TEAM MICKEY--Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge!

It's been a very busy day here. We all got hair cuts. I spent way too many hours making spreadsheets and printing forms for Lacrosse. Chris and I spent a couple of hours sorting through all the equipment for the various teams and making sure everyone has everything they need. Placed an order for missing equipment. Got a facebook group set up for our program and found time to cook dinner and watch the amazing race.
QOTD Monday, March 21
Switching gears, what is your favorite restaurant at WDW or DL? Why? Is there a restaurant you would like to try?

My favorite restaurant at Disney (so far) is Sci Fi at Hollywood Studios. I know some people say the video is corny but I thought it was cool and I liked sitting in the car.

The restaurant I want to try is Ohana's. We have reservations there for our May trip. :)
QOTD: We loved Narcoosee's 2 years ago! Best meal I've ever eaten anywhere! I tried new foods and fell in love with that restaurant! We also loved Yachtsman in December!

TTFN :tigger:
Tracey--I hope your foot is feeling better.:goodvibes We love Narcoossee's. We have eaten there on 3 of our last 4 trips. We've always gotten such good service and they have good veggie choices. Twice we have seen WISHES from the balcony and once we saw it from the boat on the way back to MK.

We're not too fussy. We used to love Coral Reef, but it wasn't as good on the last trip. We loved the food at the Turf Club (SSR), we love the atmosphere of the ESPN club, We love the character interaction at Chef Mickey's, we always hit Pecos Bill's when at MK. The sundae are terrific at Beaches and Cream (gotta love the Kitchensink).
We've never been to Coral Reef or Turf Club--but I've heard good things about the Turf Club. And I like ESPN Club. They have g-f french fries!:goodvibes

QOTD Monday, March 21
Switching gears, what is your favorite restaurant at WDW or DL? Why? Is there a restaurant you would like to try?

My favorite restaurant at Disney (so far) is Sci Fi at Hollywood Studios. I know some people say the video is corny but I thought it was cool and I liked sitting in the car.

The restaurant I want to try is Ohana's. We have reservations there for our May trip. :)
I've heard the sci fi is fun, but with a party of 3 we haven't tried it cause I didn't want anyone to have to sit by themself. And I have heard great things about Ohana.:goodvibes

QOTD--My favorites right now are Narcoossee, Boma and Captain's Grill at Yacht Club (I think that's what it's called.) They were all really nice to me on our last trip, which was my first g-f trip. Boma was great! I had so many choices and the chef was so nice. He even made me a special g-f dessert plate with two g-f zebra domes, a couple of other choices and some fresh berries. The g-f zebra domes were fabulous! I would like to try California Grill. Oh, and for everyone who likes to stay in the BW area--Fresh Market (which is at either Swan or Dolphin--can't remember--is really good for breakfast. The offer a dvc discount and they are only a short walk.

Have a great day everyone!:goodvibes
Morning friends,

:sad2: this morning! Our weekend is Queechee is a no go! The condo that got flooded won't be ready by the weekend! We are still all planning on getting together but not sure what yet. I made some suggestions but we'll have to wait and see what others say. I just need a weekend off! I've worked the last 3 weekends and I've been so wiped out lately that I just need a break! Had a bad dream last night and then kept waking up every few hours! So, of course, that means I didn't get up to work out this morning. This does not bode well for the scale this week! I will try really hard for tomorrow and maybe later today though I still have a ton of work in Izzie's room to take care of. I think I'll leave her at the neighbor's for a little longer after we get back from getting our taxes done. My living room, the hallway and her room are close to being impassable! Need to bring up a few boxes to put stuff in so it can get in the attic and at some point I need to bring tubs down from the attic to go through those clothes and get rid of a lot of them.

Off for my second try at getting Ash up. She wanted to go to the wellness center but we can't go if she doesn't GET OUT OF BED!!!! :headache:

TTFN :tigger:
Yesterday my Mom had brunch for my Birthday. Dh and I had lots of running around to do so I let DD 11 stay with and play for the day. Got lots done. Ate well yada yada yada, went and got dd and headed home.

I was driving home, we were all tired, it was dark, there is construction on the highway, it is only about a 20 minute drive from my Mom's, but still a busy day.

