butt :rotfl:

Hey Liz. You came to the right place. These challenges keep you motivated and accountable. Loosing 70lbs already is amazing. You can do it. We are all here for you.:cheer2:
Hello TEAM MICKEY! Its been slow on here so far today so I am assuming everyone is still sleeping. I would have been except my boys dont know what "staying up late, and sleeping in" means.:lmao:

I must say I really enjoyed dick clarks rockin eve last night. The backstreet boys and New kids on the block were my favorite.:cloud9: I felt like I was back in highschool again. Its amazing I still new all the words to there songs but I cant remember what I did a few days ago.:rotfl2:

I need to get started on drinking my water. I am going to run 6 miles shortly. We are also going to my nanas for dinner but I am not a fan of pork and sauerkraut so I wont eat much. She also serves a bunch of veggies so that will be great for hitting my veggie goal today.


I got all giddy inside when I saw the Backstreet Boys and NKOTB perform took me straight back to high school too LOL!!! I was singing right along and got a lot of weird looks from the rest of the people in the room!!!!! But it was a great moment LOL

Well the workout clothes are on, now to just get myself up and do the DVD (I'm a big fan of Leslie Sansone and I own like 8 of her DVDs LOL) Did Jillian Michaels Shred last night and that woman can make you work and work hard!!!!

Water drinking has begun also, stocked up on my Vitamin Water Zero at WalMart also!!!

Another goal I have for the week is to journal!! I'm terrible at doing that and really should keep track of what I'm eating!
Happy New Year Team Mickey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't had a chance to introduce myself--I'm Veronica, 39 (turning 40 in October) I have one daughter who is almost 6. I'm ready to get healthy and be an active and fun Mommy who isn't hiding from bathing suits and swimming pools or cameras because I'm embarassed of how I look. I couldn't think of a better way than with my DIS and disney obsessed members here. I want to look at our next set of vacation photos and say what a cute picture, not OMG I can't believe you took that pic, lol. So that means 35lbs to lose for me to be at my healthy weight. I know it may seem self centered, but I'm just being honest. I want to be healthier and live a long and happy life with my family and I really do want her to have a solid foundation in healthy eating, exercise and a balanced life.
Team Mickey--totally forgot--

If you have a goal for the challenge, please pm that to Tracey along with your weight.

Example--my goal for the challenge is xx pounds. When Tracey reports goals progress each week, it will be reported in percentages, so no one will actually know how many pounds you lost unless you tell them.:goodvibes

I believe that you can change your goal during the challenge by pm'ing Tracey.

Tracey--So sorry I didn't remind everyone earlier, hope this doesn't create too much extra work.

I'll be back later with replies.:goodvibes
I did not introduce myself so here goes.

My name is Jeannine and I am 45. I have 2 dd's 19 and 14. My DH has a dd from a previous relationship and she is 25 and has 3 children, making us grandparents. I have been married for 20yrs this past Dec.

Right now I am a SAHM however this is going to change this yr. It is time for me to get out and start my next life. Very scary but very excited.

My short term goals are to menu plan. It is my biggest issue. Meals and snacks are something we dread planning and cooking. It is terrible. We all have reflux so cooking blandly really, really, really sucks. I have got to find a happy medium somewhere.

I am also going to food journal.

My end goals for the yr are to lose 15lbs, start exercising, have menus and snacks planned.
Hello Team!

I'm excited to be getting started today! Hearing about all the success so many of you have had doing this before is very motivating. I've been reading my WW materials trying to understand the new plan. I've already logged my breakfast and started drinking my water for the day too. It has been a long time since I tracked what I ate, so I know this will be good. And so far the new WW plan seems very doable, especially now that fruits and veggies are free! I've also been thinking about goals. So my goals are...

This week: track my food and stay within my WW points, do each of the Healthy Habits every day, and see a loss on the scale - any loss will be fine. I'll be happy even if it is just .2!!

