Team Mickey - Biggest Loser "No Excuses" 2012 Challenge

Welcome, Lisa!

Bicki- I'm so with you on the plateau! Been stuck and working hard. Trying not to over do it. Hoping it will start dropping off this week!

Afternoon, friends!

First chance I've really had to get on. Just finished a 40 minute elliptical ride while watching Harry Potter on ABC Family! I plan on doing some more tonight!

I have stayed away from alcohol all weekend! I have had some Crystal Light mocktails which have really helped me not miss my weekend splurges! I won't have a drink until next Saturday!

Can't believe I'm saying this but now Izzie has the stomach bug! She woke up this morning aching all over! She cried she felt so miserable and begged me not to go to church! I had 2 meetings and Ash was an acolyte so I had to go. Put her back to bed before I left and she slept about an hour and a half and said she felt a lot better. But about 15 minutes later she got sick. Then she was fine for a few hours and get sick again. She had a 99.6 temp earlier and it had jumped up to 100.2-101 before she finally was able to get back to sleep! She was complaining that she just couldn't sleep and now she's out cold on our bed! Poor kid! I was supposed to volunteer in her class tomorrow and once again I won't be able to go. We will have to take her with us tomorrow to get our taxes done but hopefully she will be feeling better!

Ash finished reading Hunger Games last night! Then this afternoon she was trying to make her own bow and arrow! She's obsessed with Hunger Games! We are going to try and stop at Costco tomorrow and get her the next two books. We can't get another free one from Amazon for 2 more weeks and she can't wait that long!

Hope to do another workout tonight around 7 or 8. I'm drinking extra water as was suggested and seeing if that makes a difference! Ash is hanging out with some neighborhood kids now. They picked up twigs and branches in the yard for us earlier so we gave them popsicles!

Time to check on Izzie and think about something for supper! Ash just called and is eating at the neighbor's. Brian and I will have some buffalo shake and bake and rice pilaf!

TTFN :tigger:
We officially have our guide puppy! She has been out to two restaurants (on the 13 hour drive back!) the grocery store late at night, and went to church today. She is doing fantastically. She will go to WW with me tomorrow. I will weigh myself, but being on the road, I'm not holding out much hope. Howeve, we did do a ton of walking in Chicago!

I got my food allergy blood tests back. I am allergic to gluten, dairy, eggs, and wheat. I also have to avoid oats for now as that came up mildly allergic. Eep! I think I remember when I mentioned having the tests that somebody on this thread has celiac or is gluten free. Any advice would be great. I am now trying to be a gluten free vegan and it is very overwhelming! I see the nutritionist in a week and a half, but until then, I'm on my own.
We officially have our guide puppy! She has been out to two restaurants (on the 13 hour drive back!) the grocery store late at night, and went to church today. She is doing fantastically. She will go to WW with me tomorrow. I will weigh myself, but being on the road, I'm not holding out much hope. Howeve, we did do a ton of walking in Chicago!

I got my food allergy blood tests back. I am allergic to gluten, dairy, eggs, and wheat. I also have to avoid oats for now as that came up mildly allergic. Eep! I think I remember when I mentioned having the tests that somebody on this thread has celiac or is gluten free. Any advice would be great. I am now trying to be a gluten free vegan and it is very overwhelming! I see the nutritionist in a week and a half, but until then, I'm on my own.
:eek: That is a lot! But the good news is that now you know and can start to make changes that will have you feeling better. CC is also dealing with multiple food allergies and Rose&Mike has been GF for quite a while. With the internet there are so many sites with great ideas for recipes for all sorts of needs. Vegetarian/Vegan and gluten free is much easier than it used to be.

Yay on the guide puppy! What a great experience that will be for all of you. Will it go to school with you?

OhMom-- so great to hear from you and that you are doing well. Hopefully this will do what you need.
Well I am just stuck. Seem to be at a plateau and just not going anywhere. I am thinking about taking my own advice and shaking things up by trying another style of weight loss plan-- specifically Weight Watchers. I have healthy choices down. I have shown that I can maintain with my current eating style but I think I need a little tighter guidelines on portions to get things jump started again. I really hate weighing, measuring, journaling and counting points but not as much as I hate being 50 pounds overweight!!