I ran over something HUGE in the road! I was definitely doing the speed limit, in the slow lane and NOT talking on the cell!

The girls and I are fine, but my van is not :headache: A guy was on his way home from a gymnastics meet and the gym mats flew out of the back of his pick up! grrrr.

So I told the officer he needed to write on the report that it was my birthday and that meant that I get a NEW car!! :cool1:

I am off to call the insurance companies!! Wish me an easy road!
Yesterday my Mom had brunch for my Birthday. Dh and I had lots of running around to do so I let DD 11 stay with and play for the day. Got lots done. Ate well yada yada yada, went and got dd and headed home.

I was driving home, we were all tired, it was dark, there is construction on the highway, it is only about a 20 minute drive from my Mom's, but still a busy day.

I ran over something HUGE in the road! I was definitely doing the speed limit, in the slow lane and NOT talking on the cell!

The girls and I are fine, but my van is not :headache: A guy was on his way home from a gymnastics meet and the gym mats flew out of the back of his pick up! grrrr.

So I told the officer he needed to write on the report that it was my birthday and that meant that I get a NEW car!! :cool1:

I am off to call the insurance companies!! Wish me an easy road!

Belated Happy Birthday. So sorry about the car. I hope things can work out with an easy positive outcome for you.

Quick stop in while I let my huge lunch digest! I had a burger and onion rings at Cracker Barrel. BIG MISTAKE as now I feel yucky!!!!! Oh well, I'll just drink a lot of water and have a shake for supper.

Got our taxes done...that's a relief! It's snowing like crazy here and starting to accumulate! I really hate WINTER!!!! I need to get back to work on Izzie's room. I put stuff in a box for church and I also have started a pile for one of the schools. I wish I didn't have to go out to dancing tonight so I could just work and not be interrupted! Wednesday will be the day to finish if I actually can get more done today! I will only have Wednesday morning as Izzie has a dentist appt in the afternoon!

Time to refocus and get to work!

TTFN :tigger:
I gained this week :sad2:

I almost didn't post it because I didn't want team mickey to lose the weigh in but decided its best to stay honest.

Sorry guys.
Tracey--snow. Uggh. I hope you are able to work something out so that you can get away for the weekend.:goodvibes

Princess Nancy--Happy belated birthday! I am so sorry about your van, but so glad everyone was ok. I hope the insurance stuff goes ok.:goodvibes

Bungle--I'm glad you are still around. The good thing about the teams is that it made it easier to chat when we had so many participants. The bad thing in some ways is, that I worry that some folks will drop out because they don't want to let other people down. At the end of the day we all just want you to keep working on being healthy. The competition makes it fun, but we certainly don't want to discourage anyone. Hang in there.:goodvibes
Very frustrated. It snowed pretty hard around here for awhile today. Schools decided to cancel afterschool activities. That means lacrosse is cancelled as we can't use the school gym. That means I took tonight off for nothing :mad: It also means that there are sure to be people that have no idea that it is cancelled and they will show up and NOT be happy. The roads are wet, but not at all slippery.
QOTD Monday, March 21
Switching gears, what is your favorite restaurant at WDW or DL? Why? Is there a restaurant you would like to try?

I have never had the meal plan and heck only been to WDW and DL 2 times each...but I love eating at Cafe Tortuga. Its relatively inexpensive and they give you a TON of food. You can easily split a burrito and LOVE the fixin' bar. On the princess weekend I got a taco salad, loaded it up with lettuce and tomatoe a little cheese a lot of salsa...ate the inside of the salad...and loaded it up again. Yep, I was hungry!

In DL I would LOVE to try the Blue Bayou restaurant by POTC. It is so peaceful in there...why they didn't recreate this at WDW is beyond me as its amazing. Plus the ride is longer and I like it better.

OK team, kick my butt. I went to McD's today and without a thought double cheeseburger value meal. over the weekend, not bad, but didn't write down what I ate and you know I think I overdid it a little. Oh well, NOW is another minute to start over. I haven't been working out either, but will do the gym tomorrow.