This month: learn the new WW plan, stay on track during a couple of overnight trips I have planned, lose 5 pounds.

This challenge: lose 20 pounds and beat my time from last year in the half marathon I'm doing in March.

Hope you all have a wonderful New Year's Day!

Happy New Year, all!
I'm Jan, janmadre on the boards.
My goal? For today, it's to behave myself with my eating, exercise and that dreadful water. For the week, it's to do every healthy challenge every day. And for the month, it's to have lost an averagel of two pounds per week.
Good luck to all!
Already messed up - left off a goal on my previous post. My goal for the challenge is to lose a total of 44 pounds and have gotten into a habit of walking at least 5 days every week.
QOTD 1/1/11 Saturday--two parts
1. Introduce yourself, if you haven't done so yet.
2. Do you have a goal for this week, this month, this challenge?

Sometimes setting goals is a little overwhelming. I found this article on sparkpeople which talks about the importance of setting goals.

I'm Kelli. I will be 34 in a few days and I have been married 5 years to my amazing husband. We don't have any kids, just two very spoiled pets. Our dog Jazz is almost 14 and still doing great, especially now that we added Boo to the house. Boo is our 10 month kitten who I'm sure you will hear more about!

I have lost 52 pounds so far, putting me just over half way to my goal. I would like to reach about 137, hopefully by July. My Disney trip is the last week of January and I plan on eating anything I want! It will be my reward for how well I've done, but January 30th it's back to business.

My goal for the week is to drink my water and hopefully lose 2 pounds.
My goal for the month is to break even, lol.
My goal for the challenge is to lose 35 pounds, wow trip factored in.

QOTD: Hi Team Mickey!! My name is Jen and I'm a High School Biology Teacher!!!! This is my 2nd WISH challenge although I'm sad to say I didn't stick through with the other one but my goal this time is to follow through with this one no matter what!!!! My goal for this week is to do all of the Healthy Habits everyday. My goal for the month is to lose another 10lbs before heading to Disney and be at my lowest weight in the last 6 years!!!!!

Welcome! We will be at WDW for some of the same days!

Hi everyone.

I'm MB. I'm 41. My husband and I have been married 17 years and are both college math professors at a small college in a Florida beach town (not near Disney). We have a 15 year old daughter who is the joy of our lives. Hann is my hero. Born with a multitude of issues and on the autism spectrum, she continues to make huge strides and we couldn't be prouder of her. She's a freshman in high school, taking mostly advanced classes. She still has tremendous struggles and probably always will. WDW is the one place that brings her a tremendous amount of peace and so we get there (or to the other DVC resorts) about three times a year. It's our happy place and I love what it does for her.


My youngest brother has very similar issues, he just graduated high school at 21 and is doing great! He loves Disney but has never been. This upcoming trip will be his first time and his graduation present. It's all about him! We are really looking forward to it.
So excited to be in this challenge! This is my first one. My name is Karen and I'm 47. Married 20 years, no kids - just dogs! I've joined Weight Watchers off and on over the years and rejoined this morning for what I hope is the last time! As I get older health issues are my main motivator for getting the weight off for good. I've done pretty well on the exercise side of the equation, I run/walk (love to do 5ks, some 10ks and half marathons) and I do fitness boot camp in the park. Just need to get the eating side figured out!

Hi Karen! Which half marathons have you done? I look at the eating as a process. I know I can’t fix everything overnight, so it sometimes helps to pick one or two things to work on a time. So one week I might work on getting more whole grains, one week getting more variety of vegetables.

I'm Tammy, 40 years old and promised myself more health during this decade. Some of my family members have been diagnosed with diabetes (adult onset) during this time. I want to do everything in my power to prevent it. I'm married with 2 children (6 and 8).
I'm sick right now and trying to eat right and get my water in. I'm slacking on exercise because I can barely talk without coughing. I'm getting lots of rest and taking some over the counter cough meds that usually break this stuff up.