So the question is: Local meetings? Online? Go it alone? I have done WW 4-5 times in the past so I am familiar with everything. Unfortunately I gave all my old stuff away last year so I don't have any of the old program stuff to look at but honestly you can find most everything you need on the www :rolleyes1 I don't really need the meetings and group support-- I KNOW the principles, I think at this point I need a little more daily visual accountability and more structure of what and how much I am eating. I am still eating like I did when I lost 50 pounds but the problem is most likely that now that is too much food and I need to adjust my idea of how much I can/need to eat. They have free registration until the end of the week if I want to go locally and the center is right up the street (right next to my favorite Chinese restaurant! :rolleyes: ). But I am working for 2 more weeks and really don't have the time for meetings until this job is done.

The big issue I have had with WW and similar plans in the past is that we do a lot of home made meals of different types that are healthy and use good ingredients but it is a pain in the butt to try to calculate actual numbers for those because of the number of ingredients, which is why I like South Beach. I know it can be done but it can be time consuming and I get frustrated and give up. I do want to stick with my South Beach principles of low carb.

I guess I am thinking I will maybe see what I can do on my own for a week or two and then decide if I need to put the money into it for more support.

I would love to hear any thoughts or comments you might have?
We officially have our guide puppy! She has been out to two restaurants (on the 13 hour drive back!) the grocery store late at night, and went to church today. She is doing fantastically. She will go to WW with me tomorrow. I will weigh myself, but being on the road, I'm not holding out much hope. Howeve, we did do a ton of walking in Chicago!

I got my food allergy blood tests back. I am allergic to gluten, dairy, eggs, and wheat. I also have to avoid oats for now as that came up mildly allergic. Eep! I think I remember when I mentioned having the tests that somebody on this thread has celiac or is gluten free. Any advice would be great. I am now trying to be a gluten free vegan and it is very overwhelming! I see the nutritionist in a week and a half, but until then, I'm on my own.

I am gluten free. My allergy testing came back with allergies to wheat, rice, oats, cashews, hazelnuts, and oysters. I was told to try introducing them back into my diet and found out I am not allergic to rice, cashews, and hazelnuts. I seem to have a problem with peanut butter though, so I avoid that and peanuts. I do not really like nuts, and used to be on a nut-free diet, so I tend to avoid nuts as well. I will eat almonds though and I know that I do not have any problems eating walnuts and chestnuts. I do not eat oysters and have no intentions of finding out if I am allergic to them. ;) My gastro says that I am gluten intolerant even though I sometimes develop a rash when I eat something with wheat in it. I do not eat oats, even ones considered gluten free.

I feel so much better eating gluten free. It has been a huge change, but a very manageable change. I am lactose intolerant, so we have drank and cooked with lactose-free milk for years. Most of the recipes I have that are gluten free call for rice milk, although cow's milk can be used. Soy milk is another possibility, but I cannot use it because of my thryoid medicaton. I have never actually used rice milk, but it is something I have been considering doing and just need to bite the bullet and try it. It is much cheaper than Lactaid too.

The biggest thing I learned in cooking GF is to use xanatham gum. I don't know how you feel about salt, but I have noticed that I am using more of it. I use a lot of rice flour. I buy my ingredients at Ocean Stat Job Lot and Whole Foods, plus from amazon. I occasionally buy things at the local health food store. The chain grocery stores I have near me have some options as well, but their prices tend to be higher.

Rice and quinoa are great. My parents don't love quinoa so we don't eat it, but I could eat it daily. I love corn pasta. We make our own sauce using canned tomatoes and tomato paste (check the ingredients-some are labeled GF-one contains wheat and dairy). I also add diced tomatoes and sometimes other veggie depending on what else we are eating. I love peppers, onions, and broccoli in my sauce. We make tacos a lot. I don't know what you could use for a meat substitute though. We have stir fry a lot. You could use tofu. GF soy sauce is available. I am almost positive it is vegan, but I would check. Most of what we do is eat things that are expected to be GF, like veggies and meat. We have a lot of pasta and rice as well. Sometimes my parents will make their own side dish, but it is usually something not so healthy like macaroni and cheese from a box, so I have no problem skipping it. I attempted chicken pot pie and that was a disaster. I plan to try it again though.

The biggest thing I am learning is to keep trying a meal idea. I use a gluten-free and dairy-free cookbook for my recipes. Your library may have one or more you could look at before purchasing one. Mine is very helpful and has lots of options that you could easily make vegan. Many of the recipes are already vegan.