Nancy, sorry about your birthday.....did you get a new car? :cool1:
Happy Monday! I was able to do ok eating wise until yesterday, but I will get over it. It has been raining cats and dogs over here. Where is the warm weather???

QOTD: I have been loving liberty tree tavern. They have yummy honey butter. I loved it so much that I made some for thanksgiving.

Happy Birthday Dave and Nancy!! I hope you had a blast at your party Dave. Sorry to hear about your car Nancy. Im glad everyone is ok and that youre thinking of getting a new car :goodvibes
Happy Monday! I was able to do ok eating wise until yesterday, but I will get over it. It has been raining cats and dogs over here. Where is the warm weather???

QOTD: I have been loving liberty tree tavern. They have yummy honey butter. I loved it so much that I made some for thanksgiving.

Happy Birthday Dave and Nancy!! I hope you had a blast at your party Dave. Sorry to hear about your car Nancy. Im glad everyone is ok and that youre thinking of getting a new car :goodvibes

Thanks Cupcake,

I had a wonderful time. We had probably over 50 friends and family wondering the halls, watching March Madness, and eating.

I did stay within Weight Watchers points, although I used most of my extra weekly points on Saturday and Sunday, and I managed to stay on top of my P90X workouts.

I should stay close to weight on weigh-in day this Thursday. Thanks for your thoughts.

Evening Team Mickey!

I had a very productive day today.

I got up around 8 and got ready for my training session. I had 4 scrambled eggs with a glass of milk. Got to the gym with no traffic whatsoever (trust me that's not very common here at around 930am) and Joel kicked my butt. I came home and lounged around for an hour waiting for Alan to come home. I was just dosing off when he walked through the front door. We jumped in the car and went to Wally World so I could get a new swim suit, back pack (for my gym stuff) and insoles for my shoes. Then we grabbed Subway for lunch.

He ran me home so I could finish up the paper that's due tonight. I got it done and pretty much have lounged for the past 2 hours since finishing the paper. He should be home in a few minutes and we're headed to dinner. We had ribs thawed out but dingle dork Alan forgot to put them in the crockpot. We'll go through a drive thru and make it home in time to watch Monday Night Raw (wrestling for those of you who have no idea what that is).
QOTD: dh and i have the same favorite restaurant (which doesn't happen often! lol!) we love the hollywood brown derby. we haven't been there in a while since it's kind of expensive and we didn't want to run the chance of the baby having a meltdown. it's so good!

yum. i wish i was in disney now!
Very frustrated. It snowed pretty hard around here for awhile today. Schools decided to cancel afterschool activities. That means lacrosse is cancelled as we can't use the school gym. That means I took tonight off for nothing :mad: It also means that there are sure to be people that have no idea that it is cancelled and they will show up and NOT be happy. The roads are wet, but not at all slippery.
Aww Deb. That stinks. I hope you didn't have too many parent issues.:goodvibes
QOTD Monday, March 21
Switching gears, what is your favorite restaurant at WDW or DL? Why? Is there a restaurant you would like to try?

I have never had the meal plan and heck only been to WDW and DL 2 times each...but I love eating at Cafe Tortuga. Its relatively inexpensive and they give you a TON of food. You can easily split a burrito and LOVE the fixin' bar. On the princess weekend I got a taco salad, loaded it up with lettuce and tomatoe a little cheese a lot of salsa...ate the inside of the salad...and loaded it up again. Yep, I was hungry!

In DL I would LOVE to try the Blue Bayou restaurant by POTC. It is so peaceful in there...why they didn't recreate this at WDW is beyond me as its amazing. Plus the ride is longer and I like it better.

OK team, kick my butt. I went to McD's today and without a thought double cheeseburger value meal. over the weekend, not bad, but didn't write down what I ate and you know I think I overdid it a little. Oh well, NOW is another minute to start over. I haven't been working out either, but will do the gym tomorrow.

Nancy, sorry about your birthday.....did you get a new car? :cool1:
Where is Cafe Tortuga??? And you're right every minute you have a chance to start over.:goodvibes Enjoy the gym tomorrow.:goodvibes

Happy Monday! I was able to do ok eating wise until yesterday, but I will get over it. It has been raining cats and dogs over here. Where is the warm weather???