Don't worry, I'm competitive and won't let my team down. I will still get in my exercise next week, even if I have to crawl.;):thumbsup2
Preventing diabetes is a great reason to get healthy! Hope you are feeling better soon!

QOTD: Hi Team Mickey!! My name is Jen and I'm a High School Biology Teacher!!!! This is my 2nd WISH challenge although I'm sad to say I didn't stick through with the other one but my goal this time is to follow through with this one no matter what!!!! My goal for this week is to do all of the Healthy Habits everyday. My goal for the month is to lose another 10lbs before heading to Disney and be at my lowest weight in the last 6 years!!!!!
Great goals!
Hi CC!!!

Hi Tia! Congatulations! I think you have a good focus for this challenge!
My goal for this week:
Drink my water, exercise 30 minutes a day, eat smart

My goal for month:
To lose 10 pounds would be awesome

My goal for this challenge:
My goal is to lose 50 pounds by the end of June when we go on our Alaskan cruise. I think that is a little past the completion of the challenge, but we shall see I guess.

Great goals Michelle! Congrats on the 35 pounds!

I'll get a jump start on the QOTD!

Hello everyone! My name is Dawn, but I see there is another "Dawn" on here so I'll just stick with Applemomma to avoid confusion :). This is my first time trying WISH but I've got high hopes! I'm not overly concerned about my weight (in fact as of right now I have NO idea what it actually is....might get a scare when I weigh in) but I'd really just like to get rid of the spare tire that's clung tight to my middle! That and I am starting to have back pain so I'd really like to strengthen my core muscles. Not to meant more energy would always be nice!

My goal for this week is to do all the Healthy Habits!

Beyond that I'm trying to not set myself up for disappointment! Done that before...not going there again.....

Looking forward to it!
Oh, the belly fat. It was the last thing to really budge on me. I strongly encourage everyone to do measurements so that you can see each month that you really are losing inches, even if it doesn’t feel like it sometimes! I started working on core this spring and it has made such a difference.

Hi Y'all,

I might have a hard time keeping up with you online this week because I'm going to Disney!! Yay!

Go Team Mickey!!! :banana:
Have a great trip!!!!

I like the way you broke out your goals, Michelle, so I thought I'd go back and make mine a little more concrete.

My goal for this week:
Drink my water, exercise everyday, get at least 4 days of HH veggies

My goal for month:
Meet my water goal every day, eat 3 meals each day (I've got into a terrible slump of missing meals - not a good thing while nursing - especially when I "make up for it" with terrible snacking - bad choices, excessive, etc)

My goal for this challenge:
I want to get back to my prepregnancy weight by the end of the challenge. Not too much of a loss, but doable safely for me and Miss Deva (pronounced Day-vuh, btw).
Good job breaking your goals down! And I think eating three meals a day is a goal we all should have. Since I have gotten serious about my health, I do not skip breakfast. I might not eat a lot—some days just a hardboiled egg and a banana, but I eat breakfast everyday.

MB—Thanks for sharing your pictures!!! You look great and you have done so well!!!!

Good morning and Happy New Year everyone! I'm Kath, 45 years old, have struggled with an extra 20 to 30 lbs my whole adult life....and I will admit it, I don't like to exercise! I do it, I like the results, but when I'm in it, I hate it. there, I said it! So my goal, in addition to losing the weight and eating better, is to find a way to enjoy exercise by changing things up a little. Can't wait to make this happen!
I don’t always like to exercise, but I try to remember I am always happy when I’m done! Have you tried any videos or a class? I schedule my exercise for the week, and then if I have a scheduled day, and I don’t want to go, I make myself do at least 5 minutes and if after 5 minutes I am still not feeling it, then I can quit. Usually getting started is the hardest part!

Happy New Year!!
This past Biggest Looser challenge was my first and I was the overall winner! So I plan to keep doing well and spur Team Mickey to a win for the spring.

This week: Get back to tracking. I have been bad these past 2 weeks and I need to get back on plan.

This month: Exercise more!