You may want to post on the Donald thread. Rose and Karen are gluten free as well and have some great ideas. We will be merging threads soon too.

Hope that helps! Good luck! Feel free to PM me too.

Molli: Good to hear from you! Sounds like you are doing well! Continue to heal and keep us posted!
Thanks for all the information CC!

LtS: I prefer meetings in person. I just don't think i would be accountable if I did it online. There is something about going in and another person seeing the weight. I also like the discussion at our meetings and I always coe out feeling more nergized and ready to recommit to another wee. I just don't get that jazzed from the online discussions.

Here is a pictre of the puppy and I the day we picked her up at the Leaderdogs campus:

Morning fellow losers,

Despite my best efforts the weight is still not coming off easily. I am going to stick to my guns and keep fighting this battle! I did a 20 minute workout and I will do another one later.

Izzie is feeling mostly better. She said she didn't sleep well last night. She has had some water and 2 small bowls of rainbow sherbet this morning. I figure if she wants to eat anything I should be happy as I think she ate about 5 saltines all day yesterday. She's complaining about having trouble getting comfortable but is just lying on the couch now watching Phineas and Ferb. Temp is about 99.

Gotta leave in about 2 hours to go get our taxes done. We will eat out for lunch so that will be my big meal today. Also want to stop and pick up the Hunger Games books for Ashleigh. Brian just got up so I guess I will get moving myself.

Going to be a gorgeous week! Hoping to get some walks in!

TTFN :tigger:
Hi Team, well I'm home from work today with a sick DD. Last night was awful! This is the first time she has been majorly sick, she's 18 months. It started with a cough friday, doctor said no need to come in no fever so probably allergies. Well she got a fever last night, cried from 7-12 am last night then tried to sleep but kept coughing. If I got 1-1/2 hours of sleep I'd be surprised. I'm a zombie today. On a weight loss note, down 2 more pounds! Have a great day everyone!
Good morning TEAM MICKEY!

dvccruiser76 will be posting weigh ins tonight so get them in ASAP, if you haven't already!

LTS, how was Cakeageddon? party: I bet the girls had a lot of fun.

Sorry about the plateau thing. pjlla always has great advice for when hou hit a plateau. Write every bite and vary your calories (or points) day by day so your body doesn't know what to expect. I wonder if some of your plateau is adjusting to being tied to a desk all day. :confused3 I have confidence that you will have success! :goodvibes

Kristina, thanks for the congrats and a big, BL congrats to you on your progress! :thumbsup2

Tracey, hope that Izzie is feeling better soon. :flower3: Hard to take care of yourself when your family gets every bug that comes around this winter.

quotd March 17 Saturday:-- what is your favorite song right now to exercise to-- or song that motivates you.

Disney quotd: What is the most intriguing, unusual or off the wall thing you have encountered in the parks?

Susan, hope you are feeling better soon! :flower3: How exciting that you got to meet Paul Pressler! pirate:

My favorite song to exercise to that motivates me is He's A Pirate -- I can really pick up the pace when that one comes on.

I had someone pass me a counterfeit bill when I worked at DL. Security did catch them over in Frontierland.

Molli, so happy to hear from you and so glad that things are going well! :grouphug: Don't forget we are moving to the merged thread on Friday, 3/23. We don't want you to be lost! :flower3:

Lisa, congrats on the ONEderland. Someday, I shall return. ;)

I have faith in you, Debbie! :goodvibes It takes a lot longer than you would think but it is very nice when you get here.

Glad to hear you are on the mend! :thumbsup2

Oh your race is getting so close! :cool2:

Sunday march 18th: Quotd:

What is your favorite kitchen utensil for helping cooking healthy?

Disney quotd:
What's your favorite disney song?

Kitchen utensil would be my litte hand grater -- you can do all sorts of garlic, onion, fresh parmesan cheese - yum!

Favorite Disney song now is Be Prepared -- I've been on a Lion King kick lately. Oh, and Human Again from Beauty and the Beast.

Hi! I am just joining Team Mickey. My name is Lisa. I am a fulltime telecommuter working in the field of IT. My family consists of DH, DS24, DD20 and DS7. I am 47 and this is my first biggest loser challenge. I need to lose 15 - 20 pounds. I joined Weight Watchers and lost 40 pounds between April 2008 - Nov 2010. I became a lifetime WW member in Nov. 2010 after achieving my goal weight. I kept the weight off until Oct 2011 when I started gaining again. I have gained 15 pounds since then.