QOTD: I have been loving liberty tree tavern. They have yummy honey butter. I loved it so much that I made some for thanksgiving.

Happy Birthday Dave and Nancy!! I hope you had a blast at your party Dave. Sorry to hear about your car Nancy. Im glad everyone is ok and that youre thinking of getting a new car :goodvibes
We had warm weather today--80! But it's supposed to be yucky cold again this weekend.

Thanks Cupcake,

I had a wonderful time. We had probably over 50 friends and family wondering the halls, watching March Madness, and eating.

I did stay within Weight Watchers points, although I used most of my extra weekly points on Saturday and Sunday, and I managed to stay on top of my P90X workouts.

I should stay close to weight on weigh-in day this Thursday. Thanks for your thoughts.

Dave--so glad you had fun. I hope your weigh in is kind to you.:goodvibes

I wanted to ask about p90x--is there a lot of squats/lunges??? I am supposed to be avoiding them for a little while and I'm looking for something else to do.

QOTD: dh and i have the same favorite restaurant (which doesn't happen often! lol!) we love the hollywood brown derby. we haven't been there in a while since it's kind of expensive and we didn't want to run the chance of the baby having a meltdown. it's so good!

yum. i wish i was in disney now!
I have never been to Brown Derby. We've talked about it though. What did you like about it?

I hope everyone has a nice on plan evening.:goodvibes
Good evening!

All weigh ins have been put in. I will post results tomorrow night when I stop cleaning Izzie's room again for the night.

Still feeling quite exhausted but I felt a sense of accomplishment while cleaning Izzie's room. I think I should be able to finish it tomorrow afternoon. I will be coming home at 2:15 so I will have about an hour to work alone on the room. I hope to do Ash's closet and room on Wednesday morning. I'll have Brian do the dance pick up tomorrow night so I can keep working until I finish.

We're watching Chuck right now and I hope to go to bed early! I have two hot stone massages to give tomorrow. I want to start the day off right and workout! Really I do!!!!! No more excuses!

Going to the Cape this weekend instead of VT. The condo clean-up is no where's near done. We're staying at a great place with a pool, hot tub, bar and workout room! Maybe even play some tennis! I'll be bringing my aloe, tea and shake stuff with me to keep me on track. I'm really excited about getting away for the weekend. I really need it!

Need to get some stuff taken care of before bed!

TTFN :tigger:
Rose and all...

Oops .....its Tortuga Tavern is across from Pirates of the Carribean. Its only open for lunch i think.....used to be El Pirata y Perico...just changed names, mostly the same food. You know its not the best food in the world....BUT you can really stretch your $$ and if you get the taco salad and don't eat the bowl, you can really fill up.
Rose and all...

Oops .....its Tortuga Tavern is across from Pirates of the Carribean. Its only open for lunch i think.....used to be El Pirata y Perico...just changed names, mostly the same food. You know its not the best food in the world....BUT you can really stretch your $$ and if you get the taco salad and don't eat the bowl, you can really fill up.

They CHANGED the name?? How did I miss this? We've always referred to it as the "Pirate Taco Place" and have managed to eat there a few times when it was actually open.
Woohoo! I got up and worked out this morning! First time in over a week! I guess I just needed that break! I find that when I have had a long run of working out 5-6 days a week when I take a week off it really helps me! I did the 3 mile Pilates walk! My other WATP DVD should be arriving any day now! I got a shipment notice. They ended up not waiting for Kingdom Keepers IV to ship!

Ash is going on a field trip today so I packed her a bag lunch. I need to make sure I didn't put too much in it. I should go wake her up so she can have a good breakfast this morning as I don't know the schedule for eating for her today. It's a space field trip at the Christa McAuliffe Center in Framingham. She is so excited about this. She was worried she would have trouble sleeping last night.

Got two clients today so I won't be back on until later today. I also really need to try and finish Izzie's room this afternoon. I think I'll send Brian to the transfer station tonight on the way to pick up Ash and her friend from dancing. Once I'm home today I don't want to leave the house at all!!!!

TTFN :tigger:


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