Challenge: Just continue what I have been doing since August and lose. I have another 40 pounds to go to - so just keep chugging.
Woohoo! :cool1: Congrats again Kristi. Thanks for reminding us that even if we get off track for a week or so that we can get back on track!:goodvibes

My goal for this week?... will be to get some kind of exercise in every day. Sadly, I'm one of those people who have a LARGE amount of weight to lose so even going for a walk each day is a big deal for me. But I'm dedicated to get SOMETHING in every day this week. Whether it's going for a walk around the track or doing one of my many exercise tapes.

My goal for this month?...I am a water drinker to begin with but I need to get in more each day.

My goal for this challenge?...I would like to lose 30lbs.

I have never done any of these WISH challenges so it might take me a little while to get used to how everything works. I hope to get to know a lot of people and learn a lot!!!

That’s a great goal! Getting some form of exercise in every day is fantastic!

challenge- I would love to be at my goal weight by the end of the challenge which would mean a loss of 25lbs. I would like to start off the summer looking and feeling my best.;). This challenge I am also hoping to complete my goal of running my first half marathon.
No hoping to complete the half Lindsay, only doing! You can do it! Hope you had a great run today!:goodvibes

Good morning team Mickey! I'm Liz, I'm 28 years old and I have quite a chunk of weight to lose!

For this challenge, I'm hoping to lose 50 pounds. I have 200 pounds to lose so 50 pounds will help so much. I'm having so much problems staying motivated after losing an initial 70 pounds, so I'm really hoping this will help put a firecracker back in my butt :rotfl:

Looking forward to getting to know everyone and cheering everyone on!!
70 pounds is great! Can’t wait to celebrate the next milestone with you!

Happy New Year !!!

Hello my name is Maria. I'm 42 years old. I've been married for 22 years, and we have a 15year old dd. I have been overweight all my life. In 2003 I lost 52 lbs, sadly to say I put them back on and found some more:rolleyes1. My job consist of :surfweb: so i'm sitting in my behind and not moving around much.

My goals for this week is to drink my water, drop the sodas, 30 min of exercise each day and to eat more fruits and veg.

My goal for the month is to stick with it, if I make it thru the first month I can do it.

My goals for this challenge is to lose 35 lbs, and get healthy.

Sticking with it is a great goal! Checking it and letting everyone know what’s going on really helps me stay on track!

Well the workout clothes are on, now to just get myself up and do the DVD (I'm a big fan of Leslie Sansone and I own like 8 of her DVDs LOL) Did Jillian Michaels Shred last night and that woman can make you work and work hard!!!!

Water drinking has begun also, stocked up on my Vitamin Water Zero at WalMart also!!!

Another goal I have for the week is to journal!! I'm terrible at doing that and really should keep track of what I'm eating!
Have a great workout!

Happy New Year Team Mickey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't had a chance to introduce myself--I'm Veronica, 39 (turning 40 in October) I have one daughter who is almost 6. I'm ready to get healthy and be an active and fun Mommy who isn't hiding from bathing suits and swimming pools or cameras because I'm embarassed of how I look. I couldn't think of a better way than with my DIS and disney obsessed members here. I want to look at our next set of vacation photos and say what a cute picture, not OMG I can't believe you took that pic, lol. So that means 35lbs to lose for me to be at my healthy weight. I know it may seem self centered, but I'm just being honest. I want to be healthier and live a long and happy life with my family and I really do want her to have a solid foundation in healthy eating, exercise and a balanced life.
That does not sound self-centered at all. A lot of us have said the same things. I want to go around my house and put away the “fat” pictures of myself, but that would mean putting away pictures of my son as well since he is in the pictures. It is a really wonderful thing to have pictures that you feel good about it, because you feel good that you are taking care of yourself.

I did not introduce myself so here goes.

Right now I am a SAHM however this is going to change this yr. It is time for me to get out and start my next life. Very scary but very excited.