For me, dieting is more about getting healthy than losing weight. However, I know that when I eat healthy the weight will come off. My biggest motivator is my DS7. I need to be able to keep up is him:) I have recently started going to WW again. I have also joined the walk to Disney challenge. I am not exactly sure how this challenge works(except that I need to PM my weight every week) so would appreciate any info you guys can provide. GO Team Mickey:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

:welcome: Lisa! This challenge is easy. There is info on the first page of the thread. On Fridays you PM your weigh in to dvccruiser76 and your HH numbers, if you are participating in Healthy Habits. This is the final week we are on team threads -- on Friday we will be moving to another thread. But don't worry -- we won't let you get lost. :hippie: Just jump in and start answering the QOTD (question of the day) and chat away. You've found a great group of folks! ::MickeyMo

DH is a fulltime travel IT guy too! And we used to live in GA! Small world!

I think there is a song about that! ;)

Bicki, I know you can make your goal before you leave! :thumbsup2 Hang in there! :hug:

Jess, it takes a special person to raise a guide dog! :dog:

Have a great day Mickeys! :smickey:
Hi Team, well I'm home from work today with a sick DD. Last night was awful! This is the first time she has been majorly sick, she's 18 months. It started with a cough friday, doctor said no need to come in no fever so probably allergies. Well she got a fever last night, cried from 7-12 am last night then tried to sleep but kept coughing. If I got 1-1/2 hours of sleep I'd be surprised. I'm a zombie today. On a weight loss note, down 2 more pounds! Have a great day everyone!

Aww, poor DD! :flower3: Poor you! :hug: Hope you both can get some rest today and that she is feeling better soon.
CC my mom uses rice milk, she likes that one best because it doesn't really taste like anything. She hated soy because she said it tastes like grass. LOL

OK, everyone is at school/work!!!!!!!!!!!

So today, I will run errands and start hasmatting the house. Yell at me if you see me on here!
Good job on working around the scheudule to get that gym time in. Can you bring along your own snacks to the party or eat your own healthy food ahead of time so the treats are not tempting? :goodvibes

I did get the workout in, doing 35 minutes on the WiiFit with a nonstop routine of yoga and strength exercises, followed by 35 minutes of Just Dance - that thing will make you SWEAT!!
At the party, I was good. They had pulled pork bbq sandwiches - I just ate a portion of the pork - no bun! - some baked beans, a couple of chips and then a lot of fruit.
Ok, I love cake - so I didn't deprive myself, just cut a really small piece for myself. And downed a whole bottle of water while I was there - and started a new one.

Not too bad....
Hi Mickeys!

I haven't checked in in a few days; life has been crazy busy. That's not going to change, though, and I wanted to say hi! I've been keeping up with reading posts and with HH, but I've fallen off the QOTD wagon. :guilty:

I started my C25K app program, and I'm amazed at how well it's going so far! The gorgeous weather we're having definitely helps, as I'm loving getting out for this half-hour. I didn't realize that I was supposed to do this basically every other day, and I've been doing it every day for 5 days now! Doh! But I feel good, and tomorrow has to be an off day because of my commute, so I'll break tomorrow and pick it back up on Wednesday.

Basically, it starts with a 5-minute warm-up walk. The first three days were then a minute of jogging alternated with a minute and a half of walking followed by a 5-minute cooldown walk. Yesterday and today, the intervals changed to 1 1/2 minutes of jogging alternated with 2 minutes of walking. I made a playlist that has definitely gotten me going, and the nice voiceover lady tells me when to switch off.

Today I came back from that and did Jillian's 6-week 6-pack (my third day on that one). I can do pretty much everything except for the side-plank leg lifts - I think it's part strength and part balance, but those are completely beating me! Maybe by the time I'm three weeks in...

I'm now officially maintaining, so I went through my closet this weekend. I now have a huge pile for the consignment shop and Goodwill, and I'll have to make some strategic decisions about how to replace parts of my wardrobe - I can't afford to do it all! Luckily, my telecommuting schedule means that I can get away with casual most of the time (today is cropped jeans and a black tank top), and I do still have some things that fit that I can wear to work on my on-campus days. There were only three pieces I absolutely loved enough to take to the tailor. Hopefully this will keep my closet from getting out of control, too - I had so much stuff in there I wasn't wearing. It's a great problem to have and definitely my biggest NSV to date!

Nearing the three-month mark until we sail on the Dream with the podcast crew....this beautiful weather has me ready for a vacation now!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Afternoon friends,

Well, spoke to soon about Izzie. She was fine while we were getting our taxes done but right after getting in the car, she started complaining about being hot and then sun was bothering her. She dozed until we got to BJs and then she cried almost the whole time we were in there. I called and ordered subs for Brian and me for lunch. Took her temp when we got home and it was 100.2. She went right back to bed by choice when we got home and is now sleeping. She still hasn't eaten any thing other than some saltines and the sherbet this morning. Hoping the good weather will get rid of all these nasty germs!

Watching Harry's Law with Brian and then I'm going to straighten up the living room and fold the two baskets of laundry sitting in front of me! Ash won't be home until 5.

Going to get in another workout at about 3.

TTFN :tigger:
Hi! I am just joining Team Mickey. My name is Lisa. I am a fulltime telecommuter working in the field of IT. My family consists of DH, DS24, DD20 and DS7. I am 47 and this is my first biggest loser challenge. I need to lose 15 - 20 pounds. I joined Weight Watchers and lost 40 pounds between April 2008 - Nov 2010. I became a lifetime WW member in Nov. 2010 after achieving my goal weight. I kept the weight off until Oct 2011 when I started gaining again. I have gained 15 pounds since then.

For me, dieting is more about getting healthy than losing weight. However, I know that when I eat healthy the weight will come off. My biggest motivator is my DS7. I need to be able to keep up is him:) I have recently started going to WW again. I have also joined the walk to Disney challenge. I am not exactly sure how this challenge works(except that I need to PM my weight every week) so would appreciate any info you guys can provide. GO Team Mickey:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

Nice to meetcha and good luck!

Well I am just stuck. Seem to be at a plateau and just not going anywhere. I am thinking about taking my own advice and shaking things up by trying another style of weight loss plan-- specifically Weight Watchers. I have healthy choices down. I have shown that I can maintain with my current eating style but I think I need a little tighter guidelines on portions to get things jump started again. I really hate weighing, measuring, journaling and counting points but not as much as I hate being 50 pounds overweight!!

So the question is: Local meetings? Online? Go it alone? I have done WW 4-5 times in the past so I am familiar with everything. Unfortunately I gave all my old stuff away last year so I don't have any of the old program stuff to look at but honestly you can find most everything you need on the www :rolleyes1 I don't really need the meetings and group support-- I KNOW the principles, I think at this point I need a little more daily visual accountability and more structure of what and how much I am eating. I am still eating like I did when I lost 50 pounds but the problem is most likely that now that is too much food and I need to adjust my idea of how much I can/need to eat. They have free registration until the end of the week if I want to go locally and the center is right up the street (right next to my favorite Chinese restaurant! :rolleyes: ). But I am working for 2 more weeks and really don't have the time for meetings until this job is done.

The big issue I have had with WW and similar plans in the past is that we do a lot of home made meals of different types that are healthy and use good ingredients but it is a pain in the butt to try to calculate actual numbers for those because of the number of ingredients, which is why I like South Beach. I know it can be done but it can be time consuming and I get frustrated and give up. I do want to stick with my South Beach principles of low carb.

I guess I am thinking I will maybe see what I can do on my own for a week or two and then decide if I need to put the money into it for more support.

I would love to hear any thoughts or comments you might have?

I've never done weight watchers but everyone I know has done well with it. :)

Sorry to be MIA but I've been working a lot of 11:30 to 8 shifts due to my bosses Dad passing. Plus I've been sick as a dog...seems to just be mutating each day lol. First sore throat, then aches, fever and cold, now its runny nose and general lightheadedness. I think I'm in the final phase-- I'm sure I've gained weight though this week--:mad:

here's my late quotd, Monday March 19th:

What diet myth surprised you the most?

I remember in junior high we had smart guy everyone liked, teaching health and he told us it didn’t make any difference what time you ate—a calorie is a calorie. That just about blew us all away lol. It still holds true today—quote: (from the Today show website)

Myth #9 Never eat at night
Fact: Calories don’t know time
What’s important is how many calories you consume; not when you eat them. Many successful dieters save 200 to 300 calories to eat at night. Sure, eating a big steak before you go to bed may give you some indigestion, but it won’t ruin your diet. Eating at night may be the best time for you. You’re at home, the kids are in bed, and you have time to enjoy your food. Oprah says she doesn’t eat after dinner, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t have a late snack and still stick to your diet.