My short term goals are to menu plan. It is my biggest issue. Meals and snacks are something we dread planning and cooking. It is terrible. We all have reflux so cooking blandly really, really, really sucks. I have got to find a happy medium somewhere.

I am also going to food journal.

My end goals for the yr are to lose 15lbs, start exercising, have menus and snacks planned.
I was TERRIFIED when I went back to work last year. And menu planning is hard for me. We do great cooking at home when we plan, terrible when we don’t.

Hello Team!

This week: track my food and stay within my WW points, do each of the Healthy Habits every day, and see a loss on the scale - any loss will be fine. I'll be happy even if it is just .2!!

This month: learn the new WW plan, stay on track during a couple of overnight trips I have planned, lose 5 pounds.

This challenge: lose 20 pounds and beat my time from last year in the half marathon I'm doing in March.

Hope you all have a wonderful New Year's Day!

That’s a great attitude! A loss is a loss is a loss. What ½ are you running?
Already messed up - left off a goal on my previous post. My goal for the challenge is to lose a total of 44 pounds and have gotten into a habit of walking at least 5 days every week.
Great goals--and you did not mess up! You just forgot!:goodvibes

I'm Kelli. I will be 34 in a few days and I have been married 5 years to my amazing husband. We don't have any kids, just two very spoiled pets. Our dog Jazz is almost 14 and still doing great, especially now that we added Boo to the house. Boo is our 10 month kitten who I'm sure you will hear more about!

I have lost 52 pounds so far, putting me just over half way to my goal. I would like to reach about 137, hopefully by July. My Disney trip is the last week of January and I plan on eating anything I want! It will be my reward for how well I've done, but January 30th it's back to business.

My goal for the week is to drink my water and hopefully lose 2 pounds.
My goal for the month is to break even, lol.
My goal for the challenge is to lose 35 pounds, wow trip factored in.

Welcome! We will be at WDW for some of the same days!

My youngest brother has very similar issues, he just graduated high school at 21 and is doing great! He loves Disney but has never been. This upcoming trip will be his first time and his graduation present. It's all about him! We are really looking forward to it.
Hi Kelli! Your trip sounds like it will be so special!
Happy New Year!!

This past Biggest Looser challenge was my first and I was the overall winner! So I plan to keep doing well and spur Team Mickey to a win for the spring.

Challenge: Just continue what I have been doing since August and lose. I have another 40 pounds to go to - so just keep chugging.

We are gonna kick butt! You can totally do it!

Morning Everyone!

Breakfast and lunch are all set, but dinner tends to be up in the air for too long. My parents are notorious for having one of the stop at the grocery store after work for that night's dinner. I prefer to plan ahead. :rolleyes1

Thats totally me! I am awful at planning dinners, but I am getting much better.

My goal for this week?... will be to get some kind of exercise in every day. Sadly, I'm one of those people who have a LARGE amount of weight to lose so even going for a walk each day is a big deal for me. But I'm dedicated to get SOMETHING in every day this week. Whether it's going for a walk around the track or doing one of my many exercise tapes.

That's how I felt when I first started. I just went a little bit each day and added more when I felt I could. I was up to a mile in about a month. It gets much easier!

week- follow the HH. drink my water, exercise (run 3x) and weights/toning, and eating my veggies(this is the hardest for me).

Veggies- not so hard. 3 servings? Much harder. Some days I can, but every day? Need to work on it, lol.

Hello TEAM MICKEY! Its been slow on here so far today so I am assuming everyone is still sleeping. I would have been except my boys dont know what "staying up late, and sleeping in" means.:lmao:

That's funny. That was my yesterday. But exchange boys for kitten for me. I don't think she likes "sleeping in".

Wow, I made it through multi quoting on the iPad!
Last night was soooo much fun. 56 degrees turned out to be perfect for tubing and iceskating. They said as long as it wasn't 70* it all would be running. I used to take figure skating lessons when I was younger, but I haven't been for over 10 years. It was so great to get back on the ice! I even burned some calories doing it.


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