Another one is you can’t lose weight and keep it off. I know from simply coming to this board there’s a lot of people who maintain for years, and well I found an article off Psychology today-

FALSE. Congressional hearings, diet books and the media have for many years bred hopelessness among dieters by quoting the statistic that 95% of people who lose weight regain it—and then some—within a few months or years. But that figure is based on a 1959 study of only 100 people and, say obesity experts, cannot be considered a universal truth. The National Weight Loss Registry, launched in 1994 to get a more accurate picture of long-term dieters, offers signs of encouragement. Researchers Rena Wing, Ph.D., of the University of Pittsburgh and the Brown University School of Medicine, and James Hill, M.D., of the University of Colorado, were surprised at how easy it was to find people who have achieved major weight loss goals. The project's 2,800 respondents have maintained an average 67-pound weight loss for five years, with up to 14% of them staving off a more than 100-pound weight loss. Wing and Hill are now compiling profiles of successful dieters to learn just how they did it.

gonna go collapse now....:cloud9:
Here we celebrate our progress and recognize our superstars.

-after 3 weeks of no reporting, you are dropped from the challenge & can re-start at any time, though
-if anybody knows they will miss weighing in, just PM and let me know and you'll be marked excused

First some stats

(staying within 2 lbs of their maintain weight is successfully maintaining!)
# of Maintainers Reporting In & Successfully Maintaining: 1
Congratulations myweegirls!!!

Current Participants-------------33!
not reporting in for 1 week-----10
not reporting in for 2 weeks----3
not reporting in for 3 weeks----0
weigh ins-------------------------19
new or returning members ----1

Biggest Loser Fall Challenge Week 11!
This week’s group loss = 18.7 pounds!
Average percentage of weight lost 0.50 %
Total group weight loss so far 407.3 pounds!


Retention Rate (compared to the 72 participants we had sign up for our start week on January 1st)
31% (this includes the Losers, Maintainers and Excused people!). Let's keep sending those weights people!

Before the weekly superstar list comes the disclaimer. I am human and I make mistakes. If you have any questions please contact me. For your reference this is the magic percentage of weight lost formula - weight loss for the week divided by weight for last week times 100, that gives us the percentage. Now let me test that with my numbers for week 1, click, click, click goes the calculator. Yes, that agrees with the percentage on the magic spreadsheet. (btw if its been more than 1 week between weigh-ins, then the % loss is divided by the number of weeks, to keep everybody on the same basis)

Now let's get to the good stuff. Who were our superstars of week 11?

The WISH Biggest Loser Spring Challenge Team Mickey Week 11 Superstars!!
#10 - 0.19% - Disneywedding2010
#9 - 0.65% - thunderbird1
#8 - 0.71% - KDIPIAZZ
#7 - 0.72% - Candlelady
#6 - 0.79% - yanni2
#5 - 0.83% - Zoesmama03
#4 - 0.97% - RutgersAlum
#3 - 1.00% - lisah0711
#2 - 2.03% - dumbo_buddy

and now
The WISH Biggest Loser Team Mickey Spring Challenge Week 11 Biggest Loser is:
#1 - 2.54% - BernardandMissBianca

Quote from Dare2Dream: How is your week going? Are you OP (on program)? Are you exercising? Drinking that water? You know what to do to make the magic happen. Get on the wagon. We are all here to help you on the journey. We can do this one day at a time. One bite at a time.

Have a healthy day!
Congratulations BernardandMissBianca!!!

What a great week you had. Keep up the good work. We have a very special clippie reserved for our weekly Biggest Loser. Wear it with pride this week! :

This is our weekly reigning Biggest Loser clippie. We have the large version


or use this
followed by

or we have a medium version


or use this
followed by

and we have a small version


or use
followed by

Thanks to ohMom-Molli for these clippies. They were used for a previous BL but we can recycle. Don't they look great!

NOTE: This list includes participants who have reported in within the last 3 weeks, once someone misses 3 weigh-ins they are dropped from this report.

How this works: You set your goal for what you want to lose in the challenge. Then I calculate your weight loss in the challenge divided by your goal to get a % to goal.

Anybody can change their goal at anytime (or add a goal) – all you have to do is send me a PM.

Since the goals are an individual thing, the list is just in alphabetical order to make it easier for everybody to find their own name. If there are any questions or suggestions please let me know.

We have done 11 out of 21 weeks, so the challenge is 52% complete.

aamomma - 57.14
BernardandMissBianca - 6.67
BMC423 - 18.00
Disneywedding2010 - 37.00
goldcupmom - 86.00
lisaviolet - 35.31
lovetoscrap - 30.00
lsenquiz - 0.00
Mrmrezg - 10.17
pjstevens - 8.33
RutgersAlum - 36.00
sue and co - 21.28
sunshineminnie - 35.07
The Mystery Machine - 21.88
thunderbird1 - 14.56
tigger813 - 0.00
tiki23 - 37.20
yanni2 - 46.40
Zoesmama03 - 18.06

I find everybody on the list an inspiration and everybody who participates in this challenge is an inspiration in and of themselves. Whether you post, lurk or just pm your weight and check results on Tuesdays, you have made a commitment to yourself. And that is the biggest inspiration of all!BY Octoberbride03
This week's winning team with 33.47% is Team Mickey!!

Team Donald weighed-in losing 15.84% for the week!

Additional stats for the week!!!!

BernardandMissBianca won for Team Mickey with 2.54% this week and was the overall Biggest Loser!!

Congrats to belledreamer who was Doanld's Team winner with 1.48%!

Team Donald lost 20.0 pounds this week
Team Mickey lost 17.7 pounds this week

Team Donald leads the Total Weight Loss with 486.5 pounds and Team Mickey's total weight loss to date is 406.3!!!
Both teams together have lost 892.8 pounds!!!! Amazing!

Keep reading, keep posting and most of all keep losing and continue learning!!!!

Have an OP week :goodvibes
I am 47 and this is my first biggest loser challenge. I need to lose 15 - 20 pounds. I joined Weight Watchers and lost 40 pounds between April 2008 - Nov 2010. I became a lifetime WW member in Nov. 2010 after achieving my goal weight. I kept the weight off until Oct 2011 when I started gaining again. I have gained 15 pounds since then.

You sound quite a bit like me--I lost 35 pounds after a pretty bad back injury a few years back, kept it off a good 6 months or so and then thought why not try to lose a little more and did that. Then I sort of involuntarily lost more-(due to emotional stuff) and gained back about 20 pounds in the last 4-5 months. I'd just like to get back in the 130's..... I'm 43, soon to be 44--I think some of it's hormonal...

I have hit a plateau :headache: and while I know that it is very common, it is very frustrating. I've been at the same number for the last 3 weeks! I also know that I haven't been giving it my 100% so I know what I have to do.

Also my WDW is around the corner 49 days away! In order to reach my goal for this trip I have to lose about 2 lbs a week. So I need to get back on track. I feel like I have so much to do to get ready and not a lot of time to do it.

Have a great week everyone!!
When I hit a bad plateau, I got some advice to start walking and-- weirdly that did the trick. I was already exercising in other forms-- but the walking broke the plateau.

We officially have our guide puppy!
Everything everyone else said-- plus the fact she's adorable.

Morning fellow losers,

Despite my best efforts the weight is still not coming off easily. I am going to stick to my guns and keep fighting this battle! I did a 20 minute workout and I will do another one later.

Izzie is feeling mostly better. She said she didn't sleep well last night. She has had some water and 2 small bowls of rainbow sherbet this morning. I figure if she wants to eat anything I should be happy as I think she ate about 5 saltines all day yesterday. She's complaining about having trouble getting comfortable but is just lying on the couch now watching Phineas and Ferb. Temp is about 99.

Gotta leave in about 2 hours to go get our taxes done. We will eat out for lunch so that will be my big meal today. Also want to stop and pick up the Hunger Games books for Ashleigh. Brian just got up so I guess I will get moving myself.

Going to be a gorgeous week! Hoping to get some walks in!

TTFN :tigger:

Hunger games sounds really interesting--eventually I will finish the Jean Auel books and be able to read other things--lol. I'm jealous of your weather-- it is total crap keeps raining then trying desperately to snow-- but it doesn't stick and it's frigging cold...Oh to be a kid and just do what comes natural. I'm eating as much as I usually do-- sans exercise. Because I never eat when I'm hungry anyway-- I have many different reasons for eating....Sherbert sounds good lol.

Hi Team, well I'm home from work today with a sick DD. Last night was awful! This is the first time she has been majorly sick, she's 18 months. It started with a cough friday, doctor said no need to come in no fever so probably allergies. Well she got a fever last night, cried from 7-12 am last night then tried to sleep but kept coughing. If I got 1-1/2 hours of sleep I'd be surprised. I'm a zombie today. On a weight loss note, down 2 more pounds! Have a great day everyone!
I did get the workout in, doing 35 minutes on the WiiFit with a nonstop routine of yoga and strength exercises, followed by 35 minutes of Just Dance - that thing will make you SWEAT!!
At the party, I was good. They had pulled pork bbq sandwiches - I just ate a portion of the pork - no bun! - some baked beans, a couple of chips and then a lot of fruit.
Ok, I love cake - so I didn't deprive myself, just cut a really small piece for myself. And downed a whole bottle of water while I was there - and started a new one.

Not too bad....

Really good choices...

Hi Mickeys!

I haven't checked in in a few days; life has been crazy busy. That's not going to change, though, and I wanted to say hi! I've been keeping up with reading posts and with HH, but I've fallen off the QOTD wagon. :guilty:

I'm now officially maintaining, so I went through my closet this weekend. I now have a huge pile for the consignment shop and Goodwill, and I'll have to make some strategic decisions about how to replace parts of my wardrobe - I can't afford to do it all! Luckily, my telecommuting schedule means that I can get away with casual most of the time (today is cropped jeans and a black tank top), and I do still have some things that fit that I can wear to work on my on-campus days. There were only three pieces I absolutely loved enough to take to the tailor. Hopefully this will keep my closet from getting out of control, too - I had so much stuff in there I wasn't wearing. It's a great problem to have and definitely my biggest NSV to date!

Nearing the three-month mark until we sail on the Dream with the podcast crew....this beautiful weather has me ready for a vacation now!

Hope everyone has a great day!


Clothes are huge--it's mainly what's motivating me right now. I fit into all of my tops but pants....:scared: It's hard to get rid of stuff you really like, I'm glad you could salvage some. Don't sweat quotd--I'm behind on 'em too lol.

Tigger—buffalo shake n bake sounds good!

Friend of a mouse—we will be merging threads soon ;-)
Good morning TEAM MICKEY! :smickey:

A big, BL congratulations to all our superstars, and especially to our Biggest Loser, Buffy! :cool1:

I know that it is hard when spring has sprung, you've been doing this for awhile now, and there are still several weeks left to go in this challenge, but hang in there! :goodvibes You will be so glad that you did when swimsuit season arrives! :beach:

And a big, BIG BL thank you to our weightkeeper, Sue, who is getting through the busiest time of year at her office and still helping us! :flower3::flower3::flower3:

Buffy, hope everyone in your family is on the mend and your house is sparkling clean and germ free! :cool2:

Ok, I love cake - so I didn't deprive myself, just cut a really small piece for myself. And downed a whole bottle of water while I was there - and started a new one.

Great job! :thumbsup2 Absolutely you cannot deprive yourself of things that you love and make this a lifestyle change. ::yes::

Liz, so glad that you are enjoying the C25K -- you will be so amazed at what you can do when you are done! :cheer2: And a big, BL congratulations for being at maintainer status! :thumbsup2 We all want to be where you are now some day. ::yes::

Tracey, some day you will go a whole week with no one being sick in your house. :hug: Good to get this stuff out of your system before your cruise.

here's my late quotd, Monday March 19th:

What diet myth surprised you the most?

The drinking 8 glasses of water a day and caffinated drinks dehydrated myth was a surprise to me.

The dehydration myth has become so firmly entrenched in our collective consciousness that it will probably come as a surprise to learn that there is very little scientific support for any of these notions.

Here is a link from an article about it written by a nutritionist and professionally trained chef But if you are exercising you do need to be sure to replace lost fluids. There is a way to tell what you need that Rose posted awhile ago if you are interested.

Susan, thanks for coaching this week. Hope that you are feeling better soon! :flower3:

I am plugging away here. I was happy to see my name on the list this week. I wanted to get a little more room between me and that 200 number on the scale to make sure I don't see it again when I go to Arizona for a few days next week. Travelling always does a number on me. I'm looking forward to a few days of sunny weather. Although the calendar says spring -- it's still winter here. :rolleyes1

Have a great day all!